Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

HOCRBox (Class)


HOCRBox — Represents an instance of an OCR box classifier.


ReadOcr    Read an OCR classifier from a file.
CreateOcrClassBox    Create a new OCR-classifier.


CloseOcr    Deallocation of the memory of an OCR classifier.
CreateOcrClassBox    Create a new OCR-classifier.
DeserializeOcr    Deserialize a serialized OCR classifier.
DoOcrMulti    Classify characters.
DoOcrSingle    Classify one character.
InfoOcrClassBox    Get information about an OCR classifier.
OcrChangeChar    Define a new conversion table for the characters.
OcrGetFeatures    Access the features which correspond to a character.
ReadOcr    Read an OCR classifier from a file.
SerializeOcr    Serialize an OCR classifier.
TestdOcrClassBox    Test an OCR classifier.
TraindOcrClassBox    Train an OCR classifier by the input of regions.
TrainfOcrClassBox    Train an OCR classifier with the help of a training file.
WriteOcr    Writing an OCR classifier into a file.

HOCRBox (Class)


HOCRBox — Represents an instance of an OCR box classifier.


ReadOcr    Read an OCR classifier from a file.
CreateOcrClassBox    Create a new OCR-classifier.


CloseOcr    Deallocation of the memory of an OCR classifier.
CreateOcrClassBox    Create a new OCR-classifier.
DeserializeOcr    Deserialize a serialized OCR classifier.
DoOcrMulti    Classify characters.
DoOcrSingle    Classify one character.
InfoOcrClassBox    Get information about an OCR classifier.
OcrChangeChar    Define a new conversion table for the characters.
OcrGetFeatures    Access the features which correspond to a character.
ReadOcr    Read an OCR classifier from a file.
SerializeOcr    Serialize an OCR classifier.
TestdOcrClassBox    Test an OCR classifier.
TraindOcrClassBox    Train an OCR classifier by the input of regions.
TrainfOcrClassBox    Train an OCR classifier with the help of a training file.
WriteOcr    Writing an OCR classifier into a file.