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Multi-View Stereo

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This chapter contains operators for multi-view 3D reconstruction.

Concept of Multi-view 3D Reconstruction

With multi-view 3D reconstruction, it is possible to generate 3D objects using 2D images from multiple cameras. It is possible to reconstruct the complete 3D surface of an object, or single 3D points.

In the following, the steps that are required to reconstruct surfaces and points are described briefly. Note that a well-calibrated camera setup is the main requirement for a precise 3D reconstruction; see calibrate_camerascalibrate_camerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCamerasCalibrateCameras for more details. Additionally, in the HDevelop example reconstruct_surface_mixed_camera_types.hdev, a typical calibration workflow (from the calibration data model via the camera setup model to the stereo model) is performed.

Generate stereo model:

First, create the stereo model using

If you want to reconstruct 3D points, choose the Method 'points_3d'.

3D point reconstruction with 'points_3d'.

For the reconstruction of surfaces, the methods 'surface_pairwise' and 'surface_fusion' are available. For detailed information on these two methods, have a look at the reference manual entry of reconstruct_surface_stereoreconstruct_surface_stereoReconstructSurfaceStereoReconstructSurfaceStereoReconstructSurfaceStereo.

(1) (2) (3)
These three 2D images are used for the surface reconstruction as seen in the images below.

(1) (2) (3)
(1) Surface reconstruction with 'surface_pairwise'. (2) Surface reconstruction with 'surface_fusion'. (3) Surface reconstruction with 'surface_fusion', where the color information is extracted from the used 2D images. Have a look at the HDevelop example reconstruct_surface_mixed_camera_types.hdev to see the 3D reconstruction process.

Set the image pairs (only for surface reconstruction):

For the reconstruction of 3D surfaces, multiple binocular stereo reconstructions are performed, and then combined. For the binocular reconstruction, image pairs have to be specified. For example, for the three images shown above, the image pairs might be [0,1] and [1,2]. The image pairs have to be specified using

and query the image pairs with

For more information, see reconstruct_surface_stereoreconstruct_surface_stereoReconstructSurfaceStereoReconstructSurfaceStereoReconstructSurfaceStereo as well as the above-mentioned operators.

Modify the stereo model parameters:


you can optimize the settings of the 3D reconstruction for your setup.

When reconstructing surfaces, it is highly recommended to limit the 3D reconstruction using a bounding box which is as tight as possible around the object that is to be reconstructed.

The bounding box, which is set with set_stereo_model_paramset_stereo_model_paramSetStereoModelParamSetStereoModelParamSetStereoModelParam, restricts the area where the object is reconstructed, and thus can be used to reduce the runtime greatly.

When using the 'surface_fusion' Method in create_stereo_modelcreate_stereo_modelCreateStereoModelCreateStereoModelCreateStereoModel, it is recommended to first optimize the parameters of the 'surface_pairwise' Method, since it is used as a basis. For more details on the parameters, see the examples reconstruct_surface_stereo_pairwise_workflow.hdev and reconstruct_surface_stereo_fusion_workflow.hdev.

You can query the set parameters with

Perform the 3D reconstruction:

Then, to perform the actual reconstruction, use

Get intermediate results (only for surface reconstruction):

Note that to query these intermediate results, you must enable the 'persistence'"persistence""persistence""persistence""persistence" mode for the stereo model with set_stereo_model_paramset_stereo_model_paramSetStereoModelParamSetStereoModelParamSetStereoModelParam before performing the reconstruction.


you can access and inspect intermediate results of a surface reconstruction performed with reconstruct_surface_stereoreconstruct_surface_stereoReconstructSurfaceStereoReconstructSurfaceStereoReconstructSurfaceStereo. These images can be used for troubleshooting the reconstruction process.


you can get the 3D object model that was reconstructed with reconstruct_surface_stereoreconstruct_surface_stereoReconstructSurfaceStereoReconstructSurfaceStereoReconstructSurfaceStereo as an intermediate result using the Method 'surface_fusion'"surface_fusion""surface_fusion""surface_fusion""surface_fusion".

List of Operators

Free the memory of a stereo model.
Create a HALCON stereo model.
Return the list of image pairs set in a stereo model.
Get intermediate iconic results of a stereo reconstruction.
Get intermediate 3D object model of a stereo reconstruction
Get stereo model parameters.
Reconstruct 3D points from calibrated multi-view stereo images.
Reconstruct surface from calibrated multi-view stereo images.
Specify image pairs to be used for surface stereo reconstruction.
Set stereo model parameters.

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