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interpolate_scattered_data_image — Interpolation of an image.
interpolate_scattered_data_image(Image, RegionInterpolate : ImageInterpolated : Method, GenParamName, GenParamValue : )
interpolate_scattered_data_image interpolates the Image at the region RegionInterpolate and returns the result in ImageInterpolated. The difference of the domain of the Image and the region RegionInterpolate specifies the valid data points that can be used for the interpolation whereas RegionInterpolate specifies the points, where the gray values of the Image should be determined. With the parameter Method the interpolation algorithm is specified. So far, only the 'thin_plate_splines' are supported. This method interpolates on a global scale, which means that all points are regarded for the interpolation, no matter how far away they are. The influence of far points is correlated to where r defines the distance of two points. If the same Image is interpolated at different points in subsequent steps, the operator create_scattered_data_interpolator may be more efficient.
The following parameters can be adjusted with GenParamName and GenParamValue:
The parameter 'alpha' is a smoothing factor. For 'alpha' = 0, all points in the image Image are interpolated exactly. With 'alpha' getting larger, the interpolation smoothes the image points in way that all interpolated points of the result image ImageInterpolated lie on a common plane. Default value is 0. Restrictions: 'alpha' >= 0
interpolate_scattered_data_image is best used with very few data points, e.g, less than 1000. In order to reconstruct destroyed image data in the region RegionInterpolate, the data points should be reduced to an appropriate number, e.g., by only using the border pixels of the hole regions. An example program is shown below.
Image to interpolate
Region to interpolate
Interpolated image
Method for the interpolation
Default value: 'thin_plate_splines'
Suggested values: 'thin_plate_splines'
Names of the generic parameters that can be adjusted
Default value: []
Suggested values: 'alpha'
Values of the generic parameters that can be adjusted
Default value: []
Suggested values: 0, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0
* This example program shows how to use the scattered data interpolator * to fill holes in an image gen_image_surface_second_order (ImageData, 'real', 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, \ 24, 24, 48, 48) gen_circle (Circle, 12, 12, 6) difference (ImageData, Circle, Region) reduce_domain (ImageData, Region, ImageReduced) dev_clear_window () dev_display (ImageReduced) stop() * * Select only border pixels for the interpolation dilation_circle (Circle, CircleDilation, 1.5) intersection (CircleDilation, Region, RegionBorderData) dev_clear_window () dev_display (ImageReduced) dev_display (RegionBorderData) stop() * * Interpolate pixels reduce_domain (ImageData, RegionBorderData, ImageReducedBorder) interpolate_scattered_data_image (ImageReducedBorder, Circle, \ ImageInterpolated, \ 'thin_plate_splines', [], []) paint_gray (ImageInterpolated, ImageData, ImageFilled) dev_clear_window () dev_display (ImageFilled)
If the parameters are valid, the operator interpolate_scattered_data_image returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If necessary, an exception is raised.
Operators |