get_operator_info get_operator_info GetOperatorInfo GetOperatorInfo get_operator_info (Operator)
get_operator_info get_operator_info GetOperatorInfo GetOperatorInfo get_operator_info
— Get information concerning a HALCON-operator.
With the help of the operator get_operator_info get_operator_info GetOperatorInfo GetOperatorInfo GetOperatorInfo get_operator_info
online-texts concerning a certain operator can be called (see also
get_operator_name get_operator_name GetOperatorName GetOperatorName GetOperatorName get_operator_name
). The form of information available for
all operators (Slot Slot Slot Slot slot slot
) can be called using the operator
query_operator_info query_operator_info QueryOperatorInfo QueryOperatorInfo QueryOperatorInfo query_operator_info
. For the time being the following slots
are available:
'short' "short" "short" "short" "short" "short" :
Short description of the operator.
'abstract' "abstract" "abstract" "abstract" "abstract" "abstract" :
Description of the operator.
'chapter' "chapter" "chapter" "chapter" "chapter" "chapter" :
Name(s) of the chapter(s) in the operator hierarchy (chapter,
subchapter in the HALCON manual).
'functionality' "functionality" "functionality" "functionality" "functionality" "functionality" :
Functionality is equivalent to the object class to which
the operator can be assigned.
'keywords' "keywords" "keywords" "keywords" "keywords" "keywords" :
Keywords of the operator (optional).
'example' "example" "example" "example" "example" "example" :
Example for the use of the operator (optional). The operator
calls up examples for a certain language if available. If the
language is not indicated or if no example is available in this
language, the TRIAS-example will be returned.
'complexity' "complexity" "complexity" "complexity" "complexity" "complexity" :
Complexity of the operator (optional).
'effect' "effect" "effect" "effect" "effect" "effect" :
Not in use so far.
'parallelization' "parallelization" "parallelization" "parallelization" "parallelization" "parallelization" :
Characteristic timeout and parallel behavior of an operator.
'execution information':
Characteristic timeout and parallel behavior of an operator.
'parallel_method' "parallel_method" "parallel_method" "parallel_method" "parallel_method" "parallel_method" :
Method of automatic operator parallelization.
'interrupt_mode' "interrupt_mode" "interrupt_mode" "interrupt_mode" "interrupt_mode" "interrupt_mode" :
Modes of interruption the operator can deal with. See
set_operator_timeout set_operator_timeout SetOperatorTimeout SetOperatorTimeout SetOperatorTimeout set_operator_timeout
and interrupt_operator interrupt_operator InterruptOperator InterruptOperator InterruptOperator interrupt_operator
on how to use and set these interrupt modes.
'alternatives' "alternatives" "alternatives" "alternatives" "alternatives" "alternatives" :
Alternative operators (optional).
'see_also' "see_also" "see_also" "see_also" "see_also" "see_also" :
Operators containing further information (optional).
'predecessor' "predecessor" "predecessor" "predecessor" "predecessor" "predecessor" :
Possible and sensible predecessor
'successor' "successor" "successor" "successor" "successor" "successor" :
Possible and sensible successor
'result_state' "result_state" "result_state" "result_state" "result_state" "result_state" :
Return value of the operator (2 (H_MSG_TRUE ), 3 (H_MSG_FALSE ), 5 (H_MSG_FAIL ), 4 (H_MSG_VOID )
'attention' "attention" "attention" "attention" "attention" "attention" :
Restrictions and advice concerning the correct use of the
operator (optional).
'parameter' "parameter" "parameter" "parameter" "parameter" "parameter" :
Names of the parameter of the operator (see also
get_param_info get_param_info GetParamInfo GetParamInfo GetParamInfo get_param_info
'references' "references" "references" "references" "references" "references" :
Literary references (optional).
'module' "module" "module" "module" "module" "module" :
The module to which the operator is assigned.
'html_path' "html_path" "html_path" "html_path" "html_path" "html_path" :
The directory where the HTML documentation of the operator resides.
'warning' "warning" "warning" "warning" "warning" "warning" :
Possible warnings for using the operator.
'compute_device' "compute_device" "compute_device" "compute_device" "compute_device" "compute_device" :
List of compute devices supported by the operator.
The texts will be taken from the files operators_[LANG].ref,
operators_[LANG].sta, operators_[LANG].key, operators_[LANG].num and
operators_[LANG].idx which will be searched by HALCON in the currently used
directory or in the directory 'help_dir' (respectively 'user_help_dir') (see
also get_system get_system GetSystem GetSystem GetSystem get_system
and set_system set_system SetSystem SetSystem SetSystem set_system
). By adding '.latex' after
the slot name, the text of slots containing textual information can be made
available in LaTeX notation.
