Operators |
gen_image_const — Create an image with constant gray value.
The operator gen_image_const creates an image of the indicated size. The width and height of the image are determined by Width and Height. HALCON supports the following image types:
1 byte per pixel, unsigned
Value range: (0..255)
1 byte per pixel, signed
Value range: (-128..127)
2 bytes per pixel, unsigned
Value range: (0..65535)
2 bytes per pixel, signed
Value range: (-32768..32767)
4 bytes per pixel, signed
Value range: (-2147483648..2147483647)
8 bytes per pixel, signed (only available on 64 bit systems)
Value range: (-9223372036854775808..9223372036854775807)
4 bytes per pixel, floating point
Value range: (-3.4e38..3.4e38)
Precision: 6 significant decimal digits
Two matrices of type 'real'
Two matrices of type 'real'
Interpretation: Vectors
Two matrices of type 'real'
Interpretation: Absolute coordinates
1 byte per pixel, unsigned
Value range: (0..179)
Interpretation: Angle divided by two
Attention: The values 180..254 are automatically set to the value 255, which is interpreted as undefined angle.
1 byte per pixel, unsigned, cyclic arithmetics
Value range: (0..255)
With the operator set_system('init_new_image',<'true'/'false'>), it can be controlled whether the created image is initialized with 0 or not.
Created image with new image matrix.
Pixel type.
Default value: 'byte'
List of values: 'byte' , 'complex' , 'cyclic' , 'direction' , 'int1' , 'int2' , 'int4' , 'int8' , 'real' , 'uint2' , 'vector_field_absolute' , 'vector_field_relative'
Width of image.
Default value: 512
Suggested values: 128, 256, 512, 1024
Typical range of values: 1 ≤ Width ≤ 512 (lin)
Minimum increment: 1
Recommended increment: 10
Restriction: Width >= 1
Height of image.
Default value: 512
Suggested values: 128, 256, 512, 1024
Typical range of values: 1 ≤ Height ≤ 512 (lin)
Minimum increment: 1
Recommended increment: 10
Restriction: Height >= 1
gen_image_const(&New,"byte",width,height); get_image_pointer1(New,(Hlong*)&pointer,type,&width,&height); for (row=0; row<height-1; row++) { for (col=0; col<width-1; col++) { pointer[row*width+col] = (row + col) % 256; } }
If the parameter values are correct, the operator gen_image_const returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). Otherwise an exception is raised.
paint_region, reduce_domain, get_image_pointer1, copy_obj
reduce_domain, paint_gray, paint_region, set_grayval, get_image_pointer1
Operators |