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[TestStand] NI TestStand 3.5 and Patch 美国国家仪器测试序列管理软件TS3.5及补丁

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    NI TestStand 3.5 and Patch 美国国家仪器测试序列管理软件TS3.5及补丁


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    TestStand3.5 Patch_atml_3.5补丁
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    TestStand3.5 Patch_atml_3.5补丁

    TS3.5.txt (938 Bytes, 下载次数: 3, 售价: 10 元)

    TestStand™ 3.5 Readme for Windows 2000/XP
    October 2005
    This document contains installation and programming considerations and additional changes that were too recent to be included in the printed TestStand documentation.
    Before Installation

    After Installation

    Recommended Database Client Software

    Corrections and Additions to Documentation

    Known Issues

    Additional Information

    Before Installation
    • You cannot install TestStand 3.5 over a previous version of TestStand. In order to install TestStand 3.5 into a directory that contains a previous version of TestStand, you must uninstall the previous version of TestStand first. However, since the uninstallers for TestStand 2.x incorrectly remove the \OperatorInterfaces\User directory, refer to the TestStand Release Notes for procedures to safely uninstall the previous version of TestStand and preserve all of the configuration files and files in the User subdirectories.
    • On Windows 2000/XP, you must login as an administrator to install TestStand. You must install TestStand in a directory where users of the software have write authority to the disk.
    • National Instruments strongly recommends that you exit all programs before running the TestStand installer. Applications that run in the background, such as virus scanning utilities, may cause the installer to take longer than average to complete.
    • If you have saved VIs that call the TestStand API with a version of LabVIEW earlier than 5.1.1, you must mass compile them in LabVIEW 6.1 or later before you install TestStand 3.5. If you do not do this, the VIs will break and you will have to manually replace every ActiveX diagram node that uses the TestStand API.
    • Read the TestStand Release Notes in the \Doc\Manuals directory for details of changes since TestStand 3.0
    • TestStand 3.5 is compatible with LabVIEW 6.1 or later.
    • TestStand 3.5 is compatible with LabWindows™/CVI™ 6.0 or later.
    • The TestStand .NET Adapter requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1, which you can download from http://msdn.microsoft.com/netframework.
    • TestStand 3.5 installs the following additional software components:
      • LabVIEW 6.1 Run-Time Engine
      • LabVIEW 7.0 Run-Time Engine
      • LabVIEW 7.1 Run-Time Engine
      • LabVIEW 8.0 Run-Time Engine
      • LabWindows/CVI 7.1 Run-Time Engine (RTE)
      • LabWindows/CVI SQL Toolkit DLL version 2.05, cvidb32.dll
      • National Instruments Session Manager
      • The National Instruments Device Driver CD-ROM contains the following suggested components:
        • Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) 4.0
        • IVI Compliance Package (ICP) 2.3, which includes new IVI Class Drivers

          To use IVI you must download and install IVI Compliant-specific drivers on your system. To download an IVI-specific driver, go to the Instrument Driver Network at http://www.ni.com/devzone/idnet/default.htm.

    • Most example sequences that use LabVIEW VIs require the LabVIEW development system to be installed because the test VIs call subVIs from the LabVIEW\vi.lib directory.
    • If you encounter any problems during the TestStand installation process, refer to Known Issues for possible solutions.
    After Installation
    • The best way to familiarize yourself with TestStand is to explore the TestStand Bookshelf, which contains all of the TestStand documentation in electronic format. To access the TestStand Bookshelf, select Start» Programs»National Instruments»TestStand 3.5»Online Help»TestStand Bookshelf.
    • If you are using LabVIEW 7.0 or later, you should mass compile all the VIs in the TestStand directory. The VIs are saved with LabVIEW 6.1 and will recompile each time you load them in a newer version of LabVIEW.
    Recommended Database Client Software
    The TestStand database components require Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.5 or later to be installed on your system. Windows 2000/XP include MDAC and Microsoft Jet 4.0. The latest version of MDAC and Microsoft Jet 4.0 are available on Microsoft's Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/data.
    The following describes the recommended database client software to use with the database components included with TestStand. Review the Known Issues for database-specific issues.
    • Microsoft Access—National Instruments recommends that you use the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider or later.
    • Microsoft SQL Server—National Instruments recommends that you use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.
    • Oracle—You must install the Oracle Client software on your system. National Instruments recommends that you use the latest Oracle Provider for OLE DB. The Oracle Provider installer includes the following components:
      • Oracle Provider for OLE DB
      • Oracle Services for MTS
      • Oracle Client
      • Oracle Installer
      You can download the Oracle Provider from Oracle's Web site at http://www.oracle.com.

      National Instruments does not recommend using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle at this time. The Microsoft OLE DB Provider does not support all of the OLE DB features that TestStand requires.
    • MySQL—National Instruments recommends that you use the MySQL ODBC Driver 3.51 or later.
    Corrections and Additions to Documentation
    Refer to the TestStand Release Notes for corrections and additions to the TestStand documentation.
    • The online help may not print properly unless you are using Internet Explorer version 5.5 SP2 or later.
    • The first time you click a link to the TestStand Help or readme.html from the TestStand Bookshelf, you will get the following warning when using Adobe Acrobat:

      Acrobat is about to launch this application: C:\Windows\hh.exe or C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplorer.exe.
      Allow this action (yes) or all actions to all applications (all)?

      This is a known issue with Acrobat and Windows. Clicking All opens the TestStand Help or readme.html and prevents this warning from appearing again.
    • If you are viewing the TestStand Bookshelf using Adobe Reader 7.0, the Search button may not work. If this occurs, you need to use Adobe Acrobat to view the TestStand Bookshelf. If you continue using Adobe Reader 7.0, you can open individual PDFs to search their contents, but you cannot search all TestStand PDFs at once using the Search button.
    Known Issues
    This document organizes known issues into the following categories:
    Installation Issues

    Sequence Editor Issues

    User Interface (UI) Control Issues

    LabVIEW Related Issues

    LabWindows/CVI Related Issues

    Database Related Issues

    IVI Related Issues

    Miscellaneous Issues

    Installation Issues
    National Instruments strongly recommends that you reboot your machine before you begin installation and that you do not run other applications during installation.
    • If the installer is running slowly, hanging, or behaving erratically, your virus protection program might be interfering. This problem often occurs while the installer is attempting to launch other application installers.
    • If you are using Internet Explorer 5.5 and have selected the Enable Web Content in Folders option on the View tab of the Windows Explorer Folder Options dialog box, Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) may report application errors and terminate your Windows Explorer windows during the TestStand installation process.

      To work around this problem, complete one of the following:

      • Ignore the error messages and continue installing.
      • Close all Windows Explorer windows before installing TestStand.
      • Enable the Use Windows classic folders option on the General tab of the Folder Options dialog box before installing.
      • Select Custom TestStand installation and disable the VISA, IVI, and MAX run-time installers.
    • If you have Internet Explorer 5.5 and any Windows Explorer windows that point to TestStand subdirectories, multiple dialog boxes may appear during installation reporting that these directories are inaccessible. To avoid this problem, close the Windows Explorer windows that point to the TestStand subdirectories.
    • If Microsoft Windows Installer messages appear when you launch unrelated applications, it is likely that you previously terminated or cancelled an installer before it completed. If the Windows Installer message refers to a specific application, try to uninstall or reinstall that application. Otherwise, try to reinstall the application that generates the message when you launch it.
    • If TestStand fails to uninstall, reinstall TestStand and then uninstall it.
    • When you uninstall TestStand 2.0 on a system that contains TestStand 3.5, the TestStand 2.0 uninstaller may incorrectly remove the National Instruments Session Manager 3.5 files. You can fix this problem by running the repair utility on the NI Session Manager product using the National Instruments Software maintenance utility inside Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel.
    • The IVI components on the TestStand 2.0 CD are not compatible with the latest version of the IVI Compliance Package (ICP) 2.3, which is included on the NI Device Driver CD that comes with TestStand 3.5.

      If you already installed ICP 2.2 or later from the NI Device Driver CD before installing TestStand 2.0, do not install the IVI components from the TestStand 2.0 CD. Disable the Basic IVI Class Drivers feature within the IVI Engine and Drivers feature during installation.

