binocular_distance T_binocular_distance BinocularDistance BinocularDistance (Operator)
binocular_distance T_binocular_distance BinocularDistance BinocularDistance
— Compute the distance values for a rectified stereo image pair using
correlation techniques.
binocular_distance (ImageRect1 , ImageRect2 : Distance , Score : CamParamRect1 , CamParamRect2 , RelPoseRect , Method , MaskWidth , MaskHeight , TextureThresh , MinDisparity , MaxDisparity , NumLevels , ScoreThresh , Filter , SubDistance : )
Herror T_binocular_distance (const Hobject ImageRect1 , const Hobject ImageRect2 , Hobject* Distance , Hobject* Score , const Htuple CamParamRect1 , const Htuple CamParamRect2 , const Htuple RelPoseRect , const Htuple Method , const Htuple MaskWidth , const Htuple MaskHeight , const Htuple TextureThresh , const Htuple MinDisparity , const Htuple MaxDisparity , const Htuple NumLevels , const Htuple ScoreThresh , const Htuple Filter , const Htuple SubDistance )
void BinocularDistance (const HObject& ImageRect1 , const HObject& ImageRect2 , HObject* Distance , HObject* Score , const HTuple& CamParamRect1 , const HTuple& CamParamRect2 , const HTuple& RelPoseRect , const HTuple& Method , const HTuple& MaskWidth , const HTuple& MaskHeight , const HTuple& TextureThresh , const HTuple& MinDisparity , const HTuple& MaxDisparity , const HTuple& NumLevels , const HTuple& ScoreThresh , const HTuple& Filter , const HTuple& SubDistance )
HImage HImage ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect , const HString& Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , const HTuple& TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , const HTuple& ScoreThresh , const HTuple& Filter , const HTuple& SubDistance ) const
HImage HImage ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect , const HString& Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , double TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , double ScoreThresh , const HString& Filter , const HString& SubDistance ) const
HImage HImage ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect , const char* Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , double TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , double ScoreThresh , const char* Filter , const char* SubDistance ) const
HImage HImage ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect , const wchar_t* Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , double TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , double ScoreThresh , const wchar_t* Filter , const wchar_t* SubDistance ) const
(Windows only)
HImage HCamPar ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect1 , const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect , const HString& Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , const HTuple& TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , const HTuple& ScoreThresh , const HTuple& Filter , const HTuple& SubDistance ) const
HImage HCamPar ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect1 , const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect , const HString& Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , double TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , double ScoreThresh , const HString& Filter , const HString& SubDistance ) const
HImage HCamPar ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect1 , const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect , const char* Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , double TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , double ScoreThresh , const char* Filter , const char* SubDistance ) const
HImage HCamPar ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect1 , const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect , const wchar_t* Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , double TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , double ScoreThresh , const wchar_t* Filter , const wchar_t* SubDistance ) const
(Windows only)
HImage HPose ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect1 , const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HString& Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , const HTuple& TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , const HTuple& ScoreThresh , const HTuple& Filter , const HTuple& SubDistance ) const
HImage HPose ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect1 , const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HString& Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , double TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , double ScoreThresh , const HString& Filter , const HString& SubDistance ) const
HImage HPose ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect1 , const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const char* Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , double TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , double ScoreThresh , const char* Filter , const char* SubDistance ) const
HImage HPose ::BinocularDistance (const HImage& ImageRect1 , const HImage& ImageRect2 , HImage* Score , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const wchar_t* Method , Hlong MaskWidth , Hlong MaskHeight , double TextureThresh , Hlong MinDisparity , Hlong MaxDisparity , Hlong NumLevels , double ScoreThresh , const wchar_t* Filter , const wchar_t* SubDistance ) const
