create_component_model create_component_model CreateComponentModel CreateComponentModel — Prepare a component model for matching based on explicitly specified
components and relations.
create_component_model (ModelImage , ComponentRegions : : VariationRow , VariationColumn , VariationAngle , AngleStart , AngleExtent , ContrastLowComp , ContrastHighComp , MinSizeComp , MinContrastComp , MinScoreComp , NumLevelsComp , AngleStepComp , OptimizationComp , MetricComp , PregenerationComp : ComponentModelID , RootRanking )
Herror create_component_model (const Hobject ModelImage , const Hobject ComponentRegions , const Hlong VariationRow , const Hlong VariationColumn , double VariationAngle , double AngleStart , double AngleExtent , const Hlong ContrastLowComp , const Hlong ContrastHighComp , const Hlong MinSizeComp , const Hlong MinContrastComp , double MinScoreComp , const Hlong NumLevelsComp , double AngleStepComp , const char* OptimizationComp , const char* MetricComp , const char* PregenerationComp , Hlong* ComponentModelID , Hlong* RootRanking )
Herror T_create_component_model (const Hobject ModelImage , const Hobject ComponentRegions , const Htuple VariationRow , const Htuple VariationColumn , const Htuple VariationAngle , const Htuple AngleStart , const Htuple AngleExtent , const Htuple ContrastLowComp , const Htuple ContrastHighComp , const Htuple MinSizeComp , const Htuple MinContrastComp , const Htuple MinScoreComp , const Htuple NumLevelsComp , const Htuple AngleStepComp , const Htuple OptimizationComp , const Htuple MetricComp , const Htuple PregenerationComp , Htuple* ComponentModelID , Htuple* RootRanking )
void CreateComponentModel (const HObject& ModelImage , const HObject& ComponentRegions , const HTuple& VariationRow , const HTuple& VariationColumn , const HTuple& VariationAngle , const HTuple& AngleStart , const HTuple& AngleExtent , const HTuple& ContrastLowComp , const HTuple& ContrastHighComp , const HTuple& MinSizeComp , const HTuple& MinContrastComp , const HTuple& MinScoreComp , const HTuple& NumLevelsComp , const HTuple& AngleStepComp , const HTuple& OptimizationComp , const HTuple& MetricComp , const HTuple& PregenerationComp , HTuple* ComponentModelID , HTuple* RootRanking )
void HComponentModel ::HComponentModel (const HImage& ModelImage , const HRegion& ComponentRegions , const HTuple& VariationRow , const HTuple& VariationColumn , const HTuple& VariationAngle , double AngleStart , double AngleExtent , const HTuple& ContrastLowComp , const HTuple& ContrastHighComp , const HTuple& MinSizeComp , const HTuple& MinContrastComp , const HTuple& MinScoreComp , const HTuple& NumLevelsComp , const HTuple& AngleStepComp , const HString& OptimizationComp , const HTuple& MetricComp , const HTuple& PregenerationComp , HTuple* RootRanking )
void HComponentModel ::HComponentModel (const HImage& ModelImage , const HRegion& ComponentRegions , Hlong VariationRow , Hlong VariationColumn , double VariationAngle , double AngleStart , double AngleExtent , Hlong ContrastLowComp , Hlong ContrastHighComp , Hlong MinSizeComp , Hlong MinContrastComp , double MinScoreComp , Hlong NumLevelsComp , double AngleStepComp , const HString& OptimizationComp , const HString& MetricComp , const HString& PregenerationComp , Hlong* RootRanking )
void HComponentModel ::HComponentModel (const HImage& ModelImage , const HRegion& ComponentRegions , Hlong VariationRow , Hlong VariationColumn , double VariationAngle , double AngleStart , double AngleExtent , Hlong ContrastLowComp , Hlong ContrastHighComp , Hlong MinSizeComp , Hlong MinContrastComp , double MinScoreComp , Hlong NumLevelsComp , double AngleStepComp , const char* OptimizationComp , const char* MetricComp , const char* PregenerationComp , Hlong* RootRanking )
HTuple HComponentModel ::CreateComponentModel (const HImage& ModelImage , const HRegion& ComponentRegions , const HTuple& VariationRow , const HTuple& VariationColumn , const HTuple& VariationAngle , double AngleStart , double AngleExtent , const HTuple& ContrastLowComp , const HTuple& ContrastHighComp , const HTuple& MinSizeComp , const HTuple& MinContrastComp , const HTuple& MinScoreComp , const HTuple& NumLevelsComp , const HTuple& AngleStepComp , const HString& OptimizationComp , const HTuple& MetricComp , const HTuple& PregenerationComp )
Hlong HComponentModel ::CreateComponentModel (const HImage& ModelImage , const HRegion& ComponentRegions , Hlong VariationRow , Hlong VariationColumn , double VariationAngle , double AngleStart , double AngleExtent , Hlong ContrastLowComp , Hlong ContrastHighComp , Hlong MinSizeComp , Hlong MinContrastComp , double MinScoreComp , Hlong NumLevelsComp , double AngleStepComp , const HString& OptimizationComp , const HString& MetricComp , const HString& PregenerationComp )
Hlong HComponentModel ::CreateComponentModel (const HImage& ModelImage , const HRegion& ComponentRegions , Hlong VariationRow , Hlong VariationColumn , double VariationAngle , double AngleStart , double AngleExtent , Hlong ContrastLowComp , Hlong ContrastHighComp , Hlong MinSizeComp , Hlong MinContrastComp , double MinScoreComp , Hlong NumLevelsComp , double AngleStepComp , const char* OptimizationComp , const char* MetricComp , const char* PregenerationComp )
HComponentModel HImage ::CreateComponentModel (const HRegion& ComponentRegions , const HTuple& VariationRow , const HTuple& VariationColumn , const HTuple& VariationAngle , double AngleStart , double AngleExtent , const HTuple& ContrastLowComp , const HTuple& ContrastHighComp , const HTuple& MinSizeComp , const HTuple& MinContrastComp , const HTuple& MinScoreComp , const HTuple& NumLevelsComp , const HTuple& AngleStepComp , const HString& OptimizationComp , const HTuple& MetricComp , const HTuple& PregenerationComp , HTuple* RootRanking ) const
HComponentModel HImage ::CreateComponentModel (const HRegion& ComponentRegions , Hlong VariationRow , Hlong VariationColumn , double VariationAngle , double AngleStart , double AngleExtent , Hlong ContrastLowComp , Hlong ContrastHighComp , Hlong MinSizeComp , Hlong MinContrastComp , double MinScoreComp , Hlong NumLevelsComp , double AngleStepComp , const HString& OptimizationComp , const HString& MetricComp , const HString& PregenerationComp , Hlong* RootRanking ) const
HComponentModel HImage ::CreateComponentModel (const HRegion& ComponentRegions , Hlong VariationRow , Hlong VariationColumn , double VariationAngle , double AngleStart , double AngleExtent , Hlong ContrastLowComp , Hlong ContrastHighComp , Hlong MinSizeComp , Hlong MinContrastComp , double MinScoreComp , Hlong NumLevelsComp , double AngleStepComp , const char* OptimizationComp , const char* MetricComp , const char* PregenerationComp , Hlong* RootRanking ) const
static void HOperatorSet .CreateComponentModel (HObject modelImage , HObject componentRegions , HTuple variationRow , HTuple variationColumn , HTuple variationAngle , HTuple angleStart , HTuple angleExtent , HTuple contrastLowComp , HTuple contrastHighComp , HTuple minSizeComp , HTuple minContrastComp , HTuple minScoreComp , HTuple numLevelsComp , HTuple angleStepComp , HTuple optimizationComp , HTuple metricComp , HTuple pregenerationComp , out HTuple componentModelID , out HTuple rootRanking )
public HComponentModel (HImage modelImage , HRegion componentRegions , HTuple variationRow , HTuple variationColumn , HTuple variationAngle , double angleStart , double angleExtent , HTuple contrastLowComp , HTuple contrastHighComp , HTuple minSizeComp , HTuple minContrastComp , HTuple minScoreComp , HTuple numLevelsComp , HTuple angleStepComp , string optimizationComp , HTuple metricComp , HTuple pregenerationComp , out HTuple rootRanking )
public HComponentModel (HImage modelImage , HRegion componentRegions , int variationRow , int variationColumn , double variationAngle , double angleStart , double angleExtent , int contrastLowComp , int contrastHighComp , int minSizeComp , int minContrastComp , double minScoreComp , int numLevelsComp , double angleStepComp , string optimizationComp , string metricComp , string pregenerationComp , out int rootRanking )
HTuple HComponentModel .CreateComponentModel (HImage modelImage , HRegion componentRegions , HTuple variationRow , HTuple variationColumn , HTuple variationAngle , double angleStart , double angleExtent , HTuple contrastLowComp , HTuple contrastHighComp , HTuple minSizeComp , HTuple minContrastComp , HTuple minScoreComp , HTuple numLevelsComp , HTuple angleStepComp , string optimizationComp , HTuple metricComp , HTuple pregenerationComp )
int HComponentModel .CreateComponentModel (HImage modelImage , HRegion componentRegions , int variationRow , int variationColumn , double variationAngle , double angleStart , double angleExtent , int contrastLowComp , int contrastHighComp , int minSizeComp , int minContrastComp , double minScoreComp , int numLevelsComp , double angleStepComp , string optimizationComp , string metricComp , string pregenerationComp )
HComponentModel HImage .CreateComponentModel (HRegion componentRegions , HTuple variationRow , HTuple variationColumn , HTuple variationAngle , double angleStart , double angleExtent , HTuple contrastLowComp , HTuple contrastHighComp , HTuple minSizeComp , HTuple minContrastComp , HTuple minScoreComp , HTuple numLevelsComp , HTuple angleStepComp , string optimizationComp , HTuple metricComp , HTuple pregenerationComp , out HTuple rootRanking )
HComponentModel HImage .CreateComponentModel (HRegion componentRegions , int variationRow , int variationColumn , double variationAngle , double angleStart , double angleExtent , int contrastLowComp , int contrastHighComp , int minSizeComp , int minContrastComp , double minScoreComp , int numLevelsComp , double angleStepComp , string optimizationComp , string metricComp , string pregenerationComp , out int rootRanking )
create_component_model create_component_model CreateComponentModel CreateComponentModel CreateComponentModel prepares patterns, which are passed
in the form of a model image ModelImage ModelImage ModelImage ModelImage modelImage and several regions
ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions componentRegions , as a component model for matching. The
output parameter ComponentModelID ComponentModelID ComponentModelID ComponentModelID componentModelID is a handle for this
model, which is used in subsequent calls to
find_component_model find_component_model FindComponentModel FindComponentModel FindComponentModel . In contrast to
create_trained_component_model create_trained_component_model CreateTrainedComponentModel CreateTrainedComponentModel CreateTrainedComponentModel , no preceding training with
train_model_components train_model_components TrainModelComponents TrainModelComponents TrainModelComponents needs to be performed before calling
create_component_model create_component_model CreateComponentModel CreateComponentModel CreateComponentModel .
Each of the regions passed in ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions componentRegions describes a
separate model component. Later, the index of a component region in
ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions componentRegions is used to denote the model component.
The reference point of a component is the center of gravity of its
associated region, which is passed in ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions componentRegions . It
can be calculated by calling area_center area_center AreaCenter AreaCenter AreaCenter .
The relative movements (relations) of the model components can be
set by passing VariationRow VariationRow VariationRow VariationRow variationRow , VariationColumn VariationColumn VariationColumn VariationColumn variationColumn , and
VariationAngle VariationAngle VariationAngle VariationAngle variationAngle . Because directly passing the relations is
complicated, instead of the relations the variations of the model
components are passed. The variations describe the movements of the
components independently from each other relative to their poses in
the model image ModelImage ModelImage ModelImage ModelImage modelImage . The parameters
VariationRow VariationRow VariationRow VariationRow variationRow and VariationColumn VariationColumn VariationColumn VariationColumn variationColumn describe the
movement of the components in row and column direction by
, respectively.
The parameter VariationAngle VariationAngle VariationAngle VariationAngle variationAngle describes the angle variation
of the component by
. Based on
these values, the relations are automatically computed. The three
parameters must either contain one element, in which case the
parameter is used for all model components, or must contain the same
number of elements as ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions componentRegions , in which case each
parameter element refers to the corresponding model component in
ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions componentRegions .
The parameters AngleStart AngleStart AngleStart AngleStart angleStart and AngleExtent AngleExtent AngleExtent AngleExtent angleExtent
determine the range of possible rotations of the component model in
an image.
Internally, a separate shape model is built for each model component
(see create_shape_model create_shape_model CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel ). Therefore, the parameters
ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp contrastLowComp , ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp contrastHighComp ,
MinSizeComp MinSizeComp MinSizeComp MinSizeComp minSizeComp , MinContrastComp MinContrastComp MinContrastComp MinContrastComp minContrastComp ,
MinScoreComp MinScoreComp MinScoreComp MinScoreComp minScoreComp , NumLevelsComp NumLevelsComp NumLevelsComp NumLevelsComp numLevelsComp ,
AngleStepComp AngleStepComp AngleStepComp AngleStepComp angleStepComp , OptimizationComp OptimizationComp OptimizationComp OptimizationComp optimizationComp ,
MetricComp MetricComp MetricComp MetricComp metricComp , and PregenerationComp PregenerationComp PregenerationComp PregenerationComp pregenerationComp correspond to
the parameters of create_shape_model create_shape_model CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel , with the following
differences: First, in the parameter Contrast Contrast Contrast Contrast contrast of
create_shape_model create_shape_model CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel the upper as well as the lower threshold
for the hysteresis threshold method can be passed. Additionally, a
third value, which suppresses small connected contour regions, can
be passed. In contrast, the operator create_component_model create_component_model CreateComponentModel CreateComponentModel CreateComponentModel
offers three separate parameters ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp contrastHighComp ,
ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp contrastLowComp , and MinScoreComp MinScoreComp MinScoreComp MinScoreComp minScoreComp in order to set
these three values. Consequently, also the automatic computation of
the contrast threshold(s) is different. If both hysteresis threshold
should be automatically determined, both ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp contrastLowComp
and ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp contrastHighComp must be set to 'auto' "auto" "auto" "auto" "auto" . In
contrast, if only one threshold value should be determined,
ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp contrastLowComp must be set to 'auto' "auto" "auto" "auto" "auto" while
ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp contrastHighComp must be set to an arbitrary value
different from 'auto' "auto" "auto" "auto" "auto" . Secondly, the parameter
Optimization Optimization Optimization Optimization optimization of create_shape_model create_shape_model CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel provides the
possibility to reduce the number of model points as well as the
possibility to completely pregenerate the shape model. In contrast,
the operator create_trained_component_model create_trained_component_model CreateTrainedComponentModel CreateTrainedComponentModel CreateTrainedComponentModel uses a separate
parameter PregenerationComp PregenerationComp PregenerationComp PregenerationComp pregenerationComp in order to decide whether the
shape models should be completely pregenerated or not. A third
difference concerning the parameter MinScoreComp MinScoreComp MinScoreComp MinScoreComp minScoreComp should be
noted. When using the shape-based matching, this parameter needs not
be passed when preparing the shape model using
create_shape_model create_shape_model CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel , but only during the search using
find_shape_model find_shape_model FindShapeModel FindShapeModel FindShapeModel . In contrast, when preparing the component
model it is favorable to analyze rotational symmetries of the model
components and similarities between the model components. However,
this analysis only leads to meaningful results if the value for
MinScoreComp MinScoreComp MinScoreComp MinScoreComp minScoreComp that is used during the search (see
find_component_model find_component_model FindComponentModel FindComponentModel FindComponentModel ) is already approximately known.
In addition to the parameters ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp ContrastLowComp contrastLowComp ,
ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp ContrastHighComp contrastHighComp , and MinSizeComp MinSizeComp MinSizeComp MinSizeComp minSizeComp also the
parameters MinContrastComp MinContrastComp MinContrastComp MinContrastComp minContrastComp , NumLevelsComp NumLevelsComp NumLevelsComp NumLevelsComp numLevelsComp ,
AngleStepComp AngleStepComp AngleStepComp AngleStepComp angleStepComp , and OptimizationComp OptimizationComp OptimizationComp OptimizationComp optimizationComp can be
automatically determined by passing 'auto' "auto" "auto" "auto" "auto" for the
respective parameters.
All component-specific input parameters (parameter names terminate
with the suffix Comp ) must either contain one element, in
which case the parameter is used for all model components, or must
contain the same number of elements as the number of regions in
ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions componentRegions , in which case each parameter element
refers to the corresponding element in ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions ComponentRegions componentRegions .
In addition to the individual shape models, the component model also
contains information about the way the single model components must
be searched relative to each other using
find_component_model find_component_model FindComponentModel FindComponentModel FindComponentModel in order to minimize the computation
time of the search. For this, the components are represented in a
tree structure. First, the component that stands at the root of this
search tree (root component) is searched. Then, the remaining
components are searched relative to the pose of their predecessor in
the search tree.
The root component can be passed as an input parameter of
find_component_model find_component_model FindComponentModel FindComponentModel FindComponentModel during the search. To what extent a model
component is suited to act as the root component depends on several factors.
In principle, a model component that can be found in the image with a high
probability should be chosen. Therefore, a component that is sometimes
occluded to a high degree or that is missing in some cases is not well suited
to act as the root component. Additionally, the computation time that is
associated with the root component during the search can serve as a
criterion. A ranking of the model components that is based on the latter
criterion is returned in RootRanking RootRanking RootRanking RootRanking rootRanking . In this parameter the indices
of the model components are sorted in descending order according to their
associated search time, i.e., RootRanking RootRanking RootRanking RootRanking rootRanking [0] contains the index of
the model component that, chosen as root component, allows the fastest
search. Note that the ranking returned in RootRanking RootRanking RootRanking RootRanking rootRanking represents
only a coarse estimation. Furthermore, the calculation of the root ranking
assumes that the image size as well as the value of the system parameter
'border_shape_models' "border_shape_models" "border_shape_models" "border_shape_models" "border_shape_models" are identical when calling
create_component_model create_component_model CreateComponentModel CreateComponentModel CreateComponentModel and find_component_model find_component_model FindComponentModel FindComponentModel FindComponentModel .
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
Processed without parallelization.
This operator returns a handle. Note that the state of an instance of this handle type may be changed by specific operators even though the handle is used as an input parameter by those operators.
Input image from which the shape models of the
model components should be created.
Input regions from which the shape models of the
model components should be created.
Variation of the model components in row direction.
Suggested values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150
Restriction: VariationRow >= 0
Variation of the model components in column direction.
Suggested values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150
Restriction: VariationColumn >= 0
Angle variation of the model components.
Suggested values: 0.0, 0.017, 0.035, 0.05, 0.07, 0.09, 0.17, 0.35, 0.52, 0.67, 0.87
Restriction: VariationAngle >= 0
Smallest rotation of the component model.
Default value: -0.39
Suggested values: -3.14, -1.57, -0.79, -0.39, -0.20, 0.0
Extent of the rotation of the component model.
Default value: 0.79
Suggested values: 6.28, 3.14, 1.57, 0.79, 0.39
Restriction: AngleExtent >= 0
Lower hysteresis threshold for the contrast of the
components in the model image.
Default value:
Suggested values: 'auto' "auto" "auto" "auto" "auto" , 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160
Restriction: ContrastLowComp > 0
Upper hysteresis threshold for the contrast of the
components in the model image.
Default value:
Suggested values: 'auto' "auto" "auto" "auto" "auto" , 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160
Restriction: ContrastHighComp > 0 && ContrastHighComp >= ContrastLowComp
Minimum size of the contour regions in the model.
