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[NI软件产品] NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2010 Win32Eng 自动检测视觉生成器VBAI2010 LabVIEW2010版适用

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    NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2010 Win32Eng 自动检测视觉生成器VBAI2010 LabVIEW2010版适用

    NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2010 VBAI2010(2010.11.8):
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    VBAI2010.txt (301 Bytes, 下载次数: 76, 售价: 10 元)

    NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection 2010 Readme
    October 2010
    This file contains important information about National Instruments Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (Vision Builder AI) software and is organized into the following sections:
    System Requirements
    Installation Instructions
    Activation Instructions
    New Features
    Remote Target Support
    PC-Based Image Acquisition and I/O Support
    Known Issues
    Additional Resources
    System Requirements
    To configure inspections using Vision Builder AI, the host machine must meet the following requirements:
    ProcessorPentium 4/M or equivalentCore Duo or equivalent
    Memory512 MB RAM1 GB RAM
    Display1,024×768 resolution video adapter with a 24- or 32-bit display1,280×1,024 resolution video adapter with a 24- or 32-bit display
    Operating System
    Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/XP/Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)/Server 2008 R2
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later
    Hard Disk Space
    700 MB
    Installation Instructions
    Complete the following steps to install Vision Builder AI:
    Note: You must be logged in with administrator privileges to install Vision Builder AI.
    • Insert the Vision Builder AI DVD into your DVD-ROM drive. If the DVD does not run automatically, open Windows Explorer, right-click the DVD drive icon, and select AutoPlay.
    • Select Install Vision Builder for Automated Inspection on the National Instruments Vision Builder for Automated Inspection screen.
    • Vision Builder AI prompts you to enter your user information. Select one of the following options:

      • Install this product using the following serial number
      • Install this product for evaluation

      If you choose to enter a serial number, enter the serial number found on your Certificate of Ownership card. Vision Builder AI automatically uses this serial number when you run the NI Activation Wizard.
    • Continue to follow the instructions on the screen.

    Activation Instructions
    If you do not activate a valid license, Vision Builder AI runs in evaluation mode and continues to prompt you to activate a license on each launch.
    The evaluation period is 30 days. At the end of the evaluation period you must activate a Vision Builder AI license to continue using the product.
    Note: While Vision Builder AI is in Evaluation mode, all features are available except Migrate Inspection to LabVIEW.
    Complete the following steps to activate the Vision Builder AI license:
    • Launch Vision Builder AI.
    • Click Yes when prompted to activate Vision Builder AI.
    • Ensure that Automatically activate through a secure Internet connection is selected, and click Next.
    • Enter your serial number, and click Next.
    • Enter your registration information, and click Next.
    • You can enter an email address to receive a copy of the activation code for your records.

    Deployment Policy for Vision Builder AI
    Pursuant to the National Instruments Software License Agreement, Vision Builder AI software is licensed to run on only one machine. Deployed applications that use Vision Builder AI require that Vision Builder AI be installed and licensed on each host machine. Therefore, you must purchase a separate Vision Builder AI license for each host machine. For more information, refer to the enclosed National Instruments Software License Agreement or visit ni.com/legal/license.
    Licensing Options
    Vision Builder AI offers the following licensing options:
    • Vision Builder AI Full-Featured (778649-01)—Allows full access to all Vision Builder AI features, which can be used to configure, benchmark, and deploy inspections. This license does not include the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit.
    • Vision Builder AI Run-Time (779799-03)—Allows you to deploy existing inspections to a host machine and modify the control values for steps in an inspection. This license does not allow you to add steps to or remove steps from an inspection.
    • Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit (779343-03)—Licenses only the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit, which allows you to create custom steps for use in any Vision Builder AI application.