(Windows only)
static void HOperatorSet .BinocularDistance (HObject imageRect1 , HObject imageRect2 , out HObject distance , out HObject score , HTuple camParamRect1 , HTuple camParamRect2 , HTuple relPoseRect , HTuple method , HTuple maskWidth , HTuple maskHeight , HTuple textureThresh , HTuple minDisparity , HTuple maxDisparity , HTuple numLevels , HTuple scoreThresh , HTuple filter , HTuple subDistance )
HImage HImage .BinocularDistance (HImage imageRect2 , out HImage score , HCamPar camParamRect1 , HCamPar camParamRect2 , HPose relPoseRect , string method , int maskWidth , int maskHeight , HTuple textureThresh , int minDisparity , int maxDisparity , int numLevels , HTuple scoreThresh , HTuple filter , HTuple subDistance )
HImage HImage .BinocularDistance (HImage imageRect2 , out HImage score , HCamPar camParamRect1 , HCamPar camParamRect2 , HPose relPoseRect , string method , int maskWidth , int maskHeight , double textureThresh , int minDisparity , int maxDisparity , int numLevels , double scoreThresh , string filter , string subDistance )
HImage HCamPar .BinocularDistance (HImage imageRect1 , HImage imageRect2 , out HImage score , HCamPar camParamRect2 , HPose relPoseRect , string method , int maskWidth , int maskHeight , HTuple textureThresh , int minDisparity , int maxDisparity , int numLevels , HTuple scoreThresh , HTuple filter , HTuple subDistance )
HImage HCamPar .BinocularDistance (HImage imageRect1 , HImage imageRect2 , out HImage score , HCamPar camParamRect2 , HPose relPoseRect , string method , int maskWidth , int maskHeight , double textureThresh , int minDisparity , int maxDisparity , int numLevels , double scoreThresh , string filter , string subDistance )
HImage HPose .BinocularDistance (HImage imageRect1 , HImage imageRect2 , out HImage score , HCamPar camParamRect1 , HCamPar camParamRect2 , string method , int maskWidth , int maskHeight , HTuple textureThresh , int minDisparity , int maxDisparity , int numLevels , HTuple scoreThresh , HTuple filter , HTuple subDistance )
HImage HPose .BinocularDistance (HImage imageRect1 , HImage imageRect2 , out HImage score , HCamPar camParamRect1 , HCamPar camParamRect2 , string method , int maskWidth , int maskHeight , double textureThresh , int minDisparity , int maxDisparity , int numLevels , double scoreThresh , string filter , string subDistance )
binocular_distance binocular_distance BinocularDistance BinocularDistance BinocularDistance
computes the distance values for a
rectified stereo image pair using correlation techniques. The
operator first calculates the disparities between the two images
ImageRect1 ImageRect1 ImageRect1 ImageRect1 imageRect1
and ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 imageRect2
similar to
binocular_disparity binocular_disparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity
. The resulting disparities are
transformed into distance values of the corresponding 3D world
points to the rectified stereo camera system as in
disparity_to_distance disparity_to_distance DisparityToDistance DisparityToDistance DisparityToDistance
. The distances are returned in the
single-channel image Distance Distance Distance Distance distance
in which each gray value
represents the distance of the respective 3D world point to the
stereo camera system.
The algorithm requires a reference image ImageRect1 ImageRect1 ImageRect1 ImageRect1 imageRect1
and a
search image ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 imageRect2
which must be rectified, i.e.,
corresponding epipolar lines are parallel and lie on identical image
rows (
). In case this assumption is
violated the images can be rectified by using the operators
calibrate_cameras calibrate_cameras CalibrateCameras CalibrateCameras CalibrateCameras
, gen_binocular_rectification_map gen_binocular_rectification_map GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap
and map_image map_image MapImage MapImage MapImage
. Hence, given a pixel in the reference image
ImageRect1 ImageRect1 ImageRect1 ImageRect1 imageRect1
the homologous pixel in ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 imageRect2
selected by searching along the corresponding row in
ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 imageRect2
and matching a local neighborhood within a
rectangular window of size MaskWidth MaskWidth MaskWidth MaskWidth maskWidth
MaskHeight MaskHeight MaskHeight MaskHeight maskHeight
. For each defined reference pixel the pixel
correspondences are transformed into distances of the world points
defined by the intersection of the lines of sight of a corresponding
pixel pair to the z=0 plane of the rectified stereo
For this transformation the rectified internal camera parameters
CamParamRect1 CamParamRect1 CamParamRect1 CamParamRect1 camParamRect1
of camera 1 and CamParamRect2 CamParamRect2 CamParamRect2 CamParamRect2 camParamRect2
camera 2, and the pose with the external parameters RelPoseRect RelPoseRect RelPoseRect RelPoseRect relPoseRect
have to be defined. Latter one is of the form
and characterizes the relative pose of both cameras to each other.
