ClassesClasses | | Operators |
Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.
Use the tabs on the upper right to switch to a different programming language.
HOperatorSet — Class grouping all HALCON operators.
AbsDiffImage | Calculate the absolute difference of two images. | |
AbsFunct1d | Absolute value of the y values. | |
AbsImage | Calculate the absolute value (modulus) of an image. | |
AbsMatrix | Compute the absolute values of the elements of a matrix. | |
AbsMatrixMod | Compute the absolute values of the elements of a matrix. | |
AccessChannel | Access a channel of a multi-channel image. | |
AcosImage | Calculate the arccosine of an image. | |
ActivateComputeDevice | Activate a compute device. | |
AdaptTemplate | Adapting a template to the size of an image. | |
AddChannels | Add gray values to regions. | |
AddClassTrainDataGmm | Add training data to a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). | |
AddClassTrainDataKnn | Add training data to a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier. | |
AddClassTrainDataMlp | Add training data to a multilayer perceptron (MLP). | |
AddClassTrainDataSvm | Add training data to a support vector machine (SVM). | |
AddDeformableSurfaceModelReferencePoint | Add a reference point to a deformable surface model. | |
AddDeformableSurfaceModelSample | Add a sample deformation to a deformable surface model | |
AddImage | Add two images. | |
AddMatrix | Add two matrices. | |
AddMatrixMod | Add two matrices. | |
AddMetrologyObjectCircleMeasure | Add a circle or a circular arc to a metrology model. | |
AddMetrologyObjectEllipseMeasure | Add an ellipse or an elliptic arc to a metrology model. | |
AddMetrologyObjectGeneric | Add a metrology object to a metrology model. | |
AddMetrologyObjectLineMeasure | Add a line to a metrology model. | |
AddMetrologyObjectRectangle2Measure | Add a rectangle to a metrology model. | |
AddNoiseDistribution | Add noise to an image. | |
AddNoiseWhite | Add noise to an image. | |
AddNoiseWhiteContourXld | Add noise to XLD contours. | |
AddSampleClassGmm | Add a training sample to the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model. | |
AddSampleClassKnn | Add a sample to a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier. | |
AddSampleClassMlp | Add a training sample to the training data of a multilayer perceptron. | |
AddSampleClassSvm | Add a training sample to the training data of a support vector machine. | |
AddSampleClassTrainData | Add a training sample to training data. | |
AddSampleIdentifierPreparationData | Add preparation data to an existing sample identifier. | |
AddSampleIdentifierTrainingData | Add training data to an existing sample identifier. | |
AddSamplesImageClassGmm | Add training samples from an image to the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model. | |
AddSamplesImageClassKnn | Add training samples from an image to the training data of a k-Nearest-Neighbor classifier. | |
AddSamplesImageClassMlp | Add training samples from an image to the training data of a multilayer perceptron. | |
AddSamplesImageClassSvm | Add training samples from an image to the training data of a support vector machine. | |
AddScene3dCamera | Add a camera to a 3D scene. | |
AddScene3dInstance | Add an instance of a 3D object model to a 3D scene. | |
AddScene3dLabel | Add a text label to a 3D scene. | |
AddScene3dLight | Add a light source to a 3D scene. | |
AddTextureInspectionModelImage | Add training images to the texture inspection model. | |
AdjustMosaicImages | Apply an automatic color correction to panorama images. | |
AffineTransContourXld | Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to XLD contours. | |
AffineTransImage | Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to images. | |
AffineTransImageSize | Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to an image and specify the output image size. | |
AffineTransObjectModel3d | Apply an arbitrary affine 3D transformation to 3D object models. | |
AffineTransPixel | Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to pixel coordinates. | |
AffineTransPoint2d | Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to points. | |
AffineTransPoint3d | Apply an arbitrary affine 3D transformation to points. | |
AffineTransPolygonXld | Apply an arbitrary affine transformation to XLD polygons. | |
AffineTransRegion | Apply an arbitrary affine 2D transformation to regions. | |
AlignMetrologyModel | Alignment of a metrology model. | |
AngleLl | Calculate the angle between two lines. | |
AngleLx | Calculate the angle between one line and the horizontal axis. | |
AnisotropicDiffusion | Perform an anisotropic diffusion of an image. | |
AppendChannel | Append additional matrices (channels) to the image. | |
AppendOcrTrainf | Add characters to a training file. | |
ApplyBeadInspectionModel | Inspect beads in an image, as defined by the bead inspection model. | |
ApplyColorTransLut | Color space transformation using pre-generated look-up-table. | |
ApplyDistanceTransformXld | Determine the pointwise distance of two contours using an XLD distance transform. | |
ApplyDlClassifier | Infer the class affiliations for a set of images using the deep-learning-based classifier. | |
ApplyMetrologyModel | Measure and fit the geometric shapes of all metrology objects of a metrology model. | |
ApplySampleIdentifier | Identify objects with a sample identifier. | |
ApplySheetOfLightCalibration | Apply the calibration transformations to the input disparity image. | |
ApplyTextureInspectionModel | Inspection of the texture within an image. | |
ApproxChain | Approximate a contour by arcs and lines. | |
ApproxChainSimple | Approximate a contour by arcs and lines. | |
AreaCenter | Area and center of regions. | |
AreaCenterGray | Compute the area and center of gravity of a region in a gray value image. | |
AreaCenterPointsXld | Area and center of gravity (centroid) of contours and polygons treated as point clouds. | |
AreaCenterXld | Area and center of gravity (centroid) of contours and polygons. | |
AreaHoles | Compute the area of holes of regions. | |
AreaObjectModel3d | Calculate the area of all faces of a 3D object model. | |
AsinImage | Calculate the arcsine of an image. | |
Assign | Assign a new value to a variable. | |
AssignAt | Assignment of one or several values to one or several tuple elements. | |
Atan2Image | Calculate the arctangent of two images. | |
AtanImage | Calculate the arctangent of an image. | |
AttachBackgroundToWindow | Attach a background image to a HALCON window. | |
AttachDrawingObjectToWindow | Attach an existing drawing object to a HALCON window. | |
AutoThreshold | Segment an image using thresholds determined from its histogram. | |
AxisAngleToQuat | Create a rotation quaternion. | |
BackgroundSeg | Determine the connected components of the background of given regions. | |
BandpassImage | Edge extraction using bandpass filters. | |
BestMatch | Searching the best matching of a template and an image. | |
BestMatchMg | Searching the best gray value matches in a pyramid. | |
BestMatchPreMg | Searching the best gray value matches in a pre generated pyramid. | |
BestMatchRot | Searching the best matching of a template and an image with rotation. | |
BestMatchRotMg | Searching the best matching of a template and a pyramid with rotation. | |
BilateralFilter | bilateral filtering of an image. | |
BinThreshold | Segment an image using an automatically determined threshold. | |
BinaryThreshold | Segment an image using binary thresholding. | |
BinocularCalibration | Determine all camera parameters of a binocular stereo system. | |
BinocularDisparity | Compute the disparities of a rectified image pair using correlation techniques. | |
BinocularDisparityMg | Compute the disparities of a rectified stereo image pair using multigrid methods. | |
BinocularDisparityMs | Compute the disparities of a rectified stereo image pair using multi-scanline optimization. | |
BinocularDistance | Compute the distance values for a rectified stereo image pair using correlation techniques. | |
BinocularDistanceMg | Compute the distance values for a rectified stereo image pair using multigrid methods. | |
BinocularDistanceMs | Compute the distance values for a rectified stereo image pair using multi-scanline optimization. | |
BinomialFilter | Smooth an image using the binomial filter. | |
BitAnd | Bit-by-bit AND of all pixels of the input images. | |
BitLshift | Left shift of all pixels of the image. | |
BitMask | Logical “AND” of each pixel using a bit mask. | |
BitNot | Complement all bits of the pixels. | |
BitOr | Bit-by-bit OR of all pixels of the input images. | |
BitRshift | Right shift of all pixels of the image. | |
BitSlice | Extract a bit from the pixels. | |
BitXor | Bit-by-bit XOR of all pixels of the input images. | |
BottomHat | Compute the bottom hat of regions. | |
Boundary | Reduce a region to its boundary. | |
Break | Terminate loop execution or leave a switchswitchSwitchSwitchSwitch block. | |
BroadcastCondition | Signal a condition synchronization object. | |
BundleAdjustMosaic | Perform a bundle adjustment of an image mosaic. | |
CalibrateCameras | Determine all camera parameters by a simultaneous minimization process. | |
CalibrateHandEye | Perform a hand-eye calibration. | |
CalibrateSheetOfLight | Calibrate a sheet-of-light setup with a 3D calibration object. | |
CaltabPoints | Read the mark center points from the calibration plate description file. | |
CamMatToCamPar | Compute the internal camera parameters from a camera matrix. | |
CamParPoseToHomMat3d | Convert internal camera parameters and a 3D pose into a 3×4 projection matrix. | |
CamParToCamMat | Compute a camera matrix from internal camera parameters. | |
CameraCalibration | Determine all camera parameters by a simultaneous minimization process. | |
Case | Jump label that starts a branch within a switchswitchSwitchSwitchSwitch block. | |
Catch | Catches exceptions that were thrown in the preceding trytryTryTryTry block. | |
CfaToRgb | Convert a single-channel color filter array image into an RGB image. | |
ChangeDomain | Change definition domain of an image. | |
ChangeFormat | Change image size. | |
ChangeRadialDistortionCamPar | Determine new camera parameters in accordance to the specified radial distortion. | |
ChangeRadialDistortionContoursXld | Change the radial distortion of contours. | |
ChangeRadialDistortionImage | Change the radial distortion of an image. | |
ChangeRadialDistortionPoints | Change the radial distortion of pixel coordinates. | |
ChannelsToImage | Convert one-channel images into a multi-channel image | |
CharThreshold | Perform a threshold segmentation for extracting characters. | |
CheckDifference | Compare two images pixel by pixel. | |
Circularity | Shape factor for the circularity (similarity to a circle) of a region. | |
CircularityXld | Shape factor for the circularity (similarity to a circle) of contours or polygons. | |
Class2dimSup | Segment an image using two-dimensional pixel classification. | |
Class2dimUnsup | Segment two images by clustering. | |
ClassNdimBox | Classify pixels using hyper-cuboids. | |
ClassNdimNorm | Classify pixels using hyper-spheres or hyper-cubes. | |
ClassifyClassGmm | Calculate the class of a feature vector by a Gaussian Mixture Model. | |
ClassifyClassKnn | Search for the next neighbors for a given feature vector. | |
ClassifyClassMlp | Calculate the class of a feature vector by a multilayer perceptron. | |
ClassifyClassSvm | Classify a feature vector by a support vector machine. | |
ClassifyImageClassGmm | Classify an image with a Gaussian Mixture Model. | |
ClassifyImageClassKnn | Classify an image with a k-Nearest-Neighbor classifier. | |
ClassifyImageClassLut | Classify a byte image using a look-up table. | |
ClassifyImageClassMlp | Classify an image with a multilayer perceptron. | |
ClassifyImageClassSvm | Classify an image with a support vector machine. | |
ClearAllBarCodeModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all bar code models and free the allocated memory | |
ClearAllBarriers | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Destroy all barrier synchronization objects. | |
ClearAllCalibData | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all calibration data models. | |
ClearAllCameraSetupModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all camera setup models. | |
ClearAllClassGmm | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all Gaussian Mixture Models. | |
ClearAllClassKnn | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all k-NN classifiers. | |
ClearAllClassLut | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all look-up table classifiers. | |
ClearAllClassMlp | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all multilayer perceptrons. | |
ClearAllClassSvm | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all support vector machines. | |
ClearAllClassTrainData | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all training data for classifiers. | |
ClearAllColorTransLuts | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all look-up-tables of the color space transformation. | |
ClearAllComponentModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all component models. | |
ClearAllConditions | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Destroy all condition synchronization objects. | |
ClearAllDataCode2dModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all 2D data code models and free the allocated memory. | |
ClearAllDeformableModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all deformable models. | |
ClearAllDescriptorModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all descriptor models in RAM. | |
ClearAllEvents | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all event synchronization objects. | |
ClearAllLexica | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all lexica. | |
ClearAllMatrices | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all matrices from memory. | |
ClearAllMetrologyModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all metrology models and free the allocated memory. | |
ClearAllMutexes | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all mutex synchronization objects. | |
ClearAllNccModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all NCC models. | |
ClearAllObjectModel3d | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all 3D object models. | |
ClearAllOcrClassKnn | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all OCR classifiers. | |
ClearAllOcrClassMlp | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all OCR classifiers. | |
ClearAllOcrClassSvm | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all SVM based OCR classifiers. | |
ClearAllSampleIdentifiers | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all sample identifiers. | |
ClearAllScatteredDataInterpolators | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all scattered data interpolators. | |
ClearAllSerializedItems | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all current existing serialized items. | |
ClearAllShapeModel3d | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all 3D shape models. | |
ClearAllShapeModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all shape models. | |
ClearAllSheetOfLightModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all sheet-of-light models and free the allocated memory. | |
ClearAllStereoModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all stereo models. | |
ClearAllSurfaceMatchingResults | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all surface matching results. | |
ClearAllSurfaceModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all surface models. | |
ClearAllTemplates | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Deallocation of the memory of all templates. | |
ClearAllTextModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all text models. | |
ClearAllTextResults | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all text results. | |
ClearAllTrainingComponents | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all component training results. | |
ClearAllVariationModels | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Free the memory of all variation models. | |
ClearBarCodeModel | Delete a bar code model and free the allocated memory | |
ClearBarrier | Destroy a barrier synchronization object. | |
ClearBeadInspectionModel | Delete the bead inspection model and free the allocated memory. | |
ClearCalibData | Free the memory of a calibration data model. | |
ClearCameraSetupModel | Free the memory of a calibration setup model. | |
ClearClassGmm | Clear a Gaussian Mixture Model. | |
ClearClassKnn | Clear a k-NN classifier. | |
ClearClassLut | Clear a look-up table classifier. | |
ClearClassMlp | Clear a multilayer perceptron. | |
ClearClassSvm | Clear a support vector machine. | |
ClearClassTrainData | Clears training data for classifiers. | |
ClearColorTransLut | Release the look-up-table needed for color space transformation. | |
ClearComponentModel | Free the memory of a component model. | |
ClearCondition | Destroy a condition synchronization object. | |
ClearDataCode2dModel | Delete a 2D data code model and free the allocated memory. | |
ClearDeformableModel | Free the memory of a deformable model. | |
ClearDeformableSurfaceMatchingResult | Free the memory of a deformable surface matching result. | |
ClearDeformableSurfaceModel | Free the memory of a deformable surface model. | |
ClearDescriptorModel | Free the memory of a descriptor model. | |
ClearDistanceTransformXld | Clear a XLD distance transform. | |
ClearDlClassifier | Clear a deep-learning-based classifier. | |
ClearDlClassifierResult | Clear the handle containing the results of the deep-learning-based classification. | |
ClearDlClassifierTrainResult | Clear the handle of a deep-learning-based classifier training result. | |
ClearDrawingObject | Delete drawing object. | |
ClearEvent | Clear the event synchronization object. | |
ClearHandle | Clear the content of a handle. | |
ClearLexicon | Clear a lexicon. | |
ClearMatrix | Free the memory of a matrix. | |
ClearMessage | Close a message handle and release all associated resources. | |
ClearMessageQueue | Close a message queue handle and release all associated resources. | |
ClearMetrologyModel | Delete a metrology model and free the allocated memory. | |
ClearMetrologyObject | Delete metrology objects and free the allocated memory. | |
ClearMutex | Clear the mutex synchronization object. | |
ClearNccModel | Free the memory of an NCC model. | |
ClearObj | Delete an iconic object from the HALCON database. | |
ClearObjectModel3d | Free the memory of a 3D object model. | |
ClearOcrClassCnn | Clear an CNN-based OCR classifier. | |
ClearOcrClassKnn | Clear an OCR classifier. | |
ClearOcrClassMlp | Clear an OCR classifier. | |
ClearOcrClassSvm | Clear an SVM-based OCR classifier. | |
ClearRectangle | Delete a rectangle on the output window. | |
ClearSampleIdentifier | Free the memory of a sample identifier. | |
ClearSamplesClassGmm | Clear the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model. | |
ClearSamplesClassMlp | Clear the training data of a multilayer perceptron. | |
ClearSamplesClassSvm | Clear the training data of a support vector machine. | |
ClearSampset | Free memory of a data set. | |
ClearScatteredDataInterpolator | Clear a scattered data interpolator. | |
ClearScene3d | Delete a 3D scene and free all allocated memory. | |
ClearSerial | Clear the buffer of a serial connection. | |
ClearSerializedItem | Delete a serialized item. | |
ClearShapeModel | Free the memory of a shape model. | |
ClearShapeModel3d | Free the memory of a 3D shape model. | |
ClearSheetOfLightModel | Delete a sheet-of-light model and free the allocated memory. | |
ClearStereoModel | Free the memory of a stereo model. | |
ClearStructuredLightModel | Clear a structured light model and free the allocated memory. | |
ClearSurfaceMatchingResult | Free the memory of a surface matching result. | |
ClearSurfaceModel | Free the memory of a surface model. | |
ClearTemplate | Deallocation of the memory of a template. | |
ClearTextModel | Clear a text model. | |
ClearTextResult | Clear a text result. | |
ClearTextureInspectionModel | Clear a texture inspection model and free the allocated memory. | |
ClearTextureInspectionResult | Clear a texture inspection result handle and free the allocated memory. | |
ClearTrainDataVariationModel | Free the memory of the training data of a variation model. | |
ClearTrainingComponents | Free the memory of a component training result. | |
