scene_flow_calib T_scene_flow_calib SceneFlowCalib SceneFlowCalib — Compute the calibrated scene flow between two stereo image pairs.
scene_flow_calib (ImageRect1T1 , ImageRect2T1 , ImageRect1T2 , ImageRect2T2 , Disparity : : SmoothingFlow , SmoothingDisparity , GenParamName , GenParamValue , CamParamRect1 , CamParamRect2 , RelPoseRect : ObjectModel3D )
Herror T_scene_flow_calib (const Hobject ImageRect1T1 , const Hobject ImageRect2T1 , const Hobject ImageRect1T2 , const Hobject ImageRect2T2 , const Hobject Disparity , const Htuple SmoothingFlow , const Htuple SmoothingDisparity , const Htuple GenParamName , const Htuple GenParamValue , const Htuple CamParamRect1 , const Htuple CamParamRect2 , const Htuple RelPoseRect , Htuple* ObjectModel3D )
void SceneFlowCalib (const HObject& ImageRect1T1 , const HObject& ImageRect2T1 , const HObject& ImageRect1T2 , const HObject& ImageRect2T2 , const HObject& Disparity , const HTuple& SmoothingFlow , const HTuple& SmoothingDisparity , const HTuple& GenParamName , const HTuple& GenParamValue , const HTuple& CamParamRect1 , const HTuple& CamParamRect2 , const HTuple& RelPoseRect , HTuple* ObjectModel3D )
static HObjectModel3DArray HObjectModel3D ::SceneFlowCalib (const HImage& ImageRect1T1 , const HImage& ImageRect2T1 , const HImage& ImageRect1T2 , const HImage& ImageRect2T2 , const HImage& Disparity , const HTuple& SmoothingFlow , const HTuple& SmoothingDisparity , const HTuple& GenParamName , const HTuple& GenParamValue , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect )
void HObjectModel3D ::SceneFlowCalib (const HImage& ImageRect1T1 , const HImage& ImageRect2T1 , const HImage& ImageRect1T2 , const HImage& ImageRect2T2 , const HImage& Disparity , double SmoothingFlow , double SmoothingDisparity , const HString& GenParamName , const HString& GenParamValue , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect )
void HObjectModel3D ::SceneFlowCalib (const HImage& ImageRect1T1 , const HImage& ImageRect2T1 , const HImage& ImageRect1T2 , const HImage& ImageRect2T2 , const HImage& Disparity , double SmoothingFlow , double SmoothingDisparity , const char* GenParamName , const char* GenParamValue , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect )
HObjectModel3DArray HCamPar ::SceneFlowCalib (const HImage& ImageRect1T1 , const HImage& ImageRect2T1 , const HImage& ImageRect1T2 , const HImage& ImageRect2T2 , const HImage& Disparity , const HTuple& SmoothingFlow , const HTuple& SmoothingDisparity , const HTuple& GenParamName , const HTuple& GenParamValue , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect ) const
HObjectModel3D HCamPar ::SceneFlowCalib (const HImage& ImageRect1T1 , const HImage& ImageRect2T1 , const HImage& ImageRect1T2 , const HImage& ImageRect2T2 , const HImage& Disparity , double SmoothingFlow , double SmoothingDisparity , const HString& GenParamName , const HString& GenParamValue , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect ) const
HObjectModel3D HCamPar ::SceneFlowCalib (const HImage& ImageRect1T1 , const HImage& ImageRect2T1 , const HImage& ImageRect1T2 , const HImage& ImageRect2T2 , const HImage& Disparity , double SmoothingFlow , double SmoothingDisparity , const char* GenParamName , const char* GenParamValue , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 , const HPose& RelPoseRect ) const
HObjectModel3DArray HPose ::SceneFlowCalib (const HImage& ImageRect1T1 , const HImage& ImageRect2T1 , const HImage& ImageRect1T2 , const HImage& ImageRect2T2 , const HImage& Disparity , const HTuple& SmoothingFlow , const HTuple& SmoothingDisparity , const HTuple& GenParamName , const HTuple& GenParamValue , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 ) const
HObjectModel3D HPose ::SceneFlowCalib (const HImage& ImageRect1T1 , const HImage& ImageRect2T1 , const HImage& ImageRect1T2 , const HImage& ImageRect2T2 , const HImage& Disparity , double SmoothingFlow , double SmoothingDisparity , const HString& GenParamName , const HString& GenParamValue , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 ) const
HObjectModel3D HPose ::SceneFlowCalib (const HImage& ImageRect1T1 , const HImage& ImageRect2T1 , const HImage& ImageRect1T2 , const HImage& ImageRect2T2 , const HImage& Disparity , double SmoothingFlow , double SmoothingDisparity , const char* GenParamName , const char* GenParamValue , const HCamPar& CamParamRect1 , const HCamPar& CamParamRect2 ) const
static void HOperatorSet .SceneFlowCalib (HObject imageRect1T1 , HObject imageRect2T1 , HObject imageRect1T2 , HObject imageRect2T2 , HObject disparity , HTuple smoothingFlow , HTuple smoothingDisparity , HTuple genParamName , HTuple genParamValue , HTuple camParamRect1 , HTuple camParamRect2 , HTuple relPoseRect , out HTuple objectModel3D )
static HObjectModel3D[] HObjectModel3D .SceneFlowCalib (HImage imageRect1T1 , HImage imageRect2T1 , HImage imageRect1T2 , HImage imageRect2T2 , HImage disparity , HTuple smoothingFlow , HTuple smoothingDisparity , HTuple genParamName , HTuple genParamValue , HCamPar camParamRect1 , HCamPar camParamRect2 , HPose relPoseRect )
void HObjectModel3D .SceneFlowCalib (HImage imageRect1T1 , HImage imageRect2T1 , HImage imageRect1T2 , HImage imageRect2T2 , HImage disparity , double smoothingFlow , double smoothingDisparity , string genParamName , string genParamValue , HCamPar camParamRect1 , HCamPar camParamRect2 , HPose relPoseRect )
HObjectModel3D[] HCamPar .SceneFlowCalib (HImage imageRect1T1 , HImage imageRect2T1 , HImage imageRect1T2 , HImage imageRect2T2 , HImage disparity , HTuple smoothingFlow , HTuple smoothingDisparity , HTuple genParamName , HTuple genParamValue , HCamPar camParamRect2 , HPose relPoseRect )
HObjectModel3D HCamPar .SceneFlowCalib (HImage imageRect1T1 , HImage imageRect2T1 , HImage imageRect1T2 , HImage imageRect2T2 , HImage disparity , double smoothingFlow , double smoothingDisparity , string genParamName , string genParamValue , HCamPar camParamRect2 , HPose relPoseRect )
HObjectModel3D[] HPose .SceneFlowCalib (HImage imageRect1T1 , HImage imageRect2T1 , HImage imageRect1T2 , HImage imageRect2T2 , HImage disparity , HTuple smoothingFlow , HTuple smoothingDisparity , HTuple genParamName , HTuple genParamValue , HCamPar camParamRect1 , HCamPar camParamRect2 )
HObjectModel3D HPose .SceneFlowCalib (HImage imageRect1T1 , HImage imageRect2T1 , HImage imageRect1T2 , HImage imageRect2T2 , HImage disparity , double smoothingFlow , double smoothingDisparity , string genParamName , string genParamValue , HCamPar camParamRect1 , HCamPar camParamRect2 )
scene_flow_calib scene_flow_calib SceneFlowCalib SceneFlowCalib SceneFlowCalib computes the calibrated scene flow between
two consecutive rectified stereo image pairs. The scene flow is the
three-dimensional position and motion of surface points in a dynamic
scene. The movement in the images can be caused by objects that
move in the world or by a movement of the camera (or both) between
the acquisition of the two image pairs.
The scene flow is returned as the 3D object model
ObjectModel3D ObjectModel3D ObjectModel3D ObjectModel3D objectModel3D . The 3D object model contains the
coordinates of the reconstructed 3D points. Furthermore, the 3D
flow is encoded in the 3D object model by the attributes
'&flow_x' "&flow_x" "&flow_x" "&flow_x" "&flow_x" , '&flow_y' "&flow_y" "&flow_y" "&flow_y" "&flow_y" , and '&flow_z' "&flow_z" "&flow_z" "&flow_z" "&flow_z" .
Note that if a 3D object model is no longer needed or should be
overwritten, its memory must be freed by calling the operator
clear_object_model_3d clear_object_model_3d ClearObjectModel3d ClearObjectModel3d ClearObjectModel3d .
The two consecutive stereo image pairs of the image sequence are
passed in ImageRect1T1 ImageRect1T1 ImageRect1T1 ImageRect1T1 imageRect1T1 , ImageRect2T1 ImageRect2T1 ImageRect2T1 ImageRect2T1 imageRect2T1 ,
ImageRect1T2 ImageRect1T2 ImageRect1T2 ImageRect1T2 imageRect1T2 , and ImageRect2T2 ImageRect2T2 ImageRect2T2 ImageRect2T2 imageRect2T2 . Each stereo image
pair must be rectified. Note that the images can be rectified by
using the operators calibrate_cameras calibrate_cameras CalibrateCameras CalibrateCameras CalibrateCameras ,
gen_binocular_rectification_map gen_binocular_rectification_map GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap , and map_image map_image MapImage MapImage MapImage .
