fwrite_stringfwrite_stringFwriteStringFwriteString — Write values in a file.
The operator fwrite_stringfwrite_stringFwriteStringFwriteStringFwriteString puts out a string or numbers on the
output file defined by the handle FileHandleFileHandleFileHandleFileHandlefileHandle.
The output file must be opened in ASCII format by the operator
The values to be put out on the file are set in the parameter
The call set_system(::'flush_file', <boolean-value>:)set_system("flush_file", <boolean-value>)SetSystem("flush_file", <boolean-value>)SetSystem("flush_file", <boolean-value>)SetSystem("flush_file", <boolean-value>)
determines whether the output characters are put out directly on the output
If the value 'flush_file'"flush_file""flush_file""flush_file""flush_file" is set to 'false'"false""false""false""false", the characters
(especially in case of screen output) show up only after the operator
fnew_linefnew_lineFnewLineFnewLineFnewLine is called.
Strings as well as whole numbers and floating point numbers
can be used as arguments. If more than one value serves as input, the values
are put out consecutively without blanks.
The maximum string length is 1024 character
(including the end of string character).
- Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
- Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
- Processed without parallelization.
Values to be put out on the file.
Default value:
fwrite_string(FileHandle,['text with numbers:',5,' and ',1.0])
* results in the following output:
* 'text with numbers:5 and 1.00000'
fwrite_string(FileHandle,"text with numbers: ") ;
fwrite_string(FileHandle,"5") ;
fwrite_string(FileHandle," and ") ;
fwrite_string(FileHandle,"1.0") ;
/* results in the following output: */
/* 'text with numbers: 5 and 1.00000' */
/* Tupel Version */
int i;
double d;
Htuple Tuple ;
create_tuple(&Tuple,4) ;
i = 5 ;
d = 10.0 ;
set_s(Tuple,"text with numbers: ",0) ;
set_i(Tuple,i,1) ;
set_s(Tuple," and ",2) ;
set_d(Tuple,d,3) ;
T_fwrite_string(FileHandle,HilfsTuple) ;
fwrite_string(FileHandle,['text with numbers:',5,' and ',1.0])
* results in the following output:
* 'text with numbers:5 and 1.00000'
fwrite_string(FileHandle,['text with numbers:',5,' and ',1.0])
* results in the following output:
* 'text with numbers:5 and 1.00000'
fwrite_string(FileHandle,['text with numbers:',5,' and ',1.0])
* results in the following output:
* 'text with numbers:5 and 1.00000'
If the writing procedure was carried out
successfully, the operator fwrite_stringfwrite_stringFwriteStringFwriteStringFwriteString
returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). Otherwise, an exception is raised.