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发表于 2014-8-11 22:41:59
来自:广东省茂名市 联通
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AVT VIMBA - The SDK for AVT cameras德国AVT工业相机驱动和二次开发包
VIMBA is AVT's future-proof SDK for all current AVT cameras with GigE Vision and FireWire (IEEE 1394) interface.
VIMBA uses the GenICam transport layer (GenTL) standard.
To interface third-party software, VIMBA contains GenTL compliant transport layer producers for IEEE 1394 (only for Windows) and GigE Vision.
VIMBA allows access on several API levels:
The C API allows an easy migration from older SDKs.
The C++ API is distributed as source code.
On Windows, VIMBA also provides a .NET API.
From version 1.2.0 onwards, VIMBA includes a Cognex adapter (for Cognex 6.0 or later).
VIMBA is operating system independent. It allows application porting.
VIMBA includes a viewer application.
Operating systems:
Windows XP (only 32-bit)*, Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)*
Linux is supported on standard PC systems based on Intel-compatible 32-bit and 64-bit processors. Currently, only the GigE Vision transport layer is available. Tested distributions:
Fedora 17
Debian 6.0.7
Ubuntu 12.4
Support for QNX and OS X is planned. AVT's PvAPI (only for GigE cameras) has been ported to QNX and OS X and can be used to integrate AVT's GigE Vision cameras. AVT ensures product maintenance for PvAPI until 2016.
On request:
On customer request and with verified commercial potential, AVT offers porting VIMBA to other real time operating systems, for example, VxWorks. In such cases, all tasks are carried out on a project basis, given that the customer has to provide:
A hardware target (if required)
All needed software and licenses
A well-prepared tool chain, and
Other necessary accessories for the development.
Supported cameras:
AVT 1394 cameras (only Windows)
AVT GigE Vision cameras
VIMBA will support future USB3 Vision cameras