The camera geometry of the rectified binocular camera system is
specified by its internal camera parameters CamParamRect1 CamParamRect1 CamParamRect1 CamParamRect1 camParamRect1
of the rectified camera 1 and CamParamRect2 CamParamRect2 CamParamRect2 CamParamRect2 camParamRect2 of the
rectified camera 2, and the pose RelPoseRect RelPoseRect RelPoseRect RelPoseRect relPoseRect that defines
the pose of the rectified camera 2 in relation to the rectified
camera 1. These camera parameters can be obtained from the
operators calibrate_cameras calibrate_cameras CalibrateCameras CalibrateCameras CalibrateCameras and
gen_binocular_rectification_map gen_binocular_rectification_map GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap GenBinocularRectificationMap . The focal length and scale
factor of the rectified camera system 1 and 2 must be equal.
Furthermore, a single-channel Disparity Disparity Disparity Disparity disparity image is required,
which specifies for each pixel (r,c1) of the image
ImageRect1T1 ImageRect1T1 ImageRect1T1 ImageRect1T1 imageRect1T1 a matching pixel (r,c2) of
ImageRect2T1 ImageRect2T1 ImageRect2T1 ImageRect2T1 imageRect2T1 according to the equation c2=c1+d(r,c1),
where d(r,c) is the Disparity Disparity Disparity Disparity disparity at pixel (r,c). The
disparity image can be computed using binocular_disparity binocular_disparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity or
binocular_disparity_mg binocular_disparity_mg BinocularDisparityMg BinocularDisparityMg BinocularDisparityMg .
To calculate the calibrated scene flow, internally
scene_flow_uncalib scene_flow_uncalib SceneFlowUncalib SceneFlowUncalib SceneFlowUncalib is first executed. The results are then
converted to 3D points and 3D flow vectors using the stereo camera
geometry parameters described above.
For a description of the remaining parameters of
scene_flow_calib scene_flow_calib SceneFlowCalib SceneFlowCalib SceneFlowCalib , please refer to
scene_flow_uncalib scene_flow_uncalib SceneFlowUncalib SceneFlowUncalib SceneFlowUncalib .
Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
Automatically parallelized on internal data level.
This operator returns a handle. Note that the state of an instance of this handle type may be changed by specific operators even though the handle is used as an input parameter by those operators.
Disparity between input images 1 and 2 at time
Weight of the regularization term relative to
the data term (derivatives of the optical
Default value: 40.0
Suggested values: 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0
Restriction: SmoothingFlow > 0.0
Weight of the regularization term relative to
the data term (derivatives of the disparity
Default value: 40.0
Suggested values: 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0
Restriction: SmoothingDisparity > 0.0
Parameter name(s) for the algorithm.
Default value:
Suggested values: 'default_parameters' "default_parameters" "default_parameters" "default_parameters" "default_parameters" , 'warp_levels' "warp_levels" "warp_levels" "warp_levels" "warp_levels" , 'warp_zoom_factor' "warp_zoom_factor" "warp_zoom_factor" "warp_zoom_factor" "warp_zoom_factor" , 'warp_last_level' "warp_last_level" "warp_last_level" "warp_last_level" "warp_last_level" , 'outer_iter' "outer_iter" "outer_iter" "outer_iter" "outer_iter" , 'inner_iter' "inner_iter" "inner_iter" "inner_iter" "inner_iter" , 'sor_iter' "sor_iter" "sor_iter" "sor_iter" "sor_iter" , 'omega' "omega" "omega" "omega" "omega"
Parameter value(s) for the algorithm.
Default value:
Suggested values: 'very_accurate' "very_accurate" "very_accurate" "very_accurate" "very_accurate" , 'accurate' "accurate" "accurate" "accurate" "accurate" , 'fast' "fast" "fast" "fast" "fast" , 'very_fast' "very_fast" "very_fast" "very_fast" "very_fast" , 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.75, 3, 5, 7, 2, 3, 1.9
Internal camera parameters of the rectified
camera 1.
Internal camera parameters of the rectified
camera 2.
Pose of the rectified camera 2 in relation to
the rectified camera 1.
Number of elements: 7
Handle of the 3D object model.
If the parameter values are correct, the operator
scene_flow_calib scene_flow_calib SceneFlowCalib SceneFlowCalib SceneFlowCalib returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If the input is
empty (no input images are available) the behavior can be set via
set_system('no_object_result',<Result>) set_system("no_object_result",<Result>) SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>) SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>) SetSystem("no_object_result",<Result>) . If necessary, an
exception is raised.
binocular_disparity binocular_disparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity BinocularDisparity ,
binocular_disparity_mg binocular_disparity_mg BinocularDisparityMg BinocularDisparityMg BinocularDisparityMg
scene_flow_uncalib scene_flow_uncalib SceneFlowUncalib SceneFlowUncalib SceneFlowUncalib ,
optical_flow_mg optical_flow_mg OpticalFlowMg OpticalFlowMg OpticalFlowMg
A. Wedel, C. Rabe, T. Vaudrey, T. Brox, U. Franke and D. Cremers:
“Efficient dense scene flow from sparse or dense stereo data”;
In: Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Computer Vision:
Part I, pages 739-751. Springer-Verlag, 2008.