      If you have already installed the TestStand 2.0 IVI components after installing ICP 2.2 or later from the NI Device Driver CD, you can fix the problem by running the repair utility on the ICP product using the National Instruments Software maintenance utility inside Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel.
    • TestStand requires NI-VISA 3.1 or later. If you install TestStand 3.5 on a system that has NI-VISA 3.0 or earlier installed, the NI-PAL Service Manager (nipalsm.exe) generates an error when you restart the system. To resolve this issue you can install NI-VISA 3.1 or later on the system.
    • TestStand requires NI-DAQmx 7.2 or later. If you install TestStand 3.5 on a system that has NI-DAQmx 7.1 or earlier installed, the NI-PAL Service Manager (nipalsm.exe) generates an error when you restart the system. To resolve this issue you can install NI-DAQmx 7.2 or later on the system.
    User Interface (UI) Controls Issues
    If you programmatically create a TestStand UI control in an MFC container, you must remove the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style from the control window. If you do not remove the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style, a native MFC control always obscures the TestStand UI control, even if the MFC control comes before the TestStand UI control in the tab order. You must remove the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style in order for a dynamically created TestStand UI control to be visible inside an MFC Group Box control.
    LabVIEW Related Issues
    • TestStand 3.5 requires LabVIEW version 6.1 or later. Additionally, many of the new features introduced in TestStand 3.0 will not be available unless you have LabVIEW version 7.0 or later.
    • A small memory leak occurs when TestStand calls a VI using the LabVIEW 8.0 Run-Time Engine and the VI displays and closes its front panel. To prevent the loss of memory, call the VI without displaying the front panel, or configure the LabVIEW Adapter to execute VIs using the LabVIEW 8.0 development system.
    • The Run VI Asynchronously step does not support running a VI on a remote Windows system.
    • TestStand cannot call a LabVIEW 8.0 Express VI that has a RealMatrix control wired to its connector pane.
    • When you run a LabVIEW Operator Interface in the LabVIEW development system, you can only call remote VIs if the VI is the same version as the LabVIEW development system or earlier.
    • When you run a LabVIEW Operator Interface more than once within a single session of the LabVIEW development system and TestStand is calling remote VIs, the LabVIEW development system may crash. National Instruments recommends that you shutdown and restart the LabVIEW development system before attempting to run the LabVIEW Operator Interface again.
    • For some Express VIs, an error may occur when you configure or run the VI and you did not specify a value in TestStand for a control on the connector pane. To prevent this error from occurring, specify a valid value for the control in TestStand.
    • When using LabVIEW 7.1.1 or earlier, TestStand cannot call a remote VI that has a TestData control wired to its connector pane.
    • LabVIEW Operator Interface executables that do not use the TestStand Active-X Operator Interface Controls might sometimes hang when launched. The hang occurs when TestStand loads the LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine and both LabVIEW and the run-time access system resources at the same time. You can prevent the hang by using a Call Library Function VI to invoke a function in the run-time to force LabVIEW to synchronously load the run-time into memory before creating the TestStand engine.
    • TestStand may hang while attempting to use the Deploy Library step to undeploy a shared variable when a step in another thread calls a VI that accesses the shared variable.
    • You must close all running LabVIEW Operator Interfaces before exiting Windows. If you shutdown, restart, or log off of Windows while a LabVIEW Operator Interface is running, the operator interface cancels the operation and the LabVIEW Operator Interface may exit with an error.
    • If you are running a sequence in the full-featured LabVIEW Operator Interface that calls a LabVIEW VI remotely, calls to remote VIs must be configured to load dynamically to prevent a hang when TestStand calls the VI. Alternatively, use an expression to specify the hostname for the remote VI to cause TestStand to load the code module dynamically.
    • TestStand installs the LabVIEW 6.1 Run-Time Engine, however the TestStand Deployment Utility does not redistribute the LabVIEW 6.1 Run-Time Engine. You must either manually install the LabVIEW 6.1 Run-Time Engine on a destination system, or add the LabVIEW 6.1 Run-Time Engine installer in the deployment workspace and use a custom command to instruct the deployment to launch the LabVIEW 6.1 Run-Time Engine installer.
    • TestStand does not support calling VIs on remote systems if a VI is saved without diagrams and the version of the VI is earlier than LabVIEW 8.0 or the version of the VI is earlier than the latest version of LabVIEW installed on the system.
    • LabVIEW DLLs that use ActiveX controls must load in a thread initialized as single-threaded apartment (STA) for the controls to function correctly. If the TestStand step that calls the DLL preloads the DLL, TestStand ensures that the DLL is loaded in an STA thread. However, if you dynamically load a step that calls such a DLL, you must ensure that the loading sequence is executing in an STA thread. You can use the Run Sequence in a New Thread or Run Sequence in a New Execution found in the Multithreading and Remote Execution section of the Edit Sequence Call dialog box to choose an STA thread. Click the Settings button to launch the Thread Settings dialog box, which contains the STA thread options.
    • If you cannot edit a VI in LabVIEW, it may be because the VI is reserved for execution. To edit the VI, select Edit Code from a TestStand step that calls the VI. Refer to Using LabVIEW with TestStand for more information about when the LabVIEW Adapter reserves a VI for execution.
    • The following error occurs if the LabVIEW preference setting, Run with Multiple Threads, is disabled:

      LabVIEW Error: The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread. Error Code: -2147417842

      Enable the Run With Multiple Threads setting in LabVIEW by selecting Edit» Preferences» Performance And Disk.
    • LabVIEW ActiveX diagram nodes generate broken wire errors when you mass compile a VI that calls a server that is not installed on your system. One case where this occurs is when you mass compile a VI that calls the TestStand Engine on a machine on which the TestStand server is not yet installed. To fix the errors in your ActiveX nodes, you must install the missing ActiveX server and force LabVIEW to recompile your VI. To force LabVIEW to recompile, complete one of the following:
      • Load all of the VIs into memory that you want to fix. Hold down and click the run arrow. This forces all of the VIs in memory to be recompiled.
      • Add MassCompAll = True to the labview.ini file. Then mass compile the VIs you want to fix. This option forces a recompile even if the VI is already up to date
    • If you attempt to edit or run a VI from TestStand, LabVIEW returns the following error if the VI does not match any of the items in the allowed exported VI list for the server:

      LabVIEW: Server access denied.
      Error Code: -18002, LabVIEW reported an error.
      See 'LabVIEW : 'message for more details.

      You can display the LabVIEW Tools dialog box by selecting Tools»Options from the LabVIEW menu. Select VI Server: Exported VIs to review the exported VI list. You can add the item "*.*" to allow TestStand to run any VI.
    • If you are using the TestStand 2.0.x LabVIEW Operator Interface with a version of LabVIEW newer than 6.1 you will need to rebuild the Utilities.dll, as this DLL depends on the CIN Tools library provided by LabVIEW.
    • The TestStand 2.0.x full-featured LabVIEW Operator Interface incorrectly closed the engine after closing the front panel of the Sequence Display. If the engine attempted to display a dialog box during shutdown, the main application window no longer existed and resulted in a hang. To prevent this hang, ensure that the engine is closed before the front panel of the Sequence Display.

