get_deformable_model_contoursT_get_deformable_model_contoursGetDeformableModelContoursGetDeformableModelContours — Return the contour representation of a deformable model.
The operator get_deformable_model_contoursget_deformable_model_contoursGetDeformableModelContoursGetDeformableModelContoursGetDeformableModelContours returns a
representation of the deformable model ModelIDModelIDModelIDModelIDmodelID as XLD contours
in ModelContoursModelContoursModelContoursModelContoursmodelContours. The parameter LevelLevelLevelLevellevel determines
for which pyramid level of the model the contour representation
should be returned. The contours can be used, for example, to
visualize the found instances of the model in an image.
In case that the model was generated by
create_planar_calib_deformable_model_xldcreate_planar_calib_deformable_model_xldCreatePlanarCalibDeformableModelXldCreatePlanarCalibDeformableModelXldCreatePlanarCalibDeformableModelXld, the contours by default
are returned in the world coordinate system in metric units. Here, the
contours must be transformed by the returned pose for visualizing a match.
In all other cases, the contours of the model by default are returned in the
image coordinate system in pixel units. In the calibrated case this
system corresponds to the rectified image coordinate system. The
rectified image coordinate system is the coordinate system of an image
one would obtain by change_radial_distortion_imagechange_radial_distortion_imageChangeRadialDistortionImageChangeRadialDistortionImageChangeRadialDistortionImage when
using the rectified camera parameters. The rectified camera parameters
can be queried by get_deformable_model_paramsget_deformable_model_paramsGetDeformableModelParamsGetDeformableModelParamsGetDeformableModelParams.
It should
be noted that the position of ModelContoursModelContoursModelContoursModelContoursmodelContours is normalized
such that the reference point of the model (see
set_deformable_model_originset_deformable_model_originSetDeformableModelOriginSetDeformableModelOriginSetDeformableModelOrigin) lies at the pixel position (0,0).
Hence, the contours simply need to be tranformed by the found
homography in the image.
The default behavior for the calibrated case can be changed with the
generic parameter 'get_deformable_model_contours_coord_system''get_deformable_model_contours_coord_system''get_deformable_model_contours_coord_system''get_deformable_model_contours_coord_system''getDeformableModelContoursCoordSystem'
of the operator set_deformable_model_paramset_deformable_model_paramSetDeformableModelParamSetDeformableModelParamSetDeformableModelParam.
- Multithreading type: reentrant (runs in parallel with non-exclusive operators).
- Multithreading scope: global (may be called from any thread).
- Processed without parallelization.
Contour representation of the deformable model.
Pyramid level for which the contour representation
should be returned.
Default value: 1
Suggested values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Restriction: Level >= 1
If the handle of the model is valid, the operator
get_deformable_model_contoursget_deformable_model_contoursGetDeformableModelContoursGetDeformableModelContoursGetDeformableModelContours returns the value 2 (H_MSG_TRUE). If
necessary an exception is raised.