Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

dev_set_preferencesT_dev_set_preferencesDevSetPreferencesDevSetPreferencesdev_set_preferences (Operator)


dev_set_preferencesT_dev_set_preferencesDevSetPreferencesDevSetPreferencesdev_set_preferences — Set HDevelop preferences within a program.


dev_set_preferences( : : PreferenceNames, PreferenceValues : )

Herror T_dev_set_preferences(const Htuple PreferenceNames, const Htuple PreferenceValues)

void DevSetPreferences(const HTuple& PreferenceNames, const HTuple& PreferenceValues)

static void HOperatorSet.DevSetPreferences(HTuple preferenceNames, HTuple preferenceValues)

def dev_set_preferences(preference_names: Sequence[str], preference_values: Sequence[str]) -> None


dev_set_preferencesdev_set_preferencesDevSetPreferencesDevSetPreferencesDevSetPreferencesdev_set_preferences allows to set selected preferences of HDevelop within a program. The following preferences are supported:


Controls whether a right click into the graphics window opens a context menu or not. By default the context menu is enabled. Disabling the context menu may be sensible if the right mouse button is used for controlling some kind of navigation in the graphics window, e.g., for moving or zooming 3D objects.

Possible values: 'false'"false""false""false""false""false", 'true'"true""true""true""true""true".

Default: 'true'"true""true""true""true""true".


Controls whether the mouse wheel can be used to zoom the contents of the graphics window or not. By default the mouse wheel is enabled. Disabling the mouse wheel may be sensible if 3D objects are displayed and if the zooming into the objects is realized interactively with the help of 3D display operators.

Possible values: 'false'"false""false""false""false""false", 'true'"true""true""true""true""true".

Default: 'true'"true""true""true""true""true".


Controls whether pressing the Ctrl-key over the graphics window shows a tool tip with the current pixel position and the gray values under the mouse cursor or not. By default the tool tip is enabled. Disabling the tool tip may be sensible if the state of the Ctrl-key shall be evaluated for program based user interactions, e.g., for manipulating the view on 3D objects.

Possible values: 'false'"false""false""false""false""false", 'true'"true""true""true""true""true".

Default: 'true'"true""true""true""true""true".


Controls whether the error dialog should be suppressed that is by default opened for exceptions that are thrown during program execution and that are enclosed by a trytryTryTryTrytry-catchcatchCatchCatchCatchcatch block and can therefore be handled by an exception handler. This option is persistently stored into the HDevelop.ini file and can also be configured via the Preferences dialog / General Options / Experienced Users. If an exception is thrown by a program line that is not enclosed by a trytryTryTryTrytry-catchcatchCatchCatchCatchcatch block, an error message dialog is always opened.

Possible values: 'false'"false""false""false""false""false", 'true'"true""true""true""true""true".

Default: 'false'"false""false""false""false""false" (Any changes are persistently saved).


This operator is not supported for code export.


PreferenceNamesPreferenceNamesPreferenceNamesPreferenceNamespreferenceNamespreference_names (input_control) HTupleSequence[str]HTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

Selection of the preferences.

Default: 'graphics_window_context_menu' "graphics_window_context_menu" "graphics_window_context_menu" "graphics_window_context_menu" "graphics_window_context_menu" "graphics_window_context_menu"

List of values: 'graphics_window_context_menu'"graphics_window_context_menu""graphics_window_context_menu""graphics_window_context_menu""graphics_window_context_menu""graphics_window_context_menu", 'graphics_window_mouse_wheel'"graphics_window_mouse_wheel""graphics_window_mouse_wheel""graphics_window_mouse_wheel""graphics_window_mouse_wheel""graphics_window_mouse_wheel", 'graphics_window_tool_tip'"graphics_window_tool_tip""graphics_window_tool_tip""graphics_window_tool_tip""graphics_window_tool_tip""graphics_window_tool_tip", 'suppress_handled_exception_dlg'"suppress_handled_exception_dlg""suppress_handled_exception_dlg""suppress_handled_exception_dlg""suppress_handled_exception_dlg""suppress_handled_exception_dlg"

PreferenceValuesPreferenceValuesPreferenceValuesPreferenceValuespreferenceValuespreference_values (input_control)  attribute.value-array HTupleSequence[str]HTupleHtuple (string) (string) (HString) (char*)

New values for the selected preferences.

Default: 'false' "false" "false" "false" "false" "false"

List of values: 'false'"false""false""false""false""false", 'true'"true""true""true""true""true"

See also


