grab_datagrab_dataGrabDataGrabData — Synchronous grab of images and preprocessed image data from the specified
image acquisition device.
void GrabData(HObject* Image, HObject* Region, HObject* Contours, const HTuple& AcqHandle, HTuple* Data)
HRegion HImage::GrabData(HXLDCont* Contours, const HFramegrabber& AcqHandle, HTuple* Data)
HRegion HImage::GrabData(HXLDCont* Contours, const HFramegrabber& AcqHandle, HString* Data)
HImage HRegion::GrabData(HXLDCont* Contours, const HFramegrabber& AcqHandle, HTuple* Data)
HImage HRegion::GrabData(HXLDCont* Contours, const HFramegrabber& AcqHandle, HString* Data)
HImage HFramegrabber::GrabData(HRegion* Region, HXLDCont* Contours, HTuple* Data) const
HImage HFramegrabber::GrabData(HRegion* Region, HXLDCont* Contours, HString* Data) const
static void HOperatorSet.GrabData(out HObject image, out HObject region, out HObject contours, HTuple acqHandle, out HTuple data)
HRegion HImage.GrabData(out HXLDCont contours, HFramegrabber acqHandle, out HTuple data)
HRegion HImage.GrabData(out HXLDCont contours, HFramegrabber acqHandle, out string data)
HImage HRegion.GrabData(out HXLDCont contours, HFramegrabber acqHandle, out HTuple data)
HImage HRegion.GrabData(out HXLDCont contours, HFramegrabber acqHandle, out string data)
HImage HFramegrabber.GrabData(out HRegion region, out HXLDCont contours, out HTuple data)
HImage HFramegrabber.GrabData(out HRegion region, out HXLDCont contours, out string data)
The operator grab_datagrab_dataGrabDataGrabDataGrabData grabs images and preprocessed image data via
the image acquisition device specified by AcqHandleAcqHandleAcqHandleAcqHandleacqHandle. The desired
operational mode of the image acquisition device as well as a suitable
image part and additional interface-specific settings can be specified
using the operators open_framegrabberopen_framegrabberOpenFramegrabberOpenFramegrabberOpenFramegrabber and
set_framegrabber_paramset_framegrabber_paramSetFramegrabberParamSetFramegrabberParamSetFramegrabberParam. Depending on the current
configuration of the image acquisition device, the preprocessed
image data can be returned in terms of images (ImageImageImageImageimage),
regions (RegionRegionRegionRegionregion), XLD contours (ContoursContoursContoursContourscontours), and
control data (DataDataDataDatadata).
To abort the grab, the operator set_framegrabber_paramset_framegrabber_paramSetFramegrabberParamSetFramegrabberParamSetFramegrabberParam with the
parameter 'do_abort_grab' can be used if the specific image
acquisition interface supports it. Note that as an exception from
the description of the concurrent usage in multiple threads (see below)
'do_abort_grab' can also be used from another thread.
For a multithreaded application all image acquisition operators
(as listed in open_framegrabberopen_framegrabberOpenFramegrabberOpenFramegrabberOpenFramegrabber) are
an own group in which info_framegrabberinfo_framegrabberInfoFramegrabberInfoFramegrabberInfoFramegrabber, open_framegrabberopen_framegrabberOpenFramegrabberOpenFramegrabberOpenFramegrabber,
close_framegrabberclose_framegrabberCloseFramegrabberCloseFramegrabberCloseFramegrabber and close_all_framegrabbersclose_all_framegrabbersCloseAllFramegrabbersCloseAllFramegrabbersCloseAllFramegrabbers are
executed exclusively.
grab_datagrab_dataGrabDataGrabDataGrabData runs in parallel with all non-exclusive
operators inside and outside of this group.
- Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
- Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
- Processed without parallelization.
Preprocessed image regions.
Preprocessed XLD contours.
Handle of the acquisition device to be used.
DataDataDataDatadata (output_control) string(-array) → HTupleHTupleHtuple (string / real / integer) (string / double / int / long) (HString / double / Hlong) (char* / double / Hlong)
Preprocessed control data.
* Select a suitable image acquisition interface name AcqName
* Open image acquisition device using the default settings, see
* documentation of the actually used interface for more details
open_framegrabber(AcqName,1,1,0,0,0,0,'default',-1,'default',-1.0, \
* Grab and segment image
grab_data (Image, Region, Contours, AcqHandle, Data)
* Process Region...
/* Select a suitable image acquisition interface name AcqName */
info_framegrabber(AcqName,"port",&Information,&Values) ;
/* Open image acquisition device using the default settings, see
documentation of the actually used interface for more details */
'default','default','default',-1,-1,&AcqHandle) ;
/* Grab and segment image */
grab_data(&Region,AcqHandle) ;
/* Process Region... */
close_framegrabber(AcqHandle) ;
* Select a suitable image acquisition interface name AcqName
* Open image acquisition device using the default settings, see
* documentation of the actually used interface for more details
open_framegrabber(AcqName,1,1,0,0,0,0,'default',-1,'default',-1.0, \
* Grab and segment image
grab_data (Image, Region, Contours, AcqHandle, Data)
* Process Region...
* Select a suitable image acquisition interface name AcqName
* Open image acquisition device using the default settings, see
* documentation of the actually used interface for more details
open_framegrabber(AcqName,1,1,0,0,0,0,'default',-1,'default',-1.0, \
* Grab and segment image
grab_data (Image, Region, Contours, AcqHandle, Data)
* Process Region...
* Select a suitable image acquisition interface name AcqName
* Open image acquisition device using the default settings, see
* documentation of the actually used interface for more details
open_framegrabber(AcqName,1,1,0,0,0,0,'default',-1,'default',-1.0, \
* Grab and segment image
grab_data (Image, Region, Contours, AcqHandle, Data)
* Process Region...
If the image acquisition device is open and supports the image
acquisition via grab_datagrab_dataGrabDataGrabDataGrabData, the operator grab_datagrab_dataGrabDataGrabDataGrabData
returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). Otherwise an exception is raised.