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Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html
NI-VISA2.0.1 Win32ENG 美国国家仪器虚拟仪器软件架构VISA2.0.1Windows版下载
NI-VISA是一个NI仪器驱动程序,是虚拟仪器软件架构(VISA) I/O标准的具体实现。虚拟仪器软件架构(VISA)这一标准用于配置和编程基于GPIB、VXI、PXI、串口(RS232/485)、以太网/LXI和/或USB接口的仪器系统以及故障分析。NI-VISA包括实用程序、底层控制功能和范例,可帮助您快速创建应用程序。
(651 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)
There are three files in this directory:
00readme.txt -- file containing update information and errata
ReadmeFirst.pdf -- Adobe Acrobat file containing Read Me First Manual
visa201.exe -- Self-extracting archive containing the VISA 2.01 driver and manuals
NI-VISA(TM) Software for Windows NT/98/95 Version 2.01
Copyright (c) 1995-1999 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
We appreciate communicating with the people who use our products. We are
also very interested in hearing about the applications you develop using our
products. To make it easy for you to communicate with us, our manuals have a
"Customer Communication" appendix that contains comment and configuration
forms for you to complete. Completing these forms before contacting National
Instruments makes it easier for us to help you.
The "Where Do I Start?" section of the "Read Me First" document contains
step-by-step instructions for setting up your system.
See the section below entitled "Using NI-VISA 2.01 with PXI" for important
information on PXI-specific changes new in NI-VISA 2.01.
LabWindows(TM)/CVI Run-Time Engine
Uninstalling NI-VISA Software
Support for VISA 2.01 Features
VISA Support for Multiple GPIB-VXI Controllers
Using viPeekXX/viPokeXX Macros
Using NI-VISA 2.01 with PXI
Improvements and Bug Fixes in This Version
The Setup program now automatically installs the LabWindows/CVI Run-Time
Engine when necessary. The NI-VISA interactive utility, VISAIC, requires the
LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine 5.01 or later to be installed. When you
install this utility, Setup also installs the LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine
if it is not already present.
After uninstalling NI-VISA, some DLLs and executables may be left in the
NI-VISA directories. To complete the uninstall process, you must restart
your machine. Note: the uninstaller application will not notify you when
rebooting is necessary. If you're planning to re-install NI-VISA, you should
always reboot the machine after running the uninstaller.
The online help describes the new features of VISA 2.01, but they are
briefly listed here for your convenience.
You can now use full regular expressions in viFindRsrc, and also limit the
returned descriptors to a qualifying list of matching attributes. See the
online help for more info.
There are new attributes for Serial that allow XON/XOFF character setting, a
new value that allows DTR/DSR flow control, and a new value that allows the
termchar to be added to each buffer written out the serial port. For GPIB,
you can query the state of the REN line.
There is a new event for exception handling, using the standard VISA event
mechanism for callbacks. This allows you to use the C longjmp function
and/or C++ exceptions from your handler, for easier error handling in your
There are new operations specifically for GPIB (remote/local control) and
VXI (miscellaneous Word Serial commands/queries).
Finally, the formatted I/O operations have been extended to allow formatting
to/from arbitrary buffers rather than directly to/from the device. This
allows you to perform the formatting and data transfer in 2 separate steps,
being able to see the actual data buffer in between.
NI-VISA supports multiple GPIB-VXI controllers in a single system. Because
the National Instruments GPIB-VXI controller ships with a primary address
of 1, NI-VISA automatically searches for any GPIB-VXI controllers at that
If you have changed the primary address (for example, if you added a second
GPIB-VXI controller to your system, and set the address of the second
controller to 9), or if you have a GPIB-VXI controller from another vendor,
you need to add it using T&M Explorer so that NI-VISA can find it. Select
the 'Add Device' menu option to add a new GPIB-VXI interface. Specify the
controller's GPIB primary and secondary addresses, as well as the GPIB board
to which it is connected. Then specify a new GPIB-VXI interface number and
its logical address (usually 0).
If you are using a GPIB-VXI command module from another vendor, you also
need to obtain and install that vendor's VISA GPIB-VXI component.
Users who want to use the viPeekXX/viPokeXX macros for platforms on which
the macros are available must define a macro called NIVISA_PEEKPOKE before
including "visa.h". Please note that the macros are currently available
only on the following platforms:
- Win32 (All C compilers)
- Win16 (Microsoft and Borland C compilers only)
- Solaris (LabWindows/CVI only)
If you have used these macros with a version of NI-VISA prior to 2.0, your
application will continue to run, but the peek/poke performance will
decrease. You should relink with the libraries supplied with this
installation to regain the prior peek/poke performance.
The Read Me First document contains detailed information describing the use
attempting to use NI-VISA with your PXI instrument, consult the Read Me
First for information on how to configure VISA for use with your device.
Information not included in the Read Me First document is listed below.
Using the .INF Files Generated by the PXI Setup Wizard
In order to configure a PXI device for use with NI-VISA, the PXI Setup
Wizard is used to gather the information NI-VISA needs in order to
communicate with the device. This information is stored in the form of a
Microsoft Windows Setup Information File (.inf file). The PXI Setup Wizard
generates two versions of this file: one for Windows 95/98, and one for
Windows NT 4. Before a PXI device will be visible to NI-VISA, the .inf
files must be used to update the Windows system registry. The exact
procedure for using a .inf file to update the registry is Windows version
On Windows 95/98, copying the .inf file to the \inf directory and
rebooting will perform the necessary system update to allow VISA to see the
device. Here, the .inf file is used by the OS's Plug&Play manager to
associate the device with the NI-VISA driver.
NOTE: In some instances it may be necessary to manually remove the device
from the Windows Device Manager before rebooting the system. Specifically,
if a PXI device is installed and the system booted before the .inf file was
placed in the \inf directory, Windows 95/98 will mark the device as
"Unknown" and will not properly associate the VISA driver with it.
On Windows NT 4, right-clicking on the .inf file and choosing "Install" will
update the system registry such that VISA can use the device. The "Install"
option is equivalent to executing the following from the command line:
rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132
In the command line above, "prefix" is the VXIpnp instrument driver prefix
for your device. Also note that the full path to the .inf file must be
specified in order for rundll32.exe to execute properly A reboot is required
before the changes will take affect.
Creating a PXI Instrument Driver Package with CVI
National Instruments CVI provides a quick and convenient development
environment for creating a VXIpnp compliant PXI instrument driver package.
For a description on how to configure the CVI IDE to create a VXIpnp
compliant instrument driver, refer to vxipnp.doc, located in \bin,
( is the base directory of your CVI installation).
CVI is also capable of generating a Win32 installation package for your PXI
instrument driver using the "Create Distribution Kit" option (located off
the project "Build" menu). The "Create Distribution Kit" menu lists several
options for customizing an instrument driver installation. For VISA-based
PXI instrument drivers, the following additional steps are necessary for
creating the distribution:
1) Generate the two .inf files for your instrument using the PXI Setup
Wizard. The PXI Setup Wizard is external to CVI (go to
Start>>Programs>>VXIpnp>>PXI Driver Development Wizard). The Wizard will
generate file names of the form prefix_os, where "prefix" is the VXIpnp
compliant instrument prefix for your driver, and the "os" is one of either
"9x" (for Windows 95/98) or "nt4" (for Windows NT4). Maintaining these
exact file names is important when using CVI to generate a distribution kit.
2) From the "Create Distribution Kit" CVI window, choose "Add Group" to
create a new file grouping for the PXI .inf files. When asked for the name
of the group, enter "PXI Setup Files".
3) A dialog box will prompt you for the files to be added to the "PXI Setup
Files" group. Add the .inf files generated by the PXI Setup Wizard by
locating the .inf files, highlighting them, and choosing "Add".
4) Verify that the Group Destination for the "PXI Setup Files" group is the
"Application Directory". Also make sure that the Relative Path is not
5) Choose "Build" to create the distribution kit.
CVI will generate an installation file (setup.exe) for your driver. When
this file is run on a target machine, the installation script will take care
of the extra steps necessary to register the device with NI-VISA.
Fixed various problems with advanced formatted I/O modifiers such as "%5lf",
"%,5f", and "%100hb".
Fixed conditions in viPrintf where it would not return an error if one
Corrected a 4 Kbyte memory leak for every session using formatted I/O.
Default termination character for VXI is now correctly set to '\n'.
Improved asynchronous performance in NI-VISA by adding configuration option
in T&M Explorer to specify minimum asynchronous transfer size.
The previous version of NI-VISA had errors in the type library, causing
problems in Visual Basic with viRead, viClose, viInstallHandler, and the
Online Help.
NI Spy and T&M Explorer now operate properly for users without adminstrative
privileges under Windows NT machines.
Corrected a memory leak in NI Spy when using file logging.
Corrected problems where NI Spy displayed incorrect data or crashed on
certain 'Output' or 'Buffer' pages.
Opening a Spy file while a property page is open no longer causes NI Spy to
Duplicate copies of NI Spy are no longer created when installating NI-VISA
on top of NI-488.2 GPIB software.
NI-VISA now properly handles GPIB-VXIs at primary addresses other than 1.
Fixed a problem with recognizing register-based devices at certain VXI
logical addresses in a GPIB-VXI system.
When serial attributes were changed using viSetAttribute, RTS and DTR lines
were not left in the expected state.
viWrite over parallel ports is now fixed.
After calling viDisableEvent in a GPIB system on Windows 95, making further
GPIB calls might have incorrectly reported an error.
The installer would update the PATH environment variable incorrectly on some
Windows 95 systems.
T&M Explorer now checks user input on baud rate selection for the serial
Fixed a problem where PXI devices were only visible on PCI bus 0.
Corrected a memory leak for sessions using PXI.
When opening a session to a PXI instrument that did not exist, all
subsequent viOpen() calls in that process would fail. |