Operators |
change_format — Change image size.
The operator change_format increases or decreases the size of the input images to the indicated height or width, respectively. If the image is reduced, parts are cut off at the “right” or “lower” edge of the image, respectively. If the image is enlarged, the additional areas are set to 0. The definition domain of the new image is equal to the domain of the input image, clipped to the size of the new image. No zooming is carried out.
Input image.
Image with new format.
Width of new image.
Default value: 512
Suggested values: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 768, 1024
Height of new image.
Default value: 512
Suggested values: 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 525, 1024
zoom_image_size, zoom_image_factor
Operators |