More precisely, it specifies the point transformation from the
rectified camera system 2 (ccsR2 ) into the rectified camera system
1 (ccsR1 ), see Transformations / Poses and
“Solution Guide III-C - 3D Vision”
These parameters can be obtained from the operator
calibrate_cameras calibrate_cameras CalibrateCameras CalibrateCameras CalibrateCameras
gen_binocular_rectification_map gen_binocular_rectification_map GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap
. After all, a quality
measure for each distance value is returned in Score Score Score Score score
containing the best result of the matching function S of a
reference pixel. For the matching, the gray values of the original
unprocessed images are used.
The used matching function is defined by the parameter
Method Method Method Method method
allocating three different kinds of correlation:
'sad' "sad" "sad" "sad" "sad" : Summed Absolute Differences
'ssd' "ssd" "ssd" "ssd" "ssd" : Summed Squared Differences
'ncc' "ncc" "ncc" "ncc" "ncc" : Normalized Cross Correlation
r1, c1, r2, c2: row and column coordinates of the corresponding
pixels of the two input images,
g1, g2: gray values of the unprocessed input images,
N=(2m+1)(2n+1): size of correlation window
mean value within the correlation window of width
2m+1 and height 2n+1.
Note that the methods 'sad' "sad" "sad" "sad" "sad" and 'ssd' "ssd" "ssd" "ssd" "ssd" compare the
gray values of the pixels within a mask window directly, whereas
'ncc' "ncc" "ncc" "ncc" "ncc" compensates for the mean gray value and its variance
within the mask window. Therefore, if the two images differ in
brightness and contrast, this method should be preferred. For images
with similar brightness and contrast 'sad' "sad" "sad" "sad" "sad" and
'ssd' "ssd" "ssd" "ssd" "ssd" are to be preferred as they are faster because of
less complex internal computations.
It should be noted that the quality of correlation for rising S is
falling in methods 'sad' "sad" "sad" "sad" "sad" and 'ssd' "ssd" "ssd" "ssd" "ssd" (the best
quality value is 0) but rising in method 'ncc' "ncc" "ncc" "ncc" "ncc" (the best
quality value is 1.0).
The size of the correlation window has to be odd numbered and is
passed in MaskWidth MaskWidth MaskWidth MaskWidth maskWidth
and MaskHeight MaskHeight MaskHeight MaskHeight maskHeight
. The search
space is confined by the minimum and maximum disparity value
MinDisparity MinDisparity MinDisparity MinDisparity minDisparity
and MaxDisparity MaxDisparity MaxDisparity MaxDisparity maxDisparity
. Due to pixel values
not defined beyond the image border the resulting domain of
Distance Distance Distance Distance distance
and Score Score Score Score score
is generally not set along the
image border within a margin of height MaskHeight MaskHeight MaskHeight MaskHeight maskHeight
/2 at the
top and bottom border and of width MaskWidth MaskWidth MaskWidth MaskWidth maskWidth
/2 at the left
and right border. For the same reason, the maximum disparity range
is reduced at the left and right image border.
Since matching turns out to be highly unreliable when dealing with
poorly textured areas, the minimum variance within the correlation
window can be defined in TextureThresh TextureThresh TextureThresh TextureThresh textureThresh
. This threshold is
applied on both input images ImageRect1 ImageRect1 ImageRect1 ImageRect1 imageRect1
ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 imageRect2
. In addition, ScoreThresh ScoreThresh ScoreThresh ScoreThresh scoreThresh
the matching quality and defines the maximum
('sad' "sad" "sad" "sad" "sad" ,'ssd' "ssd" "ssd" "ssd" "ssd" ) or, respectively, minimum
('ncc' "ncc" "ncc" "ncc" "ncc" ) score value of the correlation function. Setting
Filter Filter Filter Filter filter
to 'left_right_check' "left_right_check" "left_right_check" "left_right_check" "left_right_check" , moreover, increases
the robustness of the returned matches, as the result relies on a
concurrent direct and reverse match, whereas 'none' "none" "none" "none" "none"
switches it off.
The number of pyramid levels used to improve the time response of
binocular_distance binocular_distance BinocularDistance BinocularDistance BinocularDistance
is determined by
NumLevels NumLevels NumLevels NumLevels numLevels
. Following a coarse-to-fine scheme disparity
images of higher levels are computed and segmentated into
rectangular subimages to reduce the disparity range on the next
lower pyramid level. TextureThresh TextureThresh TextureThresh TextureThresh textureThresh
and ScoreThresh ScoreThresh ScoreThresh ScoreThresh scoreThresh
are applied on every level and the returned domain of the
Distance Distance Distance Distance distance
and Score Score Score Score score
images arises from the
intersection of the resulting domains of every single
level. Generally, pyramid structures are the more advantageous the
more the distance image can be segmented into regions of homogeneous
distance values and the bigger the disparity range must be
specified. As a drawback, coarse pyramid levels might loose
important texture information which can result in deficient distance
Finally, the value 'interpolation' "interpolation" "interpolation" "interpolation" "interpolation" for parameter
SubDistance SubDistance SubDistance SubDistance subDistance
increases the refinement and accuracy of the
distance values. It is switched off by setting the parameter to
'none' "none" "none" "none" "none" .