ClearVariationModel | Free the memory of a variation model. | |
ClearWindow | Delete the contents of an output window. | |
ClipContoursXld | Clip an XLD contour. | |
ClipEndPointsContoursXld | Clip the end points of an XLD contour. | |
ClipRegion | Clip a region to a rectangle. | |
ClipRegionRel | Clip a region relative to its smallest surrounding rectangle. | |
CloseAllBgEsti | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all background estimation data sets. | |
CloseAllClassBox | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Destroy all classifiers. | |
CloseAllFiles | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Close all open files. | |
CloseAllFramegrabbers | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Close all image acquisition devices. | |
CloseAllMeasures | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Delete all measure objects. | |
CloseAllOcrs | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Destroy all OCR classifiers. | |
CloseAllOcvs | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Clear all OCV tools. | |
CloseAllSerials | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Close all serial devices. | |
CloseAllSockets | This operator is inoperable. It had the following function: Close all opened sockets. | |
CloseBgEsti | Delete the background estimation data set. | |
CloseClassBox | Destroy the classifier. | |
CloseContoursXld | Close an XLD contour. | |
CloseEdges | Close edge gaps using the edge amplitude image. | |
CloseEdgesLength | Close edge gaps using the edge amplitude image. | |
CloseFile | Closing a text file. | |
CloseFramegrabber | Close specified image acquisition device. | |
CloseIoChannel | Close I/O channels. | |
CloseIoDevice | Close the specified I/O device. | |
CloseMeasure | Delete a measure object. | |
CloseOcr | Deallocation of the memory of an OCR classifier. | |
CloseOcv | Clear an OCV tool. | |
CloseSerial | Close a serial device. | |
CloseSocket | Close a socket. | |
CloseWindow | Close an output window. | |
ClosestPointTransform | Compute the closest-point transformation of a region. | |
Closing | Close a region. | |
ClosingCircle | Close a region with a circular structuring element. | |
ClosingGolay | Close a region with an element from the Golay alphabet. | |
ClosingRectangle1 | Close a region with a rectangular structuring element. | |
ClusterModelComponents | Adopt new parameters that are used to create the model components into the training result. | |
CoherenceEnhancingDiff | Perform a coherence enhancing diffusion of an image. | |
CombineRoadsXld | Combine road hypotheses from two resolution levels. | |
Comment | Add a comment of one line to the program. | |
Compactness | Shape factor for the compactness of a region. | |
CompactnessXld | Shape factor for the compactness of contours or polygons. | |
CompareExtVariationModel | Compare an image to a variation model. | |
CompareObj | Compare iconic objects regarding equality. | |
CompareVariationModel | Compare an image to a variation model. | |
Complement | Return the complement of a region. | |
ComplexToReal | Convert a complex image into two real images. | |
Compose2 | Convert two images into a two-channel image. | |
Compose3 | Convert 3 images into a three-channel image. | |
Compose4 | Convert 4 images into a four-channel image. | |
Compose5 | Convert 5 images into a five-channel image. | |
Compose6 | Convert 6 images into a six-channel image. | |
Compose7 | Convert 7 images into a seven-channel image. | |
ComposeFunct1d | Compose two functions. | |
ConcatObj | Concatenate two iconic object tuples. | |
ConcatOcrTrainf | Concat training files. | |
ConnectAndHoles | Number of connection components and holes | |
ConnectGridPoints | Establish connections between the grid points of the rectification grid. | |
Connection | Compute connected components of a region. | |
ConnectionObjectModel3d | Determine the connected components of the 3D object model. | |
Continue | Skip the current loop execution. | |
Contlength | Contour length of a region. | |
ContourPointNumXld | Return the number of points in an XLD contour. | |
ContourToWorldPlaneXld | Transform an XLD contour into the plane z=0 of a world coordinate system. | |
ControlIoChannel | Perform an action on I/O channels. | |
ControlIoDevice | Perform an action on the I/O device. | |
ControlIoInterface | Perform an action on the I/O interface. | |
ConvertCoordinatesImageToWindow | Convert image coordinates to window coordinates | |
ConvertCoordinatesWindowToImage | Convert window coordinates to image coordinates | |
ConvertImageType | Convert the type of an image. | |
ConvertMapType | Convert image maps into other map types. | |
ConvertPoint3dCartToSpher | Convert Cartesian coordinates of a 3D point to spherical coordinates. | |
ConvertPoint3dSpherToCart | Convert spherical coordinates of a 3D point to Cartesian coordinates. | |
ConvertPoseType | Change the representation type of a 3D pose. | |
ConvertTupleToVector1d | Distribute the elements of a tuple to a vector. | |
ConvertVectorToTuple | Concatenate the elements of a vector to a single tuple. | |
ConvexHullObjectModel3d | Calculate the convex hull of a 3D object model. | |
Convexity | Shape factor for the convexity of a region. | |
ConvexityXld | Shape factor for the convexity of contours or polygons. | |
ConvolFft | Convolve an image with a filter in the frequency domain. | |
ConvolGabor | Convolve an image with a Gabor filter in the frequency domain. | |
ConvolImage | Calculate the correlation between an image and an arbitrary filter mask | |
CoocFeatureImage | Calculate a co-occurrence matrix and derive gray value features thereof. | |
CoocFeatureMatrix | Calculate gray value features from a co-occurrence matrix. | |
CopyFile | Copy a file to a new location. | |
CopyImage | Copy an image and allocate new memory for it. | |
CopyMatrix | Copy a matrix. | |
CopyMetrologyModel | Copy a metrology model. | |
CopyMetrologyObject | Copy metrology metrology objects of a metrology model. | |
CopyObj | Copy an iconic object in the HALCON database. | |
CopyObjectModel3d | Copy a 3D object model. | |
CopyRectangle | Copy all pixels within rectangles between output windows. | |
CornerResponse | Searching corners in images. | |
CorrelationFft | Compute the correlation of two images in the frequency domain. | |
CosImage | Calculate the cosine of an image. | |
CountChannels | Count channels of image. | |
CountObj | Number of objects in a tuple. | |
CountRelation | Number of entries in the HALCON database. | |
CountSeconds | Passed Time. | |
CreateAnisoShapeModel | Prepare an anisotropically scaled shape model for matching. | |
CreateAnisoShapeModelXld | Prepare an anisotropically scaled shape model for matching from XLD contours. | |
CreateBarCodeModel | Create a model of a bar code reader. | |
CreateBarrier | Create a barrier synchronization object. | |
CreateBeadInspectionModel | Create a model to inspect beads or adhesive in images. | |
CreateBgEsti | Generate and initialize a data set for the background estimation. | |
CreateCalibData | Create a HALCON calibration data model. | |
CreateCalibDescriptorModel | Create a descriptor model for calibrated perspective matching. | |
CreateCaltab | Generate a calibration plate description file and a corresponding PostScript file for a calibration plate with hexagonally arranged marks. | |
CreateCamPoseLookAtPoint | Create a 3D camera pose from camera center and viewing direction. | |
CreateCameraSetupModel | Create a model for a setup of calibrated cameras. | |
CreateClassBox | Create a new classifier. | |
CreateClassGmm | Create a Gaussian Mixture Model for classification | |
CreateClassKnn | Create a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier. | |
CreateClassLutGmm | Create a look-up table using a gaussian mixture model to classify byte images. | |
CreateClassLutKnn | Create a look-up table using a k-nearest neighbors classifier (k-NN) to classify byte images. | |
CreateClassLutMlp | Create a look-up table using a multi-layer perceptron to classify byte images. | |
CreateClassLutSvm | Create a look-up table using a Support-Vector-Machine to classify byte images. | |
CreateClassMlp | Create a multilayer perceptron for classification or regression. | |
CreateClassSvm | Create a support vector machine for pattern classification. | |
CreateClassTrainData | Create a handle for training data for classifiers. | |
CreateColorTransLut | Creates the look-up-table for transformation of an image from the RGB color space to an arbitrary color space. | |
CreateComponentModel | Prepare a component model for matching based on explicitly specified components and relations. | |
CreateCondition | Create a condition variable synchronization object. | |
CreateDataCode2dModel | Create a model of a 2D data code class. | |
CreateDeformableSurfaceModel | Create the data structure needed to perform deformable surface-based matching. | |
CreateDistanceTransformXld | Create the XLD distance transform. | |
CreateDrawingObjectCircle | Create a circle which can be modified interactively. | |
CreateDrawingObjectCircleSector | Create a circle sector which can be modified interactively. | |
CreateDrawingObjectEllipse | Create an ellipse which can be modified interactively. | |
CreateDrawingObjectEllipseSector | Create an elliptic sector which can be modified interactively. | |
CreateDrawingObjectLine | Create a line which can be modified interactively. | |
CreateDrawingObjectRectangle1 | Create a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis which can be modified interactively. | |
CreateDrawingObjectRectangle2 | Create a rectangle of any orientation which can be modified interactively. | |
CreateDrawingObjectText | Create a text object which can be moved interactively. | |
CreateDrawingObjectXld | Create a XLD contour which can be modified interactively. | |
CreateEvent | Create an event synchronization object. | |
CreateFunct1dArray | Create a function from a sequence of y-values. | |
CreateFunct1dPairs | Create a function from a set of (x,y) pairs. | |
CreateLexicon | Create a lexicon from a tuple of words. | |
CreateLocalDeformableModel | Creates a deformable model for local, deformable matching. | |
CreateLocalDeformableModelXld | Prepare a deformable model for local deformable matching from XLD contours. | |
CreateMatrix | Create a matrix. | |
CreateMessage | Create a new empty message. | |
CreateMessageQueue | Create a new empty message queue. | |
CreateMetrologyModel | Create the data structure that is needed to measure geometric shapes. | |
CreateMutex | Create a mutual exclusion synchronization object. | |
CreateNccModel | Prepare an NCC model for matching. | |
CreateOcrClassBox | Create a new OCR-classifier. | |
CreateOcrClassKnn | Create an OCR classifier using a k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) classifier. | |
CreateOcrClassMlp | Create an OCR classifier using a multilayer perceptron. | |
CreateOcrClassSvm | Create an OCR classifier using a support vector machine. | |
CreateOcvProj | Create a new OCV tool based on gray value projections. | |
CreatePlanarCalibDeformableModel | Create a deformable model for calibrated perspective matching. | |
CreatePlanarCalibDeformableModelXld | Prepare a deformable model for planar calibrated matching from XLD contours. | |
CreatePlanarUncalibDeformableModel | Creates a deformable model for uncalibrated, perspective matching. | |
CreatePlanarUncalibDeformableModelXld | Prepare a deformable model for planar uncalibrated matching from XLD contours. | |
CreatePose | Create a 3D pose. | |
CreateRectificationGrid | Generate a PostScript file, which describes the rectification grid. | |
CreateSampleIdentifier | Create a new sample identifier. | |
CreateScaledShapeModel | Prepare an isotropically scaled shape model for matching. | |
CreateScaledShapeModelXld | Prepare an isotropically scaled shape model for matching from XLD contours. | |
CreateScatteredDataInterpolator | Creates an interpolator for the interpolation of scattered data. | |
CreateScene3d | Create the data structure that is needed to visualize collections of 3D objects. | |
CreateSerializedItemPtr | Create a serialized item. | |
CreateShapeModel | Prepare a shape model for matching. | |
CreateShapeModel3d | Prepare a 3D object model for matching. | |
CreateShapeModelXld | Prepare a shape model for matching from XLD contours. | |
CreateSheetOfLightCalibObject | Create a calibration object for sheet-of-light calibration. | |
CreateSheetOfLightModel | Create a model to perform 3D-measurements using the sheet-of-light technique. | |
CreateStereoModel | Create a HALCON stereo model. | |
CreateStructuredLightModel | Create a structured light model. | |
CreateSurfaceModel | Create the data structure needed to perform surface-based matching. | |
CreateTemplate | Preparing a pattern for template matching. | |
CreateTemplateRot | Preparing a pattern for template matching with rotation. | |
CreateTextModel | Create a text model. | |
CreateTextModelReader | Create a text model. | |
CreateTextureInspectionModel | Create a texture inspection model. | |
CreateTrainedComponentModel | Prepare a component model for matching based on trained components. | |
CreateUncalibDescriptorModel | Prepare a descriptor model for interest point matching. | |
CreateVariationModel | Create a variation model for image comparison. | |
CriticalPointsSubPix | Subpixel precise detection of critical points in an image. | |
CropContoursXld | Crop an XLD contour. | |
CropDomain | Cut out of defined gray values. | |
CropDomainRel | Cut out an image area relative to the domain. | |
CropPart | Cut out one or more rectangular image areas. | |
CropRectangle1 | Cut out one or more rectangular image areas. | |
DeactivateAllComputeDevices | Deactivate all compute devices. | |
DeactivateComputeDevice | Deactivate a compute device. | |
DecodeBarCodeRectangle2 | Decode bar code symbols within a rectangle. | |
DecodeStructuredLightPattern | Decode the camera images acquired with a structured light setup. | |
Decompose2 | Convert a two-channel image into two images. | |
Decompose3 | Convert a three-channel image into three images. | |
Decompose4 | Convert a four-channel image into four images. | |
Decompose5 | Convert a five-channel image into five images. | |
Decompose6 | Convert a six-channel image into six images. | |
Decompose7 | Convert a seven-channel image into seven images. | |
DecomposeMatrix | Decompose a matrix. | |
Default | Alternative branch in a switchswitchSwitchSwitchSwitch block. | |
DeleteFile | Delete a file. | |
DepthFromFocus | Extract depth using multiple focus levels. | |
DequeueMessage | Receive one or more messages from the message queue. | |
DerivateFunct1d | Calculate the derivatives of a function. | |
DerivateGauss | Convolve an image with derivatives of the Gaussian. | |
DerivateVectorField | Convolve a vector field with derivatives of the Gaussian. | |
DescriptClassBox | Describe the classes of a box classifier. | |
DeserializeBarCodeModel | Deserialize a bar code model. | |
DeserializeCalibData | Deserialize a serialized calibration data model. | |
DeserializeCamPar | Deserialize the serialized internal camera parameters. | |
DeserializeCameraSetupModel | Deserialize a serialized camera setup model. | |
DeserializeClassBox | Deserialize a serialized classifier. | |
DeserializeClassGmm | Deserialize a serialized Gaussian Mixture Model. | |
DeserializeClassKnn | Deserialize a serialized k-NN classifier. | |
DeserializeClassMlp | Deserialize a serialized multilayer perceptron. | |
DeserializeClassSvm | Deserialize a serialized support vector machine (SVM). | |
DeserializeClassTrainData | Deserialize serialized training data for classifiers. | |
DeserializeComponentModel | Deserialize a serialized component model. | |
DeserializeDataCode2dModel | Deserialize a serialized 2D data code model. | |
DeserializeDeformableModel | Deserialize a deformable model. | |
DeserializeDeformableSurfaceModel | Deserialize a deformable surface model. | |
DeserializeDescriptorModel | Deserialize a descriptor model. | |
DeserializeDistanceTransformXld | Deserialize an XLD distance transform. | |
DeserializeDlClassifier | Deserialize a deep-learning-based classifier. | |
DeserializeDualQuat | Deserialize a serialized dual quaternion. | |
DeserializeFftOptimizationData | Deserialize FFT speed optimization data. | |
DeserializeHandle | Deserialize a serialized item. | |
DeserializeHomMat2d | Deserialize a serialized homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
DeserializeHomMat3d | Deserialize a serialized homogeneous 3D transformation matrix. | |
DeserializeImage | Deserialize a serialized image object. | |
DeserializeMatrix | Deserialize a serialized matrix. | |
DeserializeMeasure | Deserialize a serialized measure object. | |
DeserializeMetrologyModel | Deserialize a serialized metrology model. | |
DeserializeNccModel | Deserialize an NCC model. | |
DeserializeObject | Deserialize a serialized iconic object. | |
DeserializeObjectModel3d | Deserialize a serialized 3D object model. | |
DeserializeOcr | Deserialize a serialized OCR classifier. | |
DeserializeOcrClassCnn | Deserialize a serialized CNN-based OCR classifier. | |
DeserializeOcrClassKnn | Deserialize a serialized k-NN-based OCR classifier. | |
DeserializeOcrClassMlp | Deserialize a serialized MLP-based OCR classifier. | |
DeserializeOcrClassSvm | Deserialize a serialized SVM-based OCR classifier. | |
DeserializeOcv | Deserialize a serialized OCV tool. | |
DeserializePose | Deserialize a serialized pose. | |
DeserializeQuat | Deserialize a serialized quaternion. | |
DeserializeRegion | Deserialize a serialized region. | |
DeserializeSampleIdentifier | Deserialize a serialized sample identifier. | |
DeserializeShapeModel | Deserialize a serialized shape model. | |
DeserializeShapeModel3d | Deserialize a serialized 3D shape model. | |
DeserializeSheetOfLightModel | Deserialize a sheet-of-light model. | |
DeserializeStructuredLightModel | Deserialize a structured light model. | |
DeserializeSurfaceModel | Deserialize a surface model. | |
DeserializeTemplate | Deserialize a serialized template. | |
DeserializeTextureInspectionModel | Deserialize a serialized texture inspection model. | |
DeserializeTrainingComponents | Deserialize a component training result. | |
DeserializeTuple | Deserialize a serialized tuple. | |
DeserializeVariationModel | Deserialize a variation model. | |
DeserializeXld | Deserialize a serialized XLD object. | |
DetachBackgroundFromWindow | Detach the background image from a HALCON window. | |
DetachDrawingObjectFromWindow | Detach an existing drawing object from a HALCON window. | |
DetectEdgeSegments | Detect straight edge segments. | |
DeterminantMatrix | Compute the determinant of a matrix. | |
DetermineDeformableModelParams | Determine the parameters of a deformable model. | |
DetermineNccModelParams | Determine the parameters of an NCC model. | |
DetermineShapeModelParams | Determine the parameters of a shape model. | |
DevClearObj | Delete an iconic object from the HALCON database. | |
DevClearWindow | Clear the contents of the active graphics window. | |
DevCloseInspectCtrl | Close inspect window(s) of one or more control variables. | |
DevCloseTool | Close the specified tool. | |
DevCloseWindow | Close the active graphics window. | |
DevDispText | Display text in in the current graphics window. | |
DevDisplay | Displays image objects in the current graphics window. | |
DevErrorVar | Define or undefine an error variable. | |
DevGetExceptionData | Access the elements of an exception tuple. | |
DevGetPreferences | Query HDevelop preferences within a program. | |
DevGetSystem | Query the HDevelop system within a program. | |
DevGetWindow | Return the handle of the active graphics window. | |
DevInspectCtrl | Open a window to inspect one or more control variables. | |
DevMapPar | Open the dialog to specify the visualization parameters. | |
DevMapProg | Make the main window of HDevelop visible. | |
DevMapVar | Open the variable window of HDevelop. | |
DevOpenDialog | Open a modal HDevelop dialog. | |
DevOpenFileDialog | Opens a file selection dialog. | |
DevOpenTool | Open a HDevelop tool, a non-modal dialog, or assistant. | |
DevOpenWindow | Open a new graphics window. | |
DevSetCheck | Specify the error handling in HDevelop. | |
DevSetColor | Set one or more output colors. | |
DevSetColored | Set multiple output colors. | |
DevSetDraw | Define the region fill mode. | |
DevSetLineWidth | Define the line width for region contour output. | |
DevSetLut | Set “look-up-table” (lut). | |
DevSetPaint | Define the gray value output mode. | |
DevSetPart | Modify the displayed image part. | |
DevSetPreferences | Set HDevelop preferences within a program. | |
DevSetShape | Define the region output shape. | |
DevSetToolGeometry | Sets the position and size of the specified tool. | |
DevSetWindow | Activate a graphics window. | |
DevSetWindowExtents | Change position and size of the active graphics window. | |
DevShowTool | Shows the specified tool. | |
DevUnmapPar | Closes the dialog to specify the visualization parameters. | |
DevUnmapProg | Hide the main window. | |
DevUnmapVar | Hides the variable window. | |
DevUpdatePc | Switches the update of the PC during program execution on or off. | |
DevUpdateTime | Switch time measurement for operators on or off. | |
DevUpdateVar | Switches the update of the variable window during program execution on or off. | |
DevUpdateWindow | Switches the automatic output of iconic output objects into the graphics window during program execution on or off. | |
DeviationImage | Calculate the standard deviation of gray values within rectangular windows. | |
DeviationN | Calculate standard deviation over several channels. | |
DiameterRegion | Maximal distance between two boundary points of a region. | |
DiameterXld | Maximum distance between two contour or polygon points. | |
DiffOfGauss | Approximate the LoG operator (Laplace of Gaussian). | |
Difference | Calculate the difference of two regions. | |
DifferenceClosedContoursXld | Compute the difference of closed contours. | |
DifferenceClosedPolygonsXld | Compute the difference of closed polygons. | |
Dilation1 | Dilate a region. | |
Dilation2 | Dilate a region (using a reference point). | |
DilationCircle | Dilate a region with a circular structuring element. | |
DilationGolay | Dilate a region with an element from the Golay alphabet. | |
DilationRectangle1 | Dilate a region with a rectangular structuring element. | |
DilationSeq | Dilate a region sequentially. | |
DispArc | Displays circular arcs in a window. | |
DispArrow | Displays arrows in a window. | |
DispCaltab | Project and visualize the 3D model of the calibration plate in the image. | |
DispChannel | Displays images with several channels. | |
DispCircle | Displays circles in a window. | |
DispColor | Displays a color (RGB) image | |
DispCross | Displays crosses in a window. | |
DispDistribution | Displays a noise distribution. | |
DispEllipse | Displays ellipses. | |
DispImage | Displays gray value images. | |
DispLine | Draws lines in a window. | |
DispLut | Graphical view of the look-up-table (lut). | |
DispObj | Displays image objects (image, region, XLD). | |
DispObjectModel3d | Display 3D object models. | |
DispPolygon | Displays a polyline. | |
DispRectangle1 | Display of rectangles aligned to the coordinate axes. | |
DispRectangle2 | Displays arbitrarily oriented rectangles. | |
DispRegion | Displays regions in a window. | |
DispText | Display text in a window. | |
DispXld | Display an XLD object. | |
DisparityImageToXyz | Transform a disparity image into 3D points in a rectified stereo system. | |
DisparityToDistance | Transform a disparity value into a distance value in a rectified binocular stereo system. | |
DisparityToPoint3d | Transform an image point and its disparity into a 3D point in a rectified stereo system. | |
DisplayScene3d | Display a 3D scene. | |
DistEllipseContourPointsXld | Compute the distances of all contour points to an ellipse. | |
DistEllipseContourXld | Compute the distance of contours to an ellipse. | |
DistRectangle2ContourPointsXld | Compute the distances of all contour points to a rectangle. | |
DistanceCc | Calculate the distance between two contours. | |
DistanceCcMin | Calculate the minimum distance between two contours. | |
DistanceCcMinPoints | Calculate the minimum distance between two contours and the points used for the calculation. | |
DistanceContoursXld | Calculate the pointwise distance from one contour to another. | |
DistanceFunct1d | Compute the distance of two functions. | |
DistanceLc | Calculate the distance between a line and one contour. | |
DistanceLr | Calculate the distance between a line and a region. | |
DistanceObjectModel3d | Compute the distances of the points of one 3D object model to another 3D object model. | |
DistancePc | Calculate the distance between a point and one contour. | |
DistancePl | Calculate the distance between one point and one line. | |
DistancePp | Calculate the distance between two points. | |
DistancePr | Calculate the distance between a point and a region. | |
DistancePs | Calculate the distances between a point and a line segment. | |
DistanceRrMin | Minimum distance between the contour pixels of two regions each. | |
DistanceRrMinDil | Minimum distance between two regions with the help of dilation. | |
DistanceSc | Calculate the distance between a line segment and one contour. | |
DistanceSl | Calculate the distances between a line segment and a line. | |
DistanceSr | Calculate the distance between a line segment and one region. | |
DistanceSs | Calculate the distances between two line segments. | |
DistanceToDisparity | Transfrom a distance value into a disparity in a rectified stereo system. | |
DistanceTransform | Compute the distance transformation of a region. | |
DivElementMatrix | Divide matrices element-by-element. | |
DivElementMatrixMod | Divide matrices element-by-element. | |
DivImage | Divide two images. | |
DoOcrMulti | Classify characters. | |
DoOcrMultiClassCnn | Classify multiple characters with an CNN-based OCR classifier. | |
DoOcrMultiClassKnn | Classify multiple characters with an k-NN classifier. | |
DoOcrMultiClassMlp | Classify multiple characters with an OCR classifier. | |
DoOcrMultiClassSvm | Classify multiple characters with an SVM-based OCR classifier. | |
DoOcrSingle | Classify one character. | |
DoOcrSingleClassCnn | Classify a single character with an CNN-based OCR classifier. | |
DoOcrSingleClassKnn | Classify a single character with an OCR classifier. | |
DoOcrSingleClassMlp | Classify a single character with an OCR classifier. | |
DoOcrSingleClassSvm | Classify a single character with an SVM-based OCR classifier. | |
DoOcrWordCnn | Classify a related group of characters with an CNN-based OCR classifier. | |
DoOcrWordKnn | Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier. | |
DoOcrWordMlp | Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier. | |
DoOcrWordSvm | Classify a related group of characters with an OCR classifier. | |
DoOcvSimple | Verification of a pattern using an OCV tool. | |
DotsImage | Enhance circular dots in an image. | |
DragRegion1 | Interactive moving of a region. | |
DragRegion2 | Interactive movement of a region with fixpoint specification. | |
DragRegion3 | Interactive movement of a region with restriction of positions. | |
DrawCircle | Interactive drawing of a circle. | |
DrawCircleMod | Interactive drawing of a circle. | |
DrawEllipse | Interactive drawing of an ellipse. | |
DrawEllipseMod | Interactive drawing of an ellipse. | |
DrawLine | Draw a line. | |
DrawLineMod | Draw a line. | |
DrawNurbs | Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve. | |
DrawNurbsInterp | Interactive drawing of a NURBS curve using interpolation. | |
DrawNurbsInterpMod | Interactive modification of a NURBS curve using interpolation. | |
DrawNurbsMod | Interactive modification of a NURBS curve. | |
DrawPoint | Draw a point. | |
DrawPointMod | Draw a point. | |
DrawPolygon | Interactive drawing of a polygon row. | |
DrawRectangle1 | Draw a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis. | |
DrawRectangle1Mod | Draw a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axis. | |
DrawRectangle2 | Interactive drawing of any orientated rectangle. | |
DrawRectangle2Mod | Interactive drawing of any orientated rectangle. | |
DrawRegion | Interactive drawing of a closed region. | |
DrawXld | Interactive drawing of a contour. | |
DrawXldMod | Interactive modification of a contour. | |
DualQuatCompose | Multiply two dual quaternions. | |
DualQuatConjugate | Conjugate a dual quaternion. | |
DualQuatInterpolate | Interpolate two dual quaternions. | |
DualQuatNormalize | Normalize a dual quaternion. | |
DualQuatToHomMat3d | Convert a unit dual quaternion into a homogeneous transformation matrix. | |
DualQuatToPose | Convert a dual quaternion to a 3D pose. | |
DualQuatToScrew | Convert a unit dual quaternion into a screw. | |
DualQuatTransLine3d | Transform a 3D line with a unit dual quaternion. | |
DualRank | Opening, Median and Closing with circle or rectangle mask. | |
DualThreshold | Threshold operator for signed images. | |
DumpWindow | Write the window content to a file. | |
DumpWindowImage | Write the window content in an image object. | |
DynThreshold | Segment an image using a local threshold. | |
Eccentricity | Shape features derived from the ellipse parameters. | |
EccentricityPointsXld | Anisometry of contours or polygons treated as point clouds. | |
EccentricityXld | Shape features derived from the ellipse parameters of contours or polygons. | |
EdgesColor | Extract color edges using Canny, Deriche, or Shen filters. | |
EdgesColorSubPix | Extract subpixel precise color edges using Deriche, Shen, or Canny filters. | |
EdgesImage | Extract edges using Deriche, Lanser, Shen, or Canny filters. | |
EdgesObjectModel3d | Find edges in a 3D object model. | |
EdgesSubPix | Extract sub-pixel precise edges using Deriche, Lanser, Shen, or Canny filters. | |
EigenvaluesGeneralMatrix | Compute the eigenvalues and optionally the eigenvectors of a general matrix. | |
EigenvaluesSymmetricMatrix | Compute the eigenvalues and optionally eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix. | |
EliminateMinMax | Smooth an image in the spatial domain to suppress noise. | |
EliminateRuns | Eliminate runs of a given length. | |
EliminateSp | Replace values outside of thresholds with average value. | |
EllipticAxis | Calculate the parameters of the equivalent ellipse. | |
EllipticAxisGray | Compute the orientation and major axes of a region in a gray value image. | |
EllipticAxisPointsXld | Parameters of the equivalent ellipse of contours or polygons treated as point clouds. | |
EllipticAxisXld | Parameters of the equivalent ellipse of contours or polygons. | |
Else | Alternative of conditional statement. | |
Elseif | Conditional statement with alternative. | |
Emphasize | Enhance contrast of the image. | |
Endfor | End statement of a for loop. | |
Endif | End of if command. | |
Endswitch | Ends a multiway branch block. | |
Endtry | Ends a block where exceptions are handled. | |
Endwhile | End statement of a while loop. | |
EnergyGabor | Calculate the energy of a two-channel image. | |
EnqueueMessage | Enqueue one or more messages to the message queue. | |
EnquireClassBox | Classify a tuple of attributes. | |
EnquireRejectClassBox | Classify a tuple of attributes with rejection class. | |
EntropyGray | Determine the entropy and anisotropy of images. | |
EntropyImage | Calculate the entropy of gray values within a rectangular window. | |
EquHistoImage | Histogram linearization of images | |
Erosion1 | Erode a region. | |
Erosion2 | Erode a region (using a reference point). | |
ErosionCircle | Erode a region with a circular structuring element. | |
ErosionGolay | Erode a region with an element from the Golay alphabet. | |
ErosionRectangle1 | Erode a region with a rectangular structuring element. | |
ErosionSeq | Erode a region sequentially. | |
EssentialToFundamentalMatrix | Compute the fundamental matrix from an essential matrix. | |
EstimateAlAm | Estimate the albedo of a surface and the amount of ambient light. | |
EstimateNoise | Estimate the image noise from a single image. | |
EstimateSlAlLr | Estimate the slant of a light source and the albedo of a surface. | |
EstimateSlAlZc | Estimate the slant of a light source and the albedo of a surface. | |
EstimateTiltLr | Estimate the tilt of a light source. | |
EstimateTiltZc | Estimate the tilt of a light source. | |
EulerNumber | Calculate the Euler number. | |
EvaluateClassGmm | Evaluate a feature vector by a Gaussian Mixture Model. | |
EvaluateClassMlp | Calculate the evaluation of a feature vector by a multilayer perceptron. | |
EvaluateClassSvm | Evaluate a feature vector by a support vector machine. | |
ExecutableExpression | Execute a stand-alone operation. | |
ExhaustiveMatch | Matching of a template and an image. | |
ExhaustiveMatchMg | Matching a template and an image in a resolution pyramid. | |
Exit | Terminate HDevelop. | |
ExpImage | Calculate the exponentiation of an image. | |
ExpandDomainGray | Expand the domain of an image and set the gray values in the expanded domain. | |
ExpandGray | Fill gaps between regions (depending on gray value or color) or split overlapping regions. | |
ExpandGrayRef | Fill gaps between regions (depending on gray value or color) or split overlapping regions. | |
ExpandLine | Expand a region starting at a given line. | |
ExpandRegion | Fill gaps between regions or split overlapping regions. | |
ExportDef | Insert arbitrary text into the export code of a procedure. | |
FastMatch | Searching all good matches of a template and an image. | |
FastMatchMg | Searching all good gray value matches in a pyramid. | |
FastThreshold | Fast thresholding of images using global thresholds. | |
FftGeneric | Compute the fast Fourier transform of an image. | |
FftImage | Compute the fast Fourier transform of an image. | |
FftImageInv | Compute the inverse fast Fourier transform of an image. | |
FileExists | Check whether file exists. | |
FillInterlace | Interpolate 2 video half images. | |
FillUp | Fill up holes in regions. | |
FillUpShape | Fill up holes in regions having given shape features. | |
FilterKalman | Estimate the current state of a system with the help of the Kalman filtering. | |
FindAnisoShapeModel | Find the best matches of an anisotropically scaled shape model in an image. | |
FindAnisoShapeModels | Find the best matches of multiple anisotropically scaled shape models. | |
FindBarCode | Detect and read bar code symbols in an image. | |
FindCalibDescriptorModel | Find the best matches of a calibrated descriptor model in an image and return their 3D pose. | |
FindCalibObject | Find the HALCON calibration plate and set the extracted points and contours in a calibration data model. | |
FindCaltab | Segment the region of a standard calibration plate with rectangularly arranged marks in the image. | |
FindComponentModel | Find the best matches of a component model in an image. | |
FindDataCode2d | Detect and read 2D data code symbols in an image or train the 2D data code model. | |
FindDeformableSurfaceModel | Find the best match of a deformable surface model in a 3D scene. | |
FindLocalDeformableModel | Find the best matches of a local deformable model in an image. | |
FindMarksAndPose | Extract rectangularly arranged 2D calibration marks from the image and calculate initial values for the external camera parameters. | |
FindNccModel | Find the best matches of an NCC model in an image. | |
FindNccModels | Find the best matches of multiple NCC models. | |
FindNeighbors | Search direct neighbors. | |
FindPlanarCalibDeformableModel | Find the best matches of a calibrated deformable model in an image and return their 3D pose. | |
FindPlanarUncalibDeformableModel | Find the best matches of a planar projective invariant deformable model in an image. | |
FindRectificationGrid | Segment the rectification grid region in the image. | |
FindScaledShapeModel | Find the best matches of an isotropically scaled shape model in an image. | |
FindScaledShapeModels | Find the best matches of multiple isotropically scaled shape models. | |
FindShapeModel | Find the best matches of a shape model in an image. | |
FindShapeModel3d | Find the best matches of a 3D shape model in an image. | |
FindShapeModels | Find the best matches of multiple shape models. | |
FindSurfaceModel | Find the best matches of a surface model in a 3D scene. | |
FindSurfaceModelImage | Find the best matches of a surface model in a 3D scene and images. | |
FindText | Find text in an image. | |
FindUncalibDescriptorModel | Find the best matches of a descriptor model in an image. | |
FitCircleContourXld | Approximate XLD contours by circles. | |
FitEllipseContourXld | Approximate XLD contours by ellipses or elliptic arcs. | |
FitLineContourXld | Approximate XLD contours by line segments. | |
FitPrimitivesObjectModel3d | Fit 3D primitives into a set of 3D points. | |
FitRectangle2ContourXld | Fit rectangles to XLD contours. | |
FitSurfaceFirstOrder | Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a first order surface (plane). | |
FitSurfaceSecondOrder | Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a second order surface. | |
Fitting | Perform a closing after an opening with multiple structuring elements. | |
FlushBuffer | Flush the contents of a window. | |
FnewLine | Create a line feed. | |
For | Starts a loop block that is usually executed for a fixed number of iterations. | |
FreadChar | Read a character from a file. | |
FreadLine | Read a line from a file. | |
FreadSerializedItem | Read a serialized item from a file. | |
FreadString | Read strings from a file. | |
FreiAmp | Detect edges (amplitude) using the Frei-Chen operator. | |
FreiDir | Detect edges (amplitude and direction) using the Frei-Chen operator. | |
FullDomain | Expand the domain of an image to maximum. | |
Funct1dToPairs | Access to the x/y values of a function. | |
FuseObjectModel3d | Fuse 3D object models into a surface. | |
FuzzyEntropy | Determine the fuzzy entropy of regions. | |
FuzzyMeasurePairing | Extract straight edge pairs perpendicular to a rectangle or an annular arc. | |
FuzzyMeasurePairs | Extract straight edge pairs perpendicular to a rectangle or an annular arc. | |
FuzzyMeasurePos | Extract straight edges perpendicular to a rectangle or an annular arc. | |
FuzzyPerimeter | Calculate the fuzzy perimeter of a region. | |
FwriteSerializedItem | Write a serialized item to a file. | |
FwriteString | Write values in a file. | |
GammaImage | Perform a gamma encoding or decoding of an image. | |
GaussDistribution | Generate a Gaussian noise distribution. | |
GaussFilter | Smooth using discrete gauss functions. | |
GaussImage | Smooth an image using discrete Gaussian functions. | |
GenArbitraryDistortionMap | Generate a projection map that describes the mapping between an arbitrarily distorted image and the rectified image. | |
GenBandfilter | Generate an ideal band filter. | |
GenBandpass | Generate an ideal bandpass filter. | |
GenBinocularProjRectification | Compute the projective rectification of weakly calibrated binocular stereo images. | |
GenBinocularRectificationMap | Generate transformation maps that describe the mapping of the images of a binocular camera pair to a common rectified image plane. | |
GenBoxObjectModel3d | Create a 3D object model that represents a box. | |
GenBundleAdjustedMosaic | Combine multiple images into a mosaic image. | |
GenCaltab | Generate a calibration plate description file and a corresponding PostScript file for a calibration plate with rectangularly arranged marks. | |
GenCheckerRegion | Create a checkered region. | |
GenCircle | Create a circle. | |
GenCircleContourXld | Create XLD contours corresponding to circles or circular arcs. | |
GenCircleSector | Create a circle sector. | |
GenContourNurbsXld | Transform a NURBS curve into an XLD contour. | |
GenContourPolygonRoundedXld | Generate an XLD contour with rounded corners from a polygon (given as tuples). | |
GenContourPolygonXld | Generate an XLD contour from a polygon (given as tuples). | |
GenContourRegionXld | Generate XLD contours from regions. | |
GenContoursSkeletonXld | Convert a skeleton into XLD contours. | |
GenCoocMatrix | Calculate the co-occurrence matrix of a region in an image. | |
GenCrossContourXld | Generate one XLD contour in the shape of a cross for each input point. | |
GenCubeMapMosaic | Create 6 cube map images of a spherical mosaic. | |
GenCylinderObjectModel3d | Create a 3D object model that represents a cylinder. | |
GenDerivativeFilter | Generate a derivative filter in the frequency domain. | |
GenDiscSe | Generate ellipsoidal structuring elements for gray morphology. | |
GenEllipse | Create an ellipse. | |
GenEllipseContourXld | Create an XLD contour that corresponds to an elliptic arc. | |
GenEllipseSector | Create an ellipse sector. | |
GenEmptyObj | Create an empty object tuple. | |
GenEmptyObjectModel3d | Create an empty 3D object model. | |
GenEmptyRegion | Create an empty region. | |
GenFilterMask | Store a filter mask in the spatial domain as a real-image. | |
GenGabor | Generate a Gabor filter. | |
GenGaussFilter | Generate a Gaussian filter in the frequency domain. | |
GenGaussPyramid | Calculating a Gauss pyramid. | |
GenGridRectificationMap | Compute the mapping between the distorted image and the rectified image based upon the points of a regular grid. | |
GenGridRegion | Create a region from lines or pixels. | |
GenHighpass | Generate an ideal highpass filter. | |
GenImage1 | Create an image from a pointer to the pixels. | |
GenImage1Extern | Create an image from a pointer on the pixels with storage management. | |
GenImage1Rect | Create an image with a rectangular domain from a pointer on the pixels (with storage management). | |
GenImage3 | Create an image from three pointers to the pixels (red/green/blue). | |
GenImage3Extern | Create a three-channel image from three pointers on the pixels with storage management. | |
GenImageConst | Create an image with constant gray value. | |
GenImageGrayRamp | Create a gray value ramp. | |
GenImageInterleaved | Create a three-channel image from a pointer to the interleaved pixels. | |
GenImageProto | Create an image with a specified constant gray value. | |
GenImageSurfaceFirstOrder | Create a tilted gray surface with first order polynomial. | |
GenImageSurfaceSecondOrder | Create a curved gray surface with second order polynomial. | |
GenImageToWorldPlaneMap | Generate a projection map that describes the mapping between the image plane and a the plane z=0 of a world coordinate system. | |
GenInitialComponents | Extract the initial components of a component model. | |
GenLowpass | Generate an ideal lowpass filter. | |
GenMeanFilter | Generate a mean filter in the frequency domain. | |
GenMeasureArc | Prepare the extraction of straight edges perpendicular to an annular arc. | |
GenMeasureRectangle2 | Prepare the extraction of straight edges perpendicular to a rectangle. | |
GenNurbsInterp | Create control data of a NURBS curve that interpolates given points. | |
GenObjectModel3dFromPoints | Create a 3D object model that represents a point cloud from a set of 3D points. | |
GenParallelContourXld | Compute the parallel contour of an XLD contour. | |
GenParallelsXld | Extract parallel XLD polygons. | |
GenPlaneObjectModel3d | Create a 3D object model that represents a plane. | |
GenPolygonsXld | Approximate XLD contours by polygons. | |
GenPrincipalCompTrans | Compute the transformation matrix of the principal component analysis of multichannel images. | |
GenProjectiveMosaic | Combine multiple images into a mosaic image. | |
GenPsfDefocus | Generate an impulse response of an uniform out-of-focus blurring. | |
GenPsfMotion | Generate an impulse response of a (linearly) motion blurring. | |
GenRadialDistortionMap | Generate a projection map that describes the mapping of images corresponding to a changing radial distortion. | |
GenRandomRegion | Create a random region. | |
GenRandomRegions | Create random regions like circles, rectangles and ellipses. | |
GenRectangle1 | Create a rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes. | |
GenRectangle2 | Create a rectangle of any orientation. | |
GenRectangle2ContourXld | Create an XLD contour in the shape of a rectangle. | |
GenRegionContourXld | Create a region from an XLD contour. | |
GenRegionHisto | Convert a histogram into a region. | |
GenRegionHline | Store input lines described in Hesse normal form as regions. | |
GenRegionLine | Store input lines as regions. | |
GenRegionPoints | Store individual pixels as image region. | |
GenRegionPolygon | Store a polygon as a region. | |
GenRegionPolygonFilled | Store a polygon as a “filled” region. | |
GenRegionPolygonXld | Create a region from an XLD polygon. | |
GenRegionRuns | Create a region from a runlength coding. | |
GenSinBandpass | Generate a bandpass filter with sinusoidal shape. | |
GenSphereObjectModel3d | Create a 3D object model that represents a sphere. | |
GenSphereObjectModel3dCenter | Create a 3D object model that represents a sphere from x,y,z coordinates. | |
GenSphericalMosaic | Create a spherical mosaic image. | |
GenStdBandpass | Generate a bandpass filter with Gaussian or sinusoidal shape. | |
GenStructElements | Generate standard structuring elements. | |
GenStructuredLightPattern | Generate the pattern images to be displayed in a structured light setup. | |
GeneralizedEigenvaluesGeneralMatrix | Compute the generalized eigenvalues and optionally the generalized eigenvectors of general matrices. | |
GeneralizedEigenvaluesSymmetricMatrix | Compute the generalized eigenvalues and optionally generalized eigenvectors of symmetric input matrices. | |
GetAopInfo | Return AOP information for operators. | |
GetBarCodeObject | Access iconic objects that were created during the search or decoding of bar code symbols. | |
GetBarCodeParam | Get one or several parameters that describe the bar code model. | |
GetBarCodeParamSpecific | Get parameters that are used by the bar code reader when processing a specific bar code type. | |
GetBarCodeResult | Get the alphanumerical results that were accumulated during the decoding of bar code symbols. | |
GetBeadInspectionParam | Get the value of a parameter in a specific bead inspection model. | |
GetBgEstiParams | Return the parameters of the data set. | |
GetCalibData | Query data stored or computed in a calibration data model. | |
GetCalibDataObservContours | Get contour-based observation data from a calibration data model. | |
GetCalibDataObservPoints | Get point-based observation data from a calibration data model. | |
GetCalibDataObservPose | Get observed calibration object poses from a calibration data model. | |
GetCameraSetupParam | Get generic camera setup model parameters. | |
GetChannelInfo | Informations about the components of an image object. | |
GetChapterInfo | Get information concerning the chapters on operators. | |
GetCheck | State of the HALCON control modes. | |
GetCirclePose | Determine the 3D pose of a circle from its perspective 2D projection. | |
GetClassBoxParam | Get information about the current parameter. | |
GetClassTrainDataGmm | Get the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). | |
GetClassTrainDataKnn | Get the training data of a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier. | |
GetClassTrainDataMlp | Get the training data of a multilayer perceptron (MLP). | |
GetClassTrainDataSvm | Get the training data of a support vector machine (SVM). | |
GetComponentModelParams | Return the parameters of a component model. | |
GetComponentModelTree | Return the search tree of a component model. | |
GetComponentRelations | Return the relations between the model components that are contained in a training result. | |
GetComprise | Get the output treatment of an image matrix. | |
GetComputeDeviceInfo | Get information on a compute device. | |
GetComputeDeviceParam | Query compute device parameters. | |
GetContourAngleXld | Calculate the direction of an XLD contour for each contour point. | |
GetContourAttribXld | Return point attribute values of an XLD contour. | |
GetContourGlobalAttribXld | Return global attributes values of an XLD contour. | |
GetContourXld | Return the coordinates of an XLD contour. | |
GetCurrentDir | Get the current working directory. | |
GetDataCode2dObjects | Access iconic objects that were created during the search for 2D data code symbols. | |
GetDataCode2dParam | Get one or several parameters that describe the 2D data code model. | |
GetDataCode2dResults | Get the alphanumerical results that were accumulated during the search for 2D data code symbols. | |
GetDeformableModelContours | Return the contour representation of a deformable model. | |
GetDeformableModelOrigin | Return the origin (reference point) of a deformable model. | |
GetDeformableModelParams | Return the parameters of a deformable model. | |
GetDeformableSurfaceMatchingResult | Get details of a result from deformable surface based matching. | |
GetDeformableSurfaceModelParam | Return the parameters and properties of a deformable surface model. | |
GetDescriptorModelOrigin | Return the origin of a descriptor model. | |
GetDescriptorModelParams | Return the parameters of a descriptor model. | |
GetDescriptorModelPoints | Query the interest points of the descriptor model or the last processed search image. | |
GetDescriptorModelResults | Query alphanumerical results that were accumulated during descriptor-based matching. | |
GetDiagonalMatrix | Get the diagonal elements of a matrix. | |
GetDispObjectModel3dInfo | Get the depth or the index of a displayed 3D object model. | |
GetDisplayScene3dInfo | Get the depth or the index of instances in a displayed 3D scene. | |
GetDistanceTransformXldContour | Get the reference contour used to build the XLD distance transform. | |
GetDistanceTransformXldParam | Get the parameters used to build an XLD distance transform. | |
GetDlClassifierParam | Return the parameters the deep-learning-based classifier. | |
GetDlClassifierResult | Retrieve classification results inferred by a deep-learning-based classifier. | |
GetDlClassifierTrainResult | Return the results for the single training step of a deep-learning-based classifier. | |
GetDomain | Get the domain of an image. | |
GetDraw | Get the current region fill mode. | |
GetDrawingObjectIconic | Return the iconic object of a drawing object. | |
GetDrawingObjectParams | Get the parameters of a drawing object. | |
GetErrorText | Inquiry after the error text of a HALCON error number. | |
GetExtendedErrorInfo | Returns the extended error information for the calling thread's last HALCON error. | |
GetFeaturesOcrClassKnn | Compute the features of a character. | |
GetFeaturesOcrClassMlp | Compute the features of a character. | |
GetFeaturesOcrClassSvm | Compute the features of a character. | |
GetFix | Get mode of fixing of current look-up-table (lut). | |
GetFixedLut | Get fixing of “look-up-table” (lut) for “real color images” | |
GetFont | Get the current font. | |
GetFontExtents | Get the maximum size of all characters of a font. | |
GetFoundComponentModel | Return the components of a found instance of a component model. | |
GetFramegrabberCallback | Query callback function of an image acquisition device. | |
GetFramegrabberLut | Query look-up table of the image acquisition device. | |
GetFramegrabberParam | Query specific parameters of an image acquisition device. | |
GetFullMatrix | Return all values of a matrix. | |
GetGrayval | Access the gray values of an image object. | |
GetGrayvalContourXld | Return gray values of an image at the positions of an XLD contour. | |
GetGrayvalInterpolated | Return gray values of an image at the positions given by tuples of rows and columns. | |
GetHsi | Get the HSI coding of the current color. | |
GetIcon | Query the icon for region output | |
GetImagePointer1 | Access the pointer of a channel. | |
GetImagePointer1Rect | Access to the image data pointer and the image data inside the smallest rectangle of the domain of the input image. | |
GetImagePointer3 | Access the pointers of a colored image. | |
GetImageSize | Return the size of an image. | |
GetImageTime | Request time at which the image was created. | |
GetImageType | Return the type of an image. | |
GetInsert | Get the current display mode. | |
GetIoChannelParam | Query specific parameters of I/O channels. | |
GetIoDeviceParam | Query settings of an I/O device instance. | |
GetKeywords | Get keywords which are assigned to operators. | |
GetLineApprox | Get the current approximation error for contour display. | |
GetLineOfSight | Compute the line of sight corresponding to a point in the image. | |
GetLineStyle | Get the current graphic mode for contours. | |
GetLineWidth | Get the current line width for contour display. | |
GetLinesXld | Return an XLD polygon's data (as lines). | |
GetLut | Get current look-up-table (lut). | |
GetLutStyle | Get modification parameters of look-up-table (lut). | |
GetMbutton | Wait until a mouse button is pressed. | |
GetMbuttonSubPix | Wait until a mouse button is pressed and get the subpixel mouse position. | |
GetMessageObj | Retrieve an object associated with the key from the message. | |
GetMessageParam | Query message parameters or information about the message. | |
GetMessageQueueParam | Query message queue parameters or information about the queue. | |
GetMessageTuple | Retrieve a tuple associated with the key from the message. | |
GetMetrologyModelParam | Get parameters that are valid for the entire metrology model. | |
GetMetrologyObjectFuzzyParam | Get a fuzzy parameter of a metroloy model. | |
GetMetrologyObjectIndices | Get the indices of the metrology objects of a metrology model. | |
GetMetrologyObjectMeasures | Get the measure regions and the results of the edge location for the metrology objects of a metrology model. | |
GetMetrologyObjectModelContour | Query the model contour of a metrology object in image coordinates. | |
GetMetrologyObjectNumInstances | Get the number of instances of the metrology objects of a metrology model. | |
GetMetrologyObjectParam | Get one or several parameters of a metroloy model. | |
GetMetrologyObjectResult | Get the results of the measurement of a metrology model. | |
GetMetrologyObjectResultContour | Query the result contour of a metrology object. | |
GetModules | Query of used modules and the module key. | |
GetMposition | Query the mouse position. | |
GetMpositionSubPix | Query the subpixel mouse position. | |
GetMshape | Query the current mouse pointer shape. | |
GetNccModelOrigin | Return the origin (reference point) of an NCC model. | |
GetNccModelParams | Return the parameters of an NCC model. | |
GetNccModelRegion | Return the region used to create an NCC model. | |
GetNextSocketDataType | Determine the HALCON data type of the next socket data. | |
GetObjClass | Name of the class of an image object. | |
GetObjectModel3dParams | Return attributes of 3D object models. | |
GetOperatorInfo | Get information concerning a HALCON-operator. | |
GetOperatorName | Get operators with the given string as a substring of their name. | |
GetOsWindowHandle | Get the operating system window handle. | |
GetPaint | Get the current display mode for gray values. | |
GetPairFunct1d | Access a function value using the index of the control points. | |
GetParallelsXld | Return an XLD parallel's data (as lines). | |
GetParamInfo | Get information concerning the operator parameters. | |
GetParamNames | Get the names of the parameters of a HALCON-operator. | |
GetParamNum | Get number of the different parameter classes of a HALCON-operator. | |
GetParamTypes | Get default data type for the control parameters of a HALCON-operator. | |
GetParamsClassGmm | Return the parameters of a Gaussian Mixture Model. | |
GetParamsClassKnn | Get parameters of a k-NN classification. | |
GetParamsClassMlp | Return the parameters of a multilayer perceptron. | |
GetParamsClassSvm | Return the parameters of a support vector machine. | |
GetParamsOcrClassCnn | Return the parameters of a CNN-based OCR classifier. | |
GetParamsOcrClassKnn | Return the parameters of an OCR classifier. | |
GetParamsOcrClassMlp | Return the parameters of an OCR classifier. | |
GetParamsOcrClassSvm | Return the parameters of an OCR classifier. | |
GetPart | Get the image part. | |
GetPartStyle | Get the current interpolation mode for gray value display. | |
GetPixel | Get the current color lookup table index. | |
GetPointsEllipse | Calculate a point of an ellipse corresponding to a specific angle. | |
GetPolygonXld | Return an XLD polygon's data. | |
GetPoseType | Get the representation type of a 3D pose. | |
GetPrepInfoClassGmm | Compute the information content of the preprocessed feature vectors of a GMM. | |
GetPrepInfoClassMlp | Compute the information content of the preprocessed feature vectors of a multilayer perceptron. | |
GetPrepInfoClassSvm | Compute the information content of the preprocessed feature vectors of a support vector machine | |
GetPrepInfoOcrClassMlp | Compute the information content of the preprocessed feature vectors of an OCR classifier. | |
GetPrepInfoOcrClassSvm | Compute the information content of the preprocessed feature vectors of an SVM-based OCR classifier. | |
GetRectanglePose | Determine the 3D pose of a rectangle from its perspective 2D projection | |
GetRegionChain | Contour of an object as chain code. | |
GetRegionContour | Access the contour of an object. | |
GetRegionConvex | Access convex hull as contour. | |
GetRegionIndex | Index of all regions containing a given pixel. | |
GetRegionPoints | Access the pixels of a region. | |
GetRegionPolygon | Polygon approximation of a region. | |
GetRegionRuns | Access the runlength coding of a region. | |
GetRegionThickness | Access the thickness of a region along the main axis. | |
GetRegressParamsXld | Return XLD contour parameters. | |
GetRegularizationParamsClassMlp | Return the regularization parameters of a multilayer perceptron. | |
GetRegularizationParamsOcrClassMlp | Return the regularization parameters of an OCR classifier. | |
GetRejectionParamsClassMlp | Get the parameters of a rejection class. | |
GetRejectionParamsOcrClassMlp | Return the rejection class parameters of an OCR classifier. | |
GetRgb | Get the current color in RGB-coding. | |
GetRgba | Get the current color in RGBA-coding. | |
GetSampleClassGmm | Return a training sample from the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM). | |
GetSampleClassKnn | Return a training sample from the training data of a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier. | |
GetSampleClassMlp | Return a training sample from the training data of a multilayer perceptron. | |
GetSampleClassSvm | Return a training sample from the training data of a support vector machine. | |
GetSampleClassTrainData | Return a training sample from training data. | |
GetSampleIdentifierObjectInfo | Retrieve information about an object of a sample identifier. | |
GetSampleIdentifierParam | Get selected parameters of a sample identifier. | |
GetSampleNumClassGmm | Return the number of training samples stored in the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). | |
GetSampleNumClassKnn | Return the number of training samples stored in the training data of a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier. | |
GetSampleNumClassMlp | Return the number of training samples stored in the training data of a multilayer perceptron. | |
GetSampleNumClassSvm | Return the number of training samples stored in the training data of a support vector machine. | |
GetSampleNumClassTrainData | Return the number of training samples stored in the training data. | |
GetSerialParam | Get the parameters of a serial device. | |
GetSerializedItemPtr | Access the data pointer of a serialized item. | |
GetShape | Get the current region output shape. | |
GetShapeModel3dContours | Return the contour representation of a 3D shape model view. | |
GetShapeModel3dParams | Return the parameters of a 3D shape model. | |
GetShapeModelContours | Return the contour representation of a shape model. | |
GetShapeModelOrigin | Return the origin (reference point) of a shape model. | |
GetShapeModelParams | Return the parameters of a shape model. | |
GetSheetOfLightParam | Get the value of a parameter, which has been set in a sheet-of-light model. | |
GetSheetOfLightResult | Get the iconic results of a measurement performed with the sheet-of light technique. | |
GetSheetOfLightResultObjectModel3d | Get the result of a calibrated measurement performed with the sheet-of-light technique as a 3D object model. | |
GetSizeMatrix | Get the size of a matrix. | |
GetSocketDescriptor | Get the socket descriptor of a socket used by the operating system. | |
GetSocketParam | Get the value of a socket parameter. | |
GetSpy | Current configuration of the HALCON debugging-tool. | |
GetStereoModelImagePairs | Return the list of image pairs set in a stereo model. | |
GetStereoModelObject | Get intermediate iconic results of a stereo reconstruction. | |
GetStereoModelObjectModel3d | Get intermediate 3D object model of a stereo reconstruction | |
GetStereoModelParam | Get stereo model parameters. | |
GetStringExtents | Get the spatial size of a string. | |
GetStructuredLightModelParam | Query parameters of a structured light model. | |
GetStructuredLightObject | Get (intermediate) iconic results of a structured light model. | |
GetSubMatrix | Get a sub-matrix of a matrix. | |
GetSupportVectorClassSvm | Return the index of a support vector from a trained support vector machine. | |
GetSupportVectorNumClassSvm | Return the number of support vectors of a support vector machine. | |
GetSupportVectorNumOcrClassSvm | Return the number of support vectors of an OCR classifier. | |
GetSupportVectorOcrClassSvm | Return the index of a support vector from a trained OCR classifier that is based on support vector machines. | |
GetSurfaceMatchingResult | Get details of a result from surface based matching. | |
GetSurfaceModelParam | Return the parameters and properties of a surface model. | |
GetSystem | Get current value of HALCON system parameters. | |
GetSystemTime | Read out the system time. | |
GetTextModelParam | Query parameters of a text model. | |
GetTextObject | Query an iconic value of a text segmentation result. | |
GetTextResult | Query a control value of a text segmentation result. | |
GetTextureInspectionModelImage | Get the training images contained in a texture inspection model. | |
GetTextureInspectionModelParam | Query parameters of a texture inspection model. | |
GetTextureInspectionResultObject | Query iconic results of a texture inspection. | |
GetThreadingAttrib | Query the attributes of a threading / synchronization object. | |
GetThreshImagesVariationModel | Return the threshold images used for image comparison by a variation model. | |
GetTposition | Get cursor position. | |
GetTrainingComponents | Return the initial or model components in a certain image. | |
GetTshape | Get the shape of the text cursor. | |
GetValueMatrix | Return one ore more elements of a matrix. | |
GetVariationModel | Return the images used for image comparison by a variation model. | |
GetWindowAttr | Get window characteristics. | |
GetWindowBackgroundImage | Gets a copy of the background image of the HALCON window. | |
GetWindowExtents | Information about a window's size and position. | |
GetWindowParam | Get window parameters. | |
GetWindowPointer3 | Access to a window's pixel data. | |
GetWindowType | Get the window type. | |
GetYValueFunct1d | Return the value of a function at an arbitrary position. | |
GiveBgEsti | Return the estimated background image. | |
Global | Declare a global variable. | |
GnuplotClose | Close all open gnuplot files or terminate an active gnuplot sub-process. | |
GnuplotOpenFile | Open a gnuplot file for visualization of images and control values. | |
GnuplotOpenPipe | Open a pipe to a gnuplot process for visualization of images and control values. | |
GnuplotPlotCtrl | Plot control values using gnuplot. | |
GnuplotPlotFunct1d | Plot a function using gnuplot. | |
GnuplotPlotImage | Visualize images using gnuplot. | |
GolayElements | Generate the structuring elements of the Golay alphabet. | |
GrabData | Synchronous grab of images and preprocessed image data from the specified image acquisition device. | |
GrabDataAsync | Asynchronous grab of images and preprocessed image data from the specified image acquisition device. | |
GrabImage | Synchronous grab of an image from the specified image acquisition device. | |
GrabImageAsync | Asynchronous grab of an image from the specified image acquisition device. | |
GrabImageStart | Start an asynchronous grab from the specified image acquisition device. | |
GrayBothat | Perform a gray value bottom hat transformation on an image. | |
GrayClosing | Perform a gray value closing on an image. | |
GrayClosingRect | Perform a gray value closing with a rectangular mask. | |
GrayClosingShape | Perform a gray value closing with a selected mask. | |
GrayDilation | Perform a gray value dilation on an image. | |
GrayDilationRect | Determine the maximum gray value within a rectangle. | |
GrayDilationShape | Determine the maximum gray value within a selected mask. | |
GrayErosion | Perform a gray value erosion on an image. | |
GrayErosionRect | Determine the minimum gray value within a rectangle. | |
GrayErosionShape | Determine the minimum gray value within a selected mask. | |
GrayFeatures | Calculates gray value features for a set of regions. | |
GrayHisto | Calculate the gray value distribution. | |
GrayHistoAbs | Calculate the gray value distribution. | |
GrayHistoRange | Calculate the gray value distribution of a single channel image within a certain gray value range. | |
GrayInside | Calculate the lowest possible gray value on an arbitrary path to the image border for each point in the image. | |
GrayOpening | Perform a gray value opening on an image. | |
GrayOpeningRect | Perform a gray value opening with a rectangular mask. | |
GrayOpeningShape | Perform a gray value opening with a selected mask. | |
GrayProjections | Calculate horizontal and vertical gray-value projections. | |
GrayRangeRect | Determine the gray value range within a rectangle. | |
GraySkeleton | Thinning of gray value images. | |
GrayTophat | Perform a gray value top hat transformation on an image. | |
GuidedFilter | Guided filtering of an image. | |
HammingChangeRegion | Generate a region having a given Hamming distance. | |
HammingDistance | Hamming distance between two regions. | |
HammingDistanceNorm | Hamming distance between two regions using normalization. | |
HandEyeCalibration | Perform a hand-eye calibration. | |
HandleToInteger | Convert a handle into an integer. | |
HarmonicInterpolation | Perform a harmonic interpolation on an image region. | |
HeightWidthRatio | Compute the width, height, and aspect ratio of the surrounding rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes. | |
HeightWidthRatioXld | Compute the width, height, and aspect ratio of the enclosing rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes of contours or polygons. | |
HighpassImage | Extract high frequency components from an image. | |
Histo2dim | Calculate the histogram of two-channel gray value images. | |
HistoToThresh | Determine gray value thresholds from a histogram. | |
HitOrMiss | Hit-or-miss operation for regions. | |
HitOrMissGolay | Hit-or-miss operation for regions using the Golay alphabet. | |
HitOrMissSeq | Hit-or-miss operation for regions using the Golay alphabet (sequential). | |
HomMat2dCompose | Multiply two homogeneous 2D transformation matrices. | |
HomMat2dDeterminant | Compute the determinant of a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dIdentity | Generate the homogeneous transformation matrix of the identical 2D transformation. | |
HomMat2dInvert | Invert a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dReflect | Add a reflection to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dReflectLocal | Add a reflection to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dRotate | Add a rotation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dRotateLocal | Add a rotation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dScale | Add a scaling to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dScaleLocal | Add a scaling to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dSlant | Add a slant to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dSlantLocal | Add a slant to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dToAffinePar | Compute the affine transformation parameters from a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dTranslate | Add a translation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dTranslateLocal | Add a translation to a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat2dTranspose | Transpose a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat3dCompose | Multiply two homogeneous 3D transformation matrices. | |
HomMat3dDeterminant | Compute the determinant of a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat3dIdentity | Generate the homogeneous transformation matrix of the identical 3D transformation. | |
HomMat3dInvert | Invert a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat3dProject | Project an affine 3D transformation matrix to a 2D projective transformation matrix. | |
HomMat3dRotate | Add a rotation to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat3dRotateLocal | Add a rotation to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat3dScale | Add a scaling to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat3dScaleLocal | Add a scaling to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat3dToPose | Convert a homogeneous transformation matrix into a 3D pose. | |
HomMat3dTranslate | Add a translation to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat3dTranslateLocal | Add a translation to a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix. | |
HomMat3dTranspose | Transpose a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix. | |
HomVectorToProjHomMat2d | Compute a homogeneous transformation matrix using given point correspondences. | |
HoughCircleTrans | Return the Hough-Transform for circles with a given radius. | |
HoughCircles | Centres of circles for a specific radius. | |
HoughLineTrans | Produce the Hough transform for lines within regions. | |
HoughLineTransDir | Compute the Hough transform for lines using local gradient direction. | |
HoughLines | Detect lines in edge images with the help of the Hough transform and returns it in HNF. | |
HoughLinesDir | Detect lines in edge images with the help of the Hough transform using local gradient direction and return them in normal form. | |
HysteresisThreshold | Perform a hysteresis threshold operation on an image. | |
If | Conditional statement. | |
Ifelse | Conditional statement with alternative. | |
Illuminate | Illuminate image. | |
ImagePointsToWorldPlane | Transform image points into the plane z=0 of a world coordinate system. | |
ImageToChannels | Convert a multi-channel image into One-channel images | |
ImageToWorldPlane | Rectify an image by transforming it into the plane z=0 of a world coordinate system. | |
Import | Import one or more external procedures. | |
ImportLexicon | Create a lexicon from a text file. | |
InfoEdges | Return the filter coefficients of a filter in edges_imageedges_imageEdgesImageEdgesImageEdgesImage. | |
InfoFramegrabber | Query information about the specified image acquisition interface. | |
InfoOcrClassBox | Get information about an OCR classifier. | |
InfoParallelsXld | Return information about the gray values of the area enclosed by XLD parallels. | |
InfoSmooth | Information on smoothing filter smooth_imagesmooth_imageSmoothImageSmoothImageSmoothImage. | |
InitComputeDevice | Initialize a compute device. | |
InnerCircle | Largest inner circle of a region. | |
InnerRectangle1 | Largest inner rectangle of a region. | |
InpaintingAniso | Perform an inpainting by anisotropic diffusion. | |
InpaintingCed | Perform an inpainting by coherence enhancing diffusion. | |
InpaintingCt | Perform an inpainting by coherence transport. | |
InpaintingMcf | Perform an inpainting by smoothing of level lines. | |
InpaintingTexture | Perform an inpainting by texture propagation. | |
Insert | Assignment of a value to a tuple element. | |
InsertObj | Insert objects into an iconic object tuple. | |
InspectClusteredComponents | Inspect the rigid model components obtained from the training. | |
InspectLexicon | Query all words from a lexicon. | |
InspectShapeModel | Create the representation of a shape model. | |
IntegerToHandle | Convert an integer into a handle. | |
IntegerToObj | Convert an “integer number” into an iconic object. | |
IntegrateFunct1d | Compute the positive and negative areas of a function. | |
Intensity | Calculate the mean and deviation of gray values. | |
Interjacent | Partition the image plane using given regions. | |
InterleaveChannels | Create an interleaved image from a multichannel image. | |
InterpolateScatteredData | Interpolation of scattered data using a scattered data interpolator. | |
InterpolateScatteredDataImage | Interpolation of an image. | |
InterpolateScatteredDataPointsToImage | Creating an image from the interpolation of scattered data. | |
IntersectLinesOfSight | Get a 3D point from the intersection of two lines of sight within a binocular camera system. | |
IntersectPlaneObjectModel3d | Intersect a 3D object model with a plane. | |
Intersection | Calculate the intersection of two regions. | |
IntersectionCircleContourXld | Calculate the intersection points of a circle or circular arc and an XLD contour | |
IntersectionCircles | Calculate the intersection points of two circles or circular arcs | |
IntersectionClosedContoursXld | Intersect closed contours. | |
IntersectionClosedPolygonsXld | Intersect closed polygons. | |
IntersectionContoursXld | Calculate the intersection points of two XLD contours | |
IntersectionLineCircle | Calculate the intersection points of a line and a circle or circular arc | |
IntersectionLineContourXld | Calculate the intersection points of a line and an XLD contour | |
IntersectionLines | Calculate the intersection point of two lines | |
IntersectionLl | Calculate the intersection point of two lines. | |
IntersectionSegmentCircle | Calculate the intersection points of a segment and a circle or circular arc | |
IntersectionSegmentContourXld | Calculate the intersection points of a segment and an XLD contour | |
IntersectionSegmentLine | Calculate the intersection point of a segment and a line | |
IntersectionSegments | Calculate the intersection point of two line segments | |
InvertFunct1d | Calculate the inverse of a function. | |
InvertImage | Invert an image. | |
InvertMatrix | Invert a matrix. | |
InvertMatrixMod | Invert a matrix. | |
IsotropicDiffusion | Perform an isotropic diffusion of an image. | |
JunctionsSkeleton | Find junctions and end points in a skeleton. | |
KirschAmp | Detect edges (amplitude) using the Kirsch operator. | |
KirschDir | Detect edges (amplitude and direction) using the Kirsch operator. | |
LabelToRegion | Extract regions with equal gray values from an image. | |
Laplace | Calculate the Laplace operator by using finite differences. | |
LaplaceOfGauss | LoG-Operator (Laplace of Gaussian). | |
LearnClassBox | Train the classifier. | |
LearnNdimBox | Train a classificator using a multi-channel image. | |
LearnNdimNorm | Construct classes for class_ndim_normclass_ndim_normClassNdimNormClassNdimNormClassNdimNorm. | |
LearnSampsetBox | Train the classifier with one data set. | |
LengthXld | Length of contours or polygons. | |
LineOrientation | Calculate the orientation of lines. | |
LinePosition | Calculate the center of gravity, length, and orientation of a line. | |
LinearTransColor | Compute an affine transformation of the color values of a multichannel image. | |
LinesColor | Detect color lines and their width. | |
LinesFacet | Detection of lines using the facet model. | |
LinesGauss | Detect lines and their width. | |
ListFiles | List all files in a directory. | |
LocalMax | Detect all local maxima in an image. | |
LocalMaxContoursXld | Select XLD contours with a local maximum of gray values. | |
LocalMaxSubPix | Subpixel precise detection of local maxima in an image. | |
LocalMin | Detect all local minima in an image. | |
LocalMinMaxFunct1d | Calculate the local minimum and maximum points of a function. | |
LocalMinSubPix | Subpixel precise detection of local minima in an image. | |
LocalThreshold | Segment an image using local thresholding. | |
LockMutex | Lock a mutex synchronization object. | |
LogImage | Calculate the logarithm of an image. | |
LookupLexicon | Check if a word is contained in a lexicon. | |
Lowlands | Detect all gray value lowlands. | |
LowlandsCenter | Detect the centers of all gray value lowlands. | |
LutTrans | Transform an image with a gray-value look-up-table | |
MakeDir | Make a directory. | |
MapImage | Apply a general transformation to an image. | |
MatchEssentialMatrixRansac | Compute the essential matrix for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points. | |
MatchFunct1dTrans | Calculate transformation parameters between two functions. | |
MatchFundamentalMatrixDistortionRansac | Compute the fundamental matrix and the radial distortion coefficient for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points. | |
MatchFundamentalMatrixRansac | Compute the fundamental matrix for a pair of stereo images by automatically finding correspondences between image points. | |
MatchRelPoseRansac | Compute the relative orientation between two cameras by automatically finding correspondences between image points. | |
MaxDiameterObjectModel3d | Calculate the maximal diameter of a 3D object model. | |
MaxImage | Calculate the maximum of two images pixel by pixel. | |
MaxMatrix | Returns the elementwise maximum of a matrix. | |
MaxParallelsXld | Join modified XLD parallels lying on the same polygon. | |
MeanCurvatureFlow | Apply the mean curvature flow to an image. | |
MeanImage | Smooth by averaging. | |
MeanMatrix | Returns the elementwise mean of a matrix. | |
MeanN | Average gray values over several channels. | |
MeanSp | Suppress salt and pepper noise. | |
MeasurePairs | Extract straight edge pairs perpendicular to a rectangle or annular arc. | |
MeasurePos | Extract straight edges perpendicular to a rectangle or annular arc. | |
MeasureProfileSheetOfLight | Process the profile image provided as input and store the resulting disparity to the sheet-of-light model. | |
MeasureProjection | Extract a gray value profile perpendicular to a rectangle or annular arc. | |
MeasureThresh | Extracting points with a particular gray value along a rectangle or an annular arc. | |
MedianImage | Compute a median filter with various masks. | |
MedianRect | Compute a median filter with rectangular masks. | |
MedianSeparate | Separated median filtering with rectangle masks. | |
MedianWeighted | Weighted median filtering with different rank masks. | |
MergeContLineScanXld | Merge XLD contours from successive line scan images. | |
MergeRegionsLineScan | Merge regions from line scan images. | |
MidrangeImage | Calculate the average of maximum and minimum inside any mask. | |
MinImage | Calculate the minimum of two images pixel by pixel. | |
MinMatrix | Returns the elementwise minimum of a matrix. | |
MinMaxGray | Determine the minimum and maximum gray values within regions. | |
MinkowskiAdd1 | Perform a Minkowski addition on a region. | |
MinkowskiAdd2 | Dilate a region (using a reference point). | |
MinkowskiSub1 | Erode a region. | |
MinkowskiSub2 | Erode a region (using a reference point). | |
MirrorImage | Mirror an image. | |
MirrorRegion | Reflect a region about an axis. | |
ModParallelsXld | Extract parallel XLD polygons enclosing a homogeneous area. | |
ModifyComponentRelations | Modify the relations within a training result. | |
MomentsAnyPointsXld | Arbitrary geometric moments of contours or polygons treated as point clouds. | |
MomentsAnyXld | Arbitrary geometric moments of contours or polygons. | |
MomentsGrayPlane | Calculate gray value moments and approximation by a plane. | |
MomentsObjectModel3d | Calculates the mean or the central moment of second order for a 3D object model. | |
MomentsPointsXld | Geometric moments M20$M_{20}$, M02$M_{02}$, and M11$M_{11}$ of contours or polygons treated as point clouds. | |
MomentsRegion2nd | Calculate the geometric moments of regions. | |
MomentsRegion2ndInvar | Geometric moments of regions. | |
MomentsRegion2ndRelInvar | Geometric moments of regions. | |
MomentsRegion3rd | Geometric moments of regions. | |
MomentsRegion3rdInvar | Geometric moments of regions. | |
MomentsRegionCentral | Geometric moments of regions. | |
MomentsRegionCentralInvar | Geometric moments of regions. | |
MomentsXld | Geometric moments M20$M_{20}$, M02$M_{02}$, and M11$M_{11}$ of contours or polygons. | |
Monotony | Calculating the monotony operation. | |
MorphHat | Compute the union of bottom_hatbottom_hatBottomHatBottomHatBottomHat and top_hattop_hatTopHatTopHatTopHat. | |
MorphSkeleton | Compute the morphological skeleton of a region. | |
MorphSkiz | Thinning of a region. | |
MoveRectangle | Copy inside an output window. | |
MoveRegion | Translate a region. | |
MultElementMatrix | Multiply matrices element-by-element. | |
MultElementMatrixMod | Multiply matrices element-by-element. | |
MultImage | Multiply two images. | |
MultMatrix | Multiply two matrices. | |
MultMatrixMod | Multiply two matrices. | |
NegateFunct1d | Negation of the y values. | |
NewExternWindow | Create a virtual graphics window under Windows. | |
NewLine | Set the position of the text cursor to the beginning of the next line. | |
NoiseDistributionMean | Determine the noise distribution of an image. | |
NonmaxSuppressionAmp | Suppress non-maximum points on an edge. | |
NonmaxSuppressionDir | Suppress non-maximum points on an edge using a direction image. | |
NormMatrix | Norm of a matrix. | |
NumPointsFunct1d | Number of control points of the function. | |
ObjDiff | Calculate the difference of two object tuples. | |
ObjToInteger | Convert an iconic object into an “integer number.” | |
ObjectModel3dToXyz | Transform 3D points from a 3D object model to images. | |
OcrChangeChar | Define a new conversion table for the characters. | |
OcrGetFeatures | Access the features which correspond to a character. | |
OpenComputeDevice | Open a compute device. | |
OpenFile | Open a file in ASCII or a binary format. | |
OpenFramegrabber | Open and configure an image acquisition device. | |
OpenIoChannel | Open and configure I/O channels. | |
OpenIoDevice | Open and configure an I/O device. | |
OpenSerial | Open a serial device. | |
OpenSocketAccept | Open a socket that accepts connection requests. | |
OpenSocketConnect | Open a socket and connect it to an accepting socket. | |
OpenTextwindow | Open a textual window. | |
OpenWindow | Open a graphics window. | |
Opening | Open a region. | |
OpeningCircle | Open a region with a circular structuring element. | |
OpeningGolay | Open a region with an element from the Golay alphabet. | |
OpeningRectangle1 | Open a region with a rectangular structuring element. | |
OpeningSeg | Separate overlapping regions. | |
OpticalFlowMg | Compute the optical flow between two images. | |
OptimizeAop | Check hardware regarding its potential for automatic operator parallelization. | |
OptimizeFftSpeed | Optimize the runtime of the FFT. | |
OptimizeRftSpeed | Optimize the runtime of the real-valued FFT. | |
OrientationPointsXld | Orientation of contours or polygons treated as point clouds. | |
OrientationRegion | Orientation of a region. | |
OrientationXld | Orientation of contours or polygons. | |
OrthogonalDecomposeMatrix | Perform an orthogonal decomposition of a matrix. | |
OverpaintGray | Overpaint the gray values of an image. | |
OverpaintRegion | Overpaint regions in an image. | |
PaintGray | Paint the gray values of an image into another image. | |
PaintRegion | Paint regions into an image. | |
PaintXld | Paint XLD objects into an image. | |
ParJoin | Wait for subthreads that were started with the par_start qualifier. | |
PartitionDynamic | Partition a region horizontally at positions of small vertical extent. | |
PartitionLines | Partition lines according to various criteria. | |
PartitionRectangle | Partition a region into rectangles of approximately equal size. | |
PhaseCorrelationFft | Compute the phase correlation of two images in the frequency domain. | |
PhaseDeg | Return the phase of a complex image in degrees. | |
PhaseRad | Return the phase of a complex image in radians. | |
PhotometricStereo | Reconstruct a surface according to the photometric stereo technique. | |
PlaneDeviation | Calculate the deviation of the gray values from the approximating image plane. | |
Plateaus | Detect all gray value plateaus. | |
PlateausCenter | Detect the centers of all gray value plateaus. | |
PointLineToHomMat2d | Approximate an affine transformation from point-to-line correspondences. | |
PointsFoerstner | Detect points of interest using the Förstner operator. | |
PointsHarris | Detect points of interest using the Harris operator. | |
PointsHarrisBinomial | Detect points of interest using the binomial approximation of the Harris operator. | |
PointsLepetit | Detect points of interest using the Lepetit operator. | |
PointsSojka | Find corners using the Sojka operator. | |
PolarTransContourXld | Transform a contour in an annular arc to polar coordinates. | |
PolarTransContourXldInv | Transform a contour in polar coordinates back to Cartesian coordinates | |
PolarTransImage | Transform an image to polar coordinates | |
PolarTransImageExt | Transform an annular arc in an image to polar coordinates. | |
PolarTransImageInv | Transform an image in polar coordinates back to cartesian coordinates | |
PolarTransRegion | Transform a region within an annular arc to polar coordinates. | |
PolarTransRegionInv | Transform a region in polar coordinates back to cartesian coordinates. | |
PoseAverage | Compute the average of a set of poses. | |
PoseCompose | Combine 3D poses given in two tuples. | |
PoseInvert | Invert each pose in a tuple of 3D poses. | |
PoseToDualQuat | Convert a 3D pose to a unit dual quaternion. | |
PoseToHomMat3d | Convert a 3D pose into a homogeneous transformation matrix. | |
PoseToQuat | Convert the rotational part of a 3D pose to a quaternion. | |
Pouring | Segment an image by “pouring water” over it. | |
PowElementMatrix | Compute the power functions of the elements of a matrix. | |
PowElementMatrixMod | Compute the power functions of the elements of a matrix. | |
PowImage | Raise an image to a power. | |
PowMatrix | Compute the power functions of a matrix. | |
PowMatrixMod | Compute the power functions of a matrix. | |
PowScalarElementMatrix | Compute the power functions of the elements of a matrix. | |
PowScalarElementMatrixMod | Compute the power functions of the elements of a matrix. | |
PowerByte | Return the power spectrum of a complex image. | |
PowerLn | Return the power spectrum of a complex image. | |
PowerReal | Return the power spectrum of a complex image. | |
PrepareDirectVariationModel | Prepare a variation model for comparison with an image. | |
PrepareObjectModel3d | Prepare a 3D object model for a certain operation. | |
PrepareSampleIdentifier | Adapt the internal data structure of a sample identifier to the objects to be identified. | |
PrepareVariationModel | Prepare a variation model for comparison with an image. | |
PrewittAmp | Detect edges (amplitude) using the Prewitt operator. | |
PrewittDir | Detect edges (amplitude and direction) using the Prewitt operator. | |
PrincipalComp | Compute the principal components of multichannel images. | |
ProjHomMat2dToPose | Compute a pose out of a homography describing the relation between world and image coordinates. | |
ProjMatchPointsDistortionRansac | Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images and the radial distortion coefficient by automatically finding correspondences between points. | |
ProjMatchPointsDistortionRansacGuided | Compute a projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient between two images by finding correspondences between points based on known approximations of the projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient. | |
ProjMatchPointsRansac | Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images by finding correspondences between points. | |
ProjMatchPointsRansacGuided | Compute a projective transformation matrix between two images by finding correspondences between points based on a known approximation of the projective transformation matrix. | |
Project3dPoint | Project 3D points into (sub-)pixel image coordinates. | |
ProjectHomPointHomMat3d | Project a homogeneous 3D point using a 3×4 projection matrix. | |
ProjectObjectModel3d | Project a 3D object model into image coordinates. | |
ProjectPointHomMat3d | Project a 3D point using a 3×4 projection matrix. | |
ProjectShapeModel3d | Project the edges of a 3D shape model into image coordinates. | |
ProjectionPl | Calculate the projection of a point onto a line. | |
ProjectiveTransContourXld | Apply a projective transformation to an XLD contour. | |
ProjectiveTransHomPoint3d | Project a homogeneous 3D point using a projective transformation matrix. | |
ProjectiveTransImage | Apply a projective transformation to an image. | |
ProjectiveTransImageSize | Apply a projective transformation to an image and specify the output image size. | |
ProjectiveTransObjectModel3d | Apply an arbitrary projective 3D transformation to 3D object models. | |
ProjectiveTransPixel | Project pixel coordinates using a homogeneous projective transformation matrix. | |
ProjectiveTransPoint2d | Project a homogeneous 2D point using a projective transformation matrix. | |
ProjectiveTransPoint3d | Project a 3D point using a projective transformation matrix. | |
ProjectiveTransRegion | Apply a projective transformation to a region. | |
ProtectOcrTrainf | Protection of training data. | |
Pruning | Prune the branches of a region. | |
QuatCompose | Multiply two quaternions. | |
QuatConjugate | Generate the conjugation of a quaternion. | |
QuatInterpolate | Interpolation of two quaternions. | |
QuatNormalize | Normalize a quaternion. | |
QuatRotatePoint3d | Perform a rotation by a unit quaternion. | |
QuatToHomMat3d | Convert a quaternion into the corresponding rotation matrix. | |
QuatToPose | Convert a quaternion into the corresponding 3D pose. | |
QueryAllColors | Query all color names. | |
QueryAopInfo | Query indexing structure of AOP information for operators. | |
QueryAvailableComputeDevices | Get the list of available compute devices. | |
QueryBarCodeParams | Get the names of the parameters that can be used in set_bar_code* and get_bar_code* operators for a given bar code model | |
QueryCalibDataObservIndices | Query information about the relations between cameras, calibration objects, and calibration object poses. | |
QueryColor | Query all color names displayable in the window. | |
QueryColored | Query the number of colors for color output. | |
QueryContourAttribsXld | Return the names of the defined attributes of an XLD contour. | |
QueryContourGlobalAttribsXld | Return the names of the defined global attributes of an XLD contour. | |
QueryDataCode2dParams | Get for a given 2D data code model the names of the generic parameters or objects that can be used in the other 2D data code operators. | |
QueryFont | Query the available fonts. | |
QueryGray | Query the displayable gray values. | |
QueryInsert | Query the possible graphic modes. | |
QueryIoDevice | Query information about channels of the specified I/O device. | |
QueryIoInterface | Query information about the specified I/O device interface. | |
QueryLineWidth | Query the possible line widths. | |
QueryLut | Query all available look-up-tables (lut). | |
QueryMshape | Query all available mouse pointer shapes. | |
QueryOperatorInfo | Query slots concerning information with relation to the operator get_operator_infoget_operator_infoGetOperatorInfoGetOperatorInfoGetOperatorInfo. | |
QueryPaint | Query the gray value display modes. | |
QueryParamInfo | Query slots of the online-information concerning the operator get_param_infoget_param_infoGetParamInfoGetParamInfoGetParamInfo. | |
QueryParamsOcrClassCnn | Get the names of the parameters that can be used in get_params_ocr_class_cnn for a given CNN-based OCR classifier. | |
QueryShape | Query the region display modes. | |
QuerySheetOfLightParams | For a given sheet-of-light model get the names of the generic iconic or control parameters that can be used in the different sheet-of-light operators. | |
QuerySpy | Inquiring for possible settings of the HALCON debugging tool. | |
QueryTshape | Query all shapes available for text cursors. | |
QueryWindowType | Query all available window types. | |
RadialDistortionSelfCalibration | Calibrate the radial distortion. | |
RadiometricSelfCalibration | Perform a radiometric self-calibration of a camera. | |
RankImage | Compute a rank filter with arbitrary masks. | |
RankN | Return gray values with given rank from multiple channels. | |
RankRect | Compute a rank filter with rectangular masks. | |
RankRegion | Rank operator for regions. | |
ReadAopKnowledge | Load knowledge about hardware dependent behavior of automatic operator parallelization. | |
ReadBarCodeModel | Read a bar code model from a file and create a new model. | |
ReadCalibData | Restore a calibration data model from a file. | |
ReadCamPar | Read internal camera parameters from a file. | |
ReadCameraSetupModel | Restore a camera setup model from a file. | |
ReadChar | Read a character from a text window. | |
ReadClassBox | Read a classifier from a file. | |
ReadClassGmm | Read a Gaussian Mixture Model from a file. | |
ReadClassKnn | Read the k-NN classifier from a file. | |
ReadClassMlp | Read a multilayer perceptron from a file. | |
ReadClassSvm | Read a support vector machine from a file. | |
ReadClassTrainData | Read the training data for classifiers from a file. | |
ReadComponentModel | Read a component model from a file. | |
ReadContourXldArcInfo | Read XLD contours to a file in ARC/INFO generate format. | |
ReadContourXldDxf | Read XLD contours from a DXF file. | |
ReadDataCode2dModel | Read a 2D data code model from a file and create a new model. | |
ReadDeformableModel | Read a deformable model from a file. | |
ReadDeformableSurfaceModel | Read a deformable surface model from a file. | |
ReadDescriptorModel | Read a descriptor model from a file. | |
ReadDistanceTransformXld | Read an XLD distance transform from a file. | |
ReadDlClassifier | Read a deep-learning-based classifier from a file. | |
ReadFftOptimizationData | Load FFT speed optimization data from a file. | |
ReadFunct1d | Read a function from a file. | |
ReadGraySe | Load a structuring element for gray morphology. | |
ReadImage | Read an image with different file formats. | |
ReadIoChannel | Read a value from the specified I/O channels. | |
ReadKalman | Read the description file of a Kalman filter. | |
ReadMatrix | Read a matrix from a file. | |
ReadMeasure | Read a measure object from a file. | |
ReadMetrologyModel | Read a metrology model from a file. | |
ReadNccModel | Read an NCC model from a file. | |
ReadObject | Read an iconic object. | |
ReadObjectModel3d | Read a 3D object model from a file. | |
ReadOcr | Read an OCR classifier from a file. | |
ReadOcrClassCnn | Read an CNN-based OCR classifier from a file. | |
ReadOcrClassKnn | Read an OCR classifier from a file. | |
ReadOcrClassMlp | Read an OCR classifier from a file. | |
ReadOcrClassSvm | Read a SVM-based OCR classifier from a file. | |
ReadOcrTrainf | Read training characters from files and convert to images. | |
ReadOcrTrainfNames | Query which characters are stored in a training file. | |
ReadOcrTrainfNamesProtected | Query which characters are stored in a (protected) training file. | |
ReadOcrTrainfSelect | Read training specific characters from files and convert to images. | |
ReadOcv | Reading an OCV tool from file. | |
ReadPolygonXldArcInfo | Read XLD polygons from a file in ARC/INFO generate format. | |
ReadPolygonXldDxf | Read XLD polygons from a DXF file. | |
ReadPose | Read a 3D pose from a text file. | |
ReadRegion | Read binary images or HALCON regions. | |
ReadSampleIdentifier | Read a sample identifier from a file. | |
ReadSamplesClassGmm | Read the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model from a file. | |
ReadSamplesClassMlp | Read the training data of a multilayer perceptron from a file. | |
ReadSamplesClassSvm | Read the training data of a support vector machine from a file. | |
ReadSampset | Read a training data set from a file. | |
ReadSequence | Read images. | |
ReadSerial | Read from a serial device. | |
ReadShapeModel | Read a shape model from a file. | |
ReadShapeModel3d | Read a 3D shape model from a file. | |
ReadSheetOfLightModel | Read a sheet-of-light model from a file and create a new model. | |
ReadString | Read a string in a text window. | |
ReadStructuredLightModel | Read a structured light model from a file. | |
ReadSurfaceModel | Read a surface model from a file. | |
ReadTemplate | Reading a template from file. | |
ReadTextureInspectionModel | Read a texture inspection model from a file. | |
ReadTrainingComponents | Read a component training result from a file. | |
ReadTuple | Read a tuple from a file. | |
ReadVariationModel | Read a variation model from a file. | |
ReadWorldFile | Read the geo coding from an ARC/INFO world file. | |
RealToComplex | Convert two real images into a complex image. | |
RealToVectorField | Convert two real-valued images into a vector field image. | |
ReceiveData | Receive arbitrary data from external devices or applications using a generic socket connection. | |
ReceiveImage | Receive an image over a socket connection. | |
ReceiveRegion | Receive regions over a socket connection. | |
ReceiveSerializedItem | Receive a serialized item over a socket connection. | |
ReceiveTuple | Receive a tuple over a socket connection. | |
ReceiveXld | Receive an XLD object over a socket connection. | |
Reconst3dFromFundamentalMatrix | Compute the projective 3d reconstruction of points based on the fundamental matrix. | |
ReconstructHeightFieldFromGradient | Reconstruct a surface from surface gradients. | |
ReconstructPointsStereo | Reconstruct 3D points from calibrated multi-view stereo images. | |
ReconstructSurfaceStereo | Reconstruct surface from calibrated multi-view stereo images. | |
Rectangle1Domain | Reduce the domain of an image to a rectangle. | |
Rectangularity | Shape factor for the rectangularity of a region. | |
ReduceClassSvm | Approximate a trained support vector machine by a reduced support vector machine for faster classification. | |
ReduceDomain | Reduce the domain of an image. | |
ReduceObjectModel3dByView | Remove points from a 3D object model by projecting it to a virtual view and removing all points outside of a given region. | |
ReduceOcrClassSvm | Approximate a trained SVM-based OCR classifier by a reduced SVM. | |
RefineDeformableSurfaceModel | Refine the position and deformation of a deformable surface model in a 3D scene. | |
RefineSurfaceModelPose | Refine the pose of a surface model in a 3D scene. | |
RefineSurfaceModelPoseImage | Refine the pose of a surface model in a 3D scene and in images. | |
RegionFeatures | Calculate shape features of regions. | |
RegionToBin | Convert a region into a binary byte-image. | |
RegionToLabel | Convert regions to a label image. | |
RegionToMean | Paint regions with their average gray value. | |
Regiongrowing | Segment an image using regiongrowing. | |
RegiongrowingMean | Perform a regiongrowing using mean gray values. | |
RegiongrowingN | Segment an image using regiongrowing for multi-channel images. | |
RegisterObjectModel3dGlobal | Improve the relative transformations between 3D object models based on their overlaps. | |
RegisterObjectModel3dPair | Search for a transformation between two 3D object models. | |
RegressContoursXld | Calculate the parameters of a regression line to an XLD contour. | |
RelPoseToFundamentalMatrix | Compute the fundamental matrix from the relative orientation of two cameras. | |
ReleaseAllComputeDevices | Close all compute devices. | |
ReleaseComputeDevice | Close a compute_device. | |
RemoveCalibData | Remove a data set from a calibration data model. | |
RemoveCalibDataObserv | Remove observation data from a calibration data model. | |
RemoveDir | Delete an empty directory. | |
RemoveNoiseRegion | Remove noise from a region. | |
RemoveObj | Remove objects from an iconic object tuple. | |
RemoveSampleIdentifierPreparationData | Remove preparation data from a sample identifier. | |
RemoveSampleIdentifierTrainingData | Remove training data from a sample identifier. | |
RemoveScene3dCamera | Remove a camera from a 3D scene. | |
RemoveScene3dInstance | Remove an object instance from a 3D scene. | |
RemoveScene3dLabel | Remove a text label from a 3D scene. | |
RemoveScene3dLight | Remove a light from a 3D scene. | |
RemoveTextureInspectionModelImage | Clear all or a user-defined subset of the images of a texture inspection model. | |
RenderObjectModel3d | Render 3D object models to get an image. | |
RenderScene3d | Render an image of a 3D scene. | |
Repeat | Start statement of a repeat..until loop. | |
RepeatMatrix | Repeat a matrix. | |
ReplaceObj | Replaces one or more elements of an iconic object tuple. | |
ResetFuzzyMeasure | Reset a fuzzy function. | |
ResetMetrologyObjectFuzzyParam | Reset all fuzzy parameters and fuzzy functions of a metrology model. | |
ResetMetrologyObjectParam | Reset all parameters of a metrology model. | |
ResetObjDb | Initialization of the HALCON system. | |
ResetSheetOfLightModel | Reset a sheet-of-light model. | |
Return | Terminate procedure call. | |
RftGeneric | Compute the real-valued fast Fourier transform of an image. | |
Rgb1ToGray | Transform an RGB image into a gray scale image. | |
Rgb3ToGray | Transform an RGB image to a gray scale image. | |
RigidTransObjectModel3d | Apply a rigid 3D transformation to 3D object models. | |
Roberts | Detect edges using the Roberts filter. | |
RobinsonAmp | Detect edges (amplitude) using the Robinson operator. | |
RobinsonDir | Detect edges (amplitude and direction) using the Robinson operator. | |
RotateImage | Rotate an image about its center. | |
Roundness | Shape factors from contour. | |
RunBgEsti | Estimate the background and return the foreground region. | |
RunlengthDistribution | Distribution of runs needed for runlength encoding of a region. | |
