The sum is returned for
each column of the MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrixmatrix separately. The resulting
matrix MatrixSumMatrixSumMatrixSumMatrixSummatrixSummatrix_sum has one row and the identical number of
columns as the input matrix.
The sum is returned for each
row of the MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrixmatrix separately. The resulting matrix
MatrixSumMatrixSumMatrixSumMatrixSummatrixSummatrix_sum has the identical number of rows as the input
matrix and one column.
The sum is returned using all
elements of the MatrixMatrixMatrixMatrixmatrixmatrix. The resulting matrix
MatrixSumMatrixSumMatrixSumMatrixSummatrixSummatrix_sum has one row and one column.
Execution Information
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
If the parameters are valid, the operator sum_matrixsum_matrixSumMatrixSumMatrixSumMatrixsum_matrix returns
the value TRUE. If necessary, an exception is raised.