      Refer to the TestStand - Runtime Operator Interface.vi file located in the \OperatorInterfaces\NI\TestStand 2.0.1 Operator Interfaces (Old)\Full-Featured\LabVIEW 6.1 directory for an example of this update.
    • If the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine finds a subVI with the same name, but with a different version, before traversing the search directories, the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine fails to load the top-level VI. This can occur when you attempt to run a VI that you save under some TestStand directories and the directory contains VIs with different versions. Directories that can cause this problem include the \API directory and the \Examples directory. National Instruments recommends that you use the User directories in , instead of NI directories, whenever available. Normally the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine can only execute top-level VIs that are saved with their hierarchy because the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine does not have access to the VIs under the LabVIEW development system, such as vi.lib files. However, when TestStand loads a LabVIEW Run-Time Engine on a system that also contains the development system, TestStand automatically adds various directories from the development system to the search paths for the LabVIEW run-time. Thus, when TestStand executes a top-level VI that is saved without its hierarchy, the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine attempts to find subVIs by first searching the directory of the top-level VI, and then searching the directories added by TestStand.
    • If you attempt to browse into an .llb file on a deployed machine, an error occurs unless you have the LabVIEW 7.0 or later development system or LabVIEW 7.0 Run-Time Engine installed. This is resolved by mass compiling \AdapterSupport\LabVIEW\TestStandListDir.llb to the corresponding version of the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine you have installed on the machine.
    • If you uninstall LabVIEW 8.0 from a system that contains LabVIEW 7.1, TestStand might return an error when executing a VI that uses a waveform data type. The error states that TestStand fails to find a waveform interface. You can fix this problem by running the repair utility on the LabVIEW 7.1 product using the National Instruments Software maintenance utility inside Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel.
    LabWindows/CVI Related Issues
    • If you copy any LabWindows/CVI projects from one TestStand installation to another and try to open the projects in LabWindows/CVI 6.0, it might report that some of the files are missing. This is a known issue in LabWindows/CVI 6.0. Files that are not directly under the project directory or the LabWindows/CVI application directory are reported missing even though earlier versions of LabWindows/CVI are able to find them. After you copy the projects, you will have to replace the file entries in the projects with the new file locations.
    • If you are using LabWindows/CVI 7.0, some of the property pages for the SequenceView control may be disabled when accessed from the Edit ActiveX Control dialog box. If the SequenceView control disables a property page because it is unable to create a design-time copy of the TestStand Engine, click the Edit Tool button in the Quick Edit Window toolbar of the dialog box before accessing the property pages. This ensures that the environment is in design mode so that the SequenceView control can successfully create a design-time copy of the TestStand Engine. You can always access the property pages directly from the SequenceView control by right-clicking on the control and selecting Properties from the context menu.
    Database Related Issues
    Microsoft Access Database Related Issues

    Oracle Database Related Issues

    MySQL Database Related Issues

    Sybase Database Related Issues

    Miscellaneous Database Related Issues

    Microsoft Access Database Related Issues
    • In TestStand 3.1 and earlier, the database logging feature incorrectly logs specific date values under the following conditions:
      • The system regional settings in the control panel specify a locale whose default date formats display the day before the month, 'dd/mm/yyyy'. Examples include English (United Kingdom) and France.
      • The TestStand Database Options data link specifies to use the Microsoft Jet 4.0 Provider or Microsoft Jet 3.51 Provider.
      • The TestStand Database Options schema uses parameterized INSERT statements and includes a column defined with a Date data type.
      • The day in the date falls between the 1st and the 12th of the month.
      The Microsoft Jet Provider incorrectly swaps the month and day numeric components, but only if the resulting date is still valid. For example, if TestStand logs the value January 13, 2004, the Microsoft Jet Provider stored date is correct, but if TestStand logs the value January 12, 2004, the Microsoft Jet Provider stored the date as December 1, 2004 instead.
      This behavior only exists for the Microsoft Jet Providers. TestStand logs data values properly when using the Microsoft Access ODBC driver, the SQL Server Provider and ODBC driver, and the Oracle Provider and ODBC driver.

      TestStand 3.5 includes a workaround for this behavior for the Microsoft Jet 4.0 Provider, but TestStand cannot work around this behavior for the Microsoft Jet 3.51 Provider.

    • The Database Viewer application fails to view data inside a Microsoft Access database if the data link uses the Microsoft ODBC Driver and the base filename contains a period character in addition to the period in the file extension. This error appears to be a problem with the Microsoft ODBC Driver. This error may make the Database Viewer application unstable. Rename the database file or use the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider instead.
    • If the Microsoft Access ODBC Driver and Jet Provider return the error "Operation cancelled", verify that the ODBC data source and/or data link connection string reference a valid .mdb file.
    • The Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider and ODBC Driver may return the following error message when two executions attempt to gain write access to the same table:

      Native error code -2147467259 0x80004005
      Microsoft JET Database Engine:
      Could not update; currently locked by user 'Admin' on machine 'XXX'.

      This problem occurs if each execution or thread opens a unique connection to the database or unique statements to a table, for example, they do not share handles. The Microsoft Access drivers use an on-demand file access method that can cause this error.

