moments_gray_planemoments_gray_planeMomentsGrayPlaneMomentsGrayPlane (Operator)


moments_gray_planemoments_gray_planeMomentsGrayPlaneMomentsGrayPlane — Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a plane.


moments_gray_plane(Regions, Image : : : MRow, MCol, Alpha, Beta, Mean)

Herror moments_gray_plane(const Hobject Regions, const Hobject Image, double* MRow, double* MCol, double* Alpha, double* Beta, double* Mean)

Herror T_moments_gray_plane(const Hobject Regions, const Hobject Image, Htuple* MRow, Htuple* MCol, Htuple* Alpha, Htuple* Beta, Htuple* Mean)

void MomentsGrayPlane(const HObject& Regions, const HObject& Image, HTuple* MRow, HTuple* MCol, HTuple* Alpha, HTuple* Beta, HTuple* Mean)

void HImage::MomentsGrayPlane(const HRegion& Regions, HTuple* MRow, HTuple* MCol, HTuple* Alpha, HTuple* Beta, HTuple* Mean) const

void HImage::MomentsGrayPlane(const HRegion& Regions, double* MRow, double* MCol, double* Alpha, double* Beta, double* Mean) const

void HRegion::MomentsGrayPlane(const HImage& Image, HTuple* MRow, HTuple* MCol, HTuple* Alpha, HTuple* Beta, HTuple* Mean) const

void HRegion::MomentsGrayPlane(const HImage& Image, double* MRow, double* MCol, double* Alpha, double* Beta, double* Mean) const

static void HOperatorSet.MomentsGrayPlane(HObject regions, HObject image, out HTuple MRow, out HTuple MCol, out HTuple alpha, out HTuple beta, out HTuple mean)

void HImage.MomentsGrayPlane(HRegion regions, out HTuple MRow, out HTuple MCol, out HTuple alpha, out HTuple beta, out HTuple mean)

void HImage.MomentsGrayPlane(HRegion regions, out double MRow, out double MCol, out double alpha, out double beta, out double mean)

void HRegion.MomentsGrayPlane(HImage image, out HTuple MRow, out HTuple MCol, out HTuple alpha, out HTuple beta, out HTuple mean)

void HRegion.MomentsGrayPlane(HImage image, out double MRow, out double MCol, out double alpha, out double beta, out double mean)


The operator moments_gray_planemoments_gray_planeMomentsGrayPlaneMomentsGrayPlaneMomentsGrayPlane calculates the gray value moments and the parameters of the approximation of the gray values by a plane. The calculation is carried out according to the following formula: where is the plane, , the center, and , , and the scaled moments of RegionsRegionsRegionsRegionsregions.

The parameters AlphaAlphaAlphaAlphaalpha, BetaBetaBetaBetabeta and MeanMeanMeanMeanmean describe a plane above the region: Thus AlphaAlphaAlphaAlphaalpha indicates the gradient in the direction of the line axis (“down”), BetaBetaBetaBetabeta the gradient in the direction of the column axis (to the “right”).


Note that the operator moments_gray_planemoments_gray_planeMomentsGrayPlaneMomentsGrayPlaneMomentsGrayPlane only considers the given RegionsRegionsRegionsRegionsregions and ignores any previously set domain of the input image ImageImageImageImageimage.

Execution Information


RegionsRegionsRegionsRegionsregions (input_object)  region(-array) objectHRegionHRegionHobject

Regions to be checked.

ImageImageImageImageimage (input_object)  singlechannelimage objectHImageHImageHobject (byte / direction / cyclic / uint2 / real)

Corresponding gray values.

MRowMRowMRowMRowMRow (output_control)  real(-array) HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Mixed moments along a line.

MColMColMColMColMCol (output_control)  real(-array) HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Mixed moments along a column.

AlphaAlphaAlphaAlphaalpha (output_control)  real(-array) HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Parameter Alpha of the approximating plane.

BetaBetaBetaBetabeta (output_control)  real(-array) HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Parameter Beta of the approximating plane.

MeanMeanMeanMeanmean (output_control)  real(-array) HTupleHTupleHtuple (real) (double) (double) (double)

Mean gray value.


The operator moments_gray_planemoments_gray_planeMomentsGrayPlaneMomentsGrayPlaneMomentsGrayPlane returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if an image with the defined gray values ('byte'"byte""byte""byte""byte") is entered and the parameters are correct. The behavior in case of empty input (no input images available) is set via the operator set_system(::'no_object_result',<Result>:)set_system("no_object_result",<Result>)SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>)SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>)SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>), the behavior in case of empty region is set via set_system(::'empty_region_result',<Result>:)set_system("empty_region_result",<Result>)SetSystem("empty_region_result",<Result>)SetSystem("empty_region_result",<Result>)SetSystem("empty_region_result",<Result>). If necessary an exception is raised.

Possible Predecessors

draw_regiondraw_regionDrawRegionDrawRegionDrawRegion, gen_circlegen_circleGenCircleGenCircleGenCircle, gen_ellipsegen_ellipseGenEllipseGenEllipseGenEllipse, gen_rectangle1gen_rectangle1GenRectangle1GenRectangle1GenRectangle1, gen_rectangle2gen_rectangle2GenRectangle2GenRectangle2GenRectangle2, thresholdthresholdThresholdThresholdThreshold, regiongrowingregiongrowingRegiongrowingRegiongrowingRegiongrowing

See also

intensityintensityIntensityIntensityIntensity, moments_region_2ndmoments_region_2ndMomentsRegion2ndMomentsRegion2ndMomentsRegion2nd


R. Haralick, L. Shapiro; “Computer and Robot Vision”; Addison-Wesley, 1992, pp 75-76