Default value:
Suggested values: 'auto' "auto" "auto" "auto" "auto" , 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40
Restriction: MinSizeComp >= 0
Minimum contrast of the components in the search
Default value:
Suggested values: 'auto' "auto" "auto" "auto" "auto" , 10, 20, 20, 40
Restriction: MinContrastComp <= ContrastLowComp && MinContrastComp >= 0
Minimum score of the instances of the components to
be found.
Default value: 0.5
Suggested values: 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0
Minimum increment: 0.01
Recommended increment: 0.05
Restriction: 0 <= MinScoreComp && MinScoreComp <= 1
Maximum number of pyramid levels for the components.
Default value:
List of values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 'auto' "auto" "auto" "auto" "auto"
Step length of the angles (resolution) for the
Default value:
Suggested values: 'auto' "auto" "auto" "auto" "auto" , 0.0175, 0.0349, 0.0524, 0.0698, 0.0873
Restriction: AngleStepComp >= 0
Kind of optimization for the components.
Default value:
List of values: 'auto' "auto" "auto" "auto" "auto" , 'none' "none" "none" "none" "none" , 'point_reduction_high' "point_reduction_high" "point_reduction_high" "point_reduction_high" "point_reduction_high" , 'point_reduction_low' "point_reduction_low" "point_reduction_low" "point_reduction_low" "point_reduction_low" , 'point_reduction_medium' "point_reduction_medium" "point_reduction_medium" "point_reduction_medium" "point_reduction_medium"
Match metric used for the components.
Default value:
List of values: 'ignore_color_polarity' "ignore_color_polarity" "ignore_color_polarity" "ignore_color_polarity" "ignore_color_polarity" , 'ignore_global_polarity' "ignore_global_polarity" "ignore_global_polarity" "ignore_global_polarity" "ignore_global_polarity" , 'ignore_local_polarity' "ignore_local_polarity" "ignore_local_polarity" "ignore_local_polarity" "ignore_local_polarity" , 'use_polarity' "use_polarity" "use_polarity" "use_polarity" "use_polarity"
Complete pregeneration of the shape models for the
components if equal to 'true' "true" "true" "true" "true" .
Default value:
List of values: 'false' "false" "false" "false" "false" , 'true' "true" "true" "true" "true"
Handle of the component model.
Ranking of the model components expressing the
suitability to act as the root component.
* Read the model image.
read_image (ModelImage, 'model_image.tif')
* Describe the model components.
gen_rectangle2 (ComponentRegions, 318, 109, -1.62, 34, 19)
gen_rectangle2 (Rectangle2, 342, 238, -1.63, 32, 17)
gen_rectangle2 (Rectangle3, 355, 505, 1.41, 25, 17)
concat_obj (ComponentRegions, Rectangle2, ComponentRegions)
concat_obj (ComponentRegions, Rectangle3, ComponentRegions)
* Create the component model by explicitly specifying the relations.
create_component_model (ModelImage, ComponentRegions, 20, 20, rad(25), 0, \
rad(360), 15, 40, 15, 10, 0.8, 'auto', 'auto', \
'none', 'use_polarity', 'false', ComponentModelID, \
* Find the component model in a run-time image.
read_image (SearchImage, 'search_image.tif')
find_component_model (SearchImage, ComponentModelID, RootRanking, 0, \
rad(360), 0.5, 0, 0.5, 'stop_search', \
'search_from_best', 'none', 0.8, 'least_squares', 0, \
0.8, ModelStart, ModelEnd, Score, RowComp, \
ColumnComp, AngleComp, ScoreComp, ModelComp)
If the parameters are valid, the operator
create_component_model create_component_model CreateComponentModel CreateComponentModel CreateComponentModel returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If
necessary an exception is raised.
draw_region draw_region DrawRegion DrawRegion DrawRegion ,
concat_obj concat_obj ConcatObj ConcatObj ConcatObj
find_component_model find_component_model FindComponentModel FindComponentModel FindComponentModel
create_trained_component_model create_trained_component_model CreateTrainedComponentModel CreateTrainedComponentModel CreateTrainedComponentModel
create_shape_model create_shape_model CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel CreateShapeModel ,
find_shape_model find_shape_model FindShapeModel FindShapeModel FindShapeModel