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HXLDModPara (Class)


HXLDModPara — Represents an instance of an XLD modified parallel object(-array).

Base Class

HXLD — Represents an instance of an XLD object-(array).


This operator is not available as a class member but will be called automatically when the resources of the object instances are to be released. This occurs in the finalization stage of garbage collection, or upon an explicit call of the Dispose() method.

ClearObj    Delete an iconic object from the HALCON database.


CombineRoadsXld    Combine road hypotheses from two resolution levels.
CompareObj    Compare iconic objects regarding equality.
ConcatObj    Concatenate two iconic object tuples.
CopyObj    Copy an iconic object in the HALCON database.
GenGridRectificationMap    Compute the mapping between the distorted image and the rectified image based upon the points of a regular grid.
InsertObj    Insert objects into an iconic object tuple.
ObjDiff    Calculate the difference of two object tuples.
RemoveObj    Remove objects from an iconic object tuple.
ReplaceObj    Replaces one or more elements of an iconic object tuple.
SelectObj    Select objects from an object tuple.
SelectShapeXld    Select contours or polygons using shape features.
SelectXldPoint    Choose all contours or polygons containing a given point.
ShapeTransXld    Transform the shape of contours or polygons.
TestEqualObj    Compare image objects regarding equality.

HXLDModPara (Class)


HXLDModPara — Represents an instance of an XLD modified parallel object(-array).

Base Class

HXLD — Represents an instance of an XLD object-(array).


This operator is not available as a class member but will be called automatically by the destructor. This occurs when a local variable goes out of scope or an instance on the heap is deleted.

ClearObj    Delete an iconic object from the HALCON database.


CombineRoadsXld    Combine road hypotheses from two resolution levels.
CompareObj    Compare iconic objects regarding equality.
ConcatObj    Concatenate two iconic object tuples.
CopyObj    Copy an iconic object in the HALCON database.
GenGridRectificationMap    Compute the mapping between the distorted image and the rectified image based upon the points of a regular grid.
InsertObj    Insert objects into an iconic object tuple.
ObjDiff    Calculate the difference of two object tuples.
RemoveObj    Remove objects from an iconic object tuple.
ReplaceObj    Replaces one or more elements of an iconic object tuple.
SelectObj    Select objects from an object tuple.
SelectShapeXld    Select contours or polygons using shape features.
SelectXldPoint    Choose all contours or polygons containing a given point.
ShapeTransXld    Transform the shape of contours or polygons.
TestEqualObj    Compare image objects regarding equality.

ClassesClasses | | Operators