本帖最后由 石鑫华视觉 于 2017-5-16 12:19 编辑Halcon 学习笔记
1、Halcon 的自我描述
Program Logic
Each program consists of a sequence of HALCON operators
The program can be structured into procedures
The sequence can be extended by using control operators like if, for, repeat, or while
The results of the operators are passed via variables
No implicit data passing is applied
Input parameters of operators can be variables or expressions
Output parameters are always variables
HDevelop has no features to design a graphical user interface
An HDevelop program is considered as a prototypic solution of the vision part of an
HDevelop is typically not used for the final application
由此可以看出,Halcon 的定位是一个类库,有着完整、快速实现函数,同时提供了HDevelop
作为快速开发的图形化(IDE)界面;但是,Halcon 程序并不是一个完整的最终应用软件,
Halcon 的初学者也应当从参考Halcon 的程序入手,熟悉Halcon 类库,也即HDevelop‐Based
Programming;在此基础上,进入ORClass‐Oriented Programming。这也是Halcon 推荐的开发
The vision part is solved with HDevelop,and the application is developed with C++ or Visual
**** Hidden Message ***** 石鑫华视觉网http://shixinhua.com,工业相机、工业镜头、机器视觉光源、光源控制器、图像处理、系统集成服务商 机器视觉论坛http://visionbbs.com,专注机器视觉方案与高性价比机器视觉软硬件 视觉项目评估,就到视觉论坛http://visionbbs.com,物美价廉,技术过硬,服务周到,值得拥有 谢谢分享 找了很久了
学习一下,谢谢! 文章非常好,网站作品很务实 看看。。。学习
谢谢分享 学习学习,对初学者有很大帮助!
哥顶的不是帖子,也不是寂寞,是楼主! 刚接触HALCON,貌似算法比labview强大 谢谢参考下