Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

dev_show_tooldev_show_toolDevShowToolDevShowTooldev_show_tool (Operator)


dev_show_tooldev_show_toolDevShowToolDevShowTooldev_show_tool — Shows the specified tool.


dev_show_tool( : : ToolId, Action : )

Herror dev_show_tool(const char* ToolId, const char* Action)

Herror T_dev_show_tool(const Htuple ToolId, const Htuple Action)

void DevShowTool(const HTuple& ToolId, const HTuple& Action)

static void HOperatorSet.DevShowTool(HTuple toolId, HTuple action)

def dev_show_tool(tool_id: HHandle, action: str) -> None


dev_show_tooldev_show_toolDevShowToolDevShowToolDevShowTooldev_show_tool executes the action ActionActionActionActionactionaction on the tool ToolIdToolIdToolIdToolIdtoolIdtool_id

Instead of using the ToolIdToolIdToolIdToolIdtoolIdtool_id, given during opening the tool, you can use the name that has to be used in dev_open_tooldev_open_toolDevOpenToolDevOpenToolDevOpenTooldev_open_tool. In that case an arbitrary tool, which fits the parameter ToolIdToolIdToolIdToolIdtoolIdtool_id, is used.



Activates the tool.


Shows the tool, brings it to the front and activates it.


Minimizes the tool.


Maximizes the tool.


Hides the tool.


This operator is not supported for code export.


ToolIdToolIdToolIdToolIdtoolIdtool_id (input_control)  dev_tool HTupleHHandleHTupleHtuple (string) (IntPtr) (HString) (char*)

Tool identifier.

ActionActionActionActionactionaction (input_control)  string HTuplestrHTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Action to execute.

Example (HDevelop)

dev_open_tool ('matching_assistant', 0, 0, 'default','default', ToolId)
dev_show_tool (ToolId, 'minimize')


If the values of the specified parameters are correct, dev_show_tooldev_show_toolDevShowToolDevShowToolDevShowTooldev_show_tool returns TRUE. Otherwise, an exception is raised and an error code returned.

Possible Predecessors

dev_set_tool_geometrydev_set_tool_geometryDevSetToolGeometryDevSetToolGeometryDevSetToolGeometrydev_set_tool_geometry, dev_open_tooldev_open_toolDevOpenToolDevOpenToolDevOpenTooldev_open_tool

See also


