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Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.

HSampleIdentifier (Class)


HSampleIdentifier — Represents an instance of a sample identifier.


ReadSampleIdentifier    Read a sample identifier from a file.
CreateSampleIdentifier    Create a new sample identifier.


AddSampleIdentifierPreparationData    Add preparation data to an existing sample identifier.
AddSampleIdentifierTrainingData    Add training data to an existing sample identifier.
ApplySampleIdentifier    Identify objects with a sample identifier.
ClearSampleIdentifier    Free the memory of a sample identifier.
CreateSampleIdentifier    Create a new sample identifier.
DeserializeSampleIdentifier    Deserialize a serialized sample identifier.
GetSampleIdentifierObjectInfo    Retrieve information about an object of a sample identifier.
GetSampleIdentifierParam    Get selected parameters of a sample identifier.
PrepareSampleIdentifier    Adapt the internal data structure of a sample identifier to the objects to be identified.
ReadSampleIdentifier    Read a sample identifier from a file.
RemoveSampleIdentifierPreparationData    Remove preparation data from a sample identifier.
RemoveSampleIdentifierTrainingData    Remove training data from a sample identifier.
SerializeSampleIdentifier    Serialize a sample identifier.
SetSampleIdentifierObjectInfo    Define a name or a description for an object of a sample identifier.
SetSampleIdentifierParam    Set selected parameters of a sample identifier.
TrainSampleIdentifier    Train a sample identifier.
WriteSampleIdentifier    Write a sample identifier to a file.

HSampleIdentifier (Class)


HSampleIdentifier — Represents an instance of a sample identifier.


ReadSampleIdentifier    Read a sample identifier from a file.
CreateSampleIdentifier    Create a new sample identifier.


AddSampleIdentifierPreparationData    Add preparation data to an existing sample identifier.
AddSampleIdentifierTrainingData    Add training data to an existing sample identifier.
ApplySampleIdentifier    Identify objects with a sample identifier.
ClearSampleIdentifier    Free the memory of a sample identifier.
CreateSampleIdentifier    Create a new sample identifier.
DeserializeSampleIdentifier    Deserialize a serialized sample identifier.
GetSampleIdentifierObjectInfo    Retrieve information about an object of a sample identifier.
GetSampleIdentifierParam    Get selected parameters of a sample identifier.
PrepareSampleIdentifier    Adapt the internal data structure of a sample identifier to the objects to be identified.
ReadSampleIdentifier    Read a sample identifier from a file.
RemoveSampleIdentifierPreparationData    Remove preparation data from a sample identifier.
RemoveSampleIdentifierTrainingData    Remove training data from a sample identifier.
SerializeSampleIdentifier    Serialize a sample identifier.
SetSampleIdentifierObjectInfo    Define a name or a description for an object of a sample identifier.
SetSampleIdentifierParam    Set selected parameters of a sample identifier.
TrainSampleIdentifier    Train a sample identifier.
WriteSampleIdentifier    Write a sample identifier to a file.

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