RunlengthFeatures | Characteristic values for runlength coding of regions. | |
SaddlePointsSubPix | Subpixel precise detection of saddle points in an image. | |
SampleFunct1d | Sample a function equidistantly in an interval. | |
SampleObjectModel3d | Sample a 3D object model. | |
ScaleImage | Scale the gray values of an image. | |
ScaleImageMax | Maximum gray value spreading in the value range 0 to 255. | |
ScaleMatrix | Scale a matrix. | |
ScaleMatrixMod | Scale a matrix. | |
ScaleYFunct1d | Multiplication and addition of the y values. | |
SceneFlowCalib | Compute the calibrated scene flow between two stereo image pairs. | |
SceneFlowUncalib | Compute the uncalibrated scene flow between two stereo image pairs. | |
ScrewToDualQuat | Convert a screw into a dual quaternion. | |
SearchOperator | Search names of all operators assigned to one keyword. | |
SegmentCharacters | Segments characters in a given region of an image. | |
SegmentContourAttribXld | Segment XLD contour parts whose local attributes fulfill given conditions. | |
SegmentContoursXld | Segment XLD contours into line segments and circular or elliptic arcs. | |
SegmentImageMser | Segment image using Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER). | |
SegmentObjectModel3d | Segment a set of 3D points into sub-sets with similar characteristics. | |
SelectCharacters | Selects characters from a given region. | |
SelectContoursXld | Select XLD contours according to several features. | |
SelectFeatureSetGmm | Selects an optimal combination from a set of features to classify the provided data. | |
SelectFeatureSetKnn | Selects an optimal subset from a set of features to solve a certain classification problem. | |
SelectFeatureSetMlp | Selects an optimal combination of features to classify the provided data. | |
SelectFeatureSetSvm | Selects an optimal combination of features to classify the provided data. | |
SelectFeatureSetTrainfKnn | Select an optimal combination of features to classify OCR data. | |
SelectFeatureSetTrainfMlp | Selects an optimal combination of features to classify OCR data. | |
SelectFeatureSetTrainfMlpProtected | Select an optimal combination of features to classify OCR data from a (protected) training file. | |
SelectFeatureSetTrainfSvm | Selects an optimal combination of features to classify OCR data. | |
SelectFeatureSetTrainfSvmProtected | Select an optimal combination of features to classify OCR data from a (protected) training file. | |
SelectGray | Select regions based on gray value features. | |
SelectGrayvaluesFromChannels | Selection of gray values of a multi-channel image using an index image. | |
SelectLines | Select lines according to various criteria. | |
SelectLinesLongest | Select the longest input lines. | |
SelectMatchingLines | Select those lines from a set of lines (in HNF) which fit best into a region. | |
SelectObj | Select objects from an object tuple. | |
SelectObjectModel3d | Select 3D object models from an array of 3D object models according to global features. | |
SelectPointsObjectModel3d | Apply a threshold to an attribute of 3D object models. | |
SelectRegionPoint | Choose all regions containing a given pixel. | |
SelectRegionSpatial | Pose relation of regions. | |
SelectShape | Choose regions with the aid of shape features. | |
SelectShapeProto | Choose regions having a certain relation to each other. | |
SelectShapeStd | Select regions of a given shape. | |
SelectShapeXld | Select contours or polygons using shape features. | |
SelectSubFeatureClassTrainData | Select certain features from training data to create training data containing less features. | |
SelectXldPoint | Choose all contours or polygons containing a given point. | |
SendData | Send arbitrary data to external devices or applications using a generic socket communication. | |
SendImage | Send an image over a socket connection. | |
SendMouseDoubleClickEvent | Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse double click event. | |
SendMouseDownEvent | Send an event to a window buffer signaling a mouse down event. | |
SendMouseDragEvent | Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse drag event. | |
SendMouseUpEvent | Send an event to a buffer window signaling a mouse up event. | |
SendRegion | Send regions over a socket connection. | |
SendSerializedItem | Send a serialized item over a socket connection. | |
SendTuple | Send a tuple over a socket connection. | |
SendXld | Send an XLD object over a socket connection. | |
SerializeBarCodeModel | Serialize a bar code model. | |
SerializeCalibData | Serialize a calibration data model. | |
SerializeCamPar | Serialize the internal camera parameters. | |
SerializeCameraSetupModel | Serialize a camera setup model. | |
SerializeClassBox | Serialize a classifier. | |
SerializeClassGmm | Serialize a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). | |
SerializeClassKnn | Serialize a k-NN classifier. | |
SerializeClassMlp | Serialize a multilayer perceptron (MLP). | |
SerializeClassSvm | Serialize a support vector machine (SVM). | |
SerializeClassTrainData | Serialize training data for classifiers. | |
SerializeComponentModel | Serialize a component model. | |
SerializeDataCode2dModel | Serialize a 2D data code model. | |
SerializeDeformableModel | Serialize a deformable model. | |
SerializeDeformableSurfaceModel | Serialize a deformable surface_model. | |
SerializeDescriptorModel | Serialize a descriptor model. | |
SerializeDistanceTransformXld | Serialize an XLD distance transform. | |
SerializeDlClassifier | Serialize a deep-learning-based classifier. | |
SerializeDualQuat | Serialize a dual quaternion. | |
SerializeFftOptimizationData | Serialize FFT speed optimization data. | |
SerializeHandle | Serialize the content of a handle. | |
SerializeHomMat2d | Serialize a homogeneous 2D transformation matrix. | |
SerializeHomMat3d | Serialize a homogeneous 3D transformation matrix. | |
SerializeImage | Serialize an image object. | |
SerializeMatrix | Serialize a matrix. | |
SerializeMeasure | Serialize a measure object. | |
SerializeMetrologyModel | Serialize a metrology model. | |
SerializeNccModel | Serialize an NCC model. | |
SerializeObject | Serialize an iconic object. | |
SerializeObjectModel3d | Serialize a 3D object model. | |
SerializeOcr | Serialize an OCR classifier. | |
SerializeOcrClassCnn | Serialize a CNN-based OCR classifier | |
SerializeOcrClassKnn | Serialize a k-NN-based OCR classifier. | |
SerializeOcrClassMlp | Serialize a MLP-based OCR classifier. | |
SerializeOcrClassSvm | Serialize a SVM-based OCR classifier | |
SerializeOcv | Serialize an OCV tool. | |
SerializePose | Serialize a pose. | |
SerializeQuat | Serialize a quaternion. | |
SerializeRegion | Serialize a region. | |
SerializeSampleIdentifier | Serialize a sample identifier. | |
SerializeShapeModel | Serialize a shape model. | |
SerializeShapeModel3d | Serialize a 3D shape model. | |
SerializeSheetOfLightModel | Serialize a sheet-of-light model. | |
SerializeStructuredLightModel | Serialize a structured light model. | |
SerializeSurfaceModel | Serialize a surface_model. | |
SerializeTemplate | Serialize a template. | |
SerializeTextureInspectionModel | Serialize a texture inspection model. | |
SerializeTrainingComponents | Serialize a component training result. | |
SerializeTuple | Serialize a tuple. | |
SerializeVariationModel | Serialize a variation model. | |
SerializeXld | Serialize an XLD object. | |
SetAopInfo | Set AOP information for operators. | |
SetBarCodeParam | Set selected parameters of the bar code model. | |
SetBarCodeParamSpecific | Set selected parameters of the bar code model for selected bar code types | |
SetBeadInspectionParam | Set parameters of the bead inspection model. | |
SetBgEstiParams | Change the parameters of the data set. | |
SetCalibData | Set data in a calibration data model. | |
SetCalibDataCalibObject | Define a calibration object in a calibration model. | |
SetCalibDataCamParam | Set type and initial parameters of a camera in a calibration data model. | |
SetCalibDataObservPoints | Set point-based observation data in a calibration data model. | |
SetCalibDataObservPose | Set observed calibration object poses in a calibration data model. | |
SetCameraSetupCamParam | Define type, parameters, and relative pose of a camera in a camera setup model. | |
SetCameraSetupParam | Set generic camera setup model parameters. | |
SetCheck | Activating and deactivating of HALCON control modes. | |
SetClassBoxParam | Set system parameters for classification. | |
SetColor | Set output color. | |
SetColored | Set multiple output colors. | |
SetComprise | Define the image matrix output clipping. | |
SetComputeDeviceParam | Set parameters of an compute device. | |
SetContentUpdateCallback | Sets the callback for content updates in buffer window. | |
SetCurrentDir | Set the current working directory. | |
SetDataCode2dParam | Set selected parameters of the 2D data code model. | |
SetDeformableModelOrigin | Set the origin (reference point) of a deformable model. | |
SetDeformableModelParam | Set selected parameters of the deformable model. | |
SetDescriptorModelOrigin | Sets the origin of a descriptor model. | |
SetDiagonalMatrix | Set the diagonal elements of a matrix. | |
SetDistanceTransformXldParam | Set new parameters for an XLD distance transform. | |
SetDlClassifierParam | Set the parameters of the deep-learning-based classifier. | |
SetDraw | Define the region fill mode. | |
SetDrawingObjectCallback | Add a callback function to a drawing object. | |
SetDrawingObjectParams | Set the parameters of a drawing object. | |
SetDrawingObjectXld | Set the contour of an interactive draw XLD. | |
SetFeatureLengthsClassTrainData | Define subfeatures in training data. | |
SetFix | Set fixing of “look-up-table” (lut) | |
SetFixedLut | Fix “look-up-table” (lut) for “real color images”. | |
SetFont | Set the font used for text output. | |
SetFramegrabberCallback | Register a callback function for an image acquisition device. | |
SetFramegrabberLut | Set look-up table of the image acquisition device. | |
SetFramegrabberParam | Set specific parameters of an image acquistion device. | |
SetFullMatrix | Set all values of a matrix. | |
SetFuzzyMeasure | Specify a fuzzy function. | |
SetFuzzyMeasureNormPair | Specify a normalized fuzzy function for edge pairs. | |
SetGray | Define gray values for region output. | |
SetGrayval | Set single gray values in an image. | |
SetHsi | Define output colors (HSI-coded). | |
SetIcon | Icon definition for region output. | |
SetInsert | Define the pixel output function. | |
SetIoChannelParam | Set specific parameters of I/O channels. | |
SetIoDeviceParam | Configure a specific I/O device instance. | |
SetLineApprox | Define the approximation error for contour display. | |
SetLineStyle | Define a contour output pattern. | |
SetLineWidth | Define the line width for region contour output. | |
SetLocalDeformableModelMetric | Set the metric of a local deformable model that was created from XLD contours. | |
SetLut | Set “look-up-table” (lut). | |
SetLutStyle | Changing the look-up-table (lut). | |
SetMessageObj | Add a key/object pair to the message. | |
SetMessageParam | Set message parameter or invoke commands on the message. | |
SetMessageQueueParam | Set message queue parameters or invoke commands on the queue. | |
SetMessageTuple | Add a key/tuple pair to the message. | |
SetMetrologyModelImageSize | Set the size of the image of metrology objects. | |
SetMetrologyModelParam | Set parameters that are valid for the entire metrology model. | |
SetMetrologyObjectFuzzyParam | Set fuzzy parameters or fuzzy functions for a metrology model. | |
SetMetrologyObjectParam | Set parameters for the metrology objects of a metrology model. | |
SetMshape | Set the current mouse pointer shape. | |
SetNccModelOrigin | Set the origin (reference point) of an NCC model. | |
SetNccModelParam | Set selected parameters of the NCC model. | |
SetObjectModel3dAttrib | Set attributes of a 3D object model. | |
SetObjectModel3dAttribMod | Set attributes of a 3D object model. | |
SetOffsetTemplate | Gray value offset for template. | |
SetOperatorTimeout | Set a timeout for an operator. | |
SetOriginPose | Translate the origin of a 3D pose. | |
SetPaint | Define the gray value output mode. | |
SetParamsClassKnn | Set parameters for k-NN classification. | |
SetPart | Modify the displayed image part. | |
SetPartStyle | Define an interpolation method for gray value output. | |
SetPixel | Define a color lookup table index. | |
SetPlanarCalibDeformableModelMetric | Set the metric of a planar calibrated deformable model that was created from XLD contours. | |
SetPlanarUncalibDeformableModelMetric | Set the metric of a planar uncalibrated deformable model that was created from XLD contours. | |
SetProfileSheetOfLight | Set sheet of light profiles by measured disparities. | |
SetReferenceTemplate | Define reference position for a matching template. | |
SetRegularizationParamsClassMlp | Set the regularization parameters of a multilayer perceptron. | |
SetRegularizationParamsOcrClassMlp | Set the regularization parameters of an OCR classifier. | |
SetRejectionParamsClassMlp | Set the parameters of a rejection class. | |
SetRejectionParamsOcrClassMlp | Set the rejection class parameters of an OCR classifier. | |
SetRgb | Set the color definition via RGB values. | |
SetRgba | Set the color definition via RGBA values. | |
SetSampleIdentifierObjectInfo | Define a name or a description for an object of a sample identifier. | |
SetSampleIdentifierParam | Set selected parameters of a sample identifier. | |
SetScene3dCameraPose | Set the pose of a camera in a 3D scene. | |
SetScene3dInstanceParam | Set parameters of an instance in a 3D scene. | |
SetScene3dInstancePose | Set the pose of an instance in a 3D scene. | |
SetScene3dLabelParam | Set parameters of a text label in a 3D scene. | |
SetScene3dLightParam | Set parameters of a light in a 3D scene. | |
SetScene3dParam | Set parameters of a 3D scene. | |
SetScene3dToWorldPose | Set the pose of a 3D scene. | |
SetSerialParam | Set the parameters of a serial device. | |
SetShape | Define the region output shape. | |
SetShapeModelMetric | Set the metric of a shape model that was created from XLD contours. | |
SetShapeModelOrigin | Set the origin (reference point) of a shape model. | |
SetShapeModelParam | Set selected parameters of the shape model. | |
SetSheetOfLightParam | Set selected parameters of the sheet-of-light model. | |
SetSocketParam | Set a socket parameter. | |
SetSpy | Control of the HALCON Debugging Tools. | |
SetStereoModelImagePairs | Specify image pairs to be used for surface stereo reconstruction. | |
SetStereoModelParam | Set stereo model parameters. | |
SetStructuredLightModelParam | Set parameters of a structured light model. | |
SetSubMatrix | Set a sub-matrix of a matrix. | |
SetSurfaceModelParam | Set parameters and properties of a surface model. | |
SetSystem | Set HALCON system parameters. | |
SetTextModelParam | Set parameters of a text model. | |
SetTextureInspectionModelParam | Set parameters of a texture inspection model. | |
SetTposition | Set the position of the text cursor. | |
SetTshape | Set the shape of the text cursor. | |
SetValueMatrix | Set one or more elements of a matrix. | |
SetWindowAttr | Set window characteristics. | |
SetWindowDc | Set the device context of a virtual graphics window (Windows NT). | |
SetWindowExtents | Modify position and size of a window. | |
SetWindowParam | Set window parameters. | |
SetWindowType | Specify a window type. | |
SfsModLr | Reconstruct a surface from a gray value image. | |
SfsOrigLr | Reconstruct a surface from a gray value image. | |
SfsPentland | Reconstruct a surface from a gray value image. | |
ShadeHeightField | Shade a height field. | |
ShapeHistoAll | Determine a histogram of features along all threshold values. | |
ShapeHistoPoint | Determine a histogram of features along all threshold values. | |
ShapeTrans | Transform the shape of a region. | |
ShapeTransXld | Transform the shape of contours or polygons. | |
ShockFilter | Apply a shock filter to an image. | |
SigmaImage | Non-linear smoothing with the sigma filter. | |
SignalCondition | Signal a condition synchronization object. | |
SignalEvent | Unlock an event synchronization object. | |
SimCaltab | Simulate an image with calibration plate. | |
SimplifyObjectModel3d | Simplify a triangulated 3D object model. | |
SimulateDefocus | Simulate an uniform out-of-focus blurring of an image. | |
SimulateMotion | Simulation of (linearly) motion blur. | |
SinImage | Calculate the sine of an image. | |
Skeleton | Compute the skeleton of a region. | |
SlideImage | Interactive output from two window buffers. | |
SmallestBoundingBoxObjectModel3d | Calculate the smallest bounding box around the points of a 3D object model. | |
SmallestCircle | Smallest surrounding circle of a region. | |
SmallestCircleXld | Smallest enclosing circle of contours or polygons. | |
SmallestRectangle1 | Surrounding rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes. | |
SmallestRectangle1Xld | Enclosing rectangle parallel to the coordinate axes of contours or polygons. | |
SmallestRectangle2 | Smallest surrounding rectangle with any orientation. | |
SmallestRectangle2Xld | Smallest enclosing rectangle with arbitrary orientation of contours or polygons. | |
SmallestSphereObjectModel3d | Calculate the smallest sphere around the points of a 3D object model. | |
SmoothContoursXld | Smooth an XLD contour. | |
SmoothFunct1dGauss | Smooth an equidistant 1D function with a Gaussian function. | |
SmoothFunct1dMean | Smooth an equidistant 1D function by averaging its values. | |
SmoothImage | Smooth an image using various filters. | |
SmoothObjectModel3d | Smooth the 3D points of a 3D object model. | |
SobelAmp | Detect edges (amplitude) using the Sobel operator. | |
SobelDir | Detect edges (amplitude and direction) using the Sobel operator. | |
SocketAcceptConnect | Accept a connection request on a listening socket of the protocol type 'HALCON'"HALCON""HALCON""HALCON""HALCON" or 'TCP'"TCP""TCP""TCP""TCP"/'TCP4'"TCP4""TCP4""TCP4""TCP4"/'TCP6'"TCP6""TCP6""TCP6""TCP6". | |
SolveMatrix | Compute the solution of a system of equations. | |
SortContoursXld | Sort contours with respect to their relative position. | |
SortRegion | Sorting of regions with respect to their relative position. | |
SpDistribution | Generate a salt-and-pepper noise distribution. | |
SpatialRelation | Pose relation of regions with regard to the coordinate axes. | |
SplitContoursXld | Split XLD contours at dominant points. | |
SplitSkeletonLines | Split lines represented by one pixel wide, non-branching lines. | |
SplitSkeletonRegion | Split lines represented by one pixel wide, non-branching regions. | |
SqrtImage | Calculate the square root of an image. | |
SqrtMatrix | Compute the square root values of the elements of a matrix. | |
SqrtMatrixMod | Compute the square root values of the elements of a matrix. | |
StationaryCameraSelfCalibration | Perform a self-calibration of a stationary projective camera. | |
Stop | Stop program execution. | |
SubImage | Subtract two images. | |
SubMatrix | Subtract two matrices. | |
SubMatrixMod | Subtract two matrices. | |
SuggestLexicon | Find a similar word in a lexicon. | |
SumMatrix | Returns the elementwise sum of a matrix. | |
SurfaceNormalsObjectModel3d | Calculate the 3D surface normals of a 3D object model. | |
SvdMatrix | Compute the singular value decomposition of a matrix. | |
Switch | Starts a multiway branch block. | |
SymmDifference | Calculate the symmetric difference of two regions. | |
SymmDifferenceClosedContoursXld | Compute the symmetric difference of closed contours. | |
SymmDifferenceClosedPolygonsXld | Compute the symmetric difference of closed polygons. | |
Symmetry | Symmetry of gray values along a row. | |
SystemCall | Execute a system command. | |
TanImage | Calculate the tangent of an image. | |
TestClosedXld | Test whether contours or polygons are closed. | |
TestEqualObj | Compare image objects regarding equality. | |
TestEqualRegion | Test whether the regions of two objects are identical. | |
TestRegionPoint | Test if the region contains a given point. | |
TestSampsetBox | Classify a set of arrays. | |
TestSelfIntersectionXld | Test XLD contours or polygons for self intersection. | |
TestSubsetRegion | Test whether a region is contained in another region. | |
TestXldPoint | Test whether one or more contours or polygons enclose the given point(s). | |
TestdOcrClassBox | Test an OCR classifier. | |
TextLineOrientation | Determines the orientation of a text line or paragraph. | |
TextLineSlant | Determines the slant of characters of a text line or paragraph. | |
TextureLaws | Filter an image using a Laws texture filter. | |
Thickening | Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region. | |
ThickeningGolay | Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region (using a Golay structuring element). | |
ThickeningSeq | Add the result of a hit-or-miss operation to a region (sequential). | |
Thinning | Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region. | |
ThinningGolay | Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region (using a Golay structuring element). | |
ThinningSeq | Remove the result of a hit-or-miss operation from a region (sequential). | |
Threshold | Segment an image using global threshold. | |
ThresholdSubPix | Extract level crossings from an image with subpixel accuracy. | |
Throw | Throws a user-defined exception or rethrows a caught exception. | |
TileChannels | Tile multiple images into a large image. | |
TileImages | Tile multiple image objects into a large image. | |
TileImagesOffset | Tile multiple image objects into a large image with explicit positioning information. | |
TimedWaitCondition | Bounded wait on the signal of a condition synchronization object. | |
TopHat | Compute the top hat of regions. | |
TopographicSketch | Compute the topographic primal sketch of an image. | |
TrainClassGmm | Train a Gaussian Mixture Model. | |
TrainClassKnn | Creates the search trees for a k-NN classifier. | |
TrainClassMlp | Train a multilayer perceptron. | |
TrainClassSvm | Train a support vector machine. | |
TrainDlClassifierBatch | Perform a training step of a deep-learning-based classifier on a batch of images. | |
TrainModelComponents | Train components and relations for the component-based matching. | |
TrainSampleIdentifier | Train a sample identifier. | |
TrainTextureInspectionModel | Train a texture inspection model. | |
TrainVariationModel | Train a variation model. | |
TraindOcrClassBox | Train an OCR classifier by the input of regions. | |
TraindOcvProj | Training of an OCV tool. | |
TrainfOcrClassBox | Train an OCR classifier with the help of a training file. | |
TrainfOcrClassKnn | Trains an k-NN classifier for an OCR task. | |
TrainfOcrClassMlp | Train an OCR classifier. | |
TrainfOcrClassMlpProtected | Train an OCR classifier with data from a (protected) training file. | |
TrainfOcrClassSvm | Train an OCR classifier. | |
TrainfOcrClassSvmProtected | Train an OCR classifier with data from a (protected) training file. | |
TransFromRgb | Transform an image from the RGB color space to an arbitrary color space. | |
TransPoseShapeModel3d | Transform a pose that refers to the coordinate system of a 3D object model to a pose that refers to the reference coordinate system of a 3D shape model and vice versa. | |
TransToRgb | Transform an image from an arbitrary color space to the RGB color space. | |
TransformFunct1d | Transform a function using given transformation parameters. | |
TransformMetrologyObject | Transform metrology objects of a metrology model, e.g. for alignment. | |
TranslateMeasure | Translate a measure object. | |
TransposeMatrix | Transpose a matrix. | |
TransposeMatrixMod | Transpose a matrix. | |
TransposeRegion | Reflect a region about a point. | |
TriangulateObjectModel3d | Create a surface triangulation for a 3D object model. | |
TrimmedMean | Smooth an image with an arbitrary rank mask. | |
Try | Starts a program block where exceptions are detected and caught. | |
TryLockMutex | Lock a mutex synchronization object. | |
TryWaitEvent | Lock an event synchronization object only if it is unlocked. | |
TupleAbs | Compute the absolute value of a tuple. | |
TupleAcos | Compute the arccosine of a tuple. | |
TupleAdd | Add two tuples. | |
TupleAnd | Compute the logical and of two tuples. | |
TupleAsin | Compute the arcsine of a tuple. | |
TupleAtan | Compute the arctangent of a tuple. | |
TupleAtan2 | Compute the arctangent of a tuple for all four quadrants. | |
TupleBand | Compute the bitwise and of two tuples. | |
TupleBnot | Compute the bitwise not of a tuple. | |
TupleBor | Compute the bitwise or of two tuples. | |
TupleBxor | Compute the bitwise exclusive or of two tuples. | |
TupleCeil | Compute the ceiling function of a tuple. | |
TupleChr | Convert a tuple of integer numbers into strings. | |
TupleChrt | Convert a tuple of integer numbers into strings. | |
TupleConcat | Concatenate two tuples to a new one. | |
TupleCos | Compute the cosine of a tuple. | |
TupleCosh | Compute the hyperbolic cosine of a tuple. | |
TupleCumul | Calculate the cumulative sums of a tuple. | |
TupleDeg | Convert a tuple from radians to degrees. | |
TupleDeviation | Return the standard deviation of the elements of a tuple. | |
TupleDifference | Compute the difference set of two input tuples. | |
TupleDiv | Divide two tuples. | |
TupleEnvironment | Read one or more environment variables. | |
TupleEqual | Test whether two tuples are equal. | |
TupleEqualElem | Test, whether two tuples are elementwise equal. | |
TupleExp | Compute the exponential of a tuple. | |
TupleFabs | Compute the absolute value of a tuple (as floating point numbers). | |
TupleFind | Return the indices of all occurrences of a tuple within another tuple. | |
TupleFindFirst | Return the index of the first occurrence of a tuple within another tuple. | |
TupleFindLast | Return the index of the last occurrence of a tuple within another tuple. | |
TupleFirstN | Select the first elements of a tuple up to the index “n”. | |
TupleFloor | Compute the floor function of a tuple. | |
TupleFmod | Calculate the remainder of the floating point division of two tuples. | |
TupleGenConst | Generate a tuple of a specific length and initialize its elements. | |
TupleGenSequence | Generate a tuple with a sequence of equidistant values. | |
TupleGreater | Test whether a tuple is greater than another tuple. | |
TupleGreaterElem | Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater than another tuple. | |
TupleGreaterEqual | Test whether a tuple is greater or equal to another tuple. | |
TupleGreaterEqualElem | Test, whether a tuple is elementwise greater or equal to another tuple. | |
TupleHistoRange | Calculate the value distribution of a tuple within a certain value range. | |
TupleInsert | Inserts one or more elements into a tuple at index. | |
TupleInt | Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers. | |
TupleIntersection | Compute the intersection set of two input tuples. | |
TupleInverse | Invert a tuple. | |
TupleIsHandle | Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type handle. | |
TupleIsHandleElem | Test whether the elements of a tuple are of type handle. | |
TupleIsInt | Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type integer. | |
TupleIsIntElem | Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type integer. | |
TupleIsMixed | Test whether a tuple is of type mixed. | |
TupleIsNumber | Check a tuple (of strings) whether it represents numbers. | |
TupleIsReal | Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type real. | |
TupleIsRealElem | Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type real. | |
TupleIsSerializable | Test if a tuple is serializable. | |
TupleIsSerializableElem | Test if the elements of a tuple are serializable. | |
TupleIsString | Test if the internal representation of a tuple is of type string. | |
TupleIsStringElem | Test whether the types of the elements of a tuple are of type string. | |
TupleIsValidHandle | Check if a handle is valid. | |
TupleLastN | Select all elements from index “n” to the end of a tuple. | |
TupleLdexp | Calculate the ldexp function of two tuples. | |
TupleLength | Return the number of elements of a tuple. | |
TupleLess | Test whether a tuple is less than another tuple. | |
TupleLessElem | Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less than another tuple. | |
TupleLessEqual | Test whether a tuple is less or equal to another tuple. | |
TupleLessEqualElem | Test, whether a tuple is elementwise less or equal to another tuple. | |
TupleLog | Compute the natural logarithm of a tuple. | |
TupleLog10 | Compute the base 10 logarithm of a tuple. | |
TupleLsh | Shift a tuple bitwise to the left. | |
TupleMax | Return the maximal element of a tuple. | |
TupleMax2 | Calculate the elementwise maximum of two tuples. | |
TupleMean | Return the mean value of a tuple of numbers. | |
TupleMedian | Return the median of the elements of a tuple. | |
TupleMin | Return the minimal element of a tuple. | |
TupleMin2 | Calculate the elementwise minimum of two tuples. | |
TupleMod | Calculate the remainder of the integer division of two tuples. | |
TupleMult | Multiply two tuples. | |
TupleNeg | Negate a tuple. | |
TupleNot | Compute the logical not of a tuple. | |
TupleNotEqual | Test whether two tuples are not equal. | |
TupleNotEqualElem | Test, whether two tuples are elementwise not equal. | |
TupleNumber | Convert a tuple (of strings) into a tuple of numbers. | |
TupleOr | Compute the logical or of two tuples. | |
TupleOrd | Convert a tuple of strings of length 1 into a tuple of integer numbers. | |
TupleOrds | Convert a tuple of strings into a tuple of integer numbers. | |
TuplePow | Calculate the power function of two tuples. | |
TupleRad | Convert a tuple from degrees to radians. | |
TupleRand | Return a tuple of random numbers between 0 and 1. | |
TupleReal | Convert a tuple into a tuple of floating point numbers. | |
TupleRegexpMatch | Extract substrings using regular expressions. | |
TupleRegexpReplace | Replace a substring using regular expressions. | |
TupleRegexpSelect | Select tuple elements matching a regular expression. | |
TupleRegexpTest | Test if a string matches a regular expression. | |
TupleRemove | Remove elements from a tuple. | |
TupleReplace | Replaces one or more elements of a tuple. | |
TupleRound | Convert a tuple into a tuple of integer numbers. | |
TupleRsh | Shift a tuple bitwise to the right. | |
TupleSelect | Select single elements of a tuple. | |
TupleSelectMask | Select in mask specified elements of a tuple. | |
TupleSelectRange | Select several elements of a tuple. | |
TupleSelectRank | Select the element of rank n of a tuple. | |
TupleSemType | Return the semantic type of a tuple. | |
TupleSemTypeElem | Return the semantic type of the elements of a tuple. | |
TupleSgn | Calculate the sign of a tuple. | |
TupleSin | Compute the sine of a tuple. | |
TupleSinh | Compute the hyperbolic sine of a tuple. | |
TupleSort | Sort the elements of a tuple in ascending order. | |
TupleSortIndex | Sort the elements of a tuple and return the indices of the sorted tuple. | |
TupleSplit | Split strings into substrings using predefined separator symbol(s). | |
TupleSqrt | Compute the square root of a tuple. | |
TupleStrBitSelect | Select single character or bit from a tuple. | |
TupleStrFirstN | Cut the first characters up to position “n” out of a string tuple. | |
TupleStrLastN | Cut all characters starting at position “n” out of a string tuple. | |
TupleStrchr | Forward search for characters within a string tuple. | |
TupleString | Convert a tuple into a tuple of strings. | |
TupleStrlen | Determine the length of every string within a tuple of strings. | |
TupleStrrchr | Backward search for characters within a string tuple. | |
TupleStrrstr | Backward search for strings within a string tuple. | |
TupleStrstr | Forward search for strings within a string tuple. | |
TupleSub | Subtract two tuples. | |
TupleSubstr | Cut characters from position “n1” through “n2” out of a string tuple. | |
TupleSum | Return the sum of all elements of a tuple. | |
TupleSymmdiff | Compute the symmetric difference set of two input tuples. | |
TupleTan | Compute the tangent of a tuple. | |
TupleTanh | Compute the hyperbolic tangent of a tuple. | |
TupleType | Return the type of a tuple. | |
TupleTypeElem | Return the types of the elements of a tuple. | |
TupleUnion | Compute the union set of two input tuples. | |
TupleUniq | Discard all but one of successive identical elements of a tuple. | |
TupleXor | Compute the logical exclusive or of two tuples. | |
UncalibratedPhotometricStereo | Reconstruct a surface from several, differently illuminated images. | |
Union1 | Return the union of all input regions. | |
Union2 | Return the union of two regions. | |
Union2ClosedContoursXld | Compute the union of closed contours. | |
Union2ClosedPolygonsXld | Compute the union of closed polygons. | |
UnionAdjacentContoursXld | Compute the union of contours whose end points are close together. | |
UnionCocircularContoursXld | Compute the union of contours that belong to the same circle. | |
UnionCollinearContoursExtXld | Compute the union of collinear contours (operator with extended functionality). | |
UnionCollinearContoursXld | Unite approximately collinear contours. | |
UnionCotangentialContoursXld | Compute the union of cotangential contours. | |
UnionObjectModel3d | Combine several 3D object models to a new 3D object model. | |
UnionStraightContoursHistoXld | Compute the union of neighboring straight contours that have a similar distance from a given line. | |
UnionStraightContoursXld | Compute the union of neighboring straight contours that have a similar direction. | |
UnlockMutex | Unlock a mutex synchronization object. | |
UnprojectCoordinates | Calculates image coordinates for a point in a 3D plot window. | |
Until | Continue to execute the body as long as the condition is not true. | |
UnwarpImageVectorField | Unwarp an image using a vector field. | |
UpdateBgEsti | Change the estimated background image. | |
UpdateKalman | Read an update file of a Kalman filter. | |
UpdateWindowPose | Modify the pose of a 3D plot. | |
VarThreshold | Threshold an image by local mean and standard deviation analysis. | |
VectorAngleToRigid | Compute a rigid affine transformation from points and angles. | |
VectorFieldLength | Compute the length of the vectors of a vector field. | |
VectorFieldToHomMat2d | Approximate an affine map from a displacement vector field. | |
VectorFieldToReal | Convert a vector field image into two real-valued images. | |
VectorToAniso | Approximate an anisotropic similarity transformation from point correspondences. | |
VectorToEssentialMatrix | Compute the essential matrix given image point correspondences and known camera matrices and reconstruct 3D points. | |
VectorToFundamentalMatrix | Compute the fundamental matrix given a set of image point correspondences and reconstruct 3D points. | |
VectorToFundamentalMatrixDistortion | Compute the fundamental matrix and the radial distortion coefficient given a set of image point correspondences and reconstruct 3D points. | |
VectorToHomMat2d | Approximate an affine transformation from point correspondences. | |
VectorToHomMat3d | Approximate a 3D transformation from point correspondences. | |
VectorToPose | Compute an absolute pose out of point correspondences between world and image coordinates. | |
VectorToProjHomMat2d | Compute a projective transformation matrix using given point correspondences. | |
VectorToProjHomMat2dDistortion | Compute a projective transformation matrix and the radial distortion coefficient using given image point correspondences. | |
VectorToRelPose | Compute the relative orientation between two cameras given image point correspondences and known camera parameters and reconstruct 3D space points. | |
VectorToRigid | Approximate a rigid affine transformation from point correspondences. | |
VectorToSimilarity | Approximate an similarity transformation from point correspondences. | |
VolumeObjectModel3dRelativeToPlane | Calculate the volume of a 3D object model. | |
WaitBarrier | Wait on the release of a barrier synchronization object. | |
WaitCondition | wait on the signal of a condition synchronization object. | |
WaitEvent | Lock an event synchronization object. | |
WaitSeconds | Delaying the execution of the program. | |
Watersheds | Extract watersheds and basins from an image. | |
WatershedsThreshold | Extract watershed basins from an image using a threshold. | |
While | Starts a loop block that is executed as long as the condition is true. | |
WienerFilter | Image restoration by Wiener filtering. | |
WienerFilterNi | Image restoration by Wiener filtering. | |
WriteAopKnowledge | Write knowledge about hardware dependent behavior of automatic operator parallelization to file. | |
WriteBarCodeModel | Write a bar code model to a file. | |
WriteCalibData | Store a calibration data model into a file. | |
WriteCamPar | Write internal camera parameters into a file. | |
WriteCameraSetupModel | Store a camera setup model into a file. | |
WriteClassBox | Save a classifier in a file. | |
WriteClassGmm | Write a Gaussian Mixture Model to a file. | |
WriteClassKnn | Save the k-NN classifier in a file. | |
WriteClassMlp | Write a multilayer perceptron to a file. | |
WriteClassSvm | Write a support vector machine to a file. | |
WriteClassTrainData | Save the training data for classifiers in a file. | |
WriteComponentModel | Write a component model to a file. | |
WriteContourXldArcInfo | Write XLD contours to a file in ARC/INFO generate format. | |
WriteContourXldDxf | Write XLD contours to a file in DXF format. | |
WriteDataCode2dModel | Writes a 2D data code model into a file. | |
WriteDeformableModel | Write a deformable model to a file. | |
WriteDeformableSurfaceModel | Write a deformable surface model to a file. | |
WriteDescriptorModel | Write a descriptor model to a file. | |
WriteDistanceTransformXld | Write an XLD distance transform into a file. | |
WriteDlClassifier | Write a deep-learning-based classifier in a file. | |
WriteFftOptimizationData | Store FFT speed optimization data in a file. | |
WriteFunct1d | Write a function to a file. | |
WriteImage | Write images in graphic formats. | |
WriteIoChannel | Write a value to the specified I/O channels. | |
WriteLut | Write look-up-table (lut) as file. | |
WriteMatrix | Write a matrix to a file. | |
WriteMeasure | Write a measure object to a file. | |
WriteMetrologyModel | Write a metrology model to a file. | |
WriteNccModel | Write an NCC model to a file. | |
WriteObject | Write an iconic object. | |
WriteObjectModel3d | Writes a 3D object model to a file. | |
WriteOcr | Writing an OCR classifier into a file. | |
WriteOcrClassKnn | Write a k-NN classifier for an OCR task to a file. | |
WriteOcrClassMlp | Write an OCR classifier to a file. | |
WriteOcrClassSvm | Write an OCR classifier to a file. | |
WriteOcrTrainf | Storing of training characters into a file. | |
WriteOcrTrainfImage | Write characters into a training file. | |
WriteOcv | Saving an OCV tool to file. | |
WritePolygonXldArcInfo | Write XLD polygons to a file in ARC/INFO generate format. | |
WritePolygonXldDxf | Write XLD polygons to a file in DXF format. | |
WritePose | Write a 3D pose to a text file. | |
WriteRegion | Write regions to a file. | |
WriteSampleIdentifier | Write a sample identifier to a file. | |
WriteSamplesClassGmm | Write the training data of a Gaussian Mixture Model to a file. | |
WriteSamplesClassMlp | Write the training data of a multilayer perceptron to a file. | |
WriteSamplesClassSvm | Write the training data of a support vector machine to a file. | |
WriteSerial | Write to a serial connection. | |
WriteShapeModel | Write a shape model to a file. | |
WriteShapeModel3d | Write a 3D shape model to a file. | |
WriteSheetOfLightModel | Write a sheet-of-light model to a file. | |
WriteString | Print text in a window. | |
WriteStructuredLightModel | Write a structured light model to a file. | |
WriteSurfaceModel | Write a surface model to a file. | |
WriteTemplate | Writing a template to file. | |
WriteTextureInspectionModel | Write a texture inspection model to a file. | |
WriteTrainingComponents | Write a component training result to a file. | |
WriteTuple | Write a tuple to a file. | |
WriteVariationModel | Write a variation model to a file. | |
XRangeFunct1d | Smallest and largest x value of the function. | |
XyzToObjectModel3d | Transform 3D points from images to a 3D object model. | |
YRangeFunct1d | Smallest and largest y value of the function. | |
ZeroCrossing | Extract zero crossings from an image. | |
ZeroCrossingSubPix | Extract zero crossings from an image with subpixel accuracy. | |
ZeroCrossingsFunct1d | Calculate the zero crossings of a function. | |
ZoomImageFactor | Zoom an image by a given factor. | |
ZoomImageSize | Zoom an image to a given size. | |
ZoomRegion | Zoom a region. |
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ClassesClasses | | Operators |