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Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

HStereoModel (Class)


HStereoModel — Represents an instance of a stereo model.


CreateStereoModel    Create a HALCON stereo model.


ClearStereoModel    Free the memory of a stereo model.
CreateStereoModel    Create a HALCON stereo model.
GetStereoModelImagePairs    Return the list of image pairs set in a stereo model.
GetStereoModelObject    Get intermediate iconic results of a stereo reconstruction.
GetStereoModelObjectModel3d    Get intermediate 3D object model of a stereo reconstruction
GetStereoModelParam    Get stereo model parameters.
ReconstructPointsStereo    Reconstruct 3D points from calibrated multi-view stereo images.
ReconstructSurfaceStereo    Reconstruct surface from calibrated multi-view stereo images.
SetStereoModelImagePairs    Specify image pairs to be used for surface stereo reconstruction.
SetStereoModelParam    Set stereo model parameters.

HStereoModel (Class)


HStereoModel — Represents an instance of a stereo model.


CreateStereoModel    Create a HALCON stereo model.


ClearStereoModel    Free the memory of a stereo model.
CreateStereoModel    Create a HALCON stereo model.
GetStereoModelImagePairs    Return the list of image pairs set in a stereo model.
GetStereoModelObject    Get intermediate iconic results of a stereo reconstruction.
GetStereoModelObjectModel3d    Get intermediate 3D object model of a stereo reconstruction
GetStereoModelParam    Get stereo model parameters.
ReconstructPointsStereo    Reconstruct 3D points from calibrated multi-view stereo images.
ReconstructSurfaceStereo    Reconstruct surface from calibrated multi-view stereo images.
SetStereoModelImagePairs    Specify image pairs to be used for surface stereo reconstruction.
SetStereoModelParam    Set stereo model parameters.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.