VDM Threshold Image Mask
Description:This program uses vision acquisition software to grab an image from a specified path and allows the user to apply a threshold, generating a binary image.This binary image is then used to mask the orignal image and segment a region of interest.This method is used for separating the foreground from the background of an image.Instructions for Running:1. Select the file path of the image you wish to threshold on the front panel.2. Run Program3. Adjust Lower and Upper bounds of threshold to suit your needs.4. Stop when you wish to end session.
机器视觉,专业的石鑫华视觉http://shixinhua.com,专业的机器视觉论坛http://visionbbs.com 机器视觉商城http://visionbbs.com,中国真正的机器视觉与图像处理网上商城