NI ELVISmx 4.0 Driver Win32Eng NI ELVISmx设备驱动软件4.0下载
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NI ELVISmx 4.0 Driver Win32Eng NI ELVISmx设备驱动软件4.0下载
NI-ELVISmx为使用NI ELVIS II和NI ELVIS II +以及myDAQ学生数据采集设备的客户提供支持。
NI-ELVISmx是支持NI ELVIS II、NI ELVIS II +和myDAQ设备的驱动软件。NI-ELVISmx包括NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher、LabVIEW Express VI和编程NI ELVIS II/II+硬件的SignalExpress步骤。
文件大小: 737978491 字节 (703.79 MB)
修改日期: 2019-06-25 03:07
MD5: 7b887d28f7ee38af13f3276926ea8835(官方正确)
SHA1: 72672fd5574a58c096f5babf13d95c4e432c8448
SHA256: 58ddebbf951096dcfeb73956cf7952c4697da70db49a3e55aa2e993b73ecfcb8
CRC32: 0a71bd1e
NI ELVISmx 4.0 ReadmeApril 2008This file contains important information about the NI ELVISmx software and is organized into the following sections:
[*]System Requirements
[*]What's New
[*]Using the Instruments in Manual Mode
[*]Known Issues
Refer to for the latest information about NI ELVISmx. To download the Introduction to NI ELVIS course document and example VIs, go to and enter elviscourseware.System RequirementsYou must have LabVIEW 8.2 or later and NI-DAQmx 8.7.1 or later installed to use NI ELVISmx 4.0 or later. NI ELVISmx 4.0 installs NI-DAQmx 8.7.1 by default.Note: Because several of the NI ELVISmx instruments run the device at maximum speed, NI ELVIS II devices must be used with Hi-Speed USB interfaces.What's NewNI ELVISmx 4.0 includes the following new features:
[*]New NI ELVISmx Instrument Launcher and soft-front panel instruments
[*]Express VI support for LabVIEW 8.2 and LabVIEW 8.5
[*]Support for SignalExpress 2.0 and SignalExpress 2.5
[*]Integration with NI Multisim 10.1. You can now use NI ELVISmx instruments in NI Multisim to simulate data, acquire data from hardware, and compare simulated and acquired data.
[*]Support for NI ELVIS II hardware. The original NI ELVIS hardware is not supported. If you are unsure which version you have, "NI ELVIS II" is labeled on the prototyping board for NI ELVIS II. The original NI ELVIS is labeled "NI ELVIS" on its prototyping board.
Using the Instruments in Manual ModeThe Variable Power Supplies and Function Generator can be set to Manual mode or Software mode by using their associated Soft Front Panel Instruments, Express VIs or SignalExpress Steps. In Manual mode, the knobs on the NI ELVIS II Benchtop Workstation control the instrument outputs.DocumentationThe following list describes the documentation that installs with NI ELVISmx:
[*]Where to Start with NI ELVIS II—This document includes important installation and configuration instructions you should read before using the NI ELVISmx software and NI ELVIS II hardware.
[*]NI ELVIS II User Manual—This user manual provides more detailed information about the NI ELVIS II hardware, including specifications and safety information.
[*]NI ELVISmx Help—This help file provides information about the soft front panel (SFP) instruments and the LabVIEW Express VIs that you may need while using the software.
[*]LabVIEW SignalExpress Help—This help file contains instructions for designing measurement projects using the NI ELVISmx steps in SignalExpress.
[*]Using NI ELVISmx Instruments in NI Multisim—This help file explains how to use NI ELVISmx instruments in NI Multisim to simulate data, acquire data from hardware, and compare simulated and acquired data.
To download the latest NI ELVISmx documentation, refer to Issues
[*]The NI ELVIS II device must be plugged into the system and powered on before launching the NI ELVISmx Soft Front Panel Instruments, Express VIs and SignalExpress steps in order for it to be recognized by the software. If the device is plugged in after the software is launched, close the software application and relaunch it.
[*]The DMM, Impedance Analyzer, 2 Wire and 3 Wire software instruments read calibration data from the EEPROM of the NI ELVIS II device when they are launched. This action reserves the device, and therefore, will generate a resource conflict error if any other instruments are running. To run one of these instruments while any other instrument is running, launch it before starting any other instruments.
[*]In Manual mode, the Function Generator only supports outputting a sine wave and does not support modulation. To route the output of the Function Generator to the BNC connector when in Manual mode, the "Signal Route" control must configured prior to configuring Manual mode.
[*]The Variable Power Supply and Function Generator Manual control knobs provide some overrange in hardware, and therefore, can be set to slightly larger values than what the software allows.
[*]When running the NI ELVISmx Express VIs continuously in a loop, wire the Stop input of the Express VI to the Stop control of the loop for optimal performance.
© 2003—2008 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.National Instruments, NI,, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section at for more information about National Instruments trademarks.PatentsFor patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or