Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

dev_set_colordev_set_colorDevSetColorDevSetColordev_set_color (Operator)


dev_set_colordev_set_colorDevSetColorDevSetColordev_set_color — Set one or more output colors.


dev_set_color( : : ColorName : )

Herror dev_set_color(const char* ColorName)

Herror T_dev_set_color(const Htuple ColorName)

void DevSetColor(const HTuple& ColorName)

static void HWindow::DevSetColor(const HTuple& ColorName)

static void HWindow::DevSetColor(const HString& ColorName)

static void HWindow::DevSetColor(const char* ColorName)

static void HWindow::DevSetColor(const wchar_t* ColorName)   (Windows only)

static void HOperatorSet.DevSetColor(HTuple colorName)

static void HWindow.DevSetColor(HTuple colorName)

static void HWindow.DevSetColor(string colorName)

def dev_set_color(color_name: MaybeSequence[str]) -> None


dev_set_colordev_set_colorDevSetColorDevSetColorDevSetColordev_set_color defines the color(s) that are used to display regions, XLDs, and other geometrical objects in the graphics windows. The available colors can be queried with the operator query_colorquery_colorQueryColorQueryColorQueryColorquery_color. In addition, the ColorNameColorNameColorNameColorNamecolorNamecolor_name may be specified as hexadecimal RGB triplet or RGBA quadruplet in the form '#rrggbb'"#rrggbb""#rrggbb""#rrggbb""#rrggbb""#rrggbb" and '#rrggbbaa'"#rrggbbaa""#rrggbbaa""#rrggbbaa""#rrggbbaa""#rrggbbaa". 'rr', 'gg', 'bb', and 'aa' are hexadecimal numbers between '00' and 'ff', respectively. 'aa' denotes the alpha value of a color and can be used to display transparent regions.

For more information see the description of the operator set_colorset_colorSetColorSetColorSetColorset_color. However, in contrast to that operator the color setting is also used for all new graphics windows that are opened afterwards.

These color settings remain valid until dev_set_colordev_set_colorDevSetColorDevSetColorDevSetColordev_set_color or dev_set_coloreddev_set_coloredDevSetColoredDevSetColoredDevSetColoreddev_set_colored is called or until the color settings are modified interactively.

Color name 75% alpha 50% alpha 25% alpha 'black' '#000000c0' '#000000c0' '#00000080' '#00000080' '#00000040' '#00000040' 'white' '#ffffffc0' '#ffffffc0' '#ffffff80' '#ffffff80' '#ffffff40' '#ffffff40' 'red' '#ff0000c0' '#ff0000c0' '#ff000080' '#ff000080' '#ff000040' '#ff000040' 'green' '#00ff00c0' '#00ff00c0' '#00ff0080' '#00ff0080' '#00ff0040' '#00ff0040' 'blue' '#0000ffc0' '#0000ffc0' '#0000ff80' '#0000ff80' '#0000ff40' '#0000ff40' 'dim gray' '#696969c0' '#696969c0' '#69696980' '#69696980' '#69696940' '#69696940' 'gray' '#bebebec0' '#bebebec0' '#bebebe80' '#bebebe80' '#bebebe40' '#bebebe40' 'light gray' '#d3d3d3c0' '#d3d3d3c0' '#d3d3d380' '#d3d3d380' '#d3d3d340' '#d3d3d340' 'cyan' '#00ffffc0' '#00ffffc0' '#00ffff80' '#00ffff80' '#00ffff40' '#00ffff40' 'magenta' '#ff00ffc0' '#ff00ffc0' '#ff00ff80' '#ff00ff80' '#ff00ff40' '#ff00ff40' 'yellow' '#ffff00c0' '#ffff00c0' '#ffff0080' '#ffff0080' '#ffff0040' '#ffff0040' 'medium slate blue' '#7b68eec0' '#7b68eec0' '#7b68ee80' '#7b68ee80' '#7b68ee40' '#7b68ee40' 'coral' '#ff7f50c0' '#ff7f50c0' '#ff7f5080' '#ff7f5080' '#ff7f5040' '#ff7f5040' 'slate blue' '#6a5acdc0' '#6a5acdc0' '#6a5acd80' '#6a5acd80' '#6a5acd40' '#6a5acd40' 'spring green' '#00ff7fc0' '#00ff7fc0' '#00ff7f80' '#00ff7f80' '#00ff7f40' '#00ff7f40' 'orange red' '#ff4500c0' '#ff4500c0' '#ff450080' '#ff450080' '#ff450040' '#ff450040' 'dark olive green' '#556b2fc0' '#556b2fc0' '#556b2f80' '#556b2f80' '#556b2f40' '#556b2f40' 'pink' '#ffc0cbc0' '#ffc0cbc0' '#ffc0cb80' '#ffc0cb80' '#ffc0cb40' '#ffc0cb40' 'cadet blue' '#5f9ea0c0' '#5f9ea0c0' '#5f9ea080' '#5f9ea080' '#5f9ea040' '#5f9ea040' 'goldenrod' '#daa520c0' '#daa520c0' '#daa52080' '#daa52080' '#daa52040' '#daa52040' 'orange' '#ffa500c0' '#ffa500c0' '#ffa50080' '#ffa50080' '#ffa50040' '#ffa50040' 'gold' '#ffd700c0' '#ffd700c0' '#ffd70080' '#ffd70080' '#ffd70040' '#ffd70040' 'forest green' '#228b22c0' '#228b22c0' '#228b2280' '#228b2280' '#228b2240' '#228b2240' 'cornflower blue' '#6495edc0' '#6495edc0' '#6495ed80' '#6495ed80' '#6495ed40' '#6495ed40' 'navy' '#000080c0' '#000080c0' '#00008080' '#00008080' '#00008040' '#00008040' 'turquoise' '#40e0d0c0' '#40e0d0c0' '#40e0d080' '#40e0d080' '#40e0d040' '#40e0d040' 'dark slate blue' '#483d8bc0' '#483d8bc0' '#483d8b80' '#483d8b80' '#483d8b40' '#483d8b40' 'light blue' '#add8e6c0' '#add8e6c0' '#add8e680' '#add8e680' '#add8e640' '#add8e640' 'indian red' '#cd5c5cc0' '#cd5c5cc0' '#cd5c5c80' '#cd5c5c80' '#cd5c5c40' '#cd5c5c40' 'violet red' '#d02090c0' '#d02090c0' '#d0209080' '#d0209080' '#d0209040' '#d0209040' 'light steel blue' '#b0c4dec0' '#b0c4dec0' '#b0c4de80' '#b0c4de80' '#b0c4de40' '#b0c4de40' 'medium blue' '#0000cdc0' '#0000cdc0' '#0000cd80' '#0000cd80' '#0000cd40' '#0000cd40' 'khaki' '#f0e68cc0' '#f0e68cc0' '#f0e68c80' '#f0e68c80' '#f0e68c40' '#f0e68c40' 'violet' '#ee82eec0' '#ee82eec0' '#ee82ee80' '#ee82ee80' '#ee82ee40' '#ee82ee40' 'firebrick' '#b22222c0' '#b22222c0' '#b2222280' '#b2222280' '#b2222240' '#b2222240' 'midnight blue' '#191970c0' '#191970c0' '#19197080' '#19197080' '#19197040' '#19197040'
Examples of possible color strings


Using the code export feature of HDevelop, the code that is generated for this operator may have a different behavior than the related HALCON operator. For a detailed description of the code export of HDevelop graphics operators into the different programming languages see in the “HDevelop User's Guide” the chapter Code Export -> General Aspects of Code Generation -> Graphics Windows.


ColorNameColorNameColorNameColorNamecolorNamecolor_name (input_control)  string(-array) HTupleMaybeSequence[str]HTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Output color names.

Default value: 'white' "white" "white" "white" "white" "white"

Suggested values: 'white'"white""white""white""white""white", 'black'"black""black""black""black""black", 'gray'"gray""gray""gray""gray""gray", 'red'"red""red""red""red""red", 'green'"green""green""green""green""green", 'blue'"blue""blue""blue""blue""blue", '#003075'"#003075""#003075""#003075""#003075""#003075", '#e53019'"#e53019""#e53019""#e53019""#e53019""#e53019", '#ffb529'"#ffb529""#ffb529""#ffb529""#ffb529""#ffb529"

Example (HDevelop)



If the values of the specified parameters are correct, dev_set_colordev_set_colorDevSetColorDevSetColorDevSetColordev_set_color returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). Otherwise, an exception is raised and an error code returned.

Possible Predecessors

dev_open_windowdev_open_windowDevOpenWindowDevOpenWindowDevOpenWindowdev_open_window, query_colorquery_colorQueryColorQueryColorQueryColorquery_color, query_all_colorsquery_all_colorsQueryAllColorsQueryAllColorsQueryAllColorsquery_all_colors

Possible Successors




See also

dev_set_drawdev_set_drawDevSetDrawDevSetDrawDevSetDrawdev_set_draw, dev_set_line_widthdev_set_line_widthDevSetLineWidthDevSetLineWidthDevSetLineWidthdev_set_line_width, set_colorset_colorSetColorSetColorSetColorset_color