If using cameras with telecentric lenses, the Distance Distance Distance Distance distance
not defined as the distance of a point to the camera but as the
distance from the point to the plane, defined by the y-axes of both
cameras and their baseline (see
gen_binocular_rectification_map gen_binocular_rectification_map GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap
For a stereo setup of mixed type (i.e., for a stereo setup in which
one of the original cameras is a perspective camera and the other
camera is a telecentric camera; see
gen_binocular_rectification_map gen_binocular_rectification_map GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap
), the rectifying plane of
the two cameras is in a position with respect to the object that
would lead to very unintuitive distances. Therefore,
binocular_distance binocular_distance BinocularDistance BinocularDistance BinocularDistance
does not support a stereo setup of mixed
type. For stereo setups of mixed type, please use
reconstruct_surface_stereo reconstruct_surface_stereo ReconstructSurfaceStereo ReconstructSurfaceStereo ReconstructSurfaceStereo
, in which the reference
coordinate system can be chosen arbitrarily. Alternatively,
binocular_disparity binocular_disparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity
and disparity_image_to_xyz disparity_image_to_xyz DisparityImageToXyz DisparityImageToXyz DisparityImageToXyz
be used.
Additionally, stereo setups that contain cameras with and without hypercentric
lenses at the same time are not supported.
Execution Information
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
Automatically parallelized on internal data level.
ImageRect1 ImageRect1 ImageRect1 ImageRect1 imageRect1
(input_object) singlechannelimage →
object HImage HImage Hobject (byte)
Rectified image of camera 1.
ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 ImageRect2 imageRect2
(input_object) singlechannelimage →
object HImage HImage Hobject (byte)
Rectified image of camera 2.
Distance Distance Distance Distance distance
(output_object) singlechannelimage →
object HImage HImage Hobject * (real)
Distance image.
Score Score Score Score score
(output_object) singlechannelimage →
object HImage HImage Hobject * (real)
Evaluation of a distance value.
CamParamRect1 CamParamRect1 CamParamRect1 CamParamRect1 camParamRect1
(input_control) campar →
HCamPar , HTuple HTuple Htuple (real / integer / string) (double / int / long / string) (double / Hlong / HString) (double / Hlong / char*)
Internal camera parameters of the rectified camera 1.
CamParamRect2 CamParamRect2 CamParamRect2 CamParamRect2 camParamRect2
(input_control) campar →
HCamPar , HTuple HTuple Htuple (real / integer / string) (double / int / long / string) (double / Hlong / HString) (double / Hlong / char*)
Internal camera parameters of the rectified camera 2.
RelPoseRect RelPoseRect RelPoseRect RelPoseRect relPoseRect
(input_control) pose →
HPose , HTuple HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Point transformation from the rectified camera 2 to
the rectified camera 1.
Number of elements: 7
Method Method Method Method method
(input_control) string →
HTuple HTuple Htuple (string) (string ) (HString ) (char* )
Matching function.
Default value:
List of values: 'ncc' "ncc" "ncc" "ncc" "ncc" , 'sad' "sad" "sad" "sad" "sad" , 'ssd' "ssd" "ssd" "ssd" "ssd"
MaskWidth MaskWidth MaskWidth MaskWidth maskWidth
(input_control) integer →
HTuple HTuple Htuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong ) (Hlong )
Width of the correlation window.
Default value: 11
Suggested values: 5, 7, 9, 11, 21
Restriction: 3 <= MaskWidth && odd(MaskWidth)
MaskHeight MaskHeight MaskHeight MaskHeight maskHeight
(input_control) integer →
HTuple HTuple Htuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong ) (Hlong )
Height of the correlation window.
Default value: 11
Suggested values: 5, 7, 9, 11, 21
Restriction: 3 <= MaskHeight && odd(MaskHeight)
TextureThresh TextureThresh TextureThresh TextureThresh textureThresh
(input_control) real →
HTuple HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Variance threshold of textured image regions.
