reduce_object_model_3d_by_viewT_reduce_object_model_3d_by_viewReduceObjectModel3dByViewReduceObjectModel3dByView — Remove points from a 3D object model by projecting it to a virtual view
and removing all points outside of a given region.
void ReduceObjectModel3dByView(const HObject& Region, const HTuple& ObjectModel3D, const HTuple& CamParam, const HTuple& Pose, HTuple* ObjectModel3DReduced)
static HObjectModel3DArray HObjectModel3D::ReduceObjectModel3dByView(const HRegion& Region, const HObjectModel3DArray& ObjectModel3D, const HCamPar& CamParam, const HPoseArray& Pose)
HObjectModel3D HObjectModel3D::ReduceObjectModel3dByView(const HRegion& Region, const HCamPar& CamParam, const HPose& Pose) const
HObjectModel3DArray HCamPar::ReduceObjectModel3dByView(const HRegion& Region, const HObjectModel3DArray& ObjectModel3D, const HPoseArray& Pose) const
HObjectModel3D HCamPar::ReduceObjectModel3dByView(const HRegion& Region, const HObjectModel3D& ObjectModel3D, const HPose& Pose) const
static HObjectModel3DArray HPose::ReduceObjectModel3dByView(const HRegion& Region, const HObjectModel3DArray& ObjectModel3D, const HCamPar& CamParam, const HPoseArray& Pose)
HObjectModel3D HPose::ReduceObjectModel3dByView(const HRegion& Region, const HObjectModel3D& ObjectModel3D, const HCamPar& CamParam) const
static void HOperatorSet.ReduceObjectModel3dByView(HObject region, HTuple objectModel3D, HTuple camParam, HTuple pose, out HTuple objectModel3DReduced)
static HObjectModel3D[] HObjectModel3D.ReduceObjectModel3dByView(HRegion region, HObjectModel3D[] objectModel3D, HCamPar camParam, HPose[] pose)
HObjectModel3D HObjectModel3D.ReduceObjectModel3dByView(HRegion region, HCamPar camParam, HPose pose)
HObjectModel3D[] HCamPar.ReduceObjectModel3dByView(HRegion region, HObjectModel3D[] objectModel3D, HPose[] pose)
HObjectModel3D HCamPar.ReduceObjectModel3dByView(HRegion region, HObjectModel3D objectModel3D, HPose pose)
static HObjectModel3D[] HPose.ReduceObjectModel3dByView(HRegion region, HObjectModel3D[] objectModel3D, HCamPar camParam, HPose[] pose)
HObjectModel3D HPose.ReduceObjectModel3dByView(HRegion region, HObjectModel3D objectModel3D, HCamPar camParam)
reduce_object_model_3d_by_viewreduce_object_model_3d_by_viewReduceObjectModel3dByViewReduceObjectModel3dByViewReduceObjectModel3dByView projects the points of
ObjectModel3DObjectModel3DObjectModel3DObjectModel3DobjectModel3D into the image plane given by PosePosePosePosepose and
CamParamCamParamCamParamCamParamcamParam and reduces the 3D object model to the points lying inside
the region given in RegionRegionRegionRegionregion.
In particular, the points are first transformed with the pose and then projected using
the camera parameters. Only those points that are located inside the specified region
are copied to the new 3D object model.
Faces of a mesh are only contained in the output 3D object model if all corner points are
within the region.
Note that if a 3D object model is no longer needed or should be overwritten,
the memory has to be freed first by calling the operator
- Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
- Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
- Processed without parallelization.
Region in the image plane.
Handle of the 3D object model.
Internal camera parameters.
3D pose of the world coordinate system in camera
Number of elements: Pose == 7
Handle of the reduced 3D object model.
gen_object_model_3d_from_points (200*(rand(100)-0.5), \
200*(rand(100)-0.5), \
200*(rand(100)-0.5), ObjectModel3D)
gen_circle (Circle, 240, 320, 60)
CamParam := ['area_scan_telecentric_division',1,0,1,1,320,240,640,480]
Pose := [0,0,1,0,0,0,0]
reduce_object_model_3d_by_view (Circle, ObjectModel3D, CamParam, \
Pose, ObjectModel3DReduced)
dev_get_window (WindowHandle)
visualize_object_model_3d (WindowHandle, [ObjectModel3D, \
ObjectModel3DReduced], CamParam, Pose, \
['color_0', 'point_size_1'], ['blue',6], \
[], [], [], PoseOut)
reduce_object_model_3d_by_viewreduce_object_model_3d_by_viewReduceObjectModel3dByViewReduceObjectModel3dByViewReduceObjectModel3dByView returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if all parameters
are correct. If necessary, an exception is raised.
3D Metrology