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convol_gabor — Convolve an image with a Gabor filter in the frequency domain.
convol_gabor(ImageFFT, GaborFilter : ImageResultGabor, ImageResultHilbert : : )
convol_gabor convolves a Fourier-transformed image with a Gabor filter GaborFilter (see gen_gabor) and its Hilbert transform in the frequency domain. The result image is of type 'complex' .
The filtering is always done on the entire image, i.e., the domain of the image is ignored.
Input image.
Result of the Gabor filter.
Result of the Hilbert filter.
gen_gabor(Filter,1.4,0.4,1.0,1.5,'n','dc_edge',512,512) fft_generic(Image,ImageFFT,'to_freq',-1,'none','dc_edge','complex') convol_gabor(ImageFFT,Filter,Gabor,Hilbert) fft_generic(Gabor,GaborInv,'from_freq',1,'none','dc_edge','byte') fft_generic(Hilbert,HilbertInv,'from_freq',1,'none','dc_edge','byte') energy_gabor(GaborInv,HilbertInv,Energy)
convol_gabor returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if all images are of correct type. If the input is empty the behavior can be set via set_system(::'no_object_result',<Result>:). If necessary, an exception is raised.
fft_image, fft_generic, gen_gabor
power_byte, power_real, power_ln, fft_image_inv, fft_generic
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