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[LV工具模块] LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1 报表工具包RGT适用LV7

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    LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1 for LabvIEW7报表工具包RGT1.1版适用LV7


    March 2004

    System Requirements
    LabVIEW 7.0 or later
    Microsoft Office 97 (Word, Excel, and Graph) or later
    Windows XP/2000/NT/Me/98
    64 MB of RAM
    40 MB of hard drive space

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    RGT1.1 for LV7.txt (324 Bytes, 下载次数: 99, 售价: 10 元)

    LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1 Readme
    March 2004
    This file contains important last-minute information about the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1, including installation issues.
    Refer to the National Instruments Web site for the latest information about the Report Generation Toolkit. Refer to the LabVIEW Help and the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office User Guide for more information about using the Report Generation Toolkit.
    System Requirements
    The computer you are using must meet the following minimum system requirements to run the Report Generation Toolkit:
    • LabVIEW 7.0 or later
    • Microsoft Office 97 (Word, Excel, and Graph) or later
    • Windows XP/2000/NT/Me/98
    • 64 MB of RAM
    • 40 MB of hard drive space
    Note  Some virus detection programs interfere with the installer. Disable any automatic virus detection programs before you install. After installation, check your computer for viruses and enable any virus detection programs you disabled.
    Complete the following steps to install the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1.
    • Confirm that LabVIEW 7.0 or later is installed on the computer.
    • Uninstall any previous versions of the Report Generation Toolkit.
    • Windows 2000/NT/XP Log on as an administrator or as a user with administrator privileges.
    • Insert the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit for Microsoft Office 1.1 installation CD and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
    Note  To modify the current installation or to uninstall the toolkit, select NI Software in the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel. When you modify the installation, a list of National Instruments software appears. Select a product in the list to add or remove individual components or to uninstall the product. You also can remove multiple products by pressing the or key and clicking the Uninstall button to remove all the products you selected.
    The Report Generation Toolkit installer replaces several LabVIEW files with an updated version. The installer backs up each file the Report Generation Toolkit replaces in order to restore the files after you uninstall the toolkit. When you uninstall the toolkit, LabVIEW returns to its original configuration.
    If you reinstall or upgrade LabVIEW after you install the Report Generation Toolkit, LabVIEW overwrites the files described above and the toolkit loses its functionality. To avoid this issue, always uninstall the toolkit before you reinstall or upgrade LabVIEW, then reinstall the Report Generation Toolkit.
    Upgrade Issues
    If you previously created VIs that use the built-in LabVIEW Report Generation VIs or VIs from a previous version of the Report Generation Toolkit, installing the Report Generation Toolkit 1.1 might break the VIs. If the VIs you created contain any of the following VIs, edit them so they are compatible with the Report Generation Toolkit 1.1.
    • Append Front Panel Image to Report VI—The Image Format input of the LabVIEW 6.1 version of this VI is a different enumerated type than the current toolkit version. Right-click the input and select Create»Control or Create»Constant from the shortcut menu to create a compatible control or constant.
    • Append Table to Report VI—The connector pane position of the show grid lines input changed from the Report Generation Toolkit 1.0.1 version of the VI. Reconnect the original wire to the new input location.
    • Get Report Settings VI—The cluster order of the font settings input changed from the Report Generation Toolkit 1.0.1 version of the VI. Right-click the output and select Create»Indicator from the shortcut menu to create a compatible indicator.
    • Report Express VI—If a VI includes the LabVIEW built-in version of the Report Express VI on the block diagram, the VI breaks after you install the Report Generation Toolkit 1.1. Double-click the Report Express VI to launch its configuration dialog box, then click the OK button. Reconnect all wires to the Report Express VI.
    • SubVIs that need relinking—You might need to relink the following subVIs after installation because their connector panes changed in the Report Generation Toolkit 1.1. Right-click the VIs and select Relink to SubVI.
      • New Report
      • Dispose Report
      • Append Front Panel Image to Report
      • Append Hypertext Link Anchor to Report
      • Append File to Report
      • Append Horizontal Line to Report
      • Set Report Font

    © 2004 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.


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