descript_class_boxdescript_class_boxDescriptClassBoxDescriptClassBox — Describe the classes of a box classifier.
descript_class_boxdescript_class_boxDescriptClassBoxDescriptClassBoxDescriptClassBox is obsolete and is only provided for
reasons of backward compatibility. New applications should use the
MLP, SVM, KNN or GMM operators instead.
Herror descript_class_box(const Hlong ClassifHandle, const Hlong Dimensions, Hlong* ClassIdx, Hlong* BoxIdx, Hlong* BoxLowerBound, Hlong* BoxHigherBound, Hlong* BoxNumSamplesTrain, Hlong* BoxNumSamplesWrong)
Herror T_descript_class_box(const Htuple ClassifHandle, const Htuple Dimensions, Htuple* ClassIdx, Htuple* BoxIdx, Htuple* BoxLowerBound, Htuple* BoxHigherBound, Htuple* BoxNumSamplesTrain, Htuple* BoxNumSamplesWrong)
void DescriptClassBox(const HTuple& ClassifHandle, const HTuple& Dimensions, HTuple* ClassIdx, HTuple* BoxIdx, HTuple* BoxLowerBound, HTuple* BoxHigherBound, HTuple* BoxNumSamplesTrain, HTuple* BoxNumSamplesWrong)
HTuple HClassBox::DescriptClassBox(Hlong Dimensions, HTuple* BoxIdx, HTuple* BoxLowerBound, HTuple* BoxHigherBound, HTuple* BoxNumSamplesTrain, HTuple* BoxNumSamplesWrong) const
Hlong HClassBox::DescriptClassBox(Hlong Dimensions, Hlong* BoxIdx, Hlong* BoxLowerBound, Hlong* BoxHigherBound, Hlong* BoxNumSamplesTrain, Hlong* BoxNumSamplesWrong) const
static void HOperatorSet.DescriptClassBox(HTuple classifHandle, HTuple dimensions, out HTuple classIdx, out HTuple boxIdx, out HTuple boxLowerBound, out HTuple boxHigherBound, out HTuple boxNumSamplesTrain, out HTuple boxNumSamplesWrong)
HTuple HClassBox.DescriptClassBox(int dimensions, out HTuple boxIdx, out HTuple boxLowerBound, out HTuple boxHigherBound, out HTuple boxNumSamplesTrain, out HTuple boxNumSamplesWrong)
int HClassBox.DescriptClassBox(int dimensions, out int boxIdx, out int boxLowerBound, out int boxHigherBound, out int boxNumSamplesTrain, out int boxNumSamplesWrong)
descript_class_boxdescript_class_boxDescriptClassBoxDescriptClassBoxDescriptClassBox describes the classes of a box classifier. A box
classifier uses a set of hyper cuboids (boxes) for every class. These boxes
describe the distribution of the samples.
descript_class_boxdescript_class_boxDescriptClassBoxDescriptClassBoxDescriptClassBox returns for every class (ClassIdxClassIdxClassIdxClassIdxclassIdx) the
boundaries of every contained box (BoxIdxBoxIdxBoxIdxBoxIdxboxIdx) from dimension 1 up to
DimensionsDimensionsDimensionsDimensionsdimensions (BoxLowerBoundBoxLowerBoundBoxLowerBoundBoxLowerBoundboxLowerBound, BoxHigherBoundBoxHigherBoundBoxHigherBoundBoxHigherBoundboxHigherBound) as
well as the number of samples that were used during the learning phase to
determine these boundaries at each dimension (BoxNumSamplesTrainBoxNumSamplesTrainBoxNumSamplesTrainBoxNumSamplesTrainboxNumSamplesTrain).
Furthermore, the number of samples that were assigned to the wrong class
during the learning phase is returned in BoxNumSamplesWrongBoxNumSamplesWrongBoxNumSamplesWrongBoxNumSamplesWrongboxNumSamplesWrong.
The boundary information of the boxes can be used to inspect the box
- Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
- Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
- Processed without parallelization.
Handle of the classifier.
Highest dimension for output.
Default value: 3
Lower bounds of the boxes (for each dimension).
Higher bounds of the boxes (for each dimension).
Number of training samples that were used to define this
box (for each dimension).
Number of training samples that were assigned
incorrectly to the box.
descript_class_boxdescript_class_boxDescriptClassBoxDescriptClassBoxDescriptClassBox returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE).