fittingfittingFittingFittingfitting performs an openingopeningOpeningOpeningopening and a
closingclosingClosingClosingclosing successively on the input regions. The eight
structuring elements normally used for this operation can be
generated with the operator gen_struct_elementsgen_struct_elementsGenStructElementsGenStructElementsgen_struct_elements. However,
other user-defined structuring elements can also be used. Let
R be the input region(s) and let denote the
structuring elements. Furthermore, let P be the result of the
opening and Q be the final result. Then the operator can be
formalized as follows:
Regions larger than the structuring elements are preserved, while
small gaps are closed.
Execution Information
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
fittingfittingFittingFittingfitting returns 2 (
if all parameters are correct. The
behavior in case of empty or no input region can be set via: