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[NI软件产品] NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2023 Q3 Win11 32/64bitEng 自动检测视觉生成器VBAI23.5 LabVIEW2023Q1/Q3版适用

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     楼主| 发表于 2023-9-4 09:12:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 电信


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    NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2023 Q3 Win11 32/64bitEng 自动检测视觉生成器VBAI23.5 LabVIEW2023Q1/Q3版适用

    NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2020 VBAI2020视觉生成器,版本号20.5.0,标准图像处理软件,32位与64位英文版本,Windows系统。支持LabVIEW2020。可选择离线安装版本下载。VBAI的版本号现在也是很乱了,从早些年的VBAI2015/F1/F2/F3分别可用于LV2015/16/17到VBAI2018(适用LV2018)、VBAI2018SP1(适用LV2019)、VBAI2019(适用LV2019SP1),现在的VBAI2020适用LabVIEW2020,但是其版本号又成了20.5.0。一定要注意看自述文件及发行时间,以保证兼容相应的LabVIEW,在LabVIEW中有API可支持。

    Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html


    NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2023 Q3
    Windows 11
    Windows Server 2022 64-bit
    Windows 10 64-bit
    Windows Server 2016 64-bit
    Windows Server 2019 64-bit
    文件大小: 2212280320 字节 (2.06 GB)
    修改日期: 2023-07-19 10:03
    MD5: 12490035ba7f482f6877fa94c33fc67c
    SHA1: 76b8b970e5e7c498564296e31ae55ac69aaa79a6
    SHA256: 8598c698542c148b8eaa56c7abfe74fe20e762430abec47cf577c9f2b2022e91
    CRC32: d0495684

    VBAI2023Q3.txt (600 Bytes, 下载次数: 14, 售价: 10 元)

    Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2023 Q3 Readme
    July 2023
    This file contains installation instructions and compatibility information for Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2023 Q3.
    You can find more release information on ni.com.
    • Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Release Notes: Known issues, bugs fixed since the last release, and other notes about this release
    • Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Documentation: Detailed documentation about how to use your product

    System Requirements
    Supported Operating Systems
    Application Software Support
    Installation Instructions
    New Features
    Supported Hardware
    Behavior Changes
    Software Requirements for Migrating an Inspection to LabVIEW
    Accessing the Documentation
    Finding Examples
    Automating the Installation of NI Products
    Additional Resources
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 11
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
    Unsupported Windows Operating Systems

    NI Vision Builder AI helps you to configure, benchmark, and deploy a system that addresses vision applications from pattern matching to code reading and presence detection to precision alignment and classification.
    For information about licensing NI Vision software, visit ni.com/info and enter the Info Code LicenseVision. Refer to the NI Vision website at ni.com/vision for the latest information about NI Vision Builder AI.
    System Requirements
    Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2023 Q3 has the following requirements:

    ProcessorPentium 4/M or equivalentCore Duo or equivalent
    Memory512 MB RAM1 GB RAM
    Display1,024 × 768 resolution video adapter with a 24- or 32-bit display1,280 × 1,024 resolution video adapter with a 24- or 32-bit display
    Supported Operating Systems
    Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2023 Q3 supports the following operating systems:
    • Windows 11
    • Windows 10
    • Windows Server 2022
    • Windows Server 2019
    • Windows Server 2016
    Application Software Support
    Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2023 Q3 supports the following application software versions, including service packs.
    Application Software
    Versions Supported by Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2023 Q3
    LabVIEW2020, 2021, 2022 Q3, 2023 Q1 and later
    LabWindows™/CVI™2019 and later
    Installation Instructions
    Download the Vision Builder for Automated Inspection installer from ni.com/downloads. NI software includes NI Package Manager to handle the installation. Refer to the NI Package Manager Documentation for more information about installing, removing, and upgrading NI software using Package Manager.
    After installing your software, you will need to activate it. Activating your software verifies the licenses associated with your NI account, so you can start using your software. You have different options for activation, based on your software and how it was purchased. Please visit ni.com/activate for more information on activation methods.
    If you do not activate a valid license, Vision Builder AI runs in evaluation mode and continues to prompt you to activate a license on each launch. At the end of the evaluation period you must activate a Vision Builder AI license to continue using the product.
    Note: While Vision Builder AI is in Evaluation mode, all features are available except Migrate Inspection to LabVIEW.
    Updated LabVIEW Compatibility Policy
    The "Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Support for LabVIEW" package supports applications using Vision Builder for Automated Inspection ​with LabVIEW 2023 Q1 or later. When installing Vision Builder for Automated Inspection, this package will be recommended if you have already installed LabVIEW 2023 Q1 or later and installs to the LVAddons directory.
    LVAddons directory location: C:\Program Files\NI\LVAddons
    Supported Hardware
    Vision Builder AI supports the following types of image acquisition and I/O devices:
    • NI image acquisition devices
    • GigE Vision cameras
    • USB3 Vision cameras
    • DirectShow-compatible USB cameras
    • Digital or analog I/O from NI data acquisition (DAQ) devices
    • Serial devices
    Note: You must install driver software to acquire images from an image acquisition device connected to the development computer.
    NI Image Acquisition Devices
    This version of Vision Builder AI supports NI image acquisition devices that require NI-IMAQ driver version 20.0 or later.
    Note: If you are using an image acquisition device, you must install NI Vision Acquisition Software before you install the image acquisition device. NI Vision Acquisition Software gives you access to Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), which is software you can use to configure NI devices.
    GigE Vision Cameras, USB3 Vision Cameras, and DirectShow-Compatible USB Cameras
    This version of Vision Builder AI supports GigE Vision cameras, USB3 Vision, and DirectShow-compatible USB cameras. These cameras require NI-IMAQdx driver version 20.0 or later.
    To acquire an image from one of these camera types when the camera is connected to the host computer, use the Acquire Image (1394, GigE, or USB) step. The Acquire Image (1394, GigE, or USB) step requires NI-IMAQdx driver to be installed.
    NI Analog and Digital I/O Devices
    This version of Vision Builder AI supports digital and analog I/O from any NI data acquisition (DAQ) device using NI-DAQmx Global Virtual Channels. To support NI DAQ devices, Vision Builder AI requires NI-DAQmx 20.0 or later.
    Serial Communication
    To support serial communication, Vision Builder AI requires NI-VISA 20.0 or later, which is included with Vision Builder AI. You can use the serial ports built into the PC or one of the following NI serial interfaces: NI PCI-232/x, NI PXI-8420/x, or NI PXI-8422/x.
    New Features
    • Added support for LabVIEW 2023 Q1 and later
    Behavior Changes
    This release of Vision Builder AI does not support remote targets.
    Software Requirements for Migrating an Inspection to LabVIEW
    To migrate an inspection to LabVIEW, Vision Builder AI 2023 Q3 requires LabVIEW 2023 Q1 or later and NI Vision Development Module 2023 Q1 or later.
    Some Vision Builder AI steps require additional software to successfully migrate an inspection to LabVIEW.
    • OPC UA requires the LabVIEW OPC UA Toolkit.
    • Ethernet/IP or Ethernet/IP adapter require NI-Industrial Communications for Ethernet/IP.
    Refer to the following table for software requirements to migrate specific steps. Driver versions must support the target version of LabVIEW for migration.
    Step Name
    Acquire ImageNI-IMAQ
    Acquire Image (IEEE 1394, GigE, or USB)NI-IMAQdx
    Generate PulseNI-IMAQ
    Generate Pulse (Vision RIO)NI-IMAQ I/O for PCIe-8237R and PCIe-825xR boards
    Read/Write I/ONI-IMAQ
    Read/Write I/O (NI-DAQmx)NI-DAQmx
    Read/Write I/O (Vision RIO)NI-IMAQ I/O for PCIe-8237R and PCIe-825xR boards
    Note:  NI-IMAQ, NI-IMAQdx, and NI-IMAQ I/O are available when downloading NI Vision Acquisition Software.
    To download NI-DAQmx, visit ni.com/downloads/products/.
    Software Requirements for the Run LabVIEW VI Step
    The Run LabVIEW VI step in Vision Builder AI 2023 Q3 supports VIs saved in LabVIEW 2023 Q3 or earlier.
    Accessing the Documentation
    See Additional Resources.
    Finding Examples
    See Additional Resources.
    Automating the Installation of NI Products
    You can automate the installation of most NI products using command-line arguments to suppress some or all of the installer user interface and dialog boxes.
    For more information about automating the installation of NI products, refer to Automating an Installer in the NI Package Manager documentation.
    Deployment Policy for Vision Builder AI
    Pursuant to the National Instruments Software License Agreement, Vision Builder AI software is licensed to run on only one machine. Deployed applications that use Vision Builder AI require that Vision Builder AI be installed and licensed on each host machine. Therefore, you must purchase a separate Vision Builder AI license for each host machine. For more information, refer to the enclosed National Instruments Software License Agreement or visit ni.com/legal/license.
    Licensing Options
    For information about licensing NI Vision software, visit ni.com/info and enter the Info Code LicenseVision. Vision Builder AI offers the following licensing options:
    • Vision Builder AI Full-Featured (778649-35)—Allows full access to all Vision Builder AI features, which can be used to configure, benchmark, and deploy inspections. This license does not include the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit.
    • Vision Builder AI Debug Deployment (789468-35)—Allows full access to all Vision Builder AI features. Debug licenses (sometimes referred to as debug/deployment licenses) are used to fix issues on an application or system that has already been created with a development license. Typically debug licenses are used when you have deployed an application and you need to periodically resolve issues with the code.This license does not include the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit.
    • Vision Builder AI Runtime (779799-35)—Allows you to deploy existing inspections to a Windows-based host machine and modify the control values for steps in an inspection. This license does not allow you to add steps to or remove steps from an inspection.
    • Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit (779343-35)—Licenses only the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit, which allows you to create custom steps for use in any Vision Builder AI application.
    Additional ResourcesHow do I get started?
    Read the NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Tutorial, which provides exercises for learning how to perform basic machine vision techniques using Vision Builder AI.
    Where can I find reference information?
    Reference information for Vision Builder AI can be accessed through the following methods:
    • From within Vision Builder AI by clicking the Show Context Help button.
    • Select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»Vision Builder AI 2023»Vision Builder AI 2023 Documentation on your PC.
    The following documents are provided with Vision Builder AI as online help:
    • NI Vision Concepts Help—Contains basic concepts of image analysis, image processing, and machine vision. This document also contains in-depth discussions about imaging functions for advanced users.
    • NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection: Configuration Help—Contains information about the Vision Builder AI Configuration interface, managing inspections and images, and creating steps for an inspection.
    • NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection: Inspection Help—Contains information about using the Vision Builder AI Inspection interface to run inspections.
    Use the Search tab in the help files to quickly locate specific information. For information about how to use the search functionality, refer to the Using Help»Searching Help topic in the help file.
    The following documents are provided with Vision Builder AI as Adobe PDF documents:
    • Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Tutorial—Describes Vision Builder for Automated Inspection and provides step-by-step instructions for solving common visual inspection tasks, such as inspection, gauging, part presence, guidance, and counting.
    • NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Development Toolkit Tutorial—Contains instructions for using LabVIEW to create custom steps for Vision Builder AI.
    Where can I find examples?
    Access examples of common Vision Builder AI inspections by selecting Start»All Programs»National Instruments»Vision Builder AI 2023»Vision Builder AI 2023 Examples on your PC.
    Where else can I go for Vision Builder AI information?
    Visit ni.com/vision and the NI Developer Zone at ni.com/zone for the most up-to-date information about Vision Builder AI.
    Application Interface and ExamplesUsing NI Software with Microsoft Windows 11
    Microsoft Windows 11 is the latest version of the Windows operating system and features significant changes compared to previous versions. For more information about NI support for Windows 11, refer to NI Product Compatibility for Microsoft Windows 11.
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
    For more information about NI support for Windows 10, refer to NI Product Compatibility for Microsoft Windows 10.
    Unsupported Windows Operating Systems
    Vision Builder for Automated Inspection no longer supports Windows Vista/XP/7/8.x, Windows Server 2003/2008/2012, or any 32-bit Windows operating system. Versions of this product that ship after May 1, 2021, may not install or execute correctly on these operating systems. For detailed information about NI operating system support, visit https://www.ni.com/r/win32bitsupport.

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