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[LabVIEW] NI LabVIEW 2010SP1 Win32FRE/GER/JPN/KOR 32位LV2010SP1法语/德语/日语/韩语版下载

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    NI LabVIEW 2010SP1 Win32FRE/GER/JPN/KOR 32位LV2010SP1法语/德语/日语/韩语版下载

    LV2010SP1FRE、GER、JPN、KOR.txt (840 Bytes, 下载次数: 95, 售价: 10 元)

    LabVIEW 2010 SP1自述文件 (Windows)
    本文件介绍关于Windows平台上的LabVIEW 2010 SP1的最新重要信息,包括安装和升级、兼容问题、部分已修正问题的列表、基于LabVIEW 2010的改动,以及LabVIEW问题记录的网页链接。
    关于升级和兼容信息,以及LabVIEW 2010新功能和相关服务包的完整列表,见LabVIEW 升级说明。 关于安装说明和系统要求的完整列表,见LabVIEW发行说明。 安装LabVIEW后,上述文档位于labview\manuals目录。 也可通过ni.com访问LabVIEW发行说明和LabVIEW升级说明。
    关于LabVIEW 2010 SP1的最新信息,请访问NI网站。
    安装LabVIEW 2010 SP1
    LabVIEW 2010 SP1(64位)
    安装LabVIEW 2010 SP1
    如已经安装LabVIEW 2010,无需卸载LabVIEW 2010即可安装LabVIEW 2010 SP1。
    注: 用户无法同时安装LabVIEW 2010和LabVIEW 2010 SP1,因为LabVIEW 2010 SP1在LabVIEW 2010的基础上安装。
    如尚未安装LabVIEW 2010,无需安装LabVIEW 2010即可安装LabVIEW 2010 SP1。
    如计算机上已经安装其它语言版本的LabVIEW 2010 SP1,安装新语言版本之前必须卸载已安装的语言版本。
    LabVIEW采用许可证激活机制。 运行LabVIEW之前,必须使用有效的LabVIEW许可证激活。 可使用安装包中的序列号激活许可证。 如升级LabVIEW 2010至LabVIEW 2010 SP1,可使用已有的LabVIEW 2010序列号。
    您可通过网络查看软件和文档的已知问题记录。 关于LabVIEW 2010和相关服务包问题记录的最新列表,请访问NI网站。
    LabVIEW 2010 SP1 (64位)
    64位LabVIEW 2010 SP1运行于64位Windows时,可访问的内存比32位操作系统/32位应用程序更多。 LabVIEW 2010 SP1 (64位)具有几乎全部LabVIEW 2010 SP1(32位)开发环境的功能(包括LabVIEW应用程序生成器)。
    关于获取LabVIEW 2010 SP1 (64位)的更多信息,请访问NI网站。
    LabVIEW 2010 SP1 (64位)支持多种硬件设备。 DAQ设备、VISA设备、GPIB设备和图像采集设备均有可用的驱动程序。 对于GPIB设备,驱动程序必须为用于Windows平台的NI-488.2 2.6或更高版本。 关于LabVIEW 2010 SP1 (64位)兼容性的更多信息,见相关硬件的说明文档。
    LabVIEW 2010 SP1 (64位)仅支持NI Vision开发模块。 如需更多信息,请参考Vision开发模块的说明文档。 LabVIEW 2010 SP1 (64位)不支持任何其它模块。
    • 批量编译对话框新增了包括只读VI的警告复选框,用于设置显示批量编译结果时,是否在只读VI旁显示警告消息。
    • 高级TDMS选板新增了“TDMS生成随机数据”VI,用于生成随机数据以便对“高级TDMS”VI和函数的性能进行测试。
    • TDMS配置异步写入函数不再包括数据模式输入端。
    • 选项对话框Web服务器页的配置Web应用程序服务器按钮将打开本地系统上的NI Web-based Monitoring and Configuration页。
    • 选项对话框Web服务器页的启用Web服务器更名为启用远程面板服务器。
    • 在图标编辑器窗口,选择编辑»从所属库导入图标,可导入所属项目库的图标。 LabVIEW将创建一个名为NI_Library的用户图层,所属库的图标作为图标中的符号。如已存在同名用户图层,新的用户图层将覆盖现有的用户图层。 如已存在同名用户图层,新的用户图层将覆盖现有的用户图层。
    • 如系统未找到设备,“VISA查找资源”函数将返回错误代码-1073807343。
    • LabVIEW 2010和相关升级版本不支持“断开连接多态和自定义类型”(Disconnect Polys And Typedefs)方法。
    • 如“判定范围并强制转换”函数的上限、x和下限输入的连线值既包括有符号整型,也包括无符号整型,则已强制转换(x)输出的数据类型能表示的数值范围必须包括各输入参数的可能值。 如已强制转换(x)输出为无符号整型,则由于无符号整型无法表示负数,有符号输入的值必须为正。
    • 打包库中VI的改动影响连线板同址操作时,默认状态下,调用方VI会自动调整以适应同址操作的变化。 因此,不需要对调用上述打包库的VI进行重新编译。 如希望同址操作发生变化时对调用方VI进行重新编译,可在打包库属性对话框的连线板状态页中取消勾选调用方在运行时调整以适应导出VI的连线板状态。 如对打包库中的VI进行非同址操作更改,则VI必须重新编译。
    • 部分National Instruments组件依赖于Microsoft Silverlight 4.0。 如涉及依赖于Silverlight的组件,弹出对话框将提示用户从网络安装Silverlight。 Microsoft Silverlight 4.0可从Microsoft站点www.microsoft.com/silverlight获得。
    • 因为LabVIEW 2010和相关升级版本中编译器的优化,VI执行速度加快,但是编译所需的时间可能是原来的五倍。 只有加载较大的VI时,才能觉察到该变化。 关于编译器改进的详细信息,请参考NI网站。
    下表为LabVIEW 2009 SP1中已修正问题的编号和标题。 通过CAR的编号可查询已修正的问题。
    IDFixed Issue
    142433LabVIEW 8.6 internal error. Failure in drawmgr.cpp at line 2548
    231395Closing VI without quitting out of reorder cluster elements mode crashes LabVIEW
    234701Unexpected behavior in Local domain property page
    236536Tagger crashes on startup if it contains a dataset I/O server whose dataset id is set to a network boolean variable without the value.
    237220LabVIEW 2009 SP1 TD80ReadWrite.cpp line 1487
    237547Opening block diagram with shared variable node bound to I/O variable crashes 64-bit LabVIEW
    238566You cannot remote debug an application with an XControl in it.
    239042The Open VI Reference primitive cannot open VIs in the .Net Interop Assembly
    239399LabVIEW 2009 Mac OS X Runtime with 2 LabVIEW Frameworks - InitLVClient faiLED
    240373Upgrade issue is 2010 from 821: a broken wire appears in 2010
    240387Trying to include Web UI Builder xap in a web service makes it fail to deploy
    240502Creating a source distribution with the main destination set to a library will not work correctly
    240720Array subset doesn't get copied at inplace node boundary
    240745FP sane crash in LabVIEW 2010 from copying a wire with a label
    240985Strange edit time behavior with the Search Variable Container primitive.
    241479When copying a project library .lvlib , stopping search for needed VI aborts LabVIEW
    242182Paste operation in icon editor creates two layers instead of just one
    242603LabVIEW 2010 crashes on compile if you have a divide primitive with dominator less than 1 wired to the for loop count terminal (N)
    242693A Packed Project Library will not export VIs that did not have block diagrams before the build
    242778Library (or class or XControl) may become corrupted by saving a reference to non-existent untitled VI
    242796LabVIEW fails to compare VIs that contain feedback nodes set to show their enable terminal
    242867InstallQuitNotification() doesn't work in LabVIEW built .Net Assembly and Shared Library
    243091New radix for string control manipulation crashes LabVIEW in some cases
    243106Broken wires or bad terminals with Insert Into Array primitive crashes LabVIEW 2010
    243380Intensity Chart crash in LabVIEW
    243625Nested libraries cause unnecessary dirty dot.
    24392164-bit LabVIEW 2010 won't deploy web services by default
    24396364-bit LabVIEW 2010 doesn't install clientaccesspolicy.xml to www folder
    244148Certain Trigonometric Functions Return Incorrect Results in LabVIEW 2010 when Using Extended Precision Inputs
    244224Specific out of memory exception caught in llvm gencode
    244393AppBuilder on Linux uses wrong file name for configuration file destinations
    244819Creating a snippet of code combination with breakpoint throws cpp error: Signal.cpp line 3077
    245129LabVIEW App crashes when resizing Modern vertical toggle switch
    245334Error 74 with .NET reference and "Create Database.vi"
    245571Control References no longer colored by data type
    245609Connector Pane Terminals Lose "Required" Setting When Switching with Ctrl-Click
    245844Building a Packed Library hangs LabVIEW
    245915Recursive VI cause a crash when saved for previous
    246156ThEvent.cpp line 236 in LabVIEW 2010
    246254Always Included libraries show blank target in shared variable deployment page
    246375Unexplained broken wire when local variable of Chart control interacts with uninitialized shift registers
    246497LabVIEW 2010 hangs when you expand a RFSG property node that has been changed to set to default
    246593Power of X and Y-th Root of X returns incorrect result when using single precision numbers
    246611CPUID(4) provided cache that CPUID(2) did not. Intel cache parse may need an update
    24667364-bit Application web server does not install clientaccesspolicy.xml
    246681lvwsdsc not generated correctly unless your VI is in your project directory
    246966Write to Text File output changed from LabVIEW 2009 to 2010 if the user selects cancel in the file dialog
    247151setXML invoke node crashes LabVIEW 2010
    247379Remove then Undo of Tab Control Crashes LabVIEW
    247384TestStand Error -18004 When Attempting to Configure or Execute LabVIEW 2010 VIs While Debugging My LabVIEW User Interface in LabVIEW 2010
    247501Export Simplified Image option for graphs does not appear in a LabVIEW 2010 executable
    247734Browse dialog of path control returns wrong path
    247859LabVIEW crashes when opening VI containing a particular Simulation Node
    248065Application Builder fails with Error 74 with upgraded .NET and a dll call
    248143Compiling a VI which has a FXP data wired to a Loop-N terminal of a for loop results in LabVIEW crash.
    248224Customers can build executables using third party toolkits in evaluation mode
    248822VI Created in 2010 Gives "VI Failed To Compile" Error
    249216Cleanup block diagram can crash if wire label is moved off of a wire
    249978Failed to convert .NET Object to Variant error when calling NationalInstruments.LabVIEW.Interop.DoubleWaveform
    250080Control Value -> Get All not working in 2010
    250119LabVIEW crashes if you delete a compound arithmetic primitive with a breakpoint
    250488NI Web-Based Monitoring and Configuration not installed with stand-alone web service
    251229Adjusting X-Scale Multiplier Property Affects Graph Annotations
    251397Broken wires or bad terminals with Insert Into Array primitive crashes LabVIEW 2010
    252210LabVIEW Crashes when Summing an Array Created from a Cluster when a Fixed Length Data Element is also Present in the Cluster
    252215Odd behavior when moving a wire's label
    252230Custom Probes don't work for Chart
    252406LabVIEW 2010 undo does not unzoom plot with undo
    252697Unable to create a new Library inside a project using invoke node
    252799datamgr.cpp crash line 2720 when using strict type def control containing XControl
    253243Print.VI to HTML crashes LabVIEW when using Complete Format with a 2010 Custom Control
    253844XControl issue when upgrading: property "Name" not accessable correctly
    254255Opening a VI inside a packed project library that calls the Create Reports Express VI in the RTE crashes the RTE
    254558LabVIEW crashes when right-clicking on listbox in Control Editor
    254821LabVIEW built executable with network streams won't exit process
    255166Opening VI with floating broken wire crashes LabVIEW.
    255982Child Class Property Node does not output until deleting and rewiring any part of the VI
    256172Source distributions link incorrectly against classes inside of packed libraries
    256324Indicator in LabVIEW 2010 subVI does not update from local variable
    256768Ctrl Val.Set method returns error 1 in executable
    257197Error Constant erroneously added to Variant to Data
    • 240720—Array subset doesn't get copied at inplace node boundary
    • 246966—Write to Text File output changed from LabVIEW 2009 to 2010 if the user selects cancel in the file dialog
    • 255982—Child Class Property Node does not output until deleting and rewiring any part of the VI
    • 256324—Indicator in LabVIEW 2010 subVI does not update from local variable
    • 276831—Output of zero generated from the multiply node with certain DAQmx properties and VIs when using highlight execution
    键,单击运行按钮,可强制重新编译VI,无需重新编译VI的子VI。 按-键,单击运行按钮,可强制重新编译内存中的所有VI。 如需对当前VI的整个层次结构进行重新编译,可关闭当前所有打开的VI,然后打开顶层VI,按-键,单击运行按钮。 该方法不会对层次结构中动态调用的VI进行重新编译。
    • 打开LabVIEW。
    • 选择工具»高级»批量编译可显示批量编译对话框。
    • 浏览至目标路径,单击当前文件夹按钮。
    • 单击批量编译按钮,对目录中的所有VI进行强制重新编译。
    • 单击完成按钮返回LabVIEW。

    © 2010 National Instruments Corporation. 版权所有。
    LabVIEW、National Instruments、NI、ni.com、LabVIEW标识、National Instruments公司标识,以及鹰形标识均为National Instruments Corporation商标。 关于其它National Instruments商标,请访问ni.com/trademarks参考Trademark Information
    关于NI产品和技术的专利权,请查看软件中的帮助»专利信息,光盘中的patents.txt文件,或者ni.com/patents上的National Instruments Patent Notice。


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