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[NI软件产品] NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 3.0.1 Win32Eng 自动化检测视觉生成器VBAI3.0.1 LV8.2

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    发表于 2020-2-6 18:07:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 联通


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    NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 3.0.1 Win32Eng 自动化检测视觉生成器VBAI3.0.1 LV8.2

    自动化检测视觉生成器,标准图像处理软件,Windows系统32位英文版本。2007年发布,NI Vision Builder AI3.0.1与LabVIEW8.2同期发布。生成VI功能需要LabVIEW8.2支持。

    VBAI3.0.1.txt (312 Bytes, 下载次数: 50, 售价: 100 元)
    NI Vision Builder forAutomated Inspection 3.0.1 Readme
    This document contains activation information, updates toVision Builder AI, known issues, and changes that are too recent to be includedin the normal Vision Builder AI documentation set.
    Supported Platforms
    Vision Builder AI supports Microsoft Windows Vista/XP/2000.Vision Builder AI does not support Windows NT/Me/98/95.
    Note: If you are using Vision Builder AI on aWindows XP system with Service Pack 2 installed, refer to the Known Issuessection for information about how Service Pack 2 affects Vision Builder AI.
    Refer to the NI Vision Builder for Automated InspectionRelease Notes for more information about system requirements.
    Installing Vision Builder AI
    When you install Vision Builder AI, your user account musthave administrator privileges.
    Refer to the NI Vision Builder for Automated InspectionRelease Notes for specific installation instructions.
    Activating Vision Builder AI
    If you did not activate Vision Builder AI during theinstallation process, when you run a Vision Builder AI application for the firsttime, it will prompt you to activate a license for the product. If you do notactivate a valid license, Vision Builder AI will run in Evaluation mode andcontinue to prompt you to activate a license on each subsequent launch.
    The evaluation period is 30 days. At the end of theevaluation period you must activate a Vision Builder AI license to continueusing the product.
    Note: While Vision Builder AI is in Evaluationmode, all features are available, except Migrate Inspection to LabVIEW.
    Refer to the NI Vision Builder for Automated InspectionRelease Notes for more information about activation in Vision Builder AI.
    Updates for Vision Builder AI 3.0.1
    The following list describes issues in Vision Builder AIthat are fixed in Vision Builder AI 3.0.1.
    ·        446GUN00: The Acquire Image (IEEE 1394) step does not provideaccess to vendor-defined trigger modes 14 and 15.
    ·        45S92TRJ: The Acquire Image (Sony XCI) step returns incorrectFrame Index values.
    ·        4329P6ZN: Switching between the Configuration and Inspection modesmay cause Vision Builder AI to crash if the inspection contains aCalculator step.
    ·        446E5RZN: External IEEE 1394 hard drives are not support by theData Logging and Image Logging steps for inspections run on the NI CVS-1450Series.
    ·        44A9B2ZN: The Create ROI step resets some of the annulus ROIparameter settings when editing the step.
    ·        44BCSAZN: The Detect Defects step resets the template EdgeThreshold parameters when editing the step.
    ·        458EACZN: The Set Global Variable step does not allow settingglobal variables to the value of a step result under certain circumstances.
    ·        45TFOCZN: Vision Builder AI should return an error message whenthe Flash memory on an NI CVS-1450 device is full and an inspection cannot besaved.
    ·        46148O7C: Some steps cannot save an inspection file when theinspection file is being used on a system with regional settings that differfrom the regional settings of the system on which the inspection file wasoriginally created.
    ·        4718BB1G: Adding a step to an inspection and pressing the Cancelbutton on the property page may cause an inspection to become unrunnable.
    ActiveX Component
    ·        42JBIAZN: The Modbus and TCP servers do not start automaticallywhen using the ActiveX control.
    ·        4571HE7C: Opening an inspection that includes a Measure Colorsstep using the ActiveX control returns an error.
    Development Toolkit
    ·         45F8047C: The imageavailable when debugging a custom step in LabVIEW is missing calibrationinformation.
    ·         46D1OCJQ: Using the ActiveXcontrol to open an inspection containing a custom step returns an error.
    ·         41OH1NRJ: A built customstep will not have the correct front panel settings.
    ·         41REBLRJ: Custom steps donot support the zoom tool.
    Refer to the NI Vision Builder for Automated InspectionRelease Notes for a list of new features available in Vision Builder AI.
    Known IssuesGeneral
    ·      Vision Builder AI may notdisplay an inspection image if the image is large and your computer is low onavailable memory.
    Windows XP Service Pack 2
    ·        When you choose Select Network Target in Vision Builder AIwhile the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Internet Connection Firewall is enabled, adialog box may open, giving you the option to allow Vision Builder AI toreceive information over a network. National Instruments recommends that youselect Unblock this program so that Vision Builder AI can configure yourremote NI CVS-1450 Series device. You must be logged in with administratorprivileges to configure this networking option. Visit ni.com/info and enter winxpsp2 for more information.
    ·        When using the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component while theWindows XP Service Pack 2 Internet Connection Firewall is enabled, a dialog boxmay open, giving you the option to allow VBAI_Server to receive informationover a network. You must select Unblock this program to use the VisionBuilder AI ActiveX component. You must be logged in with administratorprivileges to configure this networking option. Visit ni.com/info and enter winxpsp2 for more information.
    Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit
    ·        When using the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit, you mustclose all open LabVIEW VIs before attempting to create a new step or importinga Vision Builder AI 2.6 step.
    ·        When using the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit, if youimport a Vision Builder AI 2.6 step that uses previous measurement results,when the step executes, the array of measurements in the XXXX - User Interfaceand XXXX - User Programming VIs will be empty. Refer to the NI VisionBuilder for Automated Inspection Development Toolkit User Guide forinformation about using previous measurements in Vision Builder AI 3.0 orlater.
    Vision Builder AI ActiveX Component
    ·        To use the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component from LabVIEW, youmust use LabVIEW 8.2 or later.
    ·        When using the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component, the NIVBAITargetMode setting is not available.Therefore, the connection to a target always allows full control.
    ·        When using the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component, if theconnection to a local target fails the first time you try to connect to thelocal target, restart the computer and retry the connection.

    © 2002–2007 National Instruments Corporation. All rightsreserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not bereproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, ortranslating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of NationalInstruments Corporation.
    National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and LabVIEW are trademarksof National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Usesection on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
    FireWire® is the registered trademark of Apple Computer,Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks ortrade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering National Instruments products,refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software,the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.

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