— Get one or several parameters that describe the 2D data code model.
get_data_code_2d_param( : : DataCodeHandle, GenParamName : GenParamValue)
The operator get_data_code_2d_param
allows to query the
parameters that are used to describe the 2D data code model.
The names of the desired parameters are passed in the generic
parameter GenParamName
, the corresponding values are
returned in GenParamValue
All these parameters can be set and changed at any time with the
operator set_data_code_2d_param
A list with the names of all parameters that are valid for the used
2D data code type is returned by the operator
For an explanation of the concept of the 2D data code reader see the introduction of chapter Identification / Data Code.
Note that the symbol structure of GS1 DataMatrix, GS1 QR Code, GS1 Aztec,
and GS1 DotCode is identical to the structure of Data Matrix ECC 200, QR Code,
Aztec Code, and DotCode, respectively. Therefore, all symbology specific parameters
applying to Data Matrix ECC 200, QR Code, Aztec Code, or DotCode apply to their
corresponding GS1 variant
as well. In the following, the explicit enumeration of the parameters for
any particular GS1 code is omitted for sake of readability. Instead, the
relevant parameters names are to be inferred from the parameters for the
corresponding non-GS1 code type or can be explicitly queried by
with parameter
'get_model_params' .
The following parameters can be queried - ordered by different categories and data code types:
Size and shape of the symbol:
Data matrix ECC 200 (including the finder pattern):
Minimum number of module columns in the symbol.
Maximum number of module columns in the symbol.
Minimum number of module rows in the symbol.
Maximum number of module rows in the symbol.
Possible restrictions concerning the module shape (rectangle and/or square): 'square' , 'rectangle' , 'any' . Since HALCON 7.1.1, the same search algorithm is used for both shapes.
QR Code (including the finder pattern):
Type of the QR Code model specification: 1, 2, 0 (for 'any' )
Minimum symbol version to be read: [1..40] (Model 1: [1..14])
Maximum symbol version to be read: [1..40] (Model 1: [1..14])
Minimum symbol size (this value is directly linked to the version 'version_min' ): [21..177] (Model 1: [21..73])
Maximum symbol size (this value is directly linked to the version 'version_max' ): [21..177] (Model 1: [21..73])
Micro QR Code:
Minimum symbol version to be read: [1..4]
Maximum symbol version to be read: [1..4]
Minimum symbol size (this value is directly linked to the version 'version_min' ): [11..17]
Maximum symbol size (this value is directly linked to the version 'version_max' ): [11..17]
Minimum number of data columns in the symbol in codewords, i.e., excluding the codewords of the start/stop pattern and of the two row indicators.
Maximum number of data columns in the symbol in codewords, i.e., excluding the codewords of the start/stop pattern and of the two row indicators.
Minimum number of module rows in the symbol.
Maximum number of module rows in the symbol.
Aztec Code (including the finder pattern):
Format of the Aztec Code: space separated list with the values 'compact' , 'full_range' , or 'rune'
Minimum symbol size [11..151]
Maximum symbol size [11..151]
Minimum number of module columns in the symbol.
Maximum number of module columns in the symbol.
Minimum number of module rows in the symbol.
Maximum number of module rows in the symbol.
Appearance of the modules in the image:
All data code types:
Possible restrictions concerning the polarity of the modules, i.e., if they are printed dark on a light background or vice versa: 'dark_on_light' , 'light_on_dark' , 'any' .
Controls whether candidates that could not be successfully decoded are stored in the model: 'yes' , 'no' .
Describes whether the symbol is or may be mirrored (which is equivalent to swapping the rows and columns of the symbol): 'yes' , 'no' , 'any' .
All data code types except Data Matrix ECC 200 and DotCode:
Minimum contrast between the foreground and the background of the symbol (specified as gray value difference). This measure corresponds to the minimum gradient between the symbol's foreground and the background.
All data code types except PDF417:
Minimum module size in the image in pixels.
Maximum module size in the image in pixels.
With the following parameters it is possible to specify whether neighboring foreground modules are connected or whether there is or may be a gap between them (possible values are 'no' (no gap) < 'small' < 'big' ) (for DotCode, only 'no' and 'small' are available):
Minimum gap.
Maximum gap.
All data code types except DotCode:
Robustness of the decoding of data codes with very small
module sizes. Setting the parameter
'small_modules_robustness' to 'high'
increases the likelihood of being able to
decode data codes with very small module sizes. Additionally,
in that case the minimum module size should also be adapted
accordingly, thus 'module_size_min' and
'module_width_min' (PDF417) should be set to
the expected minimum module size and width, respectively. Setting
'small_modules_robustness' to 'high' can
significantly increase the internal memory usage of
. Thus, in the default case
'small_modules_robustness' should be set to 'low' .
Values: 'low' , 'high'
Default: 'low' (enhanced: 'low' , maximum: 'high' )
Minimum module width in the image in pixels.
Maximum module width in the image in pixels.
Minimum module aspect ratio (module height to module width).
Maximum module aspect ratio (module height to module width).
Aztec Code:
Tolerance of the search with respect to a defect or partially
occluded finder pattern. Depending on this parameter, different
algorithms are used during the symbol search in
. In one case ('low' ), it is assumed
that all rings of the finder pattern can be extracted. In the other
case ('high' ) it is assumed that at least one of the
rings of the finder pattern can be extracted.
To increase the robustness of the Aztec Code reader, a number of additional search levels (in addition to the search levels derived from the minimum and maximum module dimensions) can be specified via this parameter. [0..2]
Data matrix ECC 200:
Maximum slant of the L-shaped finder pattern (the angle is returned in radians and corresponds to the distortion that occurs when the symbol is printed or during the image acquisition).
Tolerance of the search with respect to a defect or
partially occluded finder pattern. The finder pattern
includes the L-shaped side as well as the opposite
alternating side. Depending on this parameter, different
algorithms are used during the symbol search in
. In one case ('low' ),
it is assumed that the finder pattern is present to a high
degree and shows almost no disturbances. In the other case
('high' ), the finder pattern may be defect or
partially occluded without influencing the recognition and
the reading of the symbol.
Note, however, that in this mode
the parameters for the symbol search should be restricted
as narrow as possible by using
because otherwise the
runtime of find_data_code_2d
may increase
Also note that the two algorithms slightly
differ from each other in terms of robustness. This may
lead to different results depending on the value of
'finder_pattern_tolerance' even if the finder
pattern of the symbol is not disturbed. For example, if
'high' is chosen, only symbols with an equidistant
module grid can be found (see below), and hence the
robustness to perspective distortions is
decreased. Finally, if 'finder_pattern_tolerance'
is set to 'any' both algorithms are applied.
Describes whether the size of the modules may vary (in a specific range) or not. Dependent on the parameter different algorithms are used for the calculation of the module's center positions. If it is set to 'fixed' , an equidistant grid is used. Allowing a variable module size ('variable' ), the grid is aligned only to the alternating side of the finder pattern. With 'any' both approaches are tested one after the other. Please note that the value of 'module_grid' is ignored if 'finder_pattern_tolerance' is set to 'high' . In this case, an equidistant grid is assumed.
Describes the tolerance of the search with respect to local contrast variations (e.g., in the presence of glare or reflections). Depending on the value of the parameter two different algorithms are applied. If 'contrast_tolerance' is set to 'high' the robustness in the presence of strong local contrast variations is improved. In the case where 'contrast_tolerance' is set to 'low' the algorithm less robust to strong local contrast variations, however it is faster and still able to handle contrast variations under normal circumstances and therefore 'low' should be used in most cases. If 'contrast_tolerance' is set to 'any' both algorithms are applied.
QR Code:
Number of position detection patterns that have to be visible for generating a new symbol candidate (2 or 3).
General model behavior:
All data code types:
Controls whether certain intermediate results of the symbol
search with find_data_code_2d
are stored only
temporarily or persistently in the model: 0
(temporary), 1 (persistent).
Controls the behavior of find_data_code_2d
detecting symbols that could be read but that do not fit
the model restrictions concerning the size of the symbols:
'yes' (strict: such symbols are rejected),
'no' (not strict: all readable symbols are
returned as a result independent of their size and the
size specified in the model). Please note that for DotCode symbols
the module size restrictions ('module_size_min' and
'module_size_max' ) are not checked even if
'strict_model' is set to 'yes' .
Returns the expected encoding of the string that is encoded in the symbol: 'utf8' , 'locale' , 'latin1' , or 'raw' .
Returns symbol type which was set with create_data_code_2d_model
Enables aborting find_data_code_2d
after a defined period in
milliseconds: 'false' , -1,
20 .. 100.
All data code types except Aztec Code:
Controls the behavior of find_data_code_2d
detecting symbols that could be read but show defects in
their quiet zone.
Possible values:
Decoded symbols with poor grades for their quiet zone are not returned as a result. The quiet zone is validated similar to the method used for print quality inspection, but regarded as being only one module large. The 'status' for rejected symbols is set to 'quiet zone is missing' .
All readable symbols are returned as a result.
All data code types except DotCode:
Defines the aperture sizes for ISO/IEC 15415:2011 print quality inspection as fraction of the module width (see ISO/IEC 15415:2011 section 7.3.3).
Defines the reference reflectance for ISO/IEC 15415:2011 print quality inspection as grayvalue (see ISO/IEC 15415:2011 section 7.3).
Data Matrix ECC 200:
Controls the selection of candidate regions that are used for symbol detection. Setting this parameter to 'extensive' increases the number of generated candidate regions and thus the likelihood of detecting a code. If 'candidate_selection' is set to 'default' , less candidate regions are used.
Controls the selection of candidate regions that are used for symbol detection. Setting this parameter to 'extensive' increases the number of generated candidate regions and thus the likelihood of detecting a code. Setting this parameter to 'all' all possible candidates are used and therefore don't get filtered based on their probability of being a DotCode. If 'candidate_selection' is set to 'default' , less candidate regions are used.
Controls the maximum allowed error correction. Due to the high error correction capacity, it is possible to successfully decode false positive DotCode candidates. Especially candidates which only cover a small part of a real DotCode may be decoded successfully because of the error correction capabilities. This is the case because DotCode symbols can consist of almost every size. So there are fewer criteria to decide whether the candidate is valid or not. In order to tackle this problem, the parameter 'max_allowed_error_correction' can be used to specify the percentage of maximum allowed error correction. Per default the value is set to '1.0' , which means 100%. Setting the value to e.g., '0.5' means, only candidates which could be decoded with maximum 50% used error correction, will be returned as successfully decoded results.
It is possible to query the values of several or all parameters
with a single operator call by passing a tuple containing the names
of all desired parameters to GenParamName
As a result a tuple of the same length with the corresponding values
is returned in GenParamValue
(input_control) datacode_2d →
Handle of the 2D data code model.
(input_control) →
Names of the generic parameters that are to be queried for the 2D data code model.
Default value: 'polarity'
List of values: 'additional_levels' , 'candidate_selection' , 'contrast_min' , 'contrast_tolerance' , 'decoding_scheme' , 'discard_undecoded_candidates' , 'finder_pattern_tolerance' , 'format' , 'max_allowed_error_correction' , 'mirrored' , 'model_type' , 'module_aspect_max' , 'module_aspect_min' , 'module_gap_max' , 'module_gap_min' , 'module_grid' , 'module_size_max' , 'module_size_min' , 'module_width_max' , 'module_width_min' , 'persistence' , 'polarity' , 'position_pattern_min' , 'quality_isoiec15415_aperture_size' , 'quality_isoiec15415_reflectance_reference' , 'slant_max' , 'small_modules_robustness' , 'strict_model' , 'strict_quiet_zone' , 'string_encoding' , 'symbol_cols_max' , 'symbol_cols_min' , 'symbol_rows_max' , 'symbol_rows_min' , 'symbol_shape' , 'symbol_size_max' , 'symbol_size_min' , 'symbol_type' , 'timeout' , 'version_max' , 'version_min'
(output_control) attribute.value(-array) →
(string / integer / real)
Values of the generic parameters.
The operator get_data_code_2d_param
returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE)
if the given parameters are correct.
Otherwise, an exception is raised.
Data Code