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[Patch补丁] LabVIEW8.0.1 update for LabVIEW8.0 Win32Eng LabVIEW8.0升级程序LabVIEW8.0.1

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    发表于 2020-2-9 17:55:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 联通


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    LabVIEW8.0.1 update for LabVIEW8.0 Win32Eng LabVIEW8.0升级程序LabVIEW8.0.1


    NI LabVIEW 8.0 Professional and Device Driver 3CD Win32Eng LabVIEW8.0专业版开发系统和设备驱动

    LV8.0.1Update.txt (228 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    LabVIEW 8.0.1 Readme
    February 2006
    This file contains important information about LabVIEW 8.0.1, including instructions for mass compiling the LabVIEW 8.0 directory after you install LabVIEW 8.0.1 and changes from LabVIEW 8.0. Refer to the LabVIEW 8.0 Readme for information about known issues and changes from LabVIEW 7.1.
    Refer to the National Instruments Web site for the latest information about LabVIEW 8.0.1.
    Mass Compiling the LabVIEW 8.0 Directory
    Changes from LabVIEW 8.0
    Mass Compiling the LabVIEW 8.0 Directory
    You must mass compile the LabVIEW 8.0 directory after you install LabVIEW 8.0.1. If you do not mass compile, you will experience unexpected program dialog boxes and degraded performance of LabVIEW. Note: You must have administrator privileges or root access to mass compile the LabVIEW directory.
    Complete the following steps to mass compile the LabVIEW 8.0 directory.
    • After you install LabVIEW 8.0.1, launch LabVIEW.
    • The Prompt for Mass Compile dialog box appears.
    • Click the Mass Compile Now button. The mass compile might take a few hours.
    • If you install any toolkits or modules with LabVIEW 8.0.1 in the future, you should mass compile the LabVIEW directory again to make sure all the installed VIs are updated to LabVIEW 8.0.1. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about how LabVIEW 8.0.1 affects other toolkits and modules.
    • Windows Use the Add or Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel to uninstall LabVIEW 8.0.1. Do not insert the LabVIEW 8.0 CD and select the remove option from the LabVIEW 8.0 installation program because doing so does not properly remove LabVIEW 8.0.1.
    Note: Refer to the KnowledgeBase for troubleshooting information if the mass compile fails. You also can refer to the KnowledgeBase for instructions about how to compile the LabVIEW 8.0 directory manually if you click the Don't Ask Me Again button from the Prompt for Mass Compile dialog box and you later need to mass compile the LabVIEW 8.0 directory.
    Changes from LabVIEW 8.0

      VIs, Express VIs, and Templates
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW does not connect the controls and indicators on the front panel to terminals on the block diagram of the General LS Linear Fit PtByPt VI.
    • Fixed an issue where the Set File Position VI indicates the incorrect position in the file if you want to set the position beyond 4 GB.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW generates an error if a top-level VI, which uses an Open VI Reference function with the options input set to prepare for reentrant run, needs to recompile.
    • Fixed an issue where disabling default shortcut menus on a VI causes LabVIEW to beep when you then right-click the VI.
    • Fixed an issue where some Express VIs do not reflect the changes you make in the configuration dialog box. Some of the Express VIs affected include: File Dialog Express VI, Append Signals Express VI, Discrete Delay VI (FPGA), and Quantizer VI (FPGA).
    • Fixed a compatibility issue where the DIAdem Report Express VI generates incorrect 2D graphs with NI DIAdem 10.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you use the Load from File and Display template or the Read and Display template.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW does not preserve the file refnum if an error passes into the Write to Text File function.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash when the result of the Search and Replace String function in Regular Expression mode is an empty string.
    • Fixed an issue where the Match Pattern function returns the string match only the first time a VI runs if you use the Request Deallocation function and set it to TRUE.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might hang if you place the Obtain Queue function parallel to the Enqueue Element function or the Dequeue Element function on the block diagram.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash when executing a VI that contains the Array to Spreadsheet String function.
    • Fixed an issue where the Write to Binary File function might behave incorrectly if you save a VI that contains the Write to Binary File function to a previous version of LabVIEW.
    • Fixed an issue where the Array to Cluster function returns incorrect data if you make the array smaller.
    • Fixed an issue where the Get Variant Attribute function returns incorrect data if you use the Get Variant Attribute function inside of a loop and you do not wire the error out parameter.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW does not create the Event Common Data cluster when you select Create Callback VI on the Register Event Callback function if you use the Register Event Callback function for user events.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you use the Multiply Array Elements function with an array of 64-bit unsigned integers.
      Front Panel Objects
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW formats the original y-scale of a waveform or intensity chart if you attempt to format any additional y-scales.
    • Fixed an issue where the digital waveform graph might corrupt memory if you transition between different types of data.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you add a plane to an XY graph and run the VI without saving it.
    • Fixed issues related to mixed signal graphs causing LabVIEW to crash.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you undo or redo an action on a graph cursor, such as create.
    • Fixed an issue where the cursor legend does not update if you programmatically change the cursor's position. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about this problem.
    • Fixed an issue where an XControl behaves inconsistently and might fluctuate on the screen if you use a Property Node to resize the container bounds programmatically.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might hang if you use the X in the upper-right corner instead of the Cancel button to close the Select Ability dialog box of an XControl.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW generates an incorrect error and does not allow you to re-open a LabVIEW project you have saved and closed if you create a folder in the project under Project and add an XControl under My Computer.
    • Fixed an issue where custom controls do not scale correctly if you add decorations to the controls.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash when attempting to open a LabVIEW 7.1 or earlier VI that contains a cluster with a table as an element and an active scroll bar.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW does not allow a VISA resource name control as an element in a cluster.
      Block Diagram Objects
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW does not create output parameters for some .NET methods.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW does not support .NET closed generic objects.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you undo or redo an action on a local variable, such as move, create, or delete.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you use a fixed-size array (FPGA).
    • Fixed an issue where the minimum column width of multicolumn listboxes is not consistent with the minimum column width in LabVIEW 7.1.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you open a VI in which you have added a tip or description to a Flat Sequence structure.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you convert one sequence structure to another sequence structure, such as if you convert a Flat Sequence structure to a Stacked Sequence structure.
    • Fixed an issue where wiring a numeric constant to the case selector terminal of a Case structure produces a string instead of a numeric if you type a number into the case selector label.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you close a VI that uses a Case structure if the Case structure contains an invalid value in the case selector label.
    • Fixed issues where LabVIEW might crash or hang in some instances if you create or load ActiveX Invoke Nodes or Property Nodes.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might hang if you change the data type of a global variable that you use on multiple open VIs.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you use the -C keyboard shortcut to copy a VI from a LabVIEW project and use the -V keyboard shortcut to paste the VI to a block diagram.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you copy or drop a type definition that is missing sub-type definitions.
    • Fixed an issue where strict type definition constants change after you run the VI.
    • Fixed an issue where you cannot wire type definitions to Expression Nodes.
      LabVIEW MathScript
    • Fixed issues where the following LabVIEW MathScript functions produce errors or incorrect results: and, or, xor, find, sscanf, reshape, ctranspose, transpose, deal, rot90, and complex.
    • Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW MathScript parser might crash if you enter a script into the Command Window that has unbalanced parentheses.
    • Fixed an issue where an infinite loop occurs in some LabVIEW MathScript ODEs if the initial values of the ODE and the time interval to integrate are entered incorrectly.
      Built Applications
    • Fixed an issue where you can not drag and drop items in a listbox if you build the VI into an application.
    • Fixed an issue where the menu of a built application might appear incorrectly, including menu items that might run together and the underscores below menu items that might show above the menu item instead.
    • Fixed an issue where an installer built with LabVIEW might fail during installation if the ActiveX server is enabled and the ActiveX server name is different than the application name.
    • Fixed issues related to debugging built application files where the application might crash or hang, including if you debug applications with Open VI Reference functions and close dynamic VI hierarchies in the application.
    • Fixed an issue where variables in a project library fail to initialize if you drag the library and paste it to another library under a different target.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you create an I/O server as the fourth project library in a hierarchy of libraries within a LabVIEW project.
    • Fixed issues related to dragging libraries and copying libraries to themselves that might cause LabVIEW to crash or cause unexpected behavior.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you drag a library to another library in the vi.lib directory.
    • Fixed an issue where a LabVIEW DLL might open a built application's file if a built application and a LabVIEW DLL within the application contain different versions of the same file.
    • Fixed an issue where you can build an application that you might not be able to run if the build includes links to shared libraries.
      Error Codes and Error Messages
    • Fixed an issue where error 74 and error 116 occur if you use LabVIEW 8.0 to open waveform data that you generate in LabVIEW 7.1.
    • Fixed issues related to the following internal errors: omid.cpp line 917, memory.cpp line 352, and transact.cpp line 3198.
    • Fixed an issue where error 7 occurs if you build an application with the Sound and Vibration Toolkit VIs. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about this problem.
    • Fixed an issue where error 85 occurs on subsequent runs of a VI although you fix the initial error. If you use the Scan from String function with a string control instead of a constant and you do not format input string as you define the format in format string, LabVIEW continues to generate an error after you correct the input string format.
    • Fixed an issue where error 1003 might occur if you build an executable or shared libary where VIs in the executable or library call a subVI from a disabled diagram of a conditional disable structure or diagram disable structure, and the subVI has inputs or outputs that contain a type definition.
    • Fixed an issue where you might receive unnecessary warning messages when you select Tools»Create Data Link if you use the LabVIEW Database Connectivity Toolset and you have not mass compiled the labview\project directory.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you select the Edit肇ind and Replace menu option to find and replace text on the VI Documentation page of the VI Properties dialog box.
    • Fixed an issue where the focus of the Authentication dialog box is not in the Password field if you use the -E keyboard shortcut to access the block diagram.
    • Fixed an issue where selecting More from the Getting Started window might result in the Getting Started window appearing on top of the New dialog box.
    • Fixed an issue where a VI might function improperly if you use front panel DataSocket binding on reentrant VIs.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you use DataSocket functions on the block diagram of a reentrant VI.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if use front panel NI-PSP binding on a subVI.
    • Fixed an issue where a control with front panel NI-PSP binding might not blink correctly after you run the VI if you use the LabVIEW 8.0 Datalogging and Supervisory Control (DSC) Module and right-click the control and select the Blink while Alarm On checkbox from the Data Binding tab in the Properties dialog box.
    • Fixed an issue where a TCP/IP enabled VI Server might not update correctly with the NI Service Locator if you select Tools»Options to configure the VI Server.
    • Fixed an issue where the G Web Server in the LabVIEW Internet Toolkit might hang if it receives numerous CGI requests in a short amount of time.
    • Fixed an issue where the LabVIEW Math Interface Toolkit requires an active Application Builder license to work correctly.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you mass compile some IVI drivers.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might hang if you close a project programmatically.
    • Fixed an issue where excessive memory allocation might result when you run NI TestStand 3.5 and LabVIEW 8.0.
    • Fixed an issue where excessive memory allocation might result if you select New»Targets and Devices many times.
    • Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might not release front panel memory when it should.
    • Fixed issues related to the length of time it takes to add numerous files to source control.
      Operating Systems
    • Windows Fixed an issue where you cannot prevent a built application from appearing in the Windows taskbar if you build an application file.
    • Windows Fixed an issue where the block diagram of a VI disappears if you have the same VI open in multiple application instances and you synchronize the VI across application instances.
    • Linux Fixed an issue where LabVIEW on a Windows system cannot find debuggable remote applications or shared libraries on a Linux system.
    • Linux Fixed an issue where LabVIEW 8.0 breaks YaST in SUSE Linux. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about this problem.
    • Linux Fixed an issue where if you use the command-line argument -pref LabVIEW ignores the default preferences instead of reading the default preferences and then overriding the default settings with the preferred settings.
    • Linux Fixed an issue where LabVIEW might crash if you automatically run a VI at the launch of LabVIEW and then select File»Open from the VI.
    • Mac OS Fixed an issue where using the Write to Binary File function produces incorrect data if you write an array of double-precision, floating-point numbers or 64-bit signed integers.

    © 2006 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.


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