dual_quat_normalize T_dual_quat_normalize DualQuatNormalize DualQuatNormalize — Normalize a dual quaternion.
The operator dual_quat_normalize dual_quat_normalize DualQuatNormalize DualQuatNormalize DualQuatNormalize normalizes the input dual
quaternion DualQuaternion DualQuaternion DualQuaternion DualQuaternion dualQuaternion and returns the normalized dual
quaternion, which is also called a unit dual quaternion,
in DualQuaternionNormalized DualQuaternionNormalized DualQuaternionNormalized DualQuaternionNormalized dualQuaternionNormalized .
For a brief introduction to dual quaternions, the used notation, and the
relationship between dual quaternions and screws, see the documentation of
this chapter (Transformations / Dual Quaternions ).
The norm of a unit dual quaternion
is 1, i.e.,
. This is
equivalent to the following two conditions:
represents the conjugate quaternion of
(see quat_conjugate quat_conjugate QuatConjugate QuatConjugate QuatConjugate ).
A 3D rigid transformation can be represented by a unit dual quaternion.
If the norm of the real part of DualQuaternion DualQuaternion DualQuaternion DualQuaternion dualQuaternion is 0,
dual_quat_normalize dual_quat_normalize DualQuatNormalize DualQuatNormalize DualQuatNormalize returns the error code 9310 (H_ERR_DQ_ZERO_NORM)
because in this case no normalization is possible.
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
Processed without parallelization.
Normalized dual quaternion.
dual_quat_compose dual_quat_compose DualQuatCompose DualQuatCompose DualQuatCompose
dual_quat_to_hom_mat3d dual_quat_to_hom_mat3d DualQuatToHomMat3d DualQuatToHomMat3d DualQuatToHomMat3d
dual_quat_interpolate dual_quat_interpolate DualQuatInterpolate DualQuatInterpolate DualQuatInterpolate ,
pose_to_dual_quat pose_to_dual_quat PoseToDualQuat PoseToDualQuat PoseToDualQuat ,
screw_to_dual_quat screw_to_dual_quat ScrewToDualQuat ScrewToDualQuat ScrewToDualQuat ,
dual_quat_to_screw dual_quat_to_screw DualQuatToScrew DualQuatToScrew DualQuatToScrew ,
dual_quat_to_pose dual_quat_to_pose DualQuatToPose DualQuatToPose DualQuatToPose ,
dual_quat_conjugate dual_quat_conjugate DualQuatConjugate DualQuatConjugate DualQuatConjugate ,
serialize_dual_quat serialize_dual_quat SerializeDualQuat SerializeDualQuat SerializeDualQuat ,
deserialize_dual_quat deserialize_dual_quat DeserializeDualQuat DeserializeDualQuat DeserializeDualQuat ,
dual_quat_trans_line_3d dual_quat_trans_line_3d DualQuatTransLine3d DualQuatTransLine3d DualQuatTransLine3d ,
quat_normalize quat_normalize QuatNormalize QuatNormalize QuatNormalize