get_shape_model_3d_params T_get_shape_model_3d_params GetShapeModel3dParams GetShapeModel3dParams get_shape_model_3d_params (Operator)
get_shape_model_3d_params T_get_shape_model_3d_params GetShapeModel3dParams GetShapeModel3dParams get_shape_model_3d_params
— Return the parameters of a 3D shape model.
The operator get_shape_model_3d_params get_shape_model_3d_params GetShapeModel3dParams GetShapeModel3dParams GetShapeModel3dParams get_shape_model_3d_params
allows to query
parameters of the 3D shape model. The names of the desired
parameters are passed in the generic parameter
GenParamName GenParamName GenParamName GenParamName genParamName gen_param_name
, the corresponding values are returned in
GenParamValue GenParamValue GenParamValue GenParamValue genParamValue gen_param_value
The following parameters can be queried:
'cam_param' "cam_param" "cam_param" "cam_param" "cam_param" "cam_param" :
Internal parameters of the camera that is used for the matching.
'ref_rot_x' "ref_rot_x" "ref_rot_x" "ref_rot_x" "ref_rot_x" "ref_rot_x" :
Reference orientation: Rotation around x-axis or x component of
the Rodriguez vector (in radians or without unit).
'ref_rot_y' "ref_rot_y" "ref_rot_y" "ref_rot_y" "ref_rot_y" "ref_rot_y" :
Reference orientation: Rotation around y-axis or y component of
the Rodriguez vector (in radians or without unit).
'ref_rot_z' "ref_rot_z" "ref_rot_z" "ref_rot_z" "ref_rot_z" "ref_rot_z" :
Reference orientation: Rotation around z-axis or z component of
the Rodriguez vector (in radians or without unit).
'order_of_rotation' "order_of_rotation" "order_of_rotation" "order_of_rotation" "order_of_rotation" "order_of_rotation" :
Meaning of the rotation values of the reference orientation.
'longitude_min' "longitude_min" "longitude_min" "longitude_min" "longitude_min" "longitude_min" :
Minimum longitude of the model views.
'longitude_max' "longitude_max" "longitude_max" "longitude_max" "longitude_max" "longitude_max" :
Maximum longitude of the model views.
'latitude_min' "latitude_min" "latitude_min" "latitude_min" "latitude_min" "latitude_min" :
Minimum latitude of the model views.
'latitude_max' "latitude_max" "latitude_max" "latitude_max" "latitude_max" "latitude_max" :
Maximum latitude of the model views.
'cam_roll_min' "cam_roll_min" "cam_roll_min" "cam_roll_min" "cam_roll_min" "cam_roll_min" :
Minimum camera roll angle of the model views.
'cam_roll_max' "cam_roll_max" "cam_roll_max" "cam_roll_max" "cam_roll_max" "cam_roll_max" :
Maximum camera roll angle of the model views.
'dist_min' "dist_min" "dist_min" "dist_min" "dist_min" "dist_min" :
Minimum camera-object-distance of the model views.
'dist_max' "dist_max" "dist_max" "dist_max" "dist_max" "dist_max" :
Maximum camera-object-distance of the model views.
'min_contrast' "min_contrast" "min_contrast" "min_contrast" "min_contrast" "min_contrast" :
Minimum contrast of the objects in the search images.
'num_levels' "num_levels" "num_levels" "num_levels" "num_levels" "num_levels" :
User-specified number of pyramid levels.
'num_levels_max' "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" :
Maximum number of used pyramid levels over all model views.
'optimization' "optimization" "optimization" "optimization" "optimization" "optimization" :
Kind of optimization by reducing the number of model points.
'metric' "metric" "metric" "metric" "metric" "metric" :
Match metric.
'part_size' "part_size" "part_size" "part_size" "part_size" "part_size" :
Size of the model parts that is used when 'metric' "metric" "metric" "metric" "metric" "metric"
is set to 'ignore_part_polarity' "ignore_part_polarity" "ignore_part_polarity" "ignore_part_polarity" "ignore_part_polarity" "ignore_part_polarity" .
'min_face_angle' "min_face_angle" "min_face_angle" "min_face_angle" "min_face_angle" "min_face_angle" :
Minimum 3D face angle for which 3D object model edges are included
in the 3D shape model.
'min_size' "min_size" "min_size" "min_size" "min_size" "min_size" :
Minimum size of the projected 3D object model edge (in number of
pixels) to include the projected edge in the 3D shape model.
'model_tolerance' "model_tolerance" "model_tolerance" "model_tolerance" "model_tolerance" "model_tolerance" :
Maximum acceptable tolerance of the projected 3D object model
edges (in pixels).
'num_views_per_level' "num_views_per_level" "num_views_per_level" "num_views_per_level" "num_views_per_level" "num_views_per_level" :
Number of model views per pyramid level. For each pyramid level
the number of views that are stored in the 3D shape model are
returned. Thus, the number of returned elements corresponds to the
number of used pyramid levels, which can be queried with
'num_levels_max' "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" . Note that for pyramid levels below
'lowest_model_level' "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" (see documentation of
create_shape_model_3d create_shape_model_3d CreateShapeModel3d CreateShapeModel3d CreateShapeModel3d create_shape_model_3d
), the value 0 is returned.
'reference_pose' "reference_pose" "reference_pose" "reference_pose" "reference_pose" "reference_pose" :
Reference position and orientation of the 3d shape model.
The returned pose is in the form
where rcs denotes the reference coordinates system and
mcs the model coordinate system (which is a 3D world coordinate
system), see Transformations / Poses and
“Solution Guide III-C - 3D Vision”
Hence, it describes the pose of the
coordinate system that is used in the underlying 3D object model
relative to the internally used reference
coordinate system of the 3D shape model.
With this pose, points given in the object coordinate system can be
transformed into the reference coordinate system.
'reference_point' "reference_point" "reference_point" "reference_point" "reference_point" "reference_point" :
3D coordinates of the reference point of the underlying 3D object
'bounding_box1' "bounding_box1" "bounding_box1" "bounding_box1" "bounding_box1" "bounding_box1" :
Smallest enclosing axis-parallel cuboid of the underlying 3D
object model in the following order: [min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x,
max_y, max_z].
'fast_pose_refinement' "fast_pose_refinement" "fast_pose_refinement" "fast_pose_refinement" "fast_pose_refinement" "fast_pose_refinement" :
Describes whether the pose refinement during the search is
performed in a sped up mode ('true' "true" "true" "true" "true" "true" ) or in the
conventional mode ('false' "false" "false" "false" "false" "false" ).
'lowest_model_level' "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" :
Lowest pyramid level down to which views are stored in the model.
'union_adjacent_contours' "union_adjacent_contours" "union_adjacent_contours" "union_adjacent_contours" "union_adjacent_contours" "union_adjacent_contours" :
Describes whether in project_shape_model_3d project_shape_model_3d ProjectShapeModel3d ProjectShapeModel3d ProjectShapeModel3d project_shape_model_3d
adjacent contours
should be joined or not.
A detailed description of the parameters can be looked up with the
operator create_shape_model_3d create_shape_model_3d CreateShapeModel3d CreateShapeModel3d CreateShapeModel3d create_shape_model_3d
It is possible to query the values of several parameters with a
single operator call by passing a tuple containing the names of all
desired parameters to GenParamName GenParamName GenParamName GenParamName genParamName gen_param_name
. As a result a tuple of
the same length with the corresponding values is returned in
GenParamValue GenParamValue GenParamValue GenParamValue genParamValue gen_param_value
. Note that this is solely possible for
parameters that return only a single value.
Execution Information
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
Processed without parallelization.
ShapeModel3DID ShapeModel3DID ShapeModel3DID ShapeModel3DID shapeModel3DID shape_model_3did
(input_control) shape_model_3d →
HShapeModel3D , HTuple HHandle HTuple Htuple (handle) (IntPtr ) (HHandle ) (handle )
Handle of the 3D shape model.
GenParamName GenParamName GenParamName GenParamName genParamName gen_param_name
(input_control) →
HTuple MaybeSequence[str] HTuple Htuple (string) (string ) (HString ) (char* )
Names of the generic parameters that
are to be queried for the 3D shape model.
Default value:
List of values: 'bounding_box1' "bounding_box1" "bounding_box1" "bounding_box1" "bounding_box1" "bounding_box1" , 'cam_param' "cam_param" "cam_param" "cam_param" "cam_param" "cam_param" , 'cam_roll_max' "cam_roll_max" "cam_roll_max" "cam_roll_max" "cam_roll_max" "cam_roll_max" , 'cam_roll_min' "cam_roll_min" "cam_roll_min" "cam_roll_min" "cam_roll_min" "cam_roll_min" , 'dist_max' "dist_max" "dist_max" "dist_max" "dist_max" "dist_max" , 'dist_min' "dist_min" "dist_min" "dist_min" "dist_min" "dist_min" , 'fast_pose_refinement' "fast_pose_refinement" "fast_pose_refinement" "fast_pose_refinement" "fast_pose_refinement" "fast_pose_refinement" , 'latitude_max' "latitude_max" "latitude_max" "latitude_max" "latitude_max" "latitude_max" , 'latitude_min' "latitude_min" "latitude_min" "latitude_min" "latitude_min" "latitude_min" , 'longitude_max' "longitude_max" "longitude_max" "longitude_max" "longitude_max" "longitude_max" , 'longitude_min' "longitude_min" "longitude_min" "longitude_min" "longitude_min" "longitude_min" , 'lowest_model_level' "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" "lowest_model_level" , 'metric' "metric" "metric" "metric" "metric" "metric" , 'min_contrast' "min_contrast" "min_contrast" "min_contrast" "min_contrast" "min_contrast" , 'min_face_angle' "min_face_angle" "min_face_angle" "min_face_angle" "min_face_angle" "min_face_angle" , 'min_size' "min_size" "min_size" "min_size" "min_size" "min_size" , 'model_tolerance' "model_tolerance" "model_tolerance" "model_tolerance" "model_tolerance" "model_tolerance" , 'num_levels' "num_levels" "num_levels" "num_levels" "num_levels" "num_levels" , 'num_levels_max' "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" "num_levels_max" , 'num_views_per_level' "num_views_per_level" "num_views_per_level" "num_views_per_level" "num_views_per_level" "num_views_per_level" , 'optimization' "optimization" "optimization" "optimization" "optimization" "optimization" , 'order_of_rotation' "order_of_rotation" "order_of_rotation" "order_of_rotation" "order_of_rotation" "order_of_rotation" , 'part_size' "part_size" "part_size" "part_size" "part_size" "part_size" , 'ref_rot_x' "ref_rot_x" "ref_rot_x" "ref_rot_x" "ref_rot_x" "ref_rot_x" , 'ref_rot_y' "ref_rot_y" "ref_rot_y" "ref_rot_y" "ref_rot_y" "ref_rot_y" , 'ref_rot_z' "ref_rot_z" "ref_rot_z" "ref_rot_z" "ref_rot_z" "ref_rot_z" , 'reference_point' "reference_point" "reference_point" "reference_point" "reference_point" "reference_point" , 'reference_pose' "reference_pose" "reference_pose" "reference_pose" "reference_pose" "reference_pose" , 'union_adjacent_contours' "union_adjacent_contours" "union_adjacent_contours" "union_adjacent_contours" "union_adjacent_contours" "union_adjacent_contours"
GenParamValue GenParamValue GenParamValue GenParamValue genParamValue gen_param_value
(output_control) →
HTuple Sequence[Union[int, str, float]] HTuple Htuple (string / integer / real) (string / int / long / double) (HString / Hlong / double) (char* / Hlong / double)
Values of the generic parameters.
If the parameters are valid, the operator
get_shape_model_3d_params get_shape_model_3d_params GetShapeModel3dParams GetShapeModel3dParams GetShapeModel3dParams get_shape_model_3d_params
returns the value TRUE. If
necessary an exception is raised.
Possible Predecessors
create_shape_model_3d create_shape_model_3d CreateShapeModel3d CreateShapeModel3d CreateShapeModel3d create_shape_model_3d
read_shape_model_3d read_shape_model_3d ReadShapeModel3d ReadShapeModel3d ReadShapeModel3d read_shape_model_3d
Possible Successors
find_shape_model_3d find_shape_model_3d FindShapeModel3d FindShapeModel3d FindShapeModel3d find_shape_model_3d
See also
convert_point_3d_cart_to_spher convert_point_3d_cart_to_spher ConvertPoint3dCartToSpher ConvertPoint3dCartToSpher ConvertPoint3dCartToSpher convert_point_3d_cart_to_spher
convert_point_3d_spher_to_cart convert_point_3d_spher_to_cart ConvertPoint3dSpherToCart ConvertPoint3dSpherToCart ConvertPoint3dSpherToCart convert_point_3d_spher_to_cart
create_cam_pose_look_at_point create_cam_pose_look_at_point CreateCamPoseLookAtPoint CreateCamPoseLookAtPoint CreateCamPoseLookAtPoint create_cam_pose_look_at_point
trans_pose_shape_model_3d trans_pose_shape_model_3d TransPoseShapeModel3d TransPoseShapeModel3d TransPoseShapeModel3d trans_pose_shape_model_3d
3D Metrology