gen_rectangle2_contour_xldgen_rectangle2_contour_xldGenRectangle2ContourXldGenRectangle2ContourXld — Create an XLD contour in the shape of a rectangle.
Herror gen_rectangle2_contour_xld(Hobject* Rectangle, double Row, double Column, double Phi, double Length1, double Length2)
Herror T_gen_rectangle2_contour_xld(Hobject* Rectangle, const Htuple Row, const Htuple Column, const Htuple Phi, const Htuple Length1, const Htuple Length2)
void GenRectangle2ContourXld(HObject* Rectangle, const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, const HTuple& Phi, const HTuple& Length1, const HTuple& Length2)
void HXLDCont::GenRectangle2ContourXld(const HTuple& Row, const HTuple& Column, const HTuple& Phi, const HTuple& Length1, const HTuple& Length2)
void HXLDCont::GenRectangle2ContourXld(double Row, double Column, double Phi, double Length1, double Length2)
static void HOperatorSet.GenRectangle2ContourXld(out HObject rectangle, HTuple row, HTuple column, HTuple phi, HTuple length1, HTuple length2)
void HXLDCont.GenRectangle2ContourXld(HTuple row, HTuple column, HTuple phi, HTuple length1, HTuple length2)
void HXLDCont.GenRectangle2ContourXld(double row, double column, double phi, double length1, double length2)
gen_rectangle2_contour_xldgen_rectangle2_contour_xldGenRectangle2ContourXldGenRectangle2ContourXldGenRectangle2ContourXld creates one or more XLD contours
in the shape of a rectangle with arbitrary orientation. The
rectangle has the center (RowRowRowRowrow, ColumnColumnColumnColumncolumn), the
orientation PhiPhiPhiPhiphi, and the half edge lengths Length1Length1Length1Length1length1
and Length2Length2Length2Length2length2. The angle PhiPhiPhiPhiphi must be given in
radians and specifies the angle between the horizontal axis and the
edge with the half length Length1Length1Length1Length1length1 in the mathematically
positive direction (counterclockwise). More than one XLD contour
can be created by passing a tuple of rectangle parameters.
- Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
- Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
- Processed without parallelization.
Row coordinate of the center of the rectangle.
Default value: 300.0
Column coordinate of the center of the rectangle.
Default value: 200.0
Orientation of the main axis of the rectangle [rad].
Default value: 0.0
Restriction: - pi / 2 < Phi && Phi <= pi / 2
First radius (half length) of the rectangle.
Default value: 100.5
Second radius (half width) of the rectangle.
Default value: 20.5
gen_rectangle2_contour_xldgen_rectangle2_contour_xldGenRectangle2ContourXldGenRectangle2ContourXldGenRectangle2ContourXld returns 2 (H_MSG_TRUE) if all parameter
values are correct. If necessary, an exception is raised.