add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure T_add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure (Operator)
add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure T_add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure
— Add a rectangle to a metrology model.
add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure ( : : MetrologyHandle , Row , Column , Phi , Length1 , Length2 , MeasureLength1 , MeasureLength2 , MeasureSigma , MeasureThreshold , GenParamName , GenParamValue : Index )
Herror T_add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure (const Htuple MetrologyHandle , const Htuple Row , const Htuple Column , const Htuple Phi , const Htuple Length1 , const Htuple Length2 , const Htuple MeasureLength1 , const Htuple MeasureLength2 , const Htuple MeasureSigma , const Htuple MeasureThreshold , const Htuple GenParamName , const Htuple GenParamValue , Htuple* Index )
void AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure (const HTuple& MetrologyHandle , const HTuple& Row , const HTuple& Column , const HTuple& Phi , const HTuple& Length1 , const HTuple& Length2 , const HTuple& MeasureLength1 , const HTuple& MeasureLength2 , const HTuple& MeasureSigma , const HTuple& MeasureThreshold , const HTuple& GenParamName , const HTuple& GenParamValue , HTuple* Index )
Hlong HMetrologyModel ::AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure (const HTuple& Row , const HTuple& Column , const HTuple& Phi , const HTuple& Length1 , const HTuple& Length2 , const HTuple& MeasureLength1 , const HTuple& MeasureLength2 , const HTuple& MeasureSigma , const HTuple& MeasureThreshold , const HTuple& GenParamName , const HTuple& GenParamValue ) const
Hlong HMetrologyModel ::AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure (double Row , double Column , double Phi , double Length1 , double Length2 , double MeasureLength1 , double MeasureLength2 , double MeasureSigma , double MeasureThreshold , const HTuple& GenParamName , const HTuple& GenParamValue ) const
static void HOperatorSet .AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure (HTuple metrologyHandle , HTuple row , HTuple column , HTuple phi , HTuple length1 , HTuple length2 , HTuple measureLength1 , HTuple measureLength2 , HTuple measureSigma , HTuple measureThreshold , HTuple genParamName , HTuple genParamValue , out HTuple index )
int HMetrologyModel .AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure (HTuple row , HTuple column , HTuple phi , HTuple length1 , HTuple length2 , HTuple measureLength1 , HTuple measureLength2 , HTuple measureSigma , HTuple measureThreshold , HTuple genParamName , HTuple genParamValue )
int HMetrologyModel .AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure (double row , double column , double phi , double length1 , double length2 , double measureLength1 , double measureLength2 , double measureSigma , double measureThreshold , HTuple genParamName , HTuple genParamValue )
def add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure (metrology_handle : HHandle, row : MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]], column : MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]], phi : MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]], length_1 : MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]], length_2 : MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]], measure_length_1 : Union[int, float], measure_length_2 : Union[int, float], measure_sigma : Union[int, float], measure_threshold : Union[int, float], gen_param_name : Sequence[str], gen_param_value : Sequence[Union[float, int, str]]) -> int
add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure
adds a metrology
object of type rectangle to a metrology model and prepares the
rectangular measure regions. The handle of the model is
passed in MetrologyHandle MetrologyHandle MetrologyHandle metrologyHandle metrology_handle
For an explanation of the concept of 2D metrology see the
introduction of chapter 2D Metrology .
The geometric shape of the metrology object of type rectangle is
specified by its center (Row Row Row row row
, Column Column Column column column
), the orientation
of the main axis Phi Phi Phi phi phi
, and the half edge lengths Length1 Length1 Length1 length1 length_1
and Length2 Length2 Length2 length2 length_2
. The input value for Phi Phi Phi phi phi
is mapped
automatically to the interval
. The
rectangular measure regions lie perpendicular to the
boundary of the rectangle. The half edge lengths of the measure
regions perpendicular and tangential to the boundary of the
rectangle are set in MeasureLength1 MeasureLength1 MeasureLength1 measureLength1 measure_length_1
MeasureLength2 MeasureLength2 MeasureLength2 measureLength2 measure_length_2
. The centers of the measure regions lie on
the boundary of the rectangle. The parameter MeasureSigma MeasureSigma MeasureSigma measureSigma measure_sigma
specifies a standard deviation that is used by the operator
apply_metrology_model apply_metrology_model ApplyMetrologyModel ApplyMetrologyModel apply_metrology_model
to smooth the gray values of the
image. Salient edges can be selected with the parameter
MeasureThreshold MeasureThreshold MeasureThreshold measureThreshold measure_threshold
, which constitutes a threshold on the
amplitude, i.e., the absolute value of the first derivative of
the edge.
Furthermore, you can adjust some generic parameters within
GenParamName GenParamName GenParamName genParamName gen_param_name
and GenParamValue GenParamValue GenParamValue genParamValue gen_param_value
. In particular,
all generic parameters that are available in the operator
set_metrology_object_param set_metrology_object_param SetMetrologyObjectParam SetMetrologyObjectParam set_metrology_object_param
can be set. But note that
for a lot of applications the default values are sufficient and
no adjustment is necessary.
The operator add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure
returns the
index of the added metrology object within the metrology model in the
parameter Index Index Index index index
Execution Information
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
Processed without parallelization.
This operator modifies the state of the following input parameter:
During execution of this operator, access to the value of this parameter must be synchronized if it is used across multiple threads.
MetrologyHandle MetrologyHandle MetrologyHandle metrologyHandle metrology_handle
(input_control, state is modified) metrology_model →
HMetrologyModel , HTuple HHandle HTuple Htuple (handle) (IntPtr ) (HHandle ) (handle )
Handle of the metrology model.
Row Row Row row row
(input_control) →
HTuple MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Row (or Y) coordinate of the center of the rectangle.
Column Column Column column column
(input_control) →
HTuple MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Column (or X) coordinate of the center of the rectangle.
Phi Phi Phi phi phi
(input_control) rectangle2.angle.rad(-array) →
HTuple MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Orientation of the main axis [rad].
Length1 Length1 Length1 length1 length_1
(input_control) rectangle2.hwidth(-array) →
HTuple MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Length of the larger half edge of the rectangle.
Length2 Length2 Length2 length2 length_2
(input_control) rectangle2.hheight(-array) →
HTuple MaybeSequence[Union[int, float]] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Length of the smaller half edge of the rectangle.
MeasureLength1 MeasureLength1 MeasureLength1 measureLength1 measure_length_1
(input_control) number →
HTuple Union[int, float] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Half length of the measure regions perpendicular
to the boundary.
Suggested values:
10.0, 20.0, 30.0
Value range:
Minimum increment:
Recommended increment:
MeasureLength1 < Length1 && MeasureLength1 < Length2
MeasureLength2 MeasureLength2 MeasureLength2 measureLength2 measure_length_2
(input_control) number →
HTuple Union[int, float] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Half length of the measure regions tangential
to the boundary.
Suggested values:
3.0, 5.0, 10.0
Value range:
Minimum increment:
Recommended increment:
MeasureSigma MeasureSigma MeasureSigma measureSigma measure_sigma
(input_control) number →
HTuple Union[int, float] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Sigma of the Gaussian function for the smoothing.
Suggested values:
0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0
Value range:
Minimum increment:
Recommended increment:
MeasureThreshold MeasureThreshold MeasureThreshold measureThreshold measure_threshold
(input_control) number →
HTuple Union[int, float] HTuple Htuple (real / integer) (double / int / long) (double / Hlong) (double / Hlong)
Minimum edge amplitude.
Suggested values:
5.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 90.0, 110.0
Value range:
Minimum increment:
Recommended increment:
GenParamName GenParamName GenParamName genParamName gen_param_name
(input_control) →
HTuple Sequence[str] HTuple Htuple (string) (string ) (HString ) (char* )
Names of the generic parameters.
List of values:
'distance_threshold' "distance_threshold" "distance_threshold" "distance_threshold" "distance_threshold" , 'instances_outside_measure_regions' "instances_outside_measure_regions" "instances_outside_measure_regions" "instances_outside_measure_regions" "instances_outside_measure_regions" , 'max_num_iterations' "max_num_iterations" "max_num_iterations" "max_num_iterations" "max_num_iterations" , 'measure_distance' "measure_distance" "measure_distance" "measure_distance" "measure_distance" , 'measure_interpolation' "measure_interpolation" "measure_interpolation" "measure_interpolation" "measure_interpolation" , 'measure_select' "measure_select" "measure_select" "measure_select" "measure_select" , 'measure_transition' "measure_transition" "measure_transition" "measure_transition" "measure_transition" , 'min_score' "min_score" "min_score" "min_score" "min_score" , 'num_instances' "num_instances" "num_instances" "num_instances" "num_instances" , 'num_measures' "num_measures" "num_measures" "num_measures" "num_measures" , 'rand_seed' "rand_seed" "rand_seed" "rand_seed" "rand_seed"
GenParamValue GenParamValue GenParamValue genParamValue gen_param_value
(input_control) attribute.value-array →
HTuple Sequence[Union[float, int, str]] HTuple Htuple (real / integer / string) (double / int / long / string) (double / Hlong / HString) (double / Hlong / char*)
Values of the generic parameters.
Suggested values:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 'all' "all" "all" "all" "all" , 'true' "true" "true" "true" "true" , 'false' "false" "false" "false" "false" , 'first' "first" "first" "first" "first" , 'last' "last" "last" "last" "last" , 'positive' "positive" "positive" "positive" "positive" , 'negative' "negative" "negative" "negative" "negative" , 'uniform' "uniform" "uniform" "uniform" "uniform" , 'nearest_neighbor' "nearest_neighbor" "nearest_neighbor" "nearest_neighbor" "nearest_neighbor" , 'bilinear' "bilinear" "bilinear" "bilinear" "bilinear" , 'bicubic' "bicubic" "bicubic" "bicubic" "bicubic"
Index Index Index index index
(output_control) integer →
HTuple int HTuple Htuple (integer) (int / long) (Hlong ) (Hlong )
Index of the created metrology object.
If the parameters are valid, the operator
add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure add_metrology_object_rectangle2_measure
returns the value 2 (
. If
necessary, an exception is raised.
Possible Predecessors
set_metrology_model_image_size set_metrology_model_image_size SetMetrologyModelImageSize SetMetrologyModelImageSize set_metrology_model_image_size
Possible Successors
align_metrology_model align_metrology_model AlignMetrologyModel AlignMetrologyModel align_metrology_model
apply_metrology_model apply_metrology_model ApplyMetrologyModel ApplyMetrologyModel apply_metrology_model
add_metrology_object_generic add_metrology_object_generic AddMetrologyObjectGeneric AddMetrologyObjectGeneric add_metrology_object_generic
See also
get_metrology_object_model_contour get_metrology_object_model_contour GetMetrologyObjectModelContour GetMetrologyObjectModelContour get_metrology_object_model_contour
set_metrology_model_param set_metrology_model_param SetMetrologyModelParam SetMetrologyModelParam set_metrology_model_param
add_metrology_object_circle_measure add_metrology_object_circle_measure AddMetrologyObjectCircleMeasure AddMetrologyObjectCircleMeasure add_metrology_object_circle_measure
add_metrology_object_ellipse_measure add_metrology_object_ellipse_measure AddMetrologyObjectEllipseMeasure AddMetrologyObjectEllipseMeasure add_metrology_object_ellipse_measure
add_metrology_object_line_measure add_metrology_object_line_measure AddMetrologyObjectLineMeasure AddMetrologyObjectLineMeasure add_metrology_object_line_measure
2D Metrology