closing_circleclosing_circleClosingCircleClosingCircleclosing_circle behaves analogously to
closingclosingClosingClosingclosing, i.e., the regions' boundaries are smoothed and
holes within a region which are smaller than the circular
structuring element of radius RadiusRadiusRadiusradiusradius are closed. The
closing_circleclosing_circleClosingCircleClosingCircleclosing_circle operation is defined as a dilation
followed by a Minkowski subtraction, both with the same circular
structuring element.
closing_circleclosing_circleClosingCircleClosingCircleclosing_circle is applied to each input region
separately. If gaps between different regions are to be closed,
union1union1Union1Union1union1 or union2union2Union2Union2union2 has to be called first.
Execution Information
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
Let F1 be the area of the input region. Then the runtime
complexity for one region is:
closing_circleclosing_circleClosingCircleClosingCircleclosing_circle returns 2 (
if all parameters are
correct. The behavior in case of empty or no input region can be
set via: