area_center_grayarea_center_grayAreaCenterGrayAreaCenterGrayarea_center_gray — Compute the area and center of gravity of a region in a gray value
The area A of a region R in the image with the gray values
g(r,c) is defined as This means that the area is defined by the volume of the gray
value function g(r,c). The center of gravity is defined by the
first two normalized moments of the gray values g(r,c), i.e., by
, where
Note, that in the case where the AreaAreaAreaAreaareaarea is zero the row and
column coordinates of the center of gravity are also set to zero.
Note that the operator area_center_grayarea_center_grayAreaCenterGrayAreaCenterGrayAreaCenterGrayarea_center_gray only considers
the given RegionsRegionsRegionsRegionsregionsregions and ignores any previously set domain
of the input image ImageImageImageImageimageimage.
area_center_grayarea_center_grayAreaCenterGrayAreaCenterGrayAreaCenterGrayarea_center_gray can be executed on OpenCL devices if the device
supports the cl_khr_fp64 and cl_khr_int64_base_atomics OpenCL extensions.
Execution Information
Supports OpenCL compute devices.
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).