    New Features
    The following list describes the changes and enhancements in this release of Vision Builder AI:
    • New Detect Texture Defects step. The Detect Texture Defects step can identify defects in a region of interest based on a texture classifier that contains information about the texture.
    • New Inspect Contours step. The Inspect Contours step can extract a contour from the inspection image, then compare the selected contour with a fitted contour or a template contour to detect contour defects.
    • New Color Segmentation step. The Color Segmentation step can segment a color image based on a color classifier that contains information about learned color classes.
    • New LabVIEW API. Use the LabVIEW API to control Vision Builder AI from a LabVIEW application. The LabVIEW API is a set of Vision Builder AI VIs accessible from the Functions»Vision and Motion palette on the LabVIEW block diagram.Note:  Do not use the ActiveX components to create new LabVIEW applications.
    • New Inspection Interface Editor. Use the Inspection Interface Editor to create or edit a custom inspection interface VI. You can access the Inspection Interface Editor from the Inspection Interface Configuration tool, or from an Update Inspection UI step.
    • New support for image variables, including local, shared, and network-shared variables.
    • New LabVIEW project integration. LabVIEW project integration allows you to send data between a LabVIEW project and a remote target running Vision Builder AI without interrupting Vision Builder AI. You can access the shared variables used by a remote target running Vision Builder AI to easily transfer result data and images to LabVIEW. You can also launch Vision Builder AI locally from the LabVIEW project to edit inspections, variables, or target settings.
    • Support for LabVIEW 2010. The NI Vision Development Module 2010 or later is required to develop a custom step with the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit or to generate LabVIEW code from Vision Builder AI.
    • New inspection templates. In the Configuration interface, select Files»New from Template to create an inspection from an existing template, or select Files»Save as Template to save an inspection as a template.
    • New Snapshot Acquisition Mode for the Acquire Image (1394, GigE, or USB) step. Snapshot mode stops any active acquisition, configures a single image acquisition, acquires the image, and unconfigures the acquisition. For information about using Snapshot mode, refer to the Acquire Image (1394, GigE, or USB) FAQs topic in the NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection: Configuration Help.
    • New Get camera extra information from image option for the Acquire Image (1394, GigE, or USB) step. Use this option to retrieve additional information included in the image, such as a timestamp, camera specific data, or additional chunk data.
    • Updated Read/Write I/O (NI-IMAQ I/O) step. The step supports the following new features:

      • Reading TTL In 6, 7, 11, Iso Pwr, Encoder
      • Writing TTL Out 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, TRIG 1, and TRIG 2

    • Updated Read/Write I/O step supports reading encoder values for NI-IMAQ devices and NI Smart Cameras with quadrature encoder support.
    • New Set to FAIL if any previous step fails or if current value of Inspection Status is FAIL option for the Set Inspection Status step. Select this option when you want the step to consider the current inspection status.
    • Updated Calculator step supports creating point results.
    • Updated Delay step supports using a previous measurement to define a delay.
    • Updated Data Logging step supports logging to a local drive as a background task.
    • Updated Image Logging step supports logging to a local drive as a background task.
    • New support for the Path data type in custom inspection interfaces.
    • Updated Select Inspection step supports using string variable values to explicitly specify a path to an inspection.
    • Updated Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Development Toolkit now supports using the VBAI Get Global Variables VI to retrieve global variable values.

    The following list describes issues in previous versions of Vision Builder AI that are fixed in this release.
    IDFixed Issue
    168656In the Calibration Wizard, it is possible to create a calibration that is unintentionally associated with no image acquisition device.
    175184Vision Builder AI cannot discover or install software to remote targets on systems running Windows Vista or Windows 7 with multiple network interface cards.
    179722User-Defined System Variables reset to default values after using a Select Inspection step to load another inspection.
    198705The Custom Overlay step displays an incorrect hexadecimal value when the most significant bit is set.
    199604In the Data Logging step, the step returns an error when logging data to a FTP server if the Folder Path control is empty.
    199615A trigger at approximately the same time as a time out error might cause Vision Builder AI to crash.
    201035After migrating an inspection to LabVIEW, the inspection fails because it cannot locate the calibration file.
    201036A built custom step may not run on a machine if LabVIEW is not installed.
    201037It is possible to start the TCP Server from multiple instances of Vision Builder AI.
    202605After migrating an inspection to LabVIEW, arbitrarily retrieving results for each step slows performance.
    203148The Geometric Matching step sometimes generates an error when learning a template based on an image that is very similar to an image used to successfully learn a template.
    204712Cannot install Vision Builder AI software to a CVS-1454 without reformatting the target when LabVIEW 8.6 or later is installed.
    205488It is sometimes impossible to configure the Adv. Straight Edge and Geometric Matching steps because the step properties page does not open.
    205702A boolean output from a custom inspection interface does not drive a boolean output in a Read/Write I/O (NI-DAQmx) step.
    207606If you create and reposition an ROI then create a new template when editing an existing Detect Defects step, each ROI position appears as an overlay in the Template Editor.
    214887The Modbus Slave step only copies the low byte when reading or writing data to the Input or Holding registers.
    216564When the Current Date system variable value is called via ActiveX, Vision Builder AI returns the value in a format different than the format specified in the operating system.
    226154When using ActiveX to connect to the local host, the Vision Builder AI interface DLL causes usage for a processor or core to reach 100 percent.
    226864If you copy a LLB saved for Windows to a NI Smart Camera and select it from a Run LabVIEW VI step, the step does not correctly recompile the LLB.
    228079A Generate Pulse step set to generate a single pulse generates a short pulse the first time the pulse condition is false.
    230631The Read/Verify Text step does not preview threshold settings in the image unless a valid character set file is selected.
    232209The Filter Image step does not propagate errors passed in from an image acquisition step.
    232246On a system running Windows 7, printed images are poor quality.
    234222When processing a calibrated image, the Detect Defects step returns values based on pixel values.
    234634When processing a calibrated image, the Detect Defects step returns an area value based on pixel values.
    238729The disable flag for disabled steps is ignored when migrating the inspection to LabVIEW.
    239955Multiple instances of Vision Builder AI 2009 cannot communicate after installing LabVIEW 2010.
    240547In the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit, steps created with the Coordinate System template do not reposition the ROI after clicking Run Once.
    242097Calibration files are not transferred to a remote target if a file with the same name already exists.
    243449In the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit, point measurements produced by a custom step are unusable in subsequent steps.
    244117If a Simulate Acquisition step fails to find the image files specified when the inspection loads, you must edit the step and select a folder of valid images or reload the inspection.
    244793You cannot change the size of the input or output assembly for the EtherNet/IP Server on RT targets.
    247804When creating a grid calibration in the Calibration Wizard, you cannot change the Lower Limit and Upper Limit values for an automatic threshold method.
    247856When editing a calibration from an acquisition step, the calibration uses the current inspection image.
    247864In an inspection using multiple Acquire Image (1394, GigE, or USB) steps, the settings for the acquisition step in the inspection are changed to the settings used in the Calibration Wizard when you launch the Calibration Wizard from the acquisition step and choose to acquire a new image.
    247917A Create Region of Interest step using previous measurements to reposition a region of interest returns an error and converts the measurement to a constant value with specific images.
    248064Changes to a Read/Write Camera Attributes step update the initial acquisition settings for an Acquire Image (1394, GigE, or USB) step.
    248088When editing a calibration from the Simulate Acquisition step, clicking Cancel incorrectly produces an error message.
    248100When the the NI OCR Training Interface is opened from Vision Builder AI, the Run Once button is disabled.
    248375If Save Calibrated Image to File is selected in the Calibrate Image step, a new calibration is automatically created when you run, close, and open the inspection.
    251284In the Inspection State Diagram, if you create a new transition and then click on another state before connecting the transition, the help for the selected state is displayed until you close Vision Builder AI.
    251609In the State Diagram Editor, pressing delete while editing a state name prompts the user to delete the state after accepting the modified state name.
    252079In the State Diagram Editor, pressing delete while the Setup, Cleanup or Product Select states are selected prompts the user to delete the state.
    Remote Target Support
    You can use Vision Builder AI to remotely configure and control a supported remote target. Vision Builder AI supports the following remote targets:
    • NI 17xx Smart Cameras
    • NI CVS-1450 Series Compact Vision Systems
    • NI EVS-1463RT Embedded Vision Systems
    • NI EVS-1464RT Embedded Vision Systems

    To use Vision Builder AI with a remote target, you must use Vision Builder AI to configure the remote target. For more information about using Vision Builder AI to configure the remote target, refer to the documentation included with the remote target.
    The following table illustrates when a remote target requires you to install driver software on the development computer.
    Remote Target
    Camera Type
    Requires Driver Software Installed
    on Development Computer
    NI Smart Camera
    IEEE 1394
    GigE Vision
    Camera Link
    Note: To acquire images from a Camera Link camera attached to a NI EVS-1463RT device, you must use MAX to associate a camera file with the camera. For information about how to associate a camera file with a Camera Link camera connected to a remote target, visit ni.com/info and enter the info code rtcamerafile.

    PC-Based Image Acquisition and I/O Support
    Vision Builder AI supports the following image acquisition and I/O devices:
    • National Instruments image acquisition devices
    • IEEE 1394 industrial digital cameras
    • GigE Vision cameras
    • DirectShow-compatible USB cameras
    • IP cameras
    • digital or analog I/O from NI data acquisition (DAQ) devices
    • serial devices

    Note: You must install driver software to acquire images from an image acquisition device connected to the development computer.
    National Instruments Image Acquisition Devices
    This version of Vision Builder AI supports the following National Instruments image acquisition devices:
    • NI PCI-1405
    • NI PXI/PCI-1407
    • NI PXI/PCI-1409
    • NI PXI/PCI-1410

    • NI PXI/PCI-1411
    • NI PXI/PCI-1422
    • NI PCI-1424
    • NI PCI-1426

    • NI PCIe-1427
    • NI PXI/PCI-1428
    • NI PCIe-1429
    • NI PCIe-1430

    • NI PCIe-1433

    Note: If you are using an image acquisition device, you must install NI Vision Acquisition Software before you install the image acquisition device. NI Vision Acquisition Software gives you access to Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX), which is software you can use to configure National Instruments devices.
    IEEE 1394 Cameras, GigE Vision Cameras, DirectShow-Compatible USB Cameras, and IP Cameras
    Vision Builder AI supports IEEE 1394 cameras, GigE Vision cameras, DirectShow-compatible USB cameras, and IP cameras. To acquire an image from one of these camera types when the camera is connected to the host computer, use the Acquire Image (1394, GigE, or USB) step. The Acquire Image (1394, GigE, or USB) step requires NI-IMAQdx, which can be installed from the NI Vision Acquisition Software DVD included with Vision Builder AI. The following table lists the minimum version of NI-IMAQdx required for each camera type:
    Vision Builder AI Camera Support
    Camera Type
    Minimum Required
    NI-IMAQdx Version
    Supported NI Host Adapters
    IEEE 1394 Cameras
    NI PXI/PCI-8252, NI PCI-8254R, NI PCIe-8255R
    GigE Vision Cameras
    NI PCIe-8231, NI PCIe-8235, NI PXIe-8234
    DirectShow-Compatible USB Cameras*
    IP Cameras
    *Verify that the camera driver supports DirectShow and that the camera driver is installed correctly. For specific information about drivers and camera compatibility, consult your camera manufacturer documentation.
    You must configure an IEEE 1394 camera to use the NI-IMAQdx driver. Complete the following steps to use MAX to configure an IEEE 1394 camera to use the NI-IMAQdx driver.
    • Launch MAX.
    • In the MAX configuration tree, expand Devices and Interfaces to obtain a list of installed devices.
    • Expand NI-IMAQdx Devices to obtain a list of available cameras.
    • Right-click the camera and select Driver»NI-IMAQdx IIDC Digital Camera.

    National Instruments no longer supports Legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras driver software. Installing NI-IMAQdx from the NI Vision Acquisition Software DVD included with Vision Builder AI uninstalls Legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras driver software. If you have an existing inspection that uses the Acquire Image (IEEE 1394) step or you want to use the Acquire Image (IEEE 1394) step to acquire images from an IEEE 1394 camera connected to the host computer, you must download and install Legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras driver software. Visit ni.com/info and enter the info code legacy1394 for information about how to install Legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras driver software.
    Note: The Vision Builder AI software image for the NI CVS-1450 Series Compact Vision System includes all necessary driver software. You do not need to download and install Legacy NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras driver software to configure a CVS-1450 Series Compact Vision System.
    NI Analog and Digital I/O Devices
    This version of Vision Builder AI supports digital and analog I/O from any National Instruments data acquisition (DAQ) device using NI-DAQmx Global Virtual Channels. To support NI DAQ devices, Vision Builder AI requires NI-DAQmx 8.0 or later.
    Serial Communication
    To support serial communication, Vision Builder AI requires NI-VISA 2.6.0 or later, which is included with Vision Builder AI. You can use the serial ports built into the PC or one of the following NI serial interfaces: NI PCI-232/x, NI PXI-8420/x, or NI PXI-8422/x. You do not need to install NI-VISA to use the serial port on a remote target.

    Known Issues
    National Instruments is aware of the following issues you may encounter while using Vision Builder AI.
    • Vision Builder AI does not support U16 images.
    • Vision Builder AI behaves unexpectedly or may not display an inspection image if the image is large and your computer is low on available memory.
    • If you configure a step to generate a status based on pixel values and subsequently calibrate the image, the step will compare calibrated values against pixel-based limits and might fail.
    • The Geometric Matching step generates an initialization error if the range specified for Scaled matches is large enough to cause the target to run out of memory.
    • When connected to a remote target in the Configuration interface, the TCP Communication Terminal is not updated if you select an Operate»Run Inspection option.
    • When connected to a remote target in the Configuration interface, the Serial Communication Terminal is not updated if you select an Operate»Run Inspection option.
    • Calculator step performance may decrease if the Display Result Image for this State checkbox is enabled.
    • The number of logged images resets if an inspection that contains an Image Logging step is closed and opened.
    • When connected to a remote target, the Configuration interface does not execute the Cleanup state.
    • After connecting to a remote target and starting an inspection in the Vision Builder AI Configuration interface, if you lose communication and reconnect to the target the inspection opens in the Vision Builder AI Inspection interface.

    LabVIEW Project Integration
    • You can create a new VI in the context of a remote target added in Vision Builder AI Mode. A VI created in this context cannot run or support shared variables. If you try to add a shared variable to the VI, the VI generates an error message indicating that the target does not support shared variables. Always create a VI in the context of My Computer or a remote target added in LabVIEW Real-Time Mode.
    • When you add a NI Smart Camera or NI 1460RT Series Embedded Vision System to a LabVIEW project in Vision Builder AI Mode and the target and development computer are located on different subnets, shared variables are not automatically listed for the target. To list shared variables, right-click the target and select Connect.

    Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit
    • When using the Vision Builder AI Development Toolkit, you must close all open LabVIEW VIs before attempting to create a new step or importing a step from a previous version of Vision Builder AI.

    Vision Builder AI ActiveX Component
    • When using the Vision Builder AI ActiveX component, the NIVBAITargetMode setting is not available. Therefore, the connection to a target always allows full control.

    Windows Firewall
    If you are using the Windows Firewall, you may notice the following behavior:
    • Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, or Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later installed
      When you launch Vision Builder AI, a dialog box may prompt you to allow Vision Builder AI to receive information over the network. Depending on your operating system, select Allow access or Unblock this program so that Vision Builder AI can communicate with your remote target.
    • Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 1 (SP1) installed
      If the Microsoft Windows XP Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) is enabled, Vision Builder AI cannot discover or configure remote targets unless you disable the ICF. Perform the following steps to disable the Internet Connection Firewall:

      • From your desktop, open Network Connections by selecting Start»Control Panel»Network Connections.
      • Double-click the connection you want to modify.
      • Click Properties.
      • On the Advanced tab, clear the Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet checkbox.

    Additional ResourcesHow do I get started?
    Read the NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Tutorial, which provides exercises for learning how to perform basic machine vision techniques using Vision Builder AI.
    Where can I find reference information?
    Reference information for Vision Builder AI is available from within Vision Builder AI by clicking the Show Context Help button, or selecting Start»All Programs»National Instruments»Vision Builder AI»Documentation.
    The following documents are provided with Vision Builder AI as online help:
    • NI Vision Concepts Help—Contains basic concepts of image analysis, image processing, and machine vision. This document also contains in-depth discussions about imaging functions for advanced users.
    • NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection: Configuration Help—Contains information about the Vision Builder AI Configuration interface, managing inspections and images, and creating steps for an inspection.
    • NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection: Inspection Help—Contains information about using the Vision Builder AI Inspection interface to run inspections.
    • NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection: ActiveX Component Reference Help—Contains information about the ActiveX objects available to embed Vision Builder AI inspections into ActiveX applications.

    Use the Search tab in the help files to quickly locate specific information. For information about how to use the search functionality, refer to the Using Help»Searching Help topic in the help file.
    The following documents are provides with Vision Builder AI as Adobe PDF documents:
    • Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Tutorial—Describes Vision Builder for Automated Inspection and provides step-by-step instructions for solving common visual inspection tasks, such as inspection, gauging, part presence, guidance, and counting.
    • NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Development Toolkit Tutorial—Contains instructions for using LabVIEW to create custom steps for Vision Builder AI.

    Where can I find examples?
    Examples of common Vision Builder AI inspections are installed to the \Examples directory, where is the location to which you installed Vision Builder AI.
    Where else can I go for Vision Builder AI information?
    Visit ni.com/vision and the NI Developer Zone at ni.com/zone for the most up-to-date information about Vision Builder AI.

    © 2002–2010 National Instruments Corporation. All right reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
    Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    Members of the National Instruments Alliance Partner Program are business entities independent from National Instruments and have no agency, partnership, or joint-venture relationship with National Instruments.
    For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your DVD, or ni.com/patents.

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