— Set “look-up-table” (lut).
dev_set_lut( : : LutName : )
sets the look-up-table of the active graphics window.
A look-up-table defines the transformation of a “gray value” from an
one-channel-image into a gray value or color on the screen.
lists the names of all look-up-tables.
For more information see the description of the operator
However, in contrast to that operator the new look-up-table is also used for
all new graphics windows that are opened afterwards.
Using the code export feature of HDevelop, the code that is generated
for this operator may have a different behavior than the related
HALCON operator.
For a detailed description of the code export of HDevelop graphics
operators into the different programming languages see in the
“HDevelop User's Guide” the chapter Code Export
-> General Aspects of Code Generation
-> Graphics Windows
(input_control) →
Name of look-up-table, values of look-up-table (RGB) or file name.
Default value: 'default'
Suggested values: 'default' , 'linear' , 'inverse' , 'sqr' , 'inv_sqr' , 'cube' , 'inv_cube' , 'sqrt' , 'inv_sqrt' , 'cubic_root' , 'inv_cubic_root' , 'color1' , 'color2' , 'color3' , 'color4' , 'three' , 'six' , 'twelve' , 'twenty_four' , 'rainbow' , 'temperature' , 'cyclic_gray' , 'cyclic_temperature' , 'hsi' , 'change1' , 'change2' , 'change3'
File extension: .lut
read_image(Image,'mreut') dev_set_lut('inverse') * For true color only: dev_display(Image)
If the values of the specified parameters are correct,
returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). Otherwise an
exception is raised and an error code returned.