replace_objreplace_objReplaceObjReplaceObjreplace_obj (Operator)
— Replaces one or more elements of an iconic object tuple.
void ReplaceObj(const HObject& Objects, const HObject& ObjectsReplace, HObject* Replaced, const HTuple& Index)
HObject HObject::ReplaceObj(const HObject& ObjectsReplace, const HTuple& Index) const
HObject HObject::ReplaceObj(const HObject& ObjectsReplace, Hlong Index) const
HImage HImage::ReplaceObj(const HImage& ObjectsReplace, const HTuple& Index) const
HImage HImage::ReplaceObj(const HImage& ObjectsReplace, Hlong Index) const
HRegion HRegion::ReplaceObj(const HRegion& ObjectsReplace, const HTuple& Index) const
HRegion HRegion::ReplaceObj(const HRegion& ObjectsReplace, Hlong Index) const
HXLD HXLD::ReplaceObj(const HXLD& ObjectsReplace, const HTuple& Index) const
HXLD HXLD::ReplaceObj(const HXLD& ObjectsReplace, Hlong Index) const
HXLDCont HXLDCont::ReplaceObj(const HXLDCont& ObjectsReplace, const HTuple& Index) const
HXLDCont HXLDCont::ReplaceObj(const HXLDCont& ObjectsReplace, Hlong Index) const
HXLDPoly HXLDPoly::ReplaceObj(const HXLDPoly& ObjectsReplace, const HTuple& Index) const
HXLDPoly HXLDPoly::ReplaceObj(const HXLDPoly& ObjectsReplace, Hlong Index) const
HXLDPara HXLDPara::ReplaceObj(const HXLDPara& ObjectsReplace, const HTuple& Index) const
HXLDPara HXLDPara::ReplaceObj(const HXLDPara& ObjectsReplace, Hlong Index) const
HXLDModPara HXLDModPara::ReplaceObj(const HXLDModPara& ObjectsReplace, const HTuple& Index) const
HXLDModPara HXLDModPara::ReplaceObj(const HXLDModPara& ObjectsReplace, Hlong Index) const
HXLDExtPara HXLDExtPara::ReplaceObj(const HXLDExtPara& ObjectsReplace, const HTuple& Index) const
HXLDExtPara HXLDExtPara::ReplaceObj(const HXLDExtPara& ObjectsReplace, Hlong Index) const
static void HOperatorSet.ReplaceObj(HObject objects, HObject objectsReplace, out HObject replaced, HTuple index)
HObject HObject.ReplaceObj(HObject objectsReplace, HTuple index)
HObject HObject.ReplaceObj(HObject objectsReplace, int index)
HImage HImage.ReplaceObj(HImage objectsReplace, HTuple index)
HImage HImage.ReplaceObj(HImage objectsReplace, int index)
HRegion HRegion.ReplaceObj(HRegion objectsReplace, HTuple index)
HRegion HRegion.ReplaceObj(HRegion objectsReplace, int index)
HXLD HXLD.ReplaceObj(HXLD objectsReplace, HTuple index)
HXLD HXLD.ReplaceObj(HXLD objectsReplace, int index)
HXLDCont HXLDCont.ReplaceObj(HXLDCont objectsReplace, HTuple index)
HXLDCont HXLDCont.ReplaceObj(HXLDCont objectsReplace, int index)
HXLDPoly HXLDPoly.ReplaceObj(HXLDPoly objectsReplace, HTuple index)
HXLDPoly HXLDPoly.ReplaceObj(HXLDPoly objectsReplace, int index)
HXLDPara HXLDPara.ReplaceObj(HXLDPara objectsReplace, HTuple index)
HXLDPara HXLDPara.ReplaceObj(HXLDPara objectsReplace, int index)
HXLDModPara HXLDModPara.ReplaceObj(HXLDModPara objectsReplace, HTuple index)
HXLDModPara HXLDModPara.ReplaceObj(HXLDModPara objectsReplace, int index)
HXLDExtPara HXLDExtPara.ReplaceObj(HXLDExtPara objectsReplace, HTuple index)
HXLDExtPara HXLDExtPara.ReplaceObj(HXLDExtPara objectsReplace, int index)
replaces one or more elements of the
iconic input tuple ObjectsObjectsObjectsObjectsobjectsobjects
and returns them with ReplacedReplacedReplacedReplacedreplacedreplaced
At this, IndexIndexIndexIndexindexindex
determines the indices of the elements
and ObjectsReplaceObjectsReplaceObjectsReplaceObjectsReplaceobjectsReplaceobjects_replace
the corresponding objects to replace.
The parameter IndexIndexIndexIndexindexindex
must contain one or more integer values
(any floating point number must represent an integer value without
fraction). Indices of iconic object elements start at 1.
If ObjectsReplaceObjectsReplaceObjectsReplaceObjectsReplaceobjectsReplaceobjects_replace
contains only
one value, this value will be replaced at all indices of IndexIndexIndexIndexindexindex
If a value of IndexIndexIndexIndexindexindex
is greater than the length of the iconic input
object tuple ObjectsObjectsObjectsObjectsobjectsobjects
, ReplacedReplacedReplacedReplacedreplacedreplaced
will be extended
accordingly and initialized with empty regions.
Exception: Empty input object
If either IndexIndexIndexIndexindexindex
or ObjectsReplaceObjectsReplaceObjectsReplaceObjectsReplaceobjectsReplaceobjects_replace
is empty and the other is
not, an exception is raised. If both are empty, the output object tuple
corresponds to the input ObjectsObjectsObjectsObjectsobjectsobjects
. If both are not
empty, but the input ObjectsObjectsObjectsObjectsobjectsobjects
is, the empty object will be
extended as described above.
Execution Information
- Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
- Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
- Processed without parallelization.
(input_object) object(-array) →
Iconic Input Object.
(input_object) object(-array) →
Element(s) to replace.
(output_object) object(-array) →
objectHObjectHObjectHObjectHobject *
Tuple with replaced elements.
(input_control) number(-array) →
HTupleMaybeSequence[int]HTupleHtuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong) (Hlong)
Index/Indices of elements to be replaced.
Example (HDevelop)
gen_empty_obj (Images)
for Index := 1 to 10 by 1
gen_image_const (Image, 'byte', Index, Index)
concat_obj (Images, Image, Images)
gen_empty_obj (Replace)
replace_obj (Images, Replace, Images, 1)
See also