circularity_xldcircularity_xldCircularityXldCircularityXldcircularity_xld — Shape factor for the circularity (similarity to a circle) of contours or
The operator circularity_xldcircularity_xldCircularityXldCircularityXldCircularityXldcircularity_xld calculates the similarity of
each input contour or polygon with a circle. The input contour or polygon
must not intersect itself, otherwise the resulting parameter is not
meaningful (Whether the input contour or polygon intersects itself or not
can be determined with test_self_intersection_xldtest_self_intersection_xldTestSelfIntersectionXldTestSelfIntersectionXldTestSelfIntersectionXldtest_self_intersection_xld). If
the input contour or polygon is not closed it will be closed automatically.
If more than one contour or polygon is passed, the numerical values of the
shape factor are stored in a tuple in the same order as the respective
contours or polygons in XLDXLDXLDXLDXLDxld.
Execution Information
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).