The encoding of the result is UTF-8.
Execution Information
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
Processed without parallelization.
OperatorName OperatorName OperatorName OperatorName operatorName operator_name
(input_control) proc_name →
HTuple str HTuple Htuple (string) (string ) (HString ) (char* )
Name of the operator on which more information
is needed.
Default value:
Slot Slot Slot Slot slot slot
(input_control) string →
HTuple str HTuple Htuple (string) (string ) (HString ) (char* )
Desired information.
Default value:
List of values: 'abstract' "abstract" "abstract" "abstract" "abstract" "abstract" , 'alternatives' "alternatives" "alternatives" "alternatives" "alternatives" "alternatives" , 'attention' "attention" "attention" "attention" "attention" "attention" , 'chapter' "chapter" "chapter" "chapter" "chapter" "chapter" , 'chapter_id' "chapter_id" "chapter_id" "chapter_id" "chapter_id" "chapter_id" , 'complexity' "complexity" "complexity" "complexity" "complexity" "complexity" , 'compute_device' "compute_device" "compute_device" "compute_device" "compute_device" "compute_device" , 'example' "example" "example" "example" "example" "example" , 'execution information' "execution information" "execution information" "execution information" "execution information" "execution information" , 'functionality' "functionality" "functionality" "functionality" "functionality" "functionality" , 'html_path' "html_path" "html_path" "html_path" "html_path" "html_path" , 'interrupt_mode' "interrupt_mode" "interrupt_mode" "interrupt_mode" "interrupt_mode" "interrupt_mode" , 'keywords' "keywords" "keywords" "keywords" "keywords" "keywords" , 'module' "module" "module" "module" "module" "module" , 'parallel_method' "parallel_method" "parallel_method" "parallel_method" "parallel_method" "parallel_method" , 'parallelization' "parallelization" "parallelization" "parallelization" "parallelization" "parallelization" , 'parameter' "parameter" "parameter" "parameter" "parameter" "parameter" , 'predecessor' "predecessor" "predecessor" "predecessor" "predecessor" "predecessor" , 'references' "references" "references" "references" "references" "references" , 'result_state' "result_state" "result_state" "result_state" "result_state" "result_state" , 'see_also' "see_also" "see_also" "see_also" "see_also" "see_also" , 'short' "short" "short" "short" "short" "short" , 'successor' "successor" "successor" "successor" "successor" "successor" , 'warning' "warning" "warning" "warning" "warning" "warning"
Information Information Information Information information information
(output_control) string(-array) →
HTuple Sequence[str] HTuple Htuple (string) (string ) (HString ) (char* )
Information (empty if no information is available)
The operator get_operator_info get_operator_info GetOperatorInfo GetOperatorInfo GetOperatorInfo get_operator_info
returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE ) if the
parameters are correct and the helpfiles are availabe. Otherwise an
exception is raised.
Possible Predecessors
get_keywords get_keywords GetKeywords GetKeywords GetKeywords get_keywords
search_operator search_operator SearchOperator SearchOperator SearchOperator search_operator
get_operator_name get_operator_name GetOperatorName GetOperatorName GetOperatorName get_operator_name
query_operator_info query_operator_info QueryOperatorInfo QueryOperatorInfo QueryOperatorInfo query_operator_info
query_param_info query_param_info QueryParamInfo QueryParamInfo QueryParamInfo query_param_info
get_param_info get_param_info GetParamInfo GetParamInfo GetParamInfo get_param_info
Possible Successors
get_param_names get_param_names GetParamNames GetParamNames GetParamNames get_param_names
get_param_num get_param_num GetParamNum GetParamNum GetParamNum get_param_num
get_param_types get_param_types GetParamTypes GetParamTypes GetParamTypes get_param_types
get_param_names get_param_names GetParamNames GetParamNames GetParamNames get_param_names
See also
query_operator_info query_operator_info QueryOperatorInfo QueryOperatorInfo QueryOperatorInfo query_operator_info
get_param_info get_param_info GetParamInfo GetParamInfo GetParamInfo get_param_info
get_operator_name get_operator_name GetOperatorName GetOperatorName GetOperatorName get_operator_name
get_param_num get_param_num GetParamNum GetParamNum GetParamNum get_param_num
get_param_types get_param_types GetParamTypes GetParamTypes GetParamTypes get_param_types