Operators |
concat_obj — Concatenate two iconic object tuples.
concat_obj(Objects1, Objects2 : ObjectsConcat : : )
concat_obj concatenates the two tuples of iconic objects Objects1 and Objects2 into a new tuple of iconic objects ObjectsConcat. Hence, this tuple contains all the iconic objects of the two input tuples:
ObjectsConcat = [Objects1,Objects2]
In ObjectsConcat, the objects of Objects1 are stored first, followed by the objects of Objects2, i.e., the order of the objects is preserved. Note that only references to the corresponding images and regions are stored in ObjectsConcat, i.e., no new memory is allocated. Furthermore, this means that modifications of input images, e.g., with set_grayval, overpaint_gray, or overpaint_region directly affect the images of the output tuple ObjectsConcat and vice versa.
concat_obj should not be confused with union1 or union2, in which regions are merged, i.e., in which the number of objects is modified.
concat_obj can be used to concatenate objects of different image object types (e.g., images and XLD contours) into a single object. This is only recommended if it is necessary to accumulate in a single object variable, for example, the results of an image processing sequence. It should be noted that the only operators that can handle such object tuples of mixed type are concat_obj , copy_obj, select_obj, and disp_obj.
For a short description of the iconic objects that are available in HALCON see the introduction of chapter Object.
Object tuple 1.
Object tuple 2.
Concatenated objects.
/* generate a tuple of a circle and a rectangle */ gen_circle(&Circle,200.0,400.0,23.0); gen_rectangle1(&Rectangle,23.0,44.0,203.0,201.0); concat_obj(Circle,Rectangle,&CirclAndRectangle); clear_obj(Circle); clear_obj(Rectangle); disp_region(CircleAndRectangle,WindowHandle);
Runtime complexity: O(|Objects1| + |Objects2|);
Memory complexity of the result objects: O(|Objects1| + |Objects2|)
concat_obj returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if all objects are contained in the HALCON database. If the input is empty the behavior can be set via set_system(::'no_object_result',<Result>:). If necessary, an exception is raised.
count_obj, copy_obj, select_obj, disp_obj
Operators |