      To work around this problem, complete one of the following:

      • If this error occurs while using the TestStand database logging feature from within a single process, enable the Share Data Link Between Executions option on the Data Link tab of the Database Options dialog box.
      • If this error occurs while accessing a Microsoft Access database from multiple processes or different computers, you must either ignore the error or retry the failing database action.
      • In some cases, if you open the statement recordset using the Batch Optimistic Locking option, the problem may not occur.
    • When you use the Microsoft Access ODBC Driver, values for the STEP_TYPE field in the STEP_RESULT table may be NULL. This problem occurs because MDAC has a problem where the values for a MEMO field are set to NULL for all records if the value of the first record written is not specified, i.e NULL. By default, the script files used to create the table attempt to create fields of type TEXT. If the tables are created with the Access ODBC driver, the field type is TEXT of size 255. If the tables are created with the Access OLE DB Provider, the field type is MEMO.

      To work around this problem, do one of the following:

      • Use the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider instead of the Access ODBC driver to log results.
      • Change the field types in the STEP_RESULT and UUT_RESULT tables from MEMO to TEXT within Microsoft Access. You will get a prompt warning you that your data could be truncated to 255 characters which is the limit of a TEXT field.
    • The Database Viewer application may crash on exit after previously opening a data link using the Microsoft Jet 3.51 OLE DB Provider. To correct this problem, use the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider instead.
    Oracle Database Related Issues
    • In some cases Oracle returns the error -2147217915 and the error description "Object was open" when executing the stored procedure for the STEP_RESULT schema statement. This error occurred when using MDAC version 2.6 and no longer occurs with MDAC 2.7.
    • When you use an Oracle stored procedure to log data to a foreign key column of type GUID and the data type of the parameter in the database logging schema is GUID, Oracle returns an error if no value or NULL is assigned to the parameter. The error number is -2147467259, and the description contains garbage characters. A work around is to change the data type from GUID to String for the foreign key parameter in the schema.
    • The Database Viewer application cannot display the contents of an Oracle database table if the table contains a column of type LONG. The Microsoft data grid control returns the following error, "Object is open."
    MySQL Database Related Issues
    • The MySQL ODBC drivers incorrectly report a "catastrophic failure" error when you specify a connection string that includes the "Initial Catalog=xxx" parameter. Instead specify the default database in the ODBC data source using the ODBC administrator.
    • When you use the MySQL ODBC driver and the operating system specifies a comma character as the decimal symbol character, the ODBC driver may return the following error when logging results:

      "[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-nt] Column count doesn't match value count at row 1"

      This error occurs because the ODBC driver internally converts a floating point value to a string value. The system locale causes MySQL to interpret the comma decimal symbol character in the SQL syntax as a multi-value list character separator.

      To fix this, configure the MySQL data source in the ODBC Administrator and enable the Don't Use Set Locale option in the Miscellaneous Options section.
    • The MySQL ODBC driver returns the following error while logging results to database when you specify column data type as String (BSTR):

      [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-nt] You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Callback,'SequenceCall','Passed',NULL,0,NULL,5.2452199999999997

      The MySQL ODBC driver fails to encapsulate string values in quotes when constructing SQL statements. To work around this problem, specify string columns as String (VARCHAR) instead of String (BSTR) in the Database Options dialog box.
    • The MySQL ODBC driver returns the following error while logging results to the database when the schema in the Database Options dialog box specifies a column data type as GUID:

      [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-nt] You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'garbagecharacters,'COMPUTERNAME',NULL,-1,NULL,'username','20040505153955',

      To work around this limitation, specify string columns as String (VARCHAR) instead of GUID.
    • The MySQL ODBC 3.51 driver ignores the initial catalog setting specified in a data link connection string of the Database Options dialog box or the Database Viewer application. You must specify the database in the ODBC connection string or in the DSN specified in the ODBC Administrator.
    • The MySQL ODBC 3.51 driver may return an error when the Database Viewer application attempts to view a different database when you change the name in the Catalog ring control. The MySQL ODBC driver internally fails to properly terminate the string that contains the database name and subsequently extra characters can appear on the end of the database name. This results in the database name not existing on the server.
    • The MySQL ODBC 3.51 driver does not permit the creation of new empty records when using a SELECT statement. If you attempt to use the On-The-Fly Database Logging option with schemas that use SELECT statements, the MySQL database returns the following error: "Empty row cannot be inserted. Row must have at least one column value set."
    • The MySQL ODBC 3.51 driver returns the error "Operation is not allowed in this context (-2146825069)" when logging data to a binary field, if the Don't Optimize Column Width option is not checked when configuring the DSN in the ODBC Administrator.
    • When you perform a validate operation from the Database Options dialog box, the MySQL ODBC 3.51 driver incorrectly returns a maximum length of 64K for columns of type LONGBLOB or MEDIUMBLOB.
    Sybase Database Related Issues
    • The Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere ODBC and OLEDB Provider do not store string data properly into a column when logging results to database if you specify the column data type in the Database Options dialog box as String (BSTR). To work around this problem, specify string columns as String (VARCHAR) instead of String (BSTR) in the Database Options dialog box.
    Miscellaneous Database Related Issues
    • Databases might return an error when you use a Close SQL Statement step if the statement has pending record changes. Following is the error message that the database typically returns:

      -2146825069 0x800a0c93
      The operation requested by the application is not allowed in this context.
      User-defined error code. Error code: -10

      Commit the pending record by using a Data Operation step type configured to do a Put Record operation.

    IVI Related Issues
    • The National Instruments Device Driver CD contains Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) 4.0 and IVI Compliance Package 2.3. The IVI Configuration Store file format requires that all names be case-sensitive. If you use logical names, driver session names, or virtual names in your program, make sure that the name you use matches the name defined in the IVI Configuration Store file exactly, without any variations in the case of the characters in the name.
    Miscellaneous Issues
    • Applications that create and destroy the Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) control may leak GDI memory, making both the application and system unstable. The memory leak occurs when running the application on Windows XP and the Handwriting feature (version 1.0.1038 of the Skchui.dll file) is enabled for a Microsoft Office product that is installed on the computer. For TestStand, the Sequence Editor creates new instances of the IE control for each new execution document, and each ReportView Operator Interface control creates a new instance of the IE control. To prevent this GDI memory leak, you must uninstall the Handwriting feature of Microsoft Office and for any other product that uses this shared feature.

      Refer to the following Microsoft KnowledgeBase article for more information: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;896429
    • If you use the TestStand Step Into command to launch Microsoft Visual Studio .NET to debug a code module from the C/C++ DLL Adapter or the .NET Adapter, you must first disable script debugging in Microsoft Internet Explorer. To disable script debugging, select Tools»Internet Options from within Internet Explorer and then click the Advanced tab. Then, under the Browsing category, select the Disable script debugging option. Failure to disable script debugging might cause Microsoft Visual Studio .NET to hang while attaching to the TestStand process.
    • When you build a deployment and the workspace contains a LabVIEW .llb file with an absolute path, the TestStand Deployment Utility generates a warning stating that the .llb file was not found, even though the .llb file was properly included in the deployment you built.
    • When you copy or move a .tsd file to a new location then open and resave the .tsd file using the TestStand Deployment Utility without performing an analysis of the source files, the TestStand Deployment Utility does not properly update the paths to the source files.
    • The Allow All Users Access from Remote Machines checkbox on the Station Options dialog box does not work on some non-English Windows XP operating systems, such as German Windows XP. The checkbox adds Everyone to the DCOM access permissions but the word Everyone is the incorrect name to use for some non-English operating systems. If you are using Windows XP Service Pack 2, or a newer version of the Windows operating system, you must change the system-wide permissions to allow remote access, launch, and activation of COM servers in order for the option to work. For more information, refer to the Setting up TestStand as a Server for Remote Execution section in the TestStand Reference Manual. Note that the TestStand Release Notes contains updates that affect this section.
    • You must use a color depth of 256 colors for icons to appear correctly in TestStand. If your icon is more than 256 colors, convert it to 256 colors and the icon will appear correctly in TestStand.
    • The XML stream that the PropertyObject.GetXML method outputs in TestStand 3.0 is slightly different than TestStand 3.1 and later. To fully support the new PropertyObject.SetXML method in TestStand 3.1 and later, new attributes were defined and in some instances, the values of the Type and ElementType attributes of the Prop element were changed. The PropertyObject.XSD specifies the new schema.
    • If a TestStand 2.x sequence file that contains a custom step type was opened in TestStand 3.0, TestStand 3.0 incorrectly turned off the Instance Default Flag, PropFlags_SharedAtRunTime, for the Step.TS property. A side effect of this change is that in TestStand 3.0, instances of this type ignore run time changes to built-in step properties and code module settings. For example, if a step altered the precondition of another step at run time, the precondition change was ignored.

      TestStand 3.1 and later fix this problem by reverting the flag back to its proper state when loading a TestStand 3.0 file. TestStand does not mark the step type as modified.

      To prevent the fixed version of a step type in TestStand from being used in or accidentally propagating back to earlier TestStand sequence files, you can enable the Set Earliest TestStand Version that can Use this Type setting on the Step Type Properties dialog box and set the earliest version to the current version of TestStand.
    • Step type conflicts may occur if you save a TestStand 3.5 sequence file as a TestStand 3.1 or earlier sequence file when the sequence file contains custom step types that also existed in the earlier version. Newer versions of TestStand add new subproperties and alter some flags in step types. When you save and open TestStand 3.5 saved step types in an earlier version of TestStand and a type conflict occurs, you should select to use the existing TestStand versions of these step types.

      To prevent the altered version of a step type in TestStand from being used in or accidentally propagating back to earlier TestStand sequence files, you can enable the Set Earliest TestStand Version that can Use this Type setting on the Step Type Properties dialog box and set the earliest version to the current version of TestStand.
    • The TestStand .NET Adapter does not support passing a SequenceContext object by reference. You should pass SequenceContext objects to code modules by value instead.
    • The TestStand .NET Adapter cannot call methods and properties that have jagged arrays as parameters or return types. Structs that have jagged array members are not supported.
    • Some .NET assemblies, such as those generated for the TestStand API, require the stdole.dll .NET assembly to be defined on your system. The Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable does not include this assembly. The TestStand .NET Adapter displays the following error when the stdole.dll .NET assembly is not found:

      "Error while accessing the .NET assembly. File or assembly name stdole, or one of its dependencies, was not found."

      When you install Microsoft Visual Studio .NET on a system, the stdole.dll .NET assembly is registered properly.
    • TestStand may cause Microsoft Visual Studio .NET to generate an access violation when you use TestStand to generate C++ code and then exit Microsoft Visual Studio .NET before exiting TestStand.
    • The Numeric Limit Test and Multiple Numeric Limit Test step types in TestStand 3.1 and later support new comparison types that are not supported in TestStand 2.0.x. If a step in a TestStand sequence file uses a new comparison type and you save the file for TestStand 2.0.x, the invalid comparison type produces incorrect results in TestStand 2.0.x.
    • In TestStand 2.0.x, the DLL Flexible Prototype Adapter incorrectly handled calls to AddRef() and Release() on references in structure parameters or array of structure parameters when the value of a reference that was passed to the code module was different than the value the code module returned. The C/C++ DLL Adapter in TestStand 3.1 and later fixes this problem.

      In addition, the TestStand 2.0.x example located in \Examples\StructPassing\C failed to properly call AddRef() and Release() on references in structure parameters that the code module used. The TestStand 3.1 and later example properly demonstrates how to use references within structure parameters.

      If you attempt to run the TestStand 2.0.x example or any code module based on this example in TestStand 3.5 without properly handling references as demonstrated in the TestStand 3.5 example, TestStand 3.5 may crash.
    • When steps run in a root interactive execution in TestStand 2.0, the Pre and Post Interactive callbacks execute as follows:

      Setup Step Group
      Pre Interactive Callbacks
      Selected Steps
      Post Interactive Callbacks
      Cleanup Step Group

      In TestStand 3.1 and later, steps execute as follows:

      Pre Interactive Callbacks
      Setup Step Group
      Selected Steps
      Cleanup Step Group
      Post Interactive Callbacks

      In addition, TestStand 3.1 and later no longer pass a Step parameter and a Result parameter to these callbacks.
    • XML reports generated by TestStand do not display properly on all platforms unless you are using Internet Explorer version 6.0 Service Pack 1 or later.
    • XML reports might show a table of measurement data, instead of a graph, in the following cases:
      • The TSGraphControl.ocx ActiveX control located in the \Components\NI\Tools\GraphControl directory is not installed or registered on your system.
      • The Internet Explorer security settings are preventing web pages from using scripting to create and use an ActiveX control.

        Note: When viewing web pages located on your local system, Internet Explorer uses the My Computer zone. This setting is on the Security tab of the Internet Options dialog box. By default for Windows XP SP2, the security level for the My Computer zone is set to High, which prevents scripting from running locally. In addition, by default the settings for the My Computer zone are not visible in the Internet Options dialog box of Internet Explorer. You can expose the My Computer zone settings on the Internet Options dialog box by altering the Windows registry. Refer to the following Microsoft KnowledgeBase article for more information: http://support.microsoft.com/?id=315933. Once you have access to the My Computer zone settings on the Internet Options dialog box, you can enable scripting for the zone or change the My Computer security zone level to Medium.

    • If you access a SourceSafe database on a network drive when the network is not connected, the SourceSafe provider launches a dialog box with the message "Invalid Handle."
    • TestStand has been tested with the Merant PVCS source code control (SCC) provider.
    • The TestStand API property, SequenceContext.Engine, does not work properly with the Visual C/C++ compiler's built in COM support (i.e. the #import directive). For example, the following does not work:

      IEnginePtr engine;
      engine = sequenceContext->GetEngine();

      Instead use either:

      IEnginePtr engine;
      engine = sequenceContext->GetEngineAsDispatch();


      IEnginePtr engine;
      engine = IUnknownPtr(sequenceContext->GetEngine());
    • The following problem occurs with all versions of Microsoft IntelliPoint:

      If your mouse cursor disappears when you press to edit a step, check if you have the Vanish or Hide Pointer While Typing option enabled. To determine if you have this option enabled, right-click the mouse icon in the Windows system tray and select Properties, or open the Mouse Properties dialog box in the Windows Control Panel and click the Pointer Options tab. You should disable the Vanish or Hide Pointer While Typing option to prevent this problem from occurring. For more information about this IntelliPoint issue, refer to the following articles:


    • Under certain circumstances, in-process (DLL) ActiveX automation servers created with Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 or 6.0 that are used from a multithreaded client application such as TestStand may fail with an access violation. This type of server failure may cause TestStand to crash or hang when freeing resources in the DLL. This is a known Microsoft bug. The work around recommended by Microsoft is as follows:
      • Add a class module to your Microsoft Visual Basic project.
      • Set the name of the class to clsEmpty.
      • Set the Instancing property of the class to 2-PublicNotCreatable.
      • In your project's properties, set the Start Up object to "Sub Main".
      • Add a (regular) module to your project with the following code:

        Public gEmpty As clsEmpty
        Public Sub Main()
        Set gEmpty = New clsEmpty
        End Sub

      Additionally, if you are using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, you must complete the following:

      • Enable the Unattended Execution and Retain In Memory project properties.

      This work around forces your DLL to remain in memory after an execution finishes. A side effect of this is that you must close the sequence editor before you can recreate your DLL. While you are developing, you can disable this code by commenting the body of Sub Main() out. This allows you to recreate your server without exiting TestStand. When your server is ready for release, enable the code to prevent a run-time crash.

      Note: Out-of-process (EXE) servers do not have this problem.

      A complete description of this problem is available from Microsoft on the MSDN website (http://msdn.microsoft.com), in article #Q186273.
    • Sometimes, a development environment cannot rebuild an in-process (DLL), free-threaded ActiveX automation server that was created with ATL because of an operating system bug. When TestStand requests that the operating system unload the automation server, the operating system ignores the request and keeps the automation server in memory. You must exit the TestStand application to release the automation server. This limitation does not occur with out-of-process (EXE) or apartment threaded ActiveX automation servers.
    • If you set your system's decimal symbol character to the comma, you must not leave your system's digit grouping symbol set to the comma. If you do, Excel will misinterpret the floating point values that you paste into Excel or export to an Excel file from TestStand using the Import/Export properties dialog box.
    • Microsoft's FindFast utility sometimes prevents writing to log files such as TestStand report files. This problem results in an "Access Denied" error message. The work around is to disable FindFast by removing it from the Startup group in the Program Files menu and rebooting.
    • In a Wait step, you must not specify a Sequence Call step to wait on if the Sequence Call step launches more than one asynchronous call. This can happen if you include the Sequence Call step in a loop. Currently, a Wait step waits on the last asynchronous call the Sequence Call step launches. This behavior may change in a future version of TestStand. To wait on multiple asynchronous calls you launch from a Sequence Call step in a loop, you can store an ActiveX reference to each thread or execution you launch and wait on each reference in a Wait step.
    • TestStand 3.5 does not install MFC wrappers for accessing the TestStand API. If you have source code that uses the files tsapimfc.cpp and tsapimfc.h from a previous version of TestStand, you can choose one of the following options when upgrading to TestStand 3.5:
      • Convert your code that uses MFC wrappers to use the Visual Studio #import wrappers instead. Use the tsapivc.cpp and tsapivc.h files to access the TestStand API using these wrappers.
      • Generate MFC wrappers for TestStand 3.5 using Visual Studio.
      • Continue to use the wrappers provided by a previous version of TestStand.
    • ActiveX.exe servers that display a dialog box and which call any TestStand API function that launches a second dialog box while the first dialog box is still active must create the first dialog box in a thread initialized as single-threaded apartment (STA) for the TestStand dialog box to function correctly, otherwise TestStand may hang.
    • In TestStand 3.0, deployment installers would not install if another TestStand version was already present. TestStand 3.1 and later remove this restriction. However, there is the potential to break older sequences by installing a new version of TestStand. Factors that may cause problems include changes to type definitions, NI step types, and NI process models. Various components, servers, and run-time engines, like NI Session Manager and the LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine, may also be updated by installing a new version of TestStand. National Instruments recommends that you revalidate test systems and their components and sequences with a newer TestStand version to insure full compatibility.
    • Prior to TestStand 3.1, the Property Loader step type and the Import/Export Properties dialog box may not properly import values if the limits text (TXT) or comma-delimited (CSV) file is edited using Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel will strip off quotation characters that surround string values when using the Text Import Wizard or when automatically opening CSV files. The TestStand Property Loader features now attempt to import the value from the limits file with quotes if importing without quotes fails.
    • Prior to TestStand 3.1, the Edit String Value Test dialog box persisted as "\r\n" in the Expected String Value control. In TestStand, the dialog box now persists "\n" instead.
    • In TestStand, the sequence editor report tab and the Custom UI Report control use the Microsoft Internet Explorer ActiveX control to display html and xml reports. Each time the Internet Explorer control updates the report, the Internet Explorer control does not always release its internally allocated memory. If the control is updated continuously over an extended period of time, the TestStand process memory use increases. TestStand 3.0 used the control in a way such that the failure to release memory occurs more often. TestStand 3.1 and later contain workarounds that limit the amount of memory the control fails to release. Note that when using on-the-fly reports, the Internet Explorer control is only used when the control is visible.
    • When executing sequences using a custom process model, you might get the following error when a report is displayed:

          "Unable to load the XML Report at line ### only one top level element is allowed in an XML document"

      This occurs when a custom process model appends to an existing XML report and the process model fails to correctly fix the root tags. You can fix this problem by adding the following sequence calls to your process model.

      • Before Report.Save is called in your process model, add a sequence call to "Remove Root Tags From XML Report" in ReportGen_XML.seq.
      • After Report.Save is called in your process model, add a sequence call to "Add Root Tags To XML Report" in ReportGen_XML.seq.

      For more information, refer to the current process models section for examples on how to call the above sequences for different process models.
    • If you have Measurement Studio 7.0 and TestStand 3.5 installed on your machine and try to add the TestStand Support component to a project in the C++ Add/Remove Class Libraries wizard, a message launches stating that TestStand is not installed and asks if you still want to add the TestStand Support component. To work around this issue, click Yes to continue adding the TestStand Support component to your project.
    • The .NET Adapter does not support C# 2.0 Generics.
    Additional Information
    • For additional information about TestStand, refer to the support section of the National Instruments Web site at http://www.ni.com/support/teststandsupp. The Web site contains many electronic support services to help you in your development. Some of the databases included are:
      • Developer Zone
      • Example Programs
      • Software Library
      • KnowledgeBase
    • National Instruments offers an email based TestStand technical discussion forum. You can join the forum at http://www.ni.com/support/teststandsupp.

    © 2005 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
    National Instruments™, NI, ni.com™, and LabVIEW™ are trademarks of National Instruments.
    Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or ni.com/patents.

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