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LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.0.1 for LabvIEW6报表工具包RGT1.0.1版适用LV6
NI LabVIEW报表工具包,适用于LabVIEW6.0或以后版本,Office97版本,仅适用Win2000/NT/ME/9x,超级老的版本。
Version 1.0.1 - November 2001
System Requirements
Your computer must meet the following minimum system requirements to run the Report Generation Toolkit:
LabVIEW 6.0 or later
Microsoft Office 97 (Word, Excel, and Graph) or later
Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x
64 MB of RAM
40 MB of hard drive space
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LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office
Copyright 2001, National Instruments Corporation.
All rights reserved.
README.RTF file for LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office
Version 1.0.1 - November 2001
System Requirements
Your computer must meet the following minimum system requirements to run the Report Generation Toolkit:
LabVIEW 6.0 or later
Microsoft Office 97 (Word, Excel, and Graph) or later
Windows 2000/NT/Me/9x
64 MB of RAM
40 MB of hard drive space
Installation Instructions
Complete the following steps to install the Report Generation Toolkit.
1. Make sure that LabVIEW is already installed on your system.
2. Insert the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office CD in your CD drive.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen. If Autorun is not enabled, please run setup.exe from the Setup folder on the cd.
The installer automatically detects the version of Microsoft Office installed on your system and installs the appropriate files. Once you complete the onscreen installation instructions, you can use the toolkit.
The Report Generation Toolkit installer replaces the following LabVIEW files with an updated version:
LabVIEW 6\vi.lib\utility\NIReport.llb
LabVIEW 6\menus\default\nirepadv.mnu
LabVIEW 6\menus\default\nireplay.mnu
LabVIEW 6\menus\default\nireport.mnu
LabVIEW 6\examples\reports\TextReportExample.llb
LabVIEW 6\examples\reports\withHTML.llb
The installer backs up each file the Report Generation Toolkit replaces in order to restore the files after you uninstall the toolkit. When you uninstall the toolkit, LabVIEW returns to its original configuration.
If you reinstall or upgrade LabVIEW after you install the Report Generation Toolkit, LabVIEW overwrites the files described above and the toolkit loses its functionality. To avoid this issue, always uninstall the toolkit before you reinstall or upgrade LabVIEW. Then reinstall the Report Generation Toolkit.
Installed Files
The Report Generation Toolkit contains the following material and files:
LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office User Manual-The manual is available both in printed form and as a PDF. The lvoffice.pdf is located in the LabVIEW 6\manuals folder.
LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office Help, available by selecting Help»Report Generation Toolkit-This help file contains detailed descriptions of all the functions in the Report Generation Toolkit.
NIReport.llb, located in the LabVIEW 6\vi.lib\Utility folder-The Report Generation Toolkit installer replaces the NIReport library that shipped with LabVIEW6.0. The new version of the library supports Microsoft Word (hereafter known as Word) and Excel (hereafter known as Excel) reports in addition to standard and HTML formats.
Word.llb, located in the LabVIEW 6\vi.lib\addons\_office folder-This library contains the Word-specific VIs included on the Functions»Report Generation»Word Specific VIs palette.
Excel.llb, located in the LabVIEW 6\vi.lib\addons\_office folder-This library contains the Excel-specific VIs included on the Functions»Report Generation»Excel Specific VIspalette.
_wordsub.llb and _exclsub.llb, located in the LabVIEW 6\vi.lib\addons\office folder-These libraries contain all Word- and Excel-specific subVIs.
Word Examples.llb, located in the LabVIEW 6\examples\office folder-This library contains examples of how to use the Report Generation Toolkit to generate reports with Word.
Excel Examples.llb, located in the LabVIEW 6\examples\office folder-This library contains examples of how to use the Report Generation Toolkit to generate reports with Excel.
Using the Toolkit with Custom Function Palette Sets
The LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit is located on the Functions»Report Generation palette of the Default palette set. Complete the following steps to create a Report Generation subpalette that allows you to access the toolkit through a custom palette set.
1. Launch LabVIEW and select New VI from the dialog box.
2. Select Window»Show Diagram orclick on theBlock Diagram window.
3. Select Window»Show Functions Palette.
4. Click the Options button on the Functions palette toolbar to display the Function Browser Options dialog box.
5. Click the Edit Palettes button. The Edit Controls and Functions Palettes dialog box appears.
6. Select the view you want to edit from the Palette Set pull-down menu. The Functions palette changes to the view you selected.
7. Right-click the palette and select Insert»Submenu from the shortcut menu. The Insert Submenu dialog box appears.
8. Select Link to an Existing Menu File and click the OKbutton. Select the nireport.mnu file under LabVIEW 6\menus\default and click the Open button.
The selected palette set now contains a Report Generation subpalette that gives you access to all of the Report Generation Toolkit functions.
Distributing Stand-Alone Applications and DLLs
When you use the Report Generation Toolkit to build a stand-alone application or a DLL with the Application Builder, you must add _Word Dynamic VIs.vi from _wordsub.llb and _Excel Dynamic VIs.vi from _exclsub.llb as dynamic VIs. These two VIs contain subVIs that are called dynamically by the high-level Report Generation VIs.
Refer to the Installed Files section of this readme file for more information about the location of _wordsub.llb and _exclsub.llb.
To add _Word Dynamic VIs.vi and _Excel Dynamic VIs.vi as dynamic VIs, click on the Add Dynamic VIs… button in the Source File tab of the Application Builder, select the VIs and click on OK.
Uninstallation Information
To uninstall the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office, open the Add/Remove Programs dialog box from the Control Panel. Select NI LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office and click Add/Remove.
*** End of README.RTF ***