Default value: 0.0
Suggested values: 0.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0
Restriction: 0.0 <= TextureThresh
MinDisparity MinDisparity MinDisparity MinDisparity minDisparity
(input_control) integer →
HTuple HTuple Htuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong ) (Hlong )
Minimum of the expected disparities.
Default value: 0
Typical range of values: -32768
MaxDisparity MaxDisparity MaxDisparity MaxDisparity maxDisparity
(input_control) integer →
HTuple HTuple Htuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong ) (Hlong )
Maximum of the expected disparities.
Default value: 30
Typical range of values: -32768
NumLevels NumLevels NumLevels NumLevels numLevels
(input_control) integer →
HTuple HTuple Htuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong ) (Hlong )
Number of pyramid levels.
Default value: 1
Suggested values: 1, 2, 3, 4
Restriction: 1 <= NumLevels
ScoreThresh ScoreThresh ScoreThresh ScoreThresh scoreThresh
(input_control) real →
HTuple HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Threshold of the correlation function.
Default value: 0.0
Suggested values: 0.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0
Filter Filter Filter Filter filter
(input_control) string(-array) →
HTuple HTuple Htuple (string) (string ) (HString ) (char* )
Downstream filters.
Default value:
List of values: 'left_right_check' "left_right_check" "left_right_check" "left_right_check" "left_right_check" , 'none' "none" "none" "none" "none"
SubDistance SubDistance SubDistance SubDistance subDistance
(input_control) string(-array) →
HTuple HTuple Htuple (string) (string ) (HString ) (char* )
Distance interpolation.
Default value:
List of values: 'interpolation' "interpolation" "interpolation" "interpolation" "interpolation" , 'none' "none" "none" "none" "none"
Example (HDevelop)
* Set internal and external stereo parameters.
* Note that, typically, these values are the result of a prior
* calibration.
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -665, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
622, 517, 1280, 1024, CamParam1)
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -731, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
654, 519, 1280, 1024, CamParam2)
create_pose (0.1535,-0.0037,0.0447,0.17,319.84,359.89, \
'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', RelPose)
* Compute the mapping for rectified images.
gen_binocular_rectification_map (Map1, Map2, CamParam1, CamParam2, \
RelPose, 1, 'viewing_direction', 'bilinear', \
CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, \
Cam1PoseRect1, Cam2PoseRect2, RelPoseRect)
* Compute the distance values in online images.
while (1)
grab_image_async (Image1, AcqHandle1, -1)
map_image (Image1, Map1, ImageRect1)
grab_image_async (Image2, AcqHandle2, -1)
map_image (Image2, Map2, ImageRect2)
binocular_distance (ImageRect1, ImageRect2, Distance, Score, \
CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, RelPoseRect, 'sad', \
11, 11, 20, -40, 20, 2, 25, \
'left_right_check', 'interpolation')
Example (HDevelop)
* Set internal and external stereo parameters.
* Note that, typically, these values are the result of a prior
* calibration.
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -665, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
622, 517, 1280, 1024, CamParam1)
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -731, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
654, 519, 1280, 1024, CamParam2)
create_pose (0.1535,-0.0037,0.0447,0.17,319.84,359.89, \
'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', RelPose)
* Compute the mapping for rectified images.
gen_binocular_rectification_map (Map1, Map2, CamParam1, CamParam2, \
RelPose, 1, 'viewing_direction', 'bilinear', \
CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, \
Cam1PoseRect1, Cam2PoseRect2, RelPoseRect)
* Compute the distance values in online images.
while (1)
grab_image_async (Image1, AcqHandle1, -1)
map_image (Image1, Map1, ImageRect1)
grab_image_async (Image2, AcqHandle2, -1)
map_image (Image2, Map2, ImageRect2)
binocular_distance (ImageRect1, ImageRect2, Distance, Score, \
CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, RelPoseRect, 'sad', \
11, 11, 20, -40, 20, 2, 25, \
'left_right_check', 'interpolation')
Example (HDevelop)
* Set internal and external stereo parameters.
* Note that, typically, these values are the result of a prior
* calibration.
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -665, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
622, 517, 1280, 1024, CamParam1)
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -731, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
654, 519, 1280, 1024, CamParam2)
create_pose (0.1535,-0.0037,0.0447,0.17,319.84,359.89, \
'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', RelPose)
* Compute the mapping for rectified images.
gen_binocular_rectification_map (Map1, Map2, CamParam1, CamParam2, \
RelPose, 1, 'viewing_direction', 'bilinear', \
CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, \
Cam1PoseRect1, Cam2PoseRect2, RelPoseRect)
* Compute the distance values in online images.
while (1)
grab_image_async (Image1, AcqHandle1, -1)
map_image (Image1, Map1, ImageRect1)
grab_image_async (Image2, AcqHandle2, -1)
map_image (Image2, Map2, ImageRect2)
binocular_distance (ImageRect1, ImageRect2, Distance, Score, \
CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, RelPoseRect, 'sad', \
11, 11, 20, -40, 20, 2, 25, \
'left_right_check', 'interpolation')
Example (HDevelop)
* Set internal and external stereo parameters.
* Note that, typically, these values are the result of a prior
* calibration.
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -665, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
622, 517, 1280, 1024, CamParam1)
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -731, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
654, 519, 1280, 1024, CamParam2)
create_pose (0.1535,-0.0037,0.0447,0.17,319.84,359.89, \
'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', RelPose)
* Compute the mapping for rectified images.
gen_binocular_rectification_map (Map1, Map2, CamParam1, CamParam2, \
RelPose, 1, 'viewing_direction', 'bilinear', \
CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, \
Cam1PoseRect1, Cam2PoseRect2, RelPoseRect)
* Compute the distance values in online images.
while (1)
grab_image_async (Image1, AcqHandle1, -1)
map_image (Image1, Map1, ImageRect1)
grab_image_async (Image2, AcqHandle2, -1)
map_image (Image2, Map2, ImageRect2)
binocular_distance (ImageRect1, ImageRect2, Distance, Score, \
CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, RelPoseRect, 'sad', \
11, 11, 20, -40, 20, 2, 25, \
'left_right_check', 'interpolation')
Example (HDevelop)
* Set internal and external stereo parameters.
* Note that, typically, these values are the result of a prior
* calibration.
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -665, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
622, 517, 1280, 1024, CamParam1)
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.01, -731, 5.2e-006, 5.2e-006, \
654, 519, 1280, 1024, CamParam2)
create_pose (0.1535,-0.0037,0.0447,0.17,319.84,359.89, \
'Rp+T', 'gba', 'point', RelPose)
* Compute the mapping for rectified images.
gen_binocular_rectification_map (Map1, Map2, CamParam1, CamParam2, \
RelPose, 1, 'viewing_direction', 'bilinear', \
CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, \
Cam1PoseRect1, Cam2PoseRect2, RelPoseRect)
* Compute the distance values in online images.
while (1)
grab_image_async (Image1, AcqHandle1, -1)
map_image (Image1, Map1, ImageRect1)
grab_image_async (Image2, AcqHandle2, -1)
map_image (Image2, Map2, ImageRect2)
binocular_distance (ImageRect1, ImageRect2, Distance, Score, \
CamParamRect1, CamParamRect2, RelPoseRect, 'sad', \
11, 11, 20, -40, 20, 2, 25, \
'left_right_check', 'interpolation')
binocular_disparity binocular_disparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity
returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if all parameter values
are correct. If necessary, an exception is raised.
Possible Predecessors
map_image map_image MapImage MapImage MapImage
Possible Successors
threshold threshold Threshold Threshold Threshold
binocular_distance_mg binocular_distance_mg BinocularDistanceMg BinocularDistanceMg BinocularDistanceMg
binocular_distance_ms binocular_distance_ms BinocularDistanceMs BinocularDistanceMs BinocularDistanceMs
binocular_disparity binocular_disparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity
binocular_disparity_mg binocular_disparity_mg BinocularDisparityMg BinocularDisparityMg BinocularDisparityMg
binocular_disparity_ms binocular_disparity_ms BinocularDisparityMs BinocularDisparityMs BinocularDisparityMs
See also
map_image map_image MapImage MapImage MapImage
gen_binocular_rectification_map gen_binocular_rectification_map GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap
binocular_calibration binocular_calibration BinocularCalibration BinocularCalibration BinocularCalibration
distance_to_disparity distance_to_disparity DistanceToDisparity DistanceToDisparity DistanceToDisparity
disparity_to_distance disparity_to_distance DisparityToDistance DisparityToDistance DisparityToDistance
disparity_image_to_xyz disparity_image_to_xyz DisparityImageToXyz DisparityImageToXyz DisparityImageToXyz
3D Metrology