— Get for a given 2D data code model the names of the generic
parameters or objects that can be used in the other 2D data code
query_data_code_2d_params( : : DataCodeHandle, QueryName : GenParamName)
The operator query_data_code_2d_params
returns the names of
the generic parameters that are supported by the 2D data code
operators set_data_code_2d_param
, find_data_code_2d
, and
For an explanation of the concept of the 2D data code reader see the introduction of chapter Identification / Data Code.
The parameter QueryName
is used to select the desired
parameter group:
- Parameters for querying
the 2D data code model.
- Parameters for adjusting the
2D data code model.
- Parameters used while
searching and reading the 2D data code symbols.
- Parameters for querying
the alphanumerical results of the symbol search.
- Parameters for accessing
the iconic objects of the symbol search.
- Parameters which values were
determined by training. The next training will not reset these
parameters, but extend them.
The returned parameter list depends only on the type of the data code and not on the current state of the model or its results.
(input_control) datacode_2d →
Handle of the 2D data code model.
(input_control) attribute.name →
Name of the parameter group.
Default value: 'get_result_params'
List of values: 'find_params' , 'get_model_params' , 'get_result_objects' , 'get_result_params' , 'set_model_params' , 'trained'
(output_control) attribute.value-array →
List containing the names of the supported generic parameters.
* This example demonstrates how the names of all available model parameters * can be queried. This is used to request first the settings of the * untrained and then the settings of the trained model. * Create a model for reading Data matrix ECC 200 codes create_data_code_2d_model ('Data Matrix ECC 200', [], [], DataCodeHandle) * Query all the names of the generic parameters that can be passed to the * operator get_data_code_2d_param to request the model query_data_code_2d_params (DataCodeHandle, 'get_model_params', GenParamName) * Request the current settings of the (untrained) model get_data_code_2d_param(DataCodeHandle, GenParamName, ModelParams) * Read a training image read_image (Image, 'datacode/ecc200/ecc200_cpu_007') * train the model with the symbol in the image find_data_code_2d (Image, SymbolXLDs, DataCodeHandle, 'train', 'all', \ ResultHandles, DecodedDataStrings) * Request the current settings of the (now trained) model get_data_code_2d_param(DataCodeHandle, GenParamName, TrainedModelParams) * Create a tuple that demonstrates the changings ModelAdaption := GenParamName + ': ' + ModelParams + ' -> ' + \ TrainedModelParams * Clear the model clear_data_code_2d_model (DataCodeHandle)
The operator query_data_code_2d_params
returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE)
if the given parameters are correct.
Otherwise, an exception